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[Thai BL Series 2016-2018] SOTUS The Series S1 & S2 พี่ว้ากตัวร้ายกับนายปีหนึ่ง


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1 minute ago, MaguStrates said:

I doubt Arthit doesn't know about the significance of the gear. He's in 3rd year and all. And he's the leader of the hazing team. I doubt any of the past hazing leaders or even his seniors  wouldn't orient him about something so important. 

Arthit probably expected to give his gear to a girl or be given a gear by a girl. Remember, he always has his guard up when around Kong because the latter seemed to enjoy teasing him. 

That's probably why Arthit asked Kong that question which lead to Kong confessing to Arthit when he stays with Kong for the night after the whole shopping thing. Arthit wanted to be sure. 



Yeah I guess he would know then, but maybe didn't connect that with why Kong was giving him the gear right away because initially he gets angry thinking that Kong is returning the gear (he's like why are you giving me this?). But someone is calling him over so he doesn't really have much time to think about it. And Kong quickly tells him something like: wait, no I'm not returning it! don't you know what the gear means. ask p'dear. 

And Arthit really has to go so he probably doesn't think too much about it, but then later he goes and asks P'Dear about what the gear means. Lol and he spits out his beer and his face goes all red when P'Dear tells him that it's like giving your heart to someone xD So (just my thoughts here) I'm thinking that maybe he did know about what it meant but never really made the connection between Kong giving him the gear and that until he talked to P'Dear. Maybe he just asked P'Dear that because he was wondering what P'Dear had told Kong about the gear and was wondering what Kong was trying to say/do by giving it to him and so just like Kong told him to, he asked P'Dear about it.

Haha sorry if that didn't make any sense. I wrote it super quickly and probably rambled a lot.


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well Arthit should know the meaning especially he is the leader but he could just never expected the new kid like Kong to suddenly know about the meaning when he just get the gear for few minute since obviously Kong getting special treatment from P'Dear when another kids didn't even get any explanation of the history and meaning lol so when Kong suddenly give his gear so he might misunderstand especially Kong have the hobby of annoying him anyway so how would he guess the kid giving him his heart so sudden so he obviously taken aback when Kong give him the gear:P

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3 hours ago, dreadaeleonkvothe said:

If you want to read it you should join the Line chat for international SOTUS fans :) Someone has kindly translated some chapters on there for us. 

 oh my gosh now i just knew that there is this Line chat group so i rushed to google it and it took me to our 84th page, i found the provided QR code and tried but then the app said that the group does not allow joining using QR code :(( i'm so desperate :(( could anyone please help :((((

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2 hours ago, _-Mio-_ said:


While I looked at them through their scene at the start... I just got a feeling that this won't go romance way. Maybe I just don't want to put my hopes up. I really can't explain with words... but they didn't give me love vibes. In preview it looked like it, but while looking at the whole scene... somewhere that 'preview' feeling where I thought there would be something more, got lost.

One more thing why I think it's gonna be bromance, Prem, it's Prem.. Prem is the one that looks, really looks, with care at Wad, but I never got any hint from Wad, that he is interested... I didn't get those looks I get from Prem. 

So to summarize it... I think it's gonna be bromance, this is just me, ofc it may grow into love, but if it does I don't want it to go LS season 2 way... better go with bromance then. If there is some love, then I think it's one-sided. As for now, I only see in Prem... that spark, that fire... I don't see it in Wad.

Maybe we are all looking too much into it... or maybe it's just that GMMTV post about them becoming a couple doing it's work. lol Maybe they do.. maybe they don't.

To add, I think they both started acting a little awkward between each-other ever since that fight-scene happened... they don't know what to say... can't look properly at each other... Now when I think about it... they both changed since that episode and they are giving us hints, but still those hints can go both ways. I mean they should talk... do something... I can't just label them a couple when all they do, or wait.. all Prem do right now is look at Wad, but Wad is all awkward and he is not there with Prem... They should quickly do something with these two or we are all gonna go crazy... will they? won't they? ehh

*stalker-ish me waving Goodbye. 'Night* #iamamess 


Yeah I see what you're saying here. I could totally see it going to a one sided love with Prem. I would be pretty sad about that though if they ended it with Prem being sad and alone :(

2 hours ago, salz said:

regarding Prem/Wad i would just wait and see...if they gonna respecting the novel that mean Em&May not gonna happen as well since isn't the novel don't have that otp so they do change some thing :P

their moment in ep8 is just wayyy to short to over judge the meant...it could be just bromance or it could lead for more but might just leave as open interpretation until end since they gonna more focus on main couple + Em/May...beside from what i see Wad is more reserve,cool and don't show his emotion much so i can't say he not feeling anything but there definitely something change just need more screentime and moment to judge since that one minute moment is super short lol

I completely agree with this to. It was a short 3 minute clip showing that they are becoming idk, friends maybe?? Its really too soon to tell. I don't know what they're going to do in the end. But so many people wanted them to become a couple and GMM teasing about them being a couple but only giving us little hints that can go either way will richard simmons people off. I don't want to keep comparing these two shows because they are completely different, but people were really upset the way that Love Sick ended with wishy washy endings. Earn and Pete, Win and Per/Mark, Mick and Ohm (although they got the best ending out of all the side couples). To be honest I can see a one sided romance for both the side couples in Sotus, Em and May; and Prem and Wad. I wouldn't be surprised if they did it. They did it for Puppy Honey as well giving us an ambiguous ending for Pick and Rome. 

