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[Drama 2016] W-Two Worlds 더블유


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2 hours ago, LanA said:

We have to spend the 1st 10 mins in episode 9, to re-watch the incidents we've already known. What's wrong with MBC?


you are the first person after me who says that THANK YOU! i thought i was going crazy with all the past episode moments they spent so many moments on moments we already know -_-  i dont want to be rude but lately new episodes are all like that not only the last one :/ 

2 minutes ago, knightauror said:

Felt really bad for dad after watching ep 9. Though I can't say that he made a good decision by giving the killer his face, but I can understand why.

now my question is, can dad eat? How if he's hungry?

LOOL :D:D  this question feels a lot like the one for FLASH the superhero! How do they metahumans go toilet if they need it? or they dont? & how do they eat? who gives them food?

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57 minutes ago, lee-chan said:

okay, I am going to crack open my brain trying to fathom what's going on with episode 09.

Yes, it is totally heart wrenching watching YJ suffer the most for her love for KC. If cute HHJ can get us all giddy and happy I simply adore HHJ acting sad to the point you can feel her pain. Everytime she throws that sad look in her face while watching KC, I can't help but tear up. She looks so broken, this sad girl.  Fate is being so cruel to her, that she's pulled back to KC world watching him in flesh and blood, the boy who once loved her has forgotten their memories together. When it was better when she was just in her world, at least whenever the person isn't around, the pain a tad little lesser.  

True it may be KC's heart calling to her, or maybe his subconsciousness because sometimes when we dream and we wake up we have this deja vu of some sort about something or someone we can't place. Maybe this is what's causing YJ to come back and forth. Or maybe there's another catch. That her presence is needed in the story to end it. 

In the first place why was she even pulled inside? Something must have trigger it in the first place. Oh its making me think again. lol

Now her father's identity has been sort of taken. Man, it was a bad mistake to make the killer his likeness. It's like eating him up or something.

At least we got a bit of a breather for Soo Bong, even though he looks scared I still manage to laugh. :phew:


I am sorry to cut your post but your thoughts intrigued me and I wanted to comment on them :) 

In my mind KC is the "Good" as his original creator was HJ, her father only used him to gain popularity, he was not his creation, but the Killer was. I think Writer Oh thought that KC will eat him alive if he does not kill him but it was the other way around the "killer" would. He thought that he would manage to kill the "killer" so easily, because he did not take in consideration, that he probably was a big part of the story too and might have his own mind. He thought of him not as a character but a tool to bring the story forward and now he lost his identity/ face to him.


About YJ obsessing over KC: I think that is normal. After she was dragged into the story, KC was not a character of a comic for her anymore, but  real person so she has the full right to mourn his loss. I so hope that they will not drag it too much and make him remember her but in a way that the other characters will not disappear. Hope that the writer will find a way to change the role off all other characters so, that they will get their special place and destiny in the story and so it will start to develop and be separate from KC story.

One more thing: I think that the first couple of minutes from each episodes are taken from the american format for the tv shows. I skip it forward and watch the rest of the episode. 

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22 hours ago, sakura2016 said:


I cried with and for Yeon Joo this episode like I nver did before!! everytime she had tears in her eyes I start crying!! and her brakdown on the hospital scene was th worst I was sobing with her!! :bawling: that was a great scene from Han Hyo Joo!! :heart: 

I think that both she and Kang Cheol had made a great selfless act, he wanted to protect her at the cost of his free will and self-control over his life that he faught for it for years and she sacrifised her happiness to do as he askd her to respecting his wish!! and I didn't come cross any selfless character as Yeon Joo till now!! :bawling: 

I really don't know how I'll take watching Kang Cheol realising his truth AGAIN, AND know how much Yeon Joo suffered being left all alone with no one to share her pain with in her world and without him in his world while he's living his life without her and without knowing her!! he only wanted to protect her but will realise that she was left in danger all alone without him by her side!! :bawling: 

I love how Kang Cheol asked Seong Moo to give him a happy ending not for himsel, to end his miserable and fake life but for Yeon Joo to be able to move on from his story and forget him like an old book that she was attached to but came to an end and have to move on from it!! :bawling: 

and I think we have the name "World-ies"!! if I'm not wrong!! :) 

@sakura2016  haha, so  "World-ies" we shall be right? just curious, normally big Popular production, avid fans will start calling themselves some endearing names to indentify with the OTP or the drama. i thought it befitting that we should have. it may not be as top rating as Descendent of the Son, or You who came from the Star that kinds of Phenomenon, but W stands alone, is in a league of its own already, in many ways:
1) by storyline, i keep reading fans here and elsewhere saying its out of the Box. i am not surprise if one day Hollywood will steal the idea and change it into a movie, maybe they already has something like this theme...

2)  by the splendid acting and directing, all the actors and actresses are acting so well, there are simply no lousy actresses here... even the supporting characters crafting are taken into consideration, and given depths. eg. Crazy-dog Park Min-soo, Park Soo-Bong, Seo Doyoon, even the one i hate so much is well written, Oh Sungmoo.

3) by memorable moving lines (dialogue) or meme..  (see AhPheng's art pcs, how requence she posted, u know how good is the lines written.)

4) by well written OST. in any drama, One most crucial key is well written lyrics for OST.

Bonus: by the Strong Casts (OTP mainly) and their chemistry on/off screen. no matter Chul-joo or Jongjoo, its so believable, like oil annointing wounds, after a hard day work sparing some annoying people at works, you look forward to drool at the pics of Chul-joo and Jongjoo.
its just pity, it wasn't as popular as those very excellent dramas:  Descendent otS, and the YscftS... or even Reply88. W2W should stand on par with these few KD pillars. 
that why i ask for any Shipper-name for ourselves. hahah.


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31 minutes ago, pinocchioAsh said:

Hahah! Of course. Everyone knows it's Who and Why!

The comic started much before that.. Oh Seung Mo wanted to kill Kang Chul way before the entire thing came into the scene.. the comic started when Kang Chul was 17, he started Project W probably around the time he was 23 if we go by the timeline that his parents were killed when he was 19 and he was released from Jail at 20. 

Thereby the name W makes no sense.


AHH right I'm assuming it would be along the lines how how titles of manga/comic etc are made in real life - you take the most grabbing/substantial name (i.e. character name or like a grabbing phrase) to use as the title. Because even though the actual comic started before the rise of the actual "W" show in the comic the whole premise of the comic is that Kang Chul is trying to find the killer, going through great length and creating this show called "W". So assuming no one else knows about this two-world thing and it's solely just someone reading a comic - the book is about the guy trying to find the killer and avenge his families murder and the turn about point was him being freed and turning around and creating this "W" show to find the killer - hence the title for the comic being "W".

I'm not sure if that even makes sense but I imagine it's exactly how books and comics in real life is named as well (i.e. imagine if you went to the bookshop to read a comic, why did they choose the name its called).

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I skimmed through Ep 9 because I couldn't take the heartbreak from the live recaps.

 I agree that somehow there is a lingering memory of Yeon Joo in Kang Chul's mind and perhaps it is possible that he will restart the love story. 

With autonomy and free will, the fear about So Hee and her disappearing may not come true now because essentially the story has changed. 

A character has been brought to life and once given an identity (aka Seung Moo's face) there will be no stopping him. With a name comes power, now with a face the hooded man has become stronger and he is trying to shape the story. The only way he can dominate is to remove the main character of a story and make the story his own. However, I wonder to what extent because if there is a switch in main character, doesn't it  mean the story ceases to exist and a new story must begin? 

Arghhh.. I am confused and as heartbroken as Yeon Joo. Now to have an agonising wait until next Wednesday!

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1 hour ago, pinocchioAsh said:

Hahah! Of course. Everyone knows it's Who and Why!

The comic started much before that.. Oh Seung Mo wanted to kill Kang Chul way before the entire thing came into the scene.. the comic started when Kang Chul was 17, he started Project W probably around the time he was 23 if we go by the timeline that his parents were killed when he was 19 and he was released from Jail at 20. 

Thereby the name W makes no sense.

Umm..isn't it simple if you think about it? Her dad had already planned how Kang Chul will become a hero when he started the comic. His family dying by the hands of the killer was certain. His depression made him decide to kill Chul after 5 episodes itself. When the comic changed, he decided to continue with what he had planned. That's why the comic was named W.

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I trust the writer will clear all the confusions in next week's episode just like he/she has done so far.    

About KC not remembering YJ .... it's sad but hey, we get to see him falling and loving her again (definitely no complains from me).  YJ will forever be his leading lady ...  KC has a mind just like a real person who runs his own comic world and to me, resetting the timeline will not erase his memories which is likely to be locked away temporarily and will be re-opened.   


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Some Thoughts

Portions of gray matter recovered, or at least I think I did. Lol. 

KC's plan to put things back into order didn't take into account the killer's own thought process. KC assumed that if every strange occurrence were to be written off as a dream, then things would go back to the way they were in the webtoon, with him still on the hunt for the killer, who would then have an identity and more importantly, it would remove YJ out of harm's way. A reset...for KC and his friends.

But as we saw, some higher "author" seems to be calling the shots (I'm going to exclude the writer of this drama okay because like what YJ's boss said, it's too Hitchcock). This author made teleportation possible from "the real world" and "the webtoon world" via SM, YJ, KC and the faceless killer, therefore the story involving the teleportations and these 4 characters need to continue along this vein to lend the drama some integrity, to stay true to its weird self, if you may.

So, it's safe to say that KC's plan for a reset fell through and it only brought heartache for YJ. The killer had other plans, now that he discovered he had the power to teleport from one place to another, one world to another at will. SM lent his mug for the killer to use, thought it was the best solution because it met all of KC's specifications, literally poetic justice after everything he made KC go through. YJ, because of some connection to the webtoon world (course aside from her lingering feelings for KC, the best tangible thing that always connected them is that wedding band!) can now flit from one world to the other. 

But here is the weird part, the killer seems to have taken over SM's body starting with his face and SM has now assumed the killer's absence of identity, reducing his communication via thought processes, very much like how the killer used to be. Essentially, by giving the killer his appearance, SM's own appearance is now erased. Note I said appearance because they seem to have retained their own personalities.

I've given up speculating for this drama because it's too unpredictable and the writer seems to be on unchartered territory where her story is concerned. So I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the drama. Okay, just a little bit of speculation hehe - what if SB is that higher author? Muahahaha! 

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