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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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1 minute ago, shinnu said:

Finished watching raws and my heart barely survived, their face expressions(Art's shyness omg!), when they looked at each other....it was enough for me to understand what they are feeling....it's really amazing, my heart keeps beating faster and faster, Krist&Singto's acting....I really have no words, now waiting patiently for the subbed episode.:wub:(don't mind the color of the text, i wanted to share my opinion in color to show that i'm really over the moon rn haha)


Arthit is perhaps the cutest guy that i have ever seen in any BL, the way he's shy around Kongpob...i just can't...Krist and Singto are really good actors indeed. 


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The preview for episode 14... Are we getting the second kiss as soon as next week already? That's probably gonna be the one that they'll make a cliffhanger.. :D

I wonder which special chapters we're getting? Singto said not all special chapters were included..  We'll probably get the special chapter a day from his memory since we have seen pictures of Arthit and Kong on a bike together... and also When Kongpope becomes the hazer coz we got pics of those too ... Still crossing my fingers for both Missing You part 1 and part 2..

edit: angst from Arthit detected in ep 14.. aw.. He's so jealous of Prae...that's so cute..

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6 minutes ago, fragglerock said:

@XRZHOUU There is a HD1080 copy on page 636 with a link.  

oh my god, my bad, i wasnt seeing that, maybe cause i rushed to search and i can't focus since the scene is damn driving me crazy


Edited by XRZHOUU
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10 hours ago, originalnickname said:

Thanks xD

I used a website to make it (from a video)  

Actually what I do is a record the moment I wanna gif then I convert and modify it on the website.... I could do them without using a website, but the file would be way too big and the limit for an avatar is 0.5mb.....



10 hours ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

I downloaded the 1080p version and am watching it :wub: lemme just say THE KISS IN 1080p :love: I'm still not over it... I think I will rewatch this episode the most out of all the episodes so far

@originalnickname omo thx for telling me all this! Now i can finally gif ma fav moments *hugs u*

@dreadaeleonkvothe aw im so jelly...the connection i hav is sh!t......so all i can is stream directly *pouts*

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OMG poeple!! All your reaction are killing ME :dizzy:

I didn't watch eps 12 subbed (only raw) coz I wanted to watched with eps 13 AND I'm so happy I wait since there's a KISS \o/

I'll wait patiently for the subbed before enjoying the kiss!! I can't wait :heart:

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I just wanted to say that my mom's the best, she knows I watch SOTUS, that it's two guys who love each other, and she doesn't mind at all.... Actually, I remember the first gay-themed movie I ever watched was Brokeback Mountain, and she was the one who made me watch it, she was always like "This movie is so beautiful, the scenery and it's a beautiful love story", I love my mom :tears: 

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I am currently at page 628 reading through all the debacle that has happened in the thread lately. I am not surprised that moderators had to come here to edit it. I, myself and a number of other users have been reminding this forum often about NOT QUOTING PICS etc. I simply gave up after a while when I was using my older accounts. It was balanty ignored by most so I am glad the moderator came and took action. SERIOUSLY THE FORUM IS SO CLEAN WHEN PEOPLE AREN'T QUOTING PICTURES AND VIDEOS ETC. (OCD is acting up. lol)

Now to answer all of your questions.. 


1. no one is stopping you from talking about the live airing.... go mad..... 

2. just don't post the links to the site..  I usually think it's fine but once the moderator makes an appearence.... DUN DUN DUNNNNNN.... It's time to share the live link via private message. Next time whoever has a working live stream link make an update saying that you have it and if anyone wants it they should message you! Then voila problem solved. No one has to scroll through a whole page with people asking for the same live link. 

3. Posting links to fanfics etc is OK, I believe (I don't post fanfics myself so I wouldn't be too sure...) Just make sure it's in the spoiler box.  And, please don't quote the whole fic here. 

4. Talking about actors related to sotus the series is completely fine.  GO MAD! No one will stop you as long as you don't go completely off topic like trying to figure out their relationship.. this is to ensure their privacy. DON'T GO OVER THE BOUNDARY.

Also you aren't stopped from fangirling about Arthit and Kongbop's relationship. This whole show is about them. The moderator didn't mean to say that. I believe she was talking about the ACTORS SHIPPING THREAD example; "SINGTO X KRIST thread". That's where you go if you have delusional thoughts about the two actors and their relationship. This doesn't mean you can't post offscreen pictures of them or any other casts you ship together for that matter. I SAY GO WILD. But stay within the realm of the series. 

5. If you desparately need to curse... curse only one or twice and let that richard guy fix it. DON'T TRY TO BYPASS IT.. 

6. Go wild. these rules don't really stop you from fanfirling. They are just here to make sure everything relates back to SOTUS.... which is whole damn point of this thread. 

I have been noticing that some fans here have been using foreign languages. I come here to talk about sotus so I really don't want to see people chatting in foreign languages. I am not picking on people who speak French here but you guys have been the repeat offenders. LOL Please refrain from excessively using the language. I can not imagine what other users who don't understand the language feel. Heck, I have been speaking French since I was 12 years old and I feel awakward reading through the comments in French. And, I am sure most will understand. If you want people to interact with your post keep it English only. Obviously Thai is allowed..  lol.