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48 minutes ago, jjong0525 said:

:heart:    YAYYYYY Raw Link is Available now Thanks to jjong0525!!!   :heart:

@delightful If you have the time, subs please. Thank you so very much. :wub:   Don't push yourself too hard though. We're already very grateful and thankful that you're willing to sub.  :sweatingbullets:  May you be blessed and May All your wish come true. :heart:

@jjong0525 Thank you so much, I've been waiting for this for some time. I thought we'll only get it in anther 12 hours, :sweatingbullets:  but very happy to see this. I'm always stalking your twitter to get the links.  :wub:   May you be blessed May All your wish come true. :heart:

P.S. I just woke up, it's early morning here, 6.a.m. on a Sunday weekend and the first thing I do is refresh this page. I'm sooooo gone on these boys. SOTUS RULES my life. What am I going to do when it's over?  :bawling:  :blush:

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6 hours ago, cakeee said:

btw can someone explain what in the world this is hahhaah


why botox...why?!?!?!? T__________________________T

Aww love the episode even if I expected more :\ hope to watch the uncut one quickly!

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26 minutes ago, Ayuchi_5 said:

why botox...why?!?!?!? T__________________________T

Aww love the episode even if I expected more :\ hope to watch the uncut one quickly!


Girls, why don't we go for a relaxing facial? Sotus Boy Krists' style? Coz we're all gonna be stressed waiting for the next episode.  :lol:  Not the Botox though. Wanna grow old gracefully. :D

22 minutes ago, Ayuchi_5 said:
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sorry don't know how to delete the spoiler-__-

anyway @jjong0525 is the uncut version?


Yes, it is the uncut version.

YASSS. Just finished downloading Raw ep 8. Going to watch it again while wishing to my BL Fairygodmother that I understand Thai. :sweatingbullets::lol::D

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Already watch ep 8! Yay! :lol:

Hm I'm surprised seeing Kong here, he looks vurnerable and lost to Arthit usually he always easy going not afraid to defy Arthit so it's like seeing his new side. Singto expression really makes me feel. That rescue scene should be better and I'll resign myself for hoping PremWad get more than one scene (╯︵╰,) but still hoping they'll become a couple (。’▽’。)♡

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On 4/10/2016 at 8:00 AM, MaguStrates said:

Now I'm 300% convinced that Arthit is the bottom in the relationship. He's fab. I'm trying to imagine novel Arthit with facial hair and long hair acting like that. :lol:

Also, prem. :lol:

Nooooooo if Preem is the bottom I kill myself hahahahaha... When I realized Arthit was the bottom because a friend read the novel anf tolde me (I hate him) I almost do it hahaha... I need to keep my hope in Preem hahahaha

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2 hours ago, momobae said:

Yeah I see what you're saying here. I could totally see it going to a one sided love with Prem. I would be pretty sad about that though if they ended it with Prem being sad and alone :(

I completely agree with this to. It was a short 3 minute clip showing that they are becoming idk, friends maybe?? Its really too soon to tell. I don't know what they're going to do in the end. But so many people wanted them to become a couple and GMM teasing about them being a couple but only giving us little hints that can go either way will richard simmons people off. I don't want to keep comparing these two shows because they are completely different, but people were really upset the way that Love Sick ended with wishy washy endings. Earn and Pete, Win and Per/Mark, Mick and Ohm (although they got the best ending out of all the side couples). To be honest I can see a one sided romance for both the side couples in Sotus, Em and May; and Prem and Wad. I wouldn't be surprised if they did it. They did it for Puppy Honey as well giving us an ambiguous ending for Pick and Rome. 

Guys, as I have been told by someone who read the novel, there is not going to be more than a bromance between Preem and Wad. In my so humble opinion I think is better in that way because we have a potential couple and, to be honest Wad and Preem look so beautiful together. I almost die when I saw Preem speaking so soft to Wad, so cute of him after he was screaming to the freshmen. I want to read what happened in that short scene

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6 hours ago, MaguStrates said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but drinking like what Kong and his friends did during an activity related to the school (in this case, the culmination of their initiation) is prohibited right? Was that why Arthit was pissed off at Kong or was it another reason entirely? Was he jealous or something? gah. I need to learn thai. So many questions running through my mind lol.

I am confused (like everyone here because is unsubed hahaha) but i presume is because he almost get drowned so Arthit was going to see how was he... But I don´t know. The only thing we can do is speculate, but I think is probably because of that

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