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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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Hello... I'm syifa.. Drop here to say hello, thank you, give you warm hug.. I read your insightful comment. Maybe in future i will drop again, but mostly i'm silent lurker. Hehhee

Together we are united for W - two worlds family. You are rocks !!! Fighting.


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14 hours ago, keepondreaming said:

To be honest I'm secretly hoping the hooded figure is not KC's dad. Because technically that makes him a murderer because his webtoon world has come to life. Also, I want the drama to surprise me and since many people are already suspecting that possibility, it would be anti-climatic. 


I keep reading that Yeon Joo's father can be the hooded man and I really want to know what made many of you think of that?!! as of me, I believe that the hooded man is a different person!! 1/ Yeon Joo's father drew the hooded man stabbing Kang Cheol and only after that that he ended up getting pulled to the webtoon world (by Kang Cheol as I think) 2/ we saw the hooded man again in the preview of the 3rd episode fighting against Kang Cheol which meant that he is strong and knows martial arts and Yeon Joo's father isn't even close to those discriptions 3/ we saw his build and he is totally different from Yeon Joo's father's build, they are not the same hight nor weight!!


cr: Beab

how can this man be Yeon Joo's father?!!

13 hours ago, chasingdaisy said:

hello :) *shy wave*

newbie in this thread here. i just caught up with the two episodes of W and found that i am super hooked! despite of promising myself not to watch any ongoing dramas, here i am -_-

i always love the idea of star-crossed lovers or alternate universe kind of story and i think W really nailed it. now i wish every day is Wed/Thurs lol

off to read the whole thread!

p/s and i hope they really release that 33 volume of W manhwa.... i'll read the heck out of it, and maybe i will finally learn korean just for the sake of it. hahaha


hi there!! welcome and glad you joined us here!! 

hhhhhhhh the power of W's love!! :lol:  I would love to have those books too!! 

13 hours ago, Delulu_jie2830 said:

OMG! Heart can't lie. :P


The story line is interesting which is why I will keep on watching it. :) W hwaiting. ( Plus I heard there are many skinship scenes in the future, so who am I to say no ? :P )


hhhhhhhhhhhhh right!! who would say no when we have such lovable OTP?!! :wub:

13 hours ago, oohhkkay said:

It might be too early to worry about it… but having watched the same scriptwriter’s work Nine before… 

(Potential spoilers and my speculations after discussion with friends last night)

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I wonder if she felt the same like Yeon Joo’s dad when she killed the male lead in Nine. And is she going to do the same here? One of my friend said maybe she’s not going to do the same because this is not tvN and the audience might not be able to accept it?

A friend of mine said it might be similar to Sophie’s World. I have only read the first bit long ago, but it seems Sophie realised she was a character created and then went to the real world later on. 

Really curious how it will go on. And waiting for the moment Kang Chul goes to the “real” world.

From the story, it seems that the writer is condemning people who consider themselves God being able to judge others. I found this quite interesting. 

Who owns the story? Really the writer? Or the reader? (Reader response being the most important than what the writer want to write.) Or the characters? (Will of the character is not unheard of among those who write…)

Really fascinating theme




did the main lead in Nine die?!! I remember seing him alife after almost being killed but he survived and they had a happy ending!!



I'm so excited to see him in the real world too, how he'll be able to transpot there and how will he be able to go back to his world and how will he live in a different world that looks like his but not really the same!! but I feel really sad for him realising that he's a webtoon's main character!! :(



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1 hour ago, shana0127 said:

W just blew my mind. It really took a lot of time to get it back .LOL

and now i keep thinking . Ho it happened ,why it happened aand what will happen nextShocked

Has Kang Chull supernatural powers . is he the dream perfect man of Yoon Ju and her father who has come to life in reality. Thus making YJ fathr worry that world will call him and his daughter crazy. So he wants to kill KC and save himself and his daughter from Kang Chull who is now a supernatural thing a man not  born  from two human but imagination of himself and his daughterGeek

Omo Omo i really want to know more . Tongue

Plus acting of lead female actress(Han  Hye Joo) is wow . i am loving her ways . She is so realistic n potraying the awe and emotions she goes through when she suddely meets her dream man Kang Chull. Knowing that he is not real bust suddenly she is able to feel his pulse ,see his blood,  slap him and kiss him . I mean she did everything to him .Stern Smile

Lead actor Lee jang Suk is even more handsome now. Kiddo is growing well Silly. He looks more of a handsome(though in soem scenes is still looks like kid ). He needs to drink more Bornvita i think.

To our hero Kang Chul  Yoon Jo is like a crazy witch Confused

Who save him, Who slapped him and Who Kissed him Cool

To our heroine Hye Joo Kang chull is a comic character

Who exists in flesh and blood  and she must know why and how .:phew:



Yeon Joo's father's worries are more than him being afraid that his daughter will love a manhwa character and people will think they are crazy!! his fear is for himself!!

yes Han Hyo Joo is doing a great job portraying the fangirl who is shocked to see her ideal type webtoon character coming to life!! and Lee Jong Seo is really perfect in portraying Kang Cheol!! 

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I believe that's the charm of Lee Jong Seok he can be so cute, puppy like and can be the charming mature man with dangerous and sexy aura!! :wub:

1 hour ago, stargazer187 said:

okay, she kissed him first...


then he kissed her back....



ME:  Smiling Face With Heart-Shaped Eyes  Smiling Face With Heart-Shaped Eyes   Smiling Face With Heart-Shaped Eyes



14 minutes ago, shynaz said:

Im back....I want to follow this drama :)


 welcome back and hope you'll have great time with us here loving the drama!! :D

15 minutes ago, syifa said:

Hello... I'm syifa.. Drop here to say hello, thank you, give you warm hug.. I read your insightful comment. Maybe in future i will drop again, but mostly i'm silent lurker. Hehhee

Together we are united for W - two worlds family. You are rocks !!! Fighting.



hi!! I hope you'll drop here more often and share your thoughts and love about the drama with us here!! :D


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HEOLLLL !!! it's crasy how fast this thread is moving .. i can no longer post anything without backreading everything .. i just had to finish 14 pages before posting anything !!! i'm sad because i can't find the time to read all and to follow you guys and to joing you discussions but i'm happy and grateful because we have new members to make this thread more alive and of course because of all the love of the DEABAK DRAMA W !! 

anyway .. few hours till we see our wonderful cast in section tv .. i hope it'll be even funnier then last time although i'm sure it'll be because of the extra two leads we have with LJS and HHJ ;. i hope it'll be longuer too .. i wanna enjoy it and of course i hope it'll be translated as soonas possible !! 

a loooot have been asking for the tranlated version of the long preview and even though i know the tranlation but i'm also asking for it so can anyone provide it to us,, it'll be so sweet !! my sisters need to see it ASAP :P 

i'm also super glad that W is winning on popularity .. it's getting sooo much praise and i feel like a pround mama !!

THANKS FOR EVERYONE FOR THEIR POSTS // THEORIES// PRAISE // GIFS// NEWS ... everything ... thank you so much and FIGHTING !! 

ps : 3 more days .. waiting patiently for the OST !!  

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2 hours ago, juju84 said:

For now, I believe Soo Bong will help to guide her in the manhwa world and draw the things to make it easier for her in there. Like choosing the same building YJ works at as the hospital in W.


This! +1

On another note, I read in dramabeans where one commenter said what if YJ being the "key to KC's life" should be taken literal with the way it's being emphasized and all. That would be awesome, YJ leading KC to an actual door or something out of the webtoon world.

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12 hours ago, shanzay01 said:

OMG OMG OMG can someone bring me back to life @sakura2016  yeah i am out of breath literally this drama is freaking crazily addictive and i am loving it.... why it is so short .. it's really really hard to wait for next epi... thats why i mpostly watch shows when they get completed as its hard to wait...

Everything was on point even it  was more than what i have expected... OMG i need a guy like Kang Cheol in my life he is perfect just too perfect... and HHJ (Yeon joo) what can i say whenever she came to screen i just utter she is freaking pretty .. their chemistry so good that i can;t help not to ship them don't blame me blame their awesome chemistry though i am trying hard not to ship them in real :P

Ps  mystery is so mindbloggling who is person who is writing ? is some character from webtoon get some mystic power and controlling all this ? Who is the man in hood? how only yeon joo can go in to webtoon? no one else

YJ father is so mysterious seems like he know who is doing all this...


Thanks Worldies for all updates and post...fighting!!!


yes!!! you just get emersed in the episode that you don't feel the time flying by and you want the episode to keep on going on and never end!!:wub:

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes they are so lovable!! :wub: 

yes, he's not surprised by anything which mean he has the answers for all the questions we have!! should we kidnap him to give us the anwer? hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

12 hours ago, xxPeepsxx said:

Hello~ Just gonna put this here: If you want a preview of W in comic form, head on over to my website to view a part-cap of episode 1. Hee.



thank you for the part cap!! :)

11 hours ago, irenetan said:

@mujay Did you call my name? I'm back... at last after finishing the 1st 2 eps. Woah! :o our thread skyrocketed by 45 pgs since "W" premiere! Didn't want to come back empty-handed so here's some gifs made by fans for a good laugh :lol:



Cr: didida + sandy


hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that was funny!! :lol::lol::lol:

11 hours ago, juju84 said:

Totally agree with you about the shooting scene and KC!

The look in KC's eyes while he aimed at HJ talked volumes. He was trying to test her and his theory maybe even scare her a little since this deep-seeded feeling of guilt about being unable to protect his family is still there but in the end this crazy girl yet again suprised him. Like you've said the scene would deepen their connection and bring new understanding of HJ for KC. I'm sure he knows that there are people who believe in him like his secretary SH and DY but it's not the same as the knowledge that there is a person, an outsider who has such an unconditional faith in him. That would have a great meaning for KC. It is something he was always unknowingly looking for. Someone who knows him better than he knows himself, someone who believes in him even when he is in doubts. This crazy girl will do exactly what her father is so afraid of, she would bring him to life (in more ways than one) breathing in new meaning his existence.

Hmm, actually I thought KC kissing her was a distraction on his part to take away the gun. After which he re-loaded it and aimed at her. So for now I think that after he shoots HJ will transfer back. First of all, to be able to transfer back the stakes each time would have to raise. And second, I have a feeling that HJ going back to reality also works as a defence mechanisms to protect her from harm (to the *story* she is still an outsider). Hmm, i don't know just have this feeling this would serve as a trigger. I bet her Dad would bit his nails at the scene. Anyway we will see about that on Wednesday.:)

As for SH and DY, them going to HJ's world would bring hilarity to the new level.:D So maybe they will later on when the border between to worlds begins to blur.

I've read that W csreenwriter is the one who wrote script for Queen In Hyun's Man so we can hope for a lot of twists and turns in the plot. That one was keeping me on the edge of my sit till the very end.:)



I really missed reading your posts!! (I'm ilchul from KMHM thread) :D 

you're right!! dispite Kang Cheol turning into this super successful young man who is love by the entire nation (but for his ennemies) he still didn't heal from the pain of being looked at as a murderer for his parents death and no one trusted him even though there was no clear evidence against him but here while he'll be giving Yeon Joo a reason to doubt him and fear him she will still believe in him and will show him how much she trusts him and knows him!! awwww he really needs to feel that trust specially from someone stranger for him!! it speaks more volume!!