I hope this clears up things a bit about the rules. These rules are meant to be kept and followed. Personally, the posts comparing Sotus to other series were completely fine. As long as you bring back your post to Sotus, it's OK. But fanfirling about other couples and shows here isn't right at all. There are threads for other shows that you can go to. Keep this thread strictly for Sotus fangirl/boying.. No one wants to scroll through the same old "I love this and that show" in their current favorite show''s thread. of course, if you are comparing between the plot and scenarios in the shows than its completely OK. I just hope you guys can make sure that you are within Sotus and aren't diverging to some other show.

In the initiral 100 pages or whatever, mayn the amount of offtopic, "I love this couple,  I love that show" was insane. I came for Sotus and got so frustrated. THE PAIN OF A PERSON BACKREADING TRYING TO CATCH UP ON THE SHOW SHE MISSED BUT INSTEAD FINDING OTHER SHOW MATERIAL IS JUST INDESCRIBABLE. But, then some other topics about the same show (we all know what show I am talking about) comparing it to Sotus' plot, character development etc was perfect. You didn't cross any rules here and go off topic (of course, the moderators are free to correct me if I am wrong in this).

I am extremely sorry if my post isn't coherent enough. I have exams this week so I don't and can not comprehend any languages I speak. English is my mother tongue at that. LOL

Edit: Just finished back reading the past 10 pages. Looks like mods had answered nearly everything perfectly.. ahh I wasted so much  time typing this out when I could have watched the episode.

Edited by Limerence Subs
Edited to include the edit bit lol. I AM SO EXCITED TO WATCH EP 13 NOW.. just finished back reading the recap... I AM DECEASED
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5 minutes ago, Limerence Subs said:

I have been noticing that some fans here have been using foreign languages. I come here to talk about sotus so I really don't want to see people chatting in foreign languages. I am not picking on people who speak French here but you guys have been the repeat offenders. LOL Please refrain from excessively using the language. I can not imagine what other users who don't understand the language feel. Heck, I have been speaking French since I was 12 years old and I feel awakward reading through the comments in French. And, I am sure most will understand. If you want people to interact with your post keep it English only. Obviously Thai is allowed..  lol.

I was very careful to use french at least as possible (like one sentence, I wasn't writing a whole text) ... Btw, other languages have been spoken and I think that's OK But I know now that it's against the rules and I'm tired of fighting against them so I'll stop, I promise :) 

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2 hours ago, xraiyax said:


I could not either but I will try to watch the unsubbed episode now *----* I am already so looking forward after all the posts about it here :D


Thanks so much for the information :333 I just was accepted and there are already 690 members. o_o It really grows fast I guess xDD

Wait does this mean @delightful will not be posting the videos here anymore? And does anyone have the link for the fb group 

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1 minute ago, originalnickname said:

I was very careful to use french at least as possible (like one sentence, I wasn't writing a whole text) ... Btw, other languages have been spoken and I think that's OK But I know now that it's against the rules and I'm tired of fighting against them so I'll stop, I promise :) 

You poor soul..  you have got enough shock for this week. I genuinely mean it when I said that I am not picking on the French speaking fans. :) I know other languages were spoken too. It's just that I understood the French bits and recalled it well. XD

I am not sure if speaking in other language is forbidden or not. The moderators will have to come and let us know. But I feel like it's common courtesy to type your feelings in English. The basis of the site is English. The translations for the show are in English. English is understood by everyone who views this thread. This thread is here to connect from all over the world. And as much as I hate to say, English is the only way to go. We are all here (well most of us) cause we don't understand Thai and we need spoilers and fangirling material from those who do. Imagine if the Thai fans were speaking in Thai here. Wouldn't you be frustrated? Like what the heck are they talking about? Am I missing something? Etc etc...

When I first discovered these rules I thought it would stop me from being in the thread (of the show we won't mention). But after a while I got used to it and realised that it helps you fangirl like a proper fangirl without having to go through off topics. Think of it this way.... now you can go crazy about arthit and kongbop... I look forward to these fangirling sessions now that we are all clear of offtopic rules.... XD

I am at page 629 now and the live recap is starting. I haven't even turned on my laptop. Contemplating if I should read the live recap first and then watch the show or watch the show with the spoilers from our favorite savior @delightful while reading live recap. I actually missed it cause I forgot about Sotus airing today.. I HAVE FAILED AS A FANGIRL. :(

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3 hours ago, LollipopWay said:

Just to let everyone in our sotus kingdom fam know, our crown princess @delightful has her own fb page to update all her translations and subs! Search 'Delightful Subs' on fb, you'll have to request to join the group :) 

Thanks for the information. Request sent!

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44 minutes ago, gogole mongol said:

Superbe! So fast! Merci beaucoup!

Thank you so much for this!


