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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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So im still recovering from ep 8&9 induced heartache. Its so severe ive taken a hiatus from all my currently watchin drama. Cause i couldnt conc to watch anythg.  W fmvs are d medicine im taking. Tq @sakura2016 for all the youtube fmvs you shared.

So this is the last thg i created before heading off to bed to wake up to tuesday. I havnt found the answer to fastforward tuesday.


This is what i perceive. The main reason of the reset was kang chul deciding to restore the balance, give up his will and undo the realisation thats hes just a manhwa character while ensuring his friends dont disappear. The other part (my romantic side clings on) is his way to love yeonjoo. Ensure her safety now that shes no longer invincible. He felt vulnerable in that bedroom during that phonecall that not even his trusted gun can guarantee safety. And then he witness yeon joo's fear after ghost hunted her. So his ultimate way to love her and to protect her was to let her go given the circumstances. He believes she can live on better as a doctor in her world and after all hes just a manhwa character. .. Although clearly we all know hes wrong because he was never just a character to yeonjoo

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one good thing about the amnesia storyline is that we get to see KC fall in love with YJ all over again.

On rewatch e9 shows hints of it already...

PS: also noticed that the day he left the hospital he was wearing exactly the same outfit as the first time 'round. Free will or destiny, it's interesting how he ends up making the same choices. 

PPS: also you have to admire YJs strength - not only because she respects his decision and follows his wishes but also because she remains completely honest with him in terms of her feelings and actions (I particularly  like that when he asked her why she was behaving that way she answered with the truth, even if it doesn't make sense to KC at the moment). 

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7 hours ago, ilwoo_aein said:

Who wouldn't fall for Jongsuk and Kang Chul? :wub:



NO ONE!! :love: 

18 hours ago, Plummpychan said:

Sorry to cut your post chingu, ROTFL on those suggestion,  I'll vote for "He who must not be faced" :D


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes!! me too!! :lol: it reminds me of Voldemort from Harry Poter!! though this can be considerate creepier right?!!

2 hours ago, AvadaKedavra Creations said:

Hey Guys! Another <V

Hope you all like it :)




 thank you for the MV chingu!! :D though it was sad!! :( 

6 hours ago, sharreb said:

So im still recovering from ep 8&9 induced heartache. Its so severe ive taken a hiatus from all my currently watchin drama. Cause i couldnt conc to watch anythg.  W fmvs are d medicine im taking. Tq @sakura2016 for all the youtube fmvs you shared.

So this is the last thg i created before heading off to bed to wake up to tuesday. I havnt found the answer to fastforward tuesday.

This is what i perceive. The main reason of the reset was kang chul deciding to restore the balance, give up his will and undo the realisation thats hes just a manhwa character while ensuring his friends dont disappear. The other part (my romantic side clings on) is his way to love yeonjoo. Ensure her safety now that shes no longer invincible. He felt vulnerable in that bedroom during that phonecall that not even his trusted gun can guarantee safety. And then he witness yeon joo's fear after ghost hunted her. So his ultimate way to love her and to protect her was to let her go given the circumstances. He believes she can live on better as a doctor in her world and after all hes just a manhwa character. .. Although clearly we all know hes wrong because he was never just a character to yeonjoo


you're most welcome chingu!! that's my pleasure!! :D unfortunatly I couldn't contribute much this week in here bacause my brain and heart are like you still recovering from episode 8 &9!! :heartbreak: I have many thing to ay but I just can't put them together and it feels like torture to me!! :confounded: I barely managed to make a comment on Dramabeans recap for episode 9 days ago and I spent hours collecting my thoughts and emotions to do that!! *sight* 

finally we're less than 48 hours till wednesday!! I was dying feeling as time stoped and doesn't won't to move!! :crazy:

Kang Cheol said it himself, the most important reason of all his resons that led to his decision was that "Yeon Joo can't die!!" "not in front of his eyes"!! he can't see her getting killed being helpless to protect her like and lose her like he lost his entire family again to the same culprit!! he can't live with that!! and he always believed that she would disappeare on him at one point but he made it come earlier for her safety!! for him Yeon Joo has no reason to stay in his world, facing danger because of HIS ennemie, risking her life for him a manhwa character while she can and should (as he see it) live in her normal and safe real world, dating a real man and have a real life!! I can understand his reasoning but it's just too heartbreaking and we know that Yeon Joo see him as a real person just like we do and he will se that eventually!! and I believe that knowing himself too well, he knew that if the webtoon doesn't end soon he will end up pulling Yeon Joo into his life and thus danger again because he would keep looking for answers to his questions which will lead him to Yeon Joo again and that's why he asked Seong Moo to make a happy ending and helped him to make one that he will believe and won't question it because that's the only way for him to stop and not pull Yeon Joo into his dangerous life again and for her to stop looking for him, forget him and move on with her life when she'll see his end!! :heartbreak:  

7 hours ago, ilwoo_aein said:

