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[Drama 2016] Doctors 닥터스


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Squeals! Just finished episode 2 with eng sub! 

Kim Rae Won! Totally loved their chemistry! 

Can't wait for the next episode and to the present time. Curious to see how things will progress in present time between the leads and their dynamics! 

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3 hours ago, Izzatul Tmsky said:


ok, sorry if i've done something bad, like breaking a news or whatsoever, but i totally fell for this dorama at the first sight and i can't wait for the 3rd episode since i have an exam at the release date, and this is what an examinee like me doing in an exam's season.. T_T

so i just really want to say that, in that fire scene, one of them will die, so PSH need to take her place, and what was the deal, i mean they have totally different face.. OMGGGG i cannot stop thinking.. lol 

SOrry Again for those who think i sort of break some rules or whatnot.. teheeee

They all probably get saved.. too melodramatic if one of them dies. 

The teacher will prob sacrifice himself to save HJ since she has a bright future ahead of her as we saw in present day. 

As for Jisoo's relevance, he might claim being in a relationship with HJ for the sake of her messy situation currently. Who knows,, the knight in shining armour?? I am also curious as to what role he has in shaping HJ's modern day outcome.

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Guest myasally

Just finish first two episode, they are amazing!

This is not the first time i keep on repeating the episodetime of any drama, but it's been a long time... usually i wait until the drama end for any form of repeatition but the first two episode are too awesome for me to watch just once especially epi two.. I'm really glad it doesn't goes cringy way....well maybe not yet hohoho....

Park shin hye and Kim rae won just amazing...rae won style is totally cute and shin hye is totally fierce, how this is not perfect....

For the rating, i expected it to be below than that and really happy for it...i don't think that this drama will have a hard time achieving 20%, maybe more...


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On 20.6.2016 at 11:49 AM, Kasmic said:

WOAH!! Another cameo who is a gang boss and super hottie, Lee Ki Woo and I think PSH will operate on him or show her Gangster personality leading to many people gossiping about her in the hospital.  I remember him in Memory but mainly in Flower Boy Ramen Shop..he didnt get the girl but he sure got her in real life :D and his sooooo tall - 192 cm :crazy: 

 cr. tenasia

All this blood on him is giving me the vampire vibe. HAHAHA! never say never he'll probably star in one soon. :P



he's the gangster in ep 1! i hope there is a story after the surgery! 

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th?id=OIP.Me733695dc9316c9051844310d8d29Image result for Park shin Doctors Crush korean drama

After posting last night I realized I missed an important thought I was so moved by HJ and her story that I overlooked JH and his.  So many thoughts on how JH inspired HJ in giving her a dream that I missed something just as important.  The fact that HJ this young strong willed girl full of life, passion & courage might in fact be inspiring JH even more.  He sees it right from the first meeting that edge that she has and he felt it as well while falling on the ground.  In that moment I wonder did she shake up his world? Made me think of that song I posted 10 minutes, how long does it take to be inspired by someone...

How great would it be for a teacher to see someone so willing & hungry for learning.   Even better someone who saw your covered up passion that you missed & were hungry for yourself.  HJ reminded JH how being a teacher was something to be proud of but healing the sick was above and beyond.  Although both have the ability to change lives one has the ability to save & heal.  When you look at the little we know about his life we see that his living conditions are humble and because of his past he survived it somehow holding onto his amazing heart.  Yet, maybe he needed that sparkle to remind him where he really belonged.  Seeing himself through HJ"s eyes like a breath of fresh air. Maybe in turn HJ gave him the courage to take back & hold on and to not let go of his own dream as well....

Credit & thanks to original owners of photos:wub:

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8 minutes ago, liz-danielle said:

who's the ganger in epi 1? What is his name?

He's quite handsome and to be honest I don't think he appear for one epi only?

could he be JIsoo? 

which one? The club gangster or the one in the hospital? The one in the hospital is Lee Ki Woo. The club one is Ji Soo. 