I thought like that whe I aw the scene's stills but from the preview we can see that he nealed to kiss her while he was already holding the gun so it's not really to take it from her!!

that scene is really confuing, we have him wearing the blue jacket while he's reloading the gun and aiming it at her, then we see the kiss wearing only the black t-hirt, then we have him aiming at her again only wearing the black t-shirt and then we see him standing infront of his mirror looking at the gunshot trace on it!! I can't really understand how the scene got folded!! did he kiss her after the gunshot? after it? my head is spinning!! :blink:

I really don't know about that, it can be but still Yeon Joo entered the webtoon drama twice while Kang Cheol was in death threatening situation so she'll end up at some point in danger as well!! I really hope there is another trigger for both of them to transport to each other's worlds other than him being in danger!! my heart can't handle it!! :tears:

hhhhhhhhhhh yes right!! :lol: I hope so!!

we can trust that!! :D



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Guest julie721

Since next episodes are still days away, I fulfill my crave about W by watching BTS and else, I seriously love the chemistry between our leads. There are no awkward feeling between them, No worder they project it well to on screen.

gotta love HHJ, you know how timid and "behave" Korean actresses usually are, at least in front of camera, because they have to take care of their image, but she seems not really bothers about that much and just being chill, so cool, bright, and fun.

I just can't wait for next episode, from preview it seems YJ goes again to webtoon world.. Sigh, this is why I rarely watch on going drama (again).. The waiting is really a torture 


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guys... you people here are surely fast! hahaha. i still havent finished reading this whole thread (because i keep repeating episode 1 and 2, cant help it lol)

i have a few theories/assumptions/questions from the back of my mind, and i need to jot these down. i know some of these have already been pointed out few pages back... and i'm really sorry for repeating it because i havent got to the part of that in the thread. YET.lol

  1. on how Yeon-joo can go into Chul's reality - my theory is that (and  prolly wrong anyway) is when Chul is in danger and she happens to know about it. first time she got pulled in by Chul's hand is when she saw the drawing on her father tablet. second time is when Soo-bong told her that Chul was gonna get killed in the hospital, using potassium. and i'm willing to bet that she was actually already in Chul's world when he almost get into that accident with the truck (judging from the preview)
  2. the first time Chul defied the storyline was when he was supposed to die from suicide, as Oh Sung-moo delightfully confessed.
  3. Oh Sung-moo's obsession of killing his lead character is because his mind is messed up, and he also get teleported to W alternate universe a few times already. he's tired, wants all these madness to stop, and decides that by killing Kang Chul - the axis of evil, the monster he claimed he created - will end all this.
  4. i have a feeling that prosecutor Han Cheol-ho has a big role in this whole thing. what if he knows that his world is fiction, not a real one and there is this someone who creates all this events? what if prosecutor Han met Sung-moo's from 10 years ago, and they sort of make a pact where prosecutor Han makes Chul disappear/dies and Sung-moo's in return will make him someone with power (more like draw him to be someone with power in W world)
  5. why Chul is adamant to say that Yeon-joo is not beautiful at all? seems that all the people that have met Yeon-joo claimed that she's beautiful (even So-hee) but he stubbornly insist that she's not. (and how funny the scene in the hospital where So-hee realized that Yeon-joo is pretty, and they made the wrong identitykit because of what Chul claimed? he said 'yeah... she is beautiful' with innocent face hahahahahahha) but i think he knows she's pretty, ne? all that wide eyed confusion explains it, especially during this part: (and safe to say i fell into bottomless pit of loving this couple during the rooftop scene) i like how he went from wide eyed to utter confusion and to plainly stare and finally, passing out again. lol
  6. 4TbIVQq.jpg
  7. i cant wait what Yeon-joo will try to do to end the episode in future episodes. 
  8. another crazy theory i have is that what if both of these worlds are in a fiction? you know, like a novel that is being written about love story between Yeon-joo and Chul. like a story in a story?
  9. how many things Yeon-joo can bring into reality after being teleported back. she can bring that super duper expensive dress and the shoes too, but in episode 1, when she's back in her world, her clothes are clean from Chul's blood. i'm not sure that is because editing error or what but i believe there are limitations... but i cant figure out what is that.
  10. writer Song wrote Coffee House which i love so much, as well and Queen In-hyun's man. i have faith in her works that will make the two characters together in the end. writer Song, fighting!
  11. Yeon-joo and Chul are fast becoming my ultimate OTP guys. help meeeeeee