Jongsuk and Hyojoo filming "W" 

KC-YJ enjoying ice-cream date :D



but why is he wearing ike that?!! why weear a hat like that?!! is he on a run? is he looking for something/someone?!! where is his bodygards? as if they'd be ablt to do anything!! :confounded:

and what's with Hyu Seok?!!please tell me he's not really suspecting my Kang Cheol!! why would he suspct him? he did nothing  wrong nor supecious!! please...he was one a the fewwwwwww people who trusted Kang Cheol from the start!! don't break Kang Cheol by taking that from him!! his eeyees and voice wheen he askeed him id hee's suspecting him now broke my heeart moree than it was already broken!! :bawling: 


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11 minutes ago, gumelrae said:

It's my first time posting here and I'd like to say that you guys are amazing! This forum is the first thing that I check when I wake up in the morning and before I go to sleep at night! :) Cheers to W! Fighting!


Hi, you are welcome

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4 hours ago, charlieblue17 said:

one good thing about the amnesia storyline is that we get to see KC fall in love with YJ all over again.

On rewatch e9 shows hints of it already...

PS: also noticed that the day he left the hospital he was wearing exactly the same outfit as the first time 'round. Free will or destiny, it's interesting how he ends up making the same choices. 

@charlieblue17 agreed. he will fall in love overall again. i believed in God , that HE who maketh us, make our heart, arranged (predestinate) who our heart should be owned and occupied with (huh, lets not go into Theology debate about existence of God... etc, just take that tje Creator who created us in our mother's womb does willed us to fall in love with who....)
that he will ultimately fall in love with YJ again.

the First Time they met on the roof, was not erased nor reset.... just having Chul awaken thinking its all dream, but that unerased memory of a woman stab him on the chest to save him, wasn't erased. just treated as a dream. because YJ only 'rewind' till the hospital bed, the post stabbing scene. that rooftop stab to save memory might be the key to help him remember her,because that was "not treated" .

The Second time they met, has the first sign of curiously aroused when YJ burst into his ward, tore the Potassium drip off his arm, and start the reveals of she knowing about what he said regarding her beauty, she's his key.... etc. that day on the hospital bed aroused curiousity that this girl is diff. same place hospital bed, suppose to be same timing that they met, but there are no nurse to serve potassium... only her at the doorway, and she did aroused his awareness, he did stared unblinking at her till the door closed upon him.... setting and time of both First meeting is about the same.  

Third time they met, when we saw (as what u said. 3 months later when he was discharged). the first time he drove the car to fetch YJ at the bus stop, this round DY drove to fetch him, and he met YJ at the Hospital reception area. like you said, same setting, same clothes for Chul, before he left with DY, he did turned around and look at YJ a last time, it more than just curiosity... . by right this 3rd meeting should have their first kiss in the boutique. haha. let's see this Wed what happen.... which we will find their 4th meeting, having her fainted back into the Boutique changing room and he brought her back to his hotel home and proceed to all the hilarious dialogues and kisses..... the hospital saving gun-shot meet definitely has him curious about why she said, "i don't understand why am i here..." and her tears that she tried to sniffed back to contain.... he will be more interested to find out by now, isn't he and DY the better detectives than the legions of useless cops running around solving almost nothing majors.... he's the founder of W-station.

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1 hour ago, vxxchxx05 said:

I hope you enjoy this fmv :D 



thank you so much for the MV!! :) I loved it!! and I cried for sure!! :tears: when will I stop crying?!! I'll accept to cry of happiness to see my OTP happy but don't want to cry watching them suffer anymore!! :tears:

1 hour ago, charlieblue17 said:

one good thing about the amnesia storyline is that we get to see KC fall in love with YJ all over again.

On rewatch e9 shows hints of it already...

PS: also noticed that the day he left the hospital he was wearing exactly the same outfit as the first time 'round. Free will or destiny, it's interesting how he ends up making the same choices. 


yes I LOVE that too but what I love the most is how it's used in a great way, it's not only used for our OTP to end up together for the 2nd time dipite Kang Cheol to show how their faite is liked dispite his attempt and believe to get heer out of his dangerous lifee but its giving a new rode for the story and characters' developpement!!

another thing got my attention is how Do Yoon was surprised the same way when Kang Cheol woke up though for different reasons: the 1st time Kang Cheol wok up from the surgery he said in front of Soo Hee and Do Yoon that Yeon Joo is the key to his life and Do Yoon was surprised enough to drop the suger in his cup of tea and the same exact thing happend when Soo Hee asked if Kang Cheol was crying!! what a coincidence?!! is it a hint that what's ment to be will happen no matter how much we try to change things in our lives?!! like him and Yeon Joo being part of each others lives no matter what?!! ;):wub: 

2 hours ago, dramagirlslove said:

The Irony of the Rooftop

The place where she first saved his life was where he jumped to his death to spare hers. Okay have a good day. :)


well puted chingu!! you broke my heart (as if it wasn't enough before)!! 