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Wow..OMG. Doctors first 2 eps are daebak! Hope it continues to be good or even better and more!!! All the feels in just 2 eps. Everything works out well, plot, directing, acting and chemistry. KRW and PSH chemistry is just ❤ Love love the grandma and the puppy keke and Jisoo's part is also one of my fave part ... I'm totally hooked and addicted


Btw , noticed that there are scenes in the teasers/trailers which were not shown in the actual drama. I think one was in the club fight scenes, believe there are so many awesome fight scenes but only shown those that makes more sense in the situation, so instead of wasting it they put it on teaser. Also, the scene where he's watching her listening to music while studying seemed to be only in the teaser. 

I hope the uncut versions will be added to the dvd.

Also, think the bench scenes in the teaser were only made for the teasers.


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Aside from making the post with the OST lyrics, I haven't made another post, so decided to join the thread here. And whoa, I'm addicted to this drama. I've watched k-dramas for about 15 years now, and I've been fans of both Kim Rae Won and Park Shin Hye's past works, so which is why I decided to watch this drama. (And Yoon Kyun Sang, who acted really well in 'Six Flying Dragons' btw.) And prior to the drama starting, I was looking forward to it.

But man, I didn't expect to get so addicted this fast to the drama, haha. The first 2 episodes were really good, KRW and PSH's chemistry is good. The acting, the writing, the OST. Ah, everything is so good. I might write a more in depth post as to what I think of the episodes later. But so far, I've been repeating the episodes and the 5-minute trailer lol. Looking forward to next week. <3

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2 hours ago, USAFarmgirl said:


After posting last night I realized I missed an important thought I was so moved by HJ and her story that I overlooked JH and his.  So many thoughts on how JH inspired HJ in giving her a dream that I missed something just as important.  The fact that HJ this young strong willed girl full of life, passion & courage might in fact be inspiring JH even more.  He sees it right from the first meeting that edge that she has and he felt it as well while falling on the ground.  In that moment I wonder did she shake up his world? Made me think of that song I posted 10 minutes, how long does it take to be inspired by someone...

How great would it be for a teacher to see someone so willing & hungry for learning.   Even better someone who saw your covered up passion that you missed & were hungry for yourself.  HJ reminded JH how being a teacher was something to be proud of but healing the sick was above and beyond.  Although both have the ability to change lives one has the ability to save & heal lives.  When you look at the little we know about his life we see that his living conditions are humble and because of his past he survived it somehow holding onto his amazing heart.  Yet, maybe he needed that sparkle to remind him where he really belonged.  Seeing himself through HJ"s eyes like a breath of fresh air. Maybe in turn HJ gave him the courage to take back & hold on and to not let go of his own dream as well....

Credit & thanks to original owners of photos:wub:

Totally agree with you. 

The lab scene that has many (?!), I see it as the moment where Hye J showed , with her not reacting in a violent way to removed  JH hand, what JH was expecting , that she trust him, that is follow , when she hugs her grandmother. Before HJ did not allowed nobody to touch her, women or men, her reaction was always to distance herself. That is my though:)

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Just finished watching the second episode. Aaaw!!! I like it even more, every character is so human with all of their strength and weaknesses. Like I said after I watch the live streaming, this episode started off so heartwarming but ended so alarming for Hye Jung's future, which make it a more emotional rollercoaster.

The synopsis so far said that JH is her mentor who changes her to be better. But I like it that all he does is giving her motivation, he did not  teach her or becomes her tutor. He just motivate and challenge her to work hard herself, because he knew that that was what she needed. And he was spot on, because HJ is the kind of girl who's always does her best if she put her mind into it.

Side note: why does Korean always relate nosebleed with studying hard. Makes me feel guilty towards my parents because I never nosebleed my whole life. Does that make me a lazy student? :P

JH, oh how I love thee! He truly is like I imagined, a guy who's nice to girls, treated them so casually and made them fall head over heels over him. He's not aware that all of the innocent confession thrown by the girls were actually sincere and just played with it without actually rejecting them. So it's confusing and giving hope to them. In the case of SW, we have a girl that always get what she wants, so naturally she thinks his rejection was just a joke and that he was actually like her back.

Woah!! I never thought school girls can be that bold to confess to their teacher; and she can be a scary jealous freak. I mean, she confessed to like him but because of grades she was willing to destroy him? I can understand if it's only HJ, but JH is her respected teacher. I'm sorry that was too freaky for me. And I do agree with Soo Hee, she did not treat her friend nicely. What kind of friend let you carry her bag around?

Yeah I do agree with someone (sorry I forgot must back read first), that up to this point I don't see any romantic feeling in JH and HJ. Yes, he became intrigued by her and comfortable with her, but it's because they practically live together as family. Love the dinner scene!! If there's anyone who's inappropriate here, I'd think it's Seo Woo. Confessing to your teacher and tell him to wait two years. Oh My God! I would never have a courage to do that, and to think it comes from the smartest student in your schools. Dayum! Girl got some balls. 

So we have three leads with so many potential for character growth. HJ from her obvious gangster live, it's so sad that she always sad that she doesnt have a future, so it's heartwarming to know that she ended up just fine. JH from his trauma, I think it's not  only him changing HJ but HJ inspired him to go back to his dream and work hard. If a gangster could get highest point in math, why can't he return as a doctor. and SW from her princess complex. Can you imagine working in a place where you destroy your boss' career once (I take it that JH will be their boss), compete with you arch nemesis and have your crush liking that nemesis. Must be hell on earth.

I love Soo Hee, she's so cute. She and grandma are the ones who resurrect HJ's heart from the dead. She befriended her when nobody dare, stood up for her and make HJ feel loved. Just like grandma. I know she will not die on the fire and glad that they will still be bestfriends long after highschool, because HJ needs that one, two persons to keep her grounded.

@Hacci_is_a_penguin The teaser scene is only in his imagination, he was recalling the days in grandma's house. I think it was just a metaphorical scene that showed during that times he often see her in that house, still wearing uniform. It kinda want to show their early relationship in 2 seconds. So I figured we will not see it at all in the drama, instead we will have the other one where HJ tried to beat him up again. I don't know about the fighting scene though, I thought everything is there.

So when will monday comes??

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1 hour ago, Ayame said:

Aside from making the post with the OST lyrics, I haven't made another post, so decided to join the thread here. And whoa, I'm addicted to this drama. I've watched k-dramas for about 15 years now, and I've been fans of both Kim Rae Won and Park Shin Hye's past works, so which is why I decided to watch this drama. (And Yoon Kyun Sang, who acted really well in 'Six Flying Dragons' btw.) And prior to the drama starting, I was looking forward to it.

But man, I didn't expect to get so addicted this fast to the drama, haha. The first 2 episodes were really good, KRW and PSH's chemistry is good. The acting, the writing, the OST. Ah, everything is so good. I might write a more in depth post as to what I think of the episodes later. But so far, I've been repeating the episodes and the 5-minute trailer lol. Looking forward to next week. <3

Looking forward to your more in depth thoughs on the eps you have watched. :)

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guys,someone know the link to watch ep 1;2 on youtube.last years when i type in a serch box pinnochio then that videos pop out but now whenever i type doctors its pop doctors stranger and good doctor videos.depress.till now i can't watch.huhuhuhu.other link are not work on me.help me ,please .my fever is getting high after reading all of your post.

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I am so thrilled with the ratings!  increasing...!  Let it continue this trend...  yes yes emoticon

I watched the 2nd ep. subbed late last night. 
It actually felt darker than when we watched it live, with that deep jealousy.

Got to run for work.

Will catch up later...  


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Hahaha. Okay, maybe I'm too bloodthirsty but I whooped when Hye Jung broke the fingers of that slimy dude that had his arms around Seo Woo and even placed his head on her shoulders, even when she was telling him to stop. Like seriously, I have no respect for jackasses who don't understand the idea of personal space. It's why I love Hye Jung. She's headstrong, beautiful, calls things as she sees them and is not afraid to stand up to bullies. Some might say she's a bully herself but I love her anyway :phew:. I'm so like Soon Hee in this instance, wanting her to be my friend. 


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