i think i have more crazy things but these are all i can remember now...

@sakura2016 i've been salivating all the shots that have W manhwa in it. like when the scene where Yeon-joo is in her room and the manhwas are being strewn on her bed? i was like - she even wrap the manhwa! omg this is real hahahahah

so i'm off to continue reading the thread. have a fun day ahead peeps!

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W-Two Worlds Episode 1


It’s like a dream come true. Many times we feel while watching or reading the need to jump in to solve the things for our favorite characters but that’s just a wish that will be never be fulfilled…not anymore. W-two worlds is here to let us experience that exact exciting moment if you want to or not.





 read here: https://mynewpersona.wordpress.com/2016/07/21/w-two-worlds-episode-1/

W-Two Worlds Episode 2


I’m scared really scared. Why did the webtoon come to life? Why daddy Oh wants to kill Kang Chul? Why does he call Chul a monster? How is Chul going to eat him? Why is Yeon Joo the only one who can “teleport”?


read here: https://mynewpersona.wordpress.com/2016/07/22/w-two-worlds-episode-2/

W-Two Worlds First Impressions

July 22, 2016 | Recap

photo WTwoWorlds_bc2_zpsaaovdvb2.gif

Has it ever crossed your mind that your favorite comic character might be living in the parallel world of the world we’re living? Is it possible there could be two different yet concurrent worlds? W-Two Worlds takes us to these two worlds where a comic character crosses path with the daughter of the writer who created him. Real world meeting fictional world? Sounds refreshingly unique? It is indeed!

read here: http://beatuscorner.com/w-two-worlds-first-impression/

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@stargazer187 Nice to see you again!

I am not a huge fan of Han Hyo Joo but I loved the idea of the plot. So I started watching. 

Then BOOM....got hooked. I think her (over)reactions are understandable. If I were to be sucked into a manga/manhwa and met the male lead character in the flesh, I would be utterly beweildered and panic. Especially if you were not sure if two months in comic world is equal to two months in the real world. 

It would be funny if this was a case of a webtoon inside a webtoon and someone else is actually animating Yeon Joo and her father and her world when Yeon Joo's father is animating Kang Chul and his world. 

Anyway, it has only been two episodes so there will be more to learn coming up!

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Published on July 22nd, 2016 | by porninja


First Impressions: W — Two Worlds


It’s good, it’s sooo good. Lee Jong Suk has a certain knack for picking dramas (School 2013, I Hear Your Voice, Pinocchio, to name a few) and he’s proven it once again in MBC’s latest Wednesday-Thursday fantasy drama, W — Two Worlds. At a mere two episodes in, it might be a little too early to say, but you know what, I’ll just go ahead and say it: This has all the makings of a winner. With Nine’s and Queen In Hyun’s Man’s writer helming this, you can bet that this will be a fast-paced and gripping story with twists and turns that keep you at the edge of your seat — served with a side of romance, naturally.


The premise is a little out of this world (ha) but which supernatural suspense story isn’t? Oh Yeon Joo, played by Han Hyo Joo, is a 20-something surgeon who mysteriously finds herself sucked into the pages of her dad’s hit webtoon, W. In the world of W, Kang Chul (played by Jong Suk) reigns. A former Olympic champ and a self-made trillionaire, he seems to have it all — except for the curious fact that someone keeps trying to kill him.

Ah, that’s the work of Yeon Joo’s webtoon artist father, who’s terrified that W has taken on a whole life of its own and is trying to end it once and for all by killing off its titular hero. But Yeon Joo won’t let that happen, somehow transporting time and time again into the pages of W in order to prevent Kang Chul’s death.



When the drama was being teased prior to its airing, I was interested to see how it would straddle both universes — the real world vs the webtoon world of W — convincingly and make me invested. If you’re aware that something isn’t real, wouldn’t the stakes be lower because you know that you’ll wake up and all that bad stuff will just magically go away? In this case, why would Yeon Joo be concerned about Kang Chul’s welfare when as far as she knows, he’s simply a work of fiction? Not only is W — Two Worlds shot stylishly, but the writer (and actors) is doing a fantastic job selling the story and all the drama happening in W’s world comes across as believable to me simply because our comic book hero believes it to be real.

But just how exactly are Yeon Joo and Kang Chul linked and why are the barriers between the two of them breaking down? What triggers Yeon Joo’s travelling into another dimension and will the reverse happen in the future? I trust that the drama is in good hands and that all our answers will be revealed in due time. Now… is it next week already?!

read here: http://dinoseoul.com/first-impressions-w-two-worlds/
PS 1: I still have almost 5 pages to back track so I'm sorry to everyone who quoted me and I didn't reply to him!! I'll make sure to reply by tomorrow/today as fast as I can!! :)
I have around 5 page to back track but I believe it will become 10+ pages by tomorrow/today because of the press conference!! :blink: 
I don't know if I'll be able to joine you here by then but sure thing I'll enjoy the goodies you'll share here!! :D 
Good night/morning!! off to sleep now (by 3:15 am in my contry hhhhhhhhhhhh)!! :) 
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Morning All.

Official countdown to 3 more days!!!


our dancing couple on the set ;) 

cr to owners.

Anyway I keep thinking about the hood guy... I don't think it's KC. He shouldn't have duo character else the drama will turn out into YJ fall in love with a murdeter?!?! Hmm.. That doesn't make sense.. 

Hooded guy maybe the prosecutor, YJ's dad and KC's uncle hmmm 

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According to episode 3 preview, we can see that hooded man is physically capable to fight against KC. So I doubt it's YJ's dad under that hood.

And the only fighter we know besides KC.. is his bodyguard Do Yoon!

#justsayin :w00t:

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Hello! I have been excited for this drama because it sounds good and after watching the first 2episodes I love the execution too.

I don't think Yeon Joo Dad is the hooded figure who killed his family because my impression of the comic is it is about the downfall of Kang Chul whom still succeeded because of his willpower. I don't think Yeonjoo Dad would have intended to write a story about a genius Olympic medalist whom downfall led to outcast and subsequently death from suicide and just end it there. So why did he say he should have killed Kangchul at the bridge when the story of his comic barely even started if he just kill him there? 

I think it's either DoYoon(Bodyguard), Prosecutor or Sohee. I have yet to read the character description but what a twist if the heroine is the 1 that killed the main character's family? She also know KangChul since high school. And so far we haven't see much of her so there is still a lot possibilities. The readers will also accept YeonJooxKangChul ship more LOL. 

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4 minutes ago, ohnoitscindy said:

What are they saying?!?! 

Also, is the interviewer the same one as last time? hahaha

Yes.. same interviewer~ 

I heard JS saying something(i cant heard properly) is cute and HJ reacted by saying why does this (him saying cute) makes her heart flutters.. :wub:

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16 minutes ago, ohnoitscindy said:

What are they saying?!?! 

Also, is the interviewer the same one as last time? hahaha

Yeah, it's the same interviewer haha

It was kind of hard to hear clearly but LJS said they had another kiss scene and that they actually filmed it yesterday. Then he said... "cuter than i thought" (i think hes referring to HHJ) then she says something while looking giddy hahahah

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