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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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yeah, i'm also confused about the identity of the person who sent the letter. judging by PM Kim's conversation with the other two ministers, at first i thought yeong and raon meeting was a trap set by him in order to corner both of them. but then the messenger said that the letter was from chief eunuch han. why would he specifically say this? unless PM Kim has found out that chief eunuch han in fact belongs to the rebel faction. but i don't think he knows so perhaps PM Kim is still considering the idea of trapping yeong and raon when he was talking to his minions.

i want to say the letter is from yoon sung but again, that means he has to know about chief eunuch han's involvement with the rebels...which i don't think he does (i swear that guy knows too many secrets for his own good :tears:) so other options would be either: a. byung yeon (kind of unlikely), b. chief eunuch han himself (but then why do we get the scene where the palace guards are marching to raon's hiding place?), c. yeong (?) -> maybe he found out from yoon sung about raon's hiding place, and then as an excuse to meet her (cuz if he uses his real name then there's a high chance that she won't come and meet him), he uses chief eunuch han's name since he knows that the chief eunuch "owes" raon and her mother something (and assuming that yeong knows that raon knows about this too).

aaargh. idk. my brain hurts so much rn. both from crying and studying too much and now overthinking/analyzing every single thing that's moonlight-related. sigh. 

how am i supposed to live until monday comes? :tears:


i'm just going to basically camp here 24/7. my whole world rotates around moons right now. goodbye sun. i don't need you anymore. 

can somebody create a magic pill that will allow me to sleep through the whole week and then wake me up once it's monday again?


yeah, of course. what am i thinking. and i still have that midterm to go through. asdlfka;lsdjfka;lsflkjdfa;sdf :dissapointed_relieved:

btw, i found out an interesting tidbit about the flower that raon and her mother were talking about:

white egret orchid.



source: http://creationwiki.org/White_egret_flower


until next time, moonlighters~! 


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@Jillia Yea, it is a bit irritating, the repeat rejection of Ha-Yeon. It leaves me with a bad taste that she can't give up. Before I get it 'cause she was encourage by Ra-On to not give up. But if it was me I wouldn't react like she does, by continuing to hassle Lee-Young with my feelings. It isn't like he in anyway have shown any interest in a relationship with her. If she only could be a bit more like Yon-Sung, I wouldn't have started to dislike her. (︶︹︺)

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2 minutes ago, Jillia said:

Oh geez.... the ending was so INTENSE FOR SO MANY REASONS!! Things fall into place but on the other hand I'm like this: confused-onion-head-emoticon.gif

But wow...... with the guards... and scheming ministers AND Ra On and Lee Yeong meeting again I can't imagine what's going to happen next week. But we will find out how Lee Yeong found out about Ra On. And I'm so worried and happy and worried again. Scared for the two because of the guards... even though it feels like a cop-out.

kekeke.. either they are at a different place, the guards are in reality part of the rebels or Lee-Young has made an interference some how. (Well that is what I am hoping at least 《《o(≧◇≦)o》》)

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50 minutes ago, Jillia said:

The actress of Ra On's mother is killing it...

I have been impressed with that actress, Yeo-jin Kim, since I saw her in Jewel in the Palace. She really blends into all her roles well.

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2 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


Hmm. Perhaps HY is the Joseon equivalent of a saesang fan? And, all she want is "oppa"? Except, she's a Joseon noblewoman with the family power to be a viable royal bride, so why not her rather than another woman? Especially since, without even knowing who it is the CP loves, she has guessed that it's not someone suitable, therefor by the rules of Joseon royalty, while the beloved one may become a concubine, she won't be Queen. Not entirely sure, but I think the Royal Consorts also were noblewomen, but the King would take concubines as he pleased. Not that I expect Young to do that, of course, since he is not a typical Joseon king, but just saying that from HY's reality, she doesn't actually have competition for the position of Queen. She just also want's the CP's love and affection, and those are out of her reach. She might be able to get his respect at some point, however. 

Also, given the history of Lee Young, I expect that he'll leave the palace with Ra On at some point. I don't see any other way for them to have a happy ending. And, a sad ending is unbearable to think about. 

This would make the Queens expression more sense, during the selection.. *Not another fan-girl* kekeke

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Is it just me.. or why do I feel like the Grandpa is the one who notified Minister Kim? Towards the end we see a man (whom we can't see clearly, but maybe a small beard?) and it reminded me of Grandpa :(

I genuinely thought he would be supportive towards the CP and Ra On, but I hope it's just my suspicion and not really him. 


Is it Ra On's father? WHO KNOWS!?




Edited by ChristinaT
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49 minutes ago, WildDivine69 said:

I just want to give my personal view on the character of HY.  Yes, she appears to be a pitiful and foolish woman because of her unconditional love for LY, but I've never felt any emotional connection to her, nor any sympathy. I don't hate HY at all.  I agree, she is not a bad or evil person. To me, she was simply introduced too late in the game and has been written as a somewhat of a nuisance(following LY into the alley, showing up places unannounced). IF she had been written closer to her RL person/character in the novel(politically strong), I probably would have understood her better.

Her character wasn't fleshed out well by the writer and perhaps due to that, the actress did not give the character much depth. That is why I cannot relate to her, even though I love that her character isn't the typical scheming, mean second lead female (like she was in Cheer Up! which she totally rocked in). 

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2 hours ago, underthemoon0616 said:

I wonder who tell Yeong where is RaOn? Maybe it's Yoon Sung because for the 1st time RaOn cried badly. If his the one, his so pitiful.

This is the first scene for episode 15  I'm sure.  The one who gave CP about RO's location. Either YS or Teacher Dasan. 

I wanted Yeong to formally introduce himself to RO's mother not as the Crown Prince but as RO's BF.lel. 


2 hours ago, Jillia said:

You know I don't pity Ha Yeon anymore... She agreed to this arrangement knowing a loveless marriage will await her. So I have to say it annoys me when she is basically scolding Lee Yeong for not greeting her when he passed by. I don't know... I liked her so much in the beginning when it actually made sense for her to speak up, especially when she didn't know who Lee Yeong was. But now I think it's annoying. And I DON'T want to find her annoying.

And no this has nothing to do with me shipping Ra On and Lee Yeