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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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All the girls and HJ are at the club. Ji Soo (I don't know his name) flirts with HJ and she denies him. HJ and the girls from the bathroom ends up fighting and HJ kicks butt. The police arrive and everyone runs.

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Hong Ji-Hong in front of hospital ...some doctors i think one of them is hospital director fight...our cute teacher visited his sick dad ... Hong Ji-Hong seems happy good news...our rebel girl rejects a boy that wanted to kiss her ...at a bar  Yoo Hye-Jung fights some gang girls ...fighting scene

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police arrived at the bar/club!The boy that tried to kiss Hye-Jung is holding her arms...is taking her out of the club...they manage to escape the police on motocycle...at hospital our cute teacher asked the doctor about his dad surgerry!The doctor said they need to wait the gang and their leader were arrested...our cute teacher came at police station ,the girls are released

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seems our cute teacher knows granny!the boy brings her home and her grandmother introduces her to Ji-Hong ...asked if they knew each other i think wants him to be her teacher...wow she answered back to her granny...granny slapped her...she mentioned her mom... Hye-Jung told her not to talk about her...such a sad scene

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