I really hope and wish for him to stop jumping off hight buildings/bridges because I can't take it anymore!! :heartbreak: 

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About kang chul amnesia i think he ll be able to remember her soon enough if hes not already suspicious of her because she is like a deja vu to him remember how kang chul was able to remember the rewritten story of himself drowning in the han river in his dreams. I bet no matter how many times you rewrite the story he ll remember the original plot line eventually.

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Subconsciously KC still thinking about her, that's the reason why she keep getting suck into the comic world.. Well, it's sad at the moment but they will be together in the end. The question is not sure if KC will come to the real world or YJ will remain in the comic world. 

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31 minutes ago, maryofbethany said:

@charlieblue17 agreed. he will fall in love overall again. i believed in God , that HE who maketh us, make our heart, arranged (predestinate) who our heart should be owned and occupied with (huh, lets not go into Theology debate about existence of God... etc, just take that tje Creator who created us in our mother's womb does willed us to fall in love with who....)
that he will ultimately fall in love with YJ again.

the First Time they met on the roof, was not erased nor reset.... just having Chul awaken thinking its all dream, but that unerased memory of a woman stab him on the chest to save him, wasn't erased. just treated as a dream. because YJ only 'rewind' till the hospital bed, the post stabbing scene. that rooftop stab to save memory might be the key to help him remember her,because that was "not treated" .

The Second time they met, has the first sign of curiously aroused when YJ burst into his ward, tore the Potassium drip off his arm, and start the reveals of she knowing about what he said regarding her beauty, she's his key.... etc. that day on the hospital bed aroused curiousity that this girl is diff. same place hospital bed, suppose to be same timing that they met, but there are no nurse to serve potassium... only her at the doorway, and she did aroused his awareness, he did stared unblinking at her till the door closed upon him.... setting and time of both First meeting is about the same.   before he left with DY, he did turned around and look at YJ a last time. it more than curiousity...

Third time they met, when we saw (as what u said. 3 months later when he was discharged). the first time he drove the car to fetch YJ at the bus stop, this round DY drove to fetch him, and he met YJ at the Hospital reception area. like you said, same setting, same clothes for Chul. by right this second meeting should have their first kiss in the boutique. haha. let's see this Wed what happen.... which will we find their 4th meeting, having her fainted back into the Boutique changing room and he brought her back to his hotel home and proceed to all the hilarious dialogues and kisses..... the hospital saving gun-shot meet definitely has him curious about why she said, "i don't understand wy am i here..." and her tears that she contained.... he will be more intersted to find out.


I agree with you!! everyone one have his own destined partner in life!! and Yeon Joo and Kang Cheol are ment to be together!! give me and my OTP our happy ending writer nim!! pretty please!! 

as Soo Hee told Kang Cheol it was a waiteress that saw him and asked for hep and he got saved that way so Yeon Joo isn't there!! and worst his dream is "UNRMEMBRED" dream!! so he can't remember whatever happened with him not even as a dream and that's why when he saw her he didn't feel familiar to her face because it was as if it's his 1st time seeing her not even in his dreams!! only his subconcious remembers her for now but I'm sure he will start remember everything in his dream like his memory of drowning when he fell off the Han bridge the 1st time Seong Moo tried to kill him in it!! but I need him to remember NOW to be able to protect himself and Yeon Joo and everyone he cares about from that psycho culprit!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh 

yes!! he kep looking at her over and over again, I know she got his interest with the way she kep looking at him but I think that her presence does trigger something in him, he just kept on looking at her till the last second before leaving with Do Yoon and that's something!!

yes, I'm sure of that!! everytime he cross paths with her his curiosity increases more and more and he did see the care in her eyes toword him not only that she was looking at him but she did look worried/caring for him and that will push him to know more what's behind her and that look on her face!! AND he looked back at her AGAIN before leaving with Soo Hee to go to his father figure's surgery and that shows that his interest in picked!! and Kang Cheol getting interested in something means he'll reach the end of it and the answers to his questions no matter what!! :D I love that in him!! :wub: I love all of him!! :D:wub: 

13 minutes ago, taskdramafanatic said:

About kang chul amnesia i think he ll be able to remember her soon enough if hes not already suspicious of her because she is like a deja vu to him remember how kang chul was able to remember the rewritten story of himself drowning in the han river in his dreams. I bet no matter how many times you rewrite the story he ll remember the original plot line eventually.


you're right!! he will remember eventually but I want that to happen REALLY soon because he's in a huge disadvantage against the psycho culprit without his memories!! *pullinmyhairoff*

2 hours ago, gumelrae said:

It's my first time posting here and I'd like to say that you guys are amazing! This forum is the first thing that I check when I wake up in the morning and before I go to sleep at night! :) Cheers to W! Fighting!


same here chingu!! :D that's W's addiction!! :lol: 


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