OMG, I screamed at the kiss and I am in tears of happiness the artis gave Kong his gear! I love this episode and can't wait for the subs, I am going to be a hot mess after I know what everyone said!

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7 minutes ago, Limerence Subs said:

I am not sure if speaking in other language is forbidden or not. The moderators will have to come and let us know. But I feel like it's common courtesy to type your feelings in English. The basis of the site is English. The translations for the show are in English. English is understood by everyone who views this thread. This thread is here to connect from all over the world. And as much as I hate to say, English is the only way to go. We are all here (well most of us) cause we don't understand Thai and we need spoilers and fangirling material from those who do. Imagine if the Thai fans were speaking in Thai here. Wouldn't you be frustrated? Like what the heck are they talking about? Am I missing something? Etc etc...


It is forbidden xD Actually you can speak in another language but you have to provide a translation Once again when I was speaking french it was just words and very small sentences, I wouldn't mind if thaï people would speak a couple words or small sentences in thaï between each other....

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28 minutes ago, Limerence Subs said:

I am currently at page 628 reading through all the debacle that has happened in the thread lately. I am not surprised that moderators had to come here to edit it. I, myself and a number of other users have been reminding this forum often about NOT QUOTING PICS etc. I simply gave up after a while when I was using my older accounts. It was balanty ignored by most so I am glad the moderator came and took action. SERIOUSLY THE FORUM IS SO CLEAN WHEN PEOPLE AREN'T QUOTING PICTURES AND VIDEOS ETC. (OCD is acting up. lol)

Now to answer all of your questions.. 


1. no one is stopping you from talking about the live airing.... go mad..... 

2. just don't post the links to the site..  I usually think it's fine but once the moderator makes an appearence.... DUN DUN DUNNNNNN.... It's time to share the live link via private message. Next time whoever has a working live stream link make an update saying that you have it and if anyone wants it they should message you! Then voila problem solved. No one has to scroll through a whole page with people asking for the same live link. 

3. Posting links to fanfics etc is OK, I believe (I don't post fanfics myself so I wouldn't be too sure...) Just make sure it's in the spoiler box.  And, please don't quote the whole fic here. 

4. Talking about actors related to sotus the series is completely fine.  GO MAD! No one will stop you as long as you don't go completely off topic like trying to figure out their relationship.. this is to ensure their privacy. DON'T GO OVER THE BOUNDARY.

Also you aren't stopped from fangirling about Arthit and Kongbop's relationship. This whole show is about them. The moderator didn't mean to say that. I believe she was talking about the ACTORS SHIPPING THREAD example; "SINGTO X KRIST thread". That's where you go if you have delusional thoughts about the two actors and their relationship. This doesn't mean you can't post offscreen pictures of them or any other casts you ship together for that matter. I SAY GO WILD. But stay within the realm of the series. 

5. If you desparately need to curse... curse only one or twice and let that richard guy fix it. DON'T TRY TO BYPASS IT.. 

6. Go wild. these rules don't really stop you from fanfirling. They are just here to make sure everything relates back to SOTUS.... which is whole damn point of this thread. 

I have been noticing that some fans here have been using foreign languages. I come here to talk about sotus so I really don't want to see people chatting in foreign languages. I am not picking on people who speak French here but you guys have been the repeat offenders. LOL Please refrain from excessively using the language. I can not imagine what other users who don't understand the language feel. Heck, I have been speaking French since I was 12 years old and I feel awakward reading through the comments in French. And, I am sure most will understand. If you want people to interact with your post keep it English only. Obviously Thai is allowed..  lol.

I hope this clears up things a bit about the rules. These rules are meant to be kept and followed. Personally, the posts comparing Sotus to other series were completely fine. As long as you bring back your post to Sotus, it's OK. But fanfirling about other couples and shows here isn't right at all. There are threads for other shows that you can go to. Keep this thread strictly for Sotus fangirl/boying.. No one wants to scroll through the same old "I love this and that show" in their current favorite show''s thread. of course, if you are comparing between the plot and scenarios in the shows than its completely OK. I just hope you guys can make sure that you are within Sotus and aren't diverging to some other show.

In the initiral 100 pages or whatever, mayn the amount of offtopic, "I love this couple,  I love that show" was insane. I came for Sotus and got so frustrated. THE PAIN OF A PERSON BACKREADING TRYING TO CATCH UP ON THE SHOW SHE MISSED BUT INSTEAD FINDING OTHER SHOW MATERIAL IS JUST INDESCRIBABLE. But, then some other topics about the same show (we all know what show I am talking about) comparing it to Sotus' plot, character development etc was perfect. You didn't cross any rules here and go off topic (of course, the moderators are free to correct me if I am wrong in this).

I am extremely sorry if my post isn't coherent enough. I have exams this week so I don't and can not comprehend any languages I speak. English is my mother tongue at that. LOL

I have to agree with this, I stopped coming here when people started to get off topic. I understand that the other shows are great, but this thread is just for sotus, just like the other threads are for their shows. 

I don't agree with posting Thai conversation, unless it has English translation or you're asking for one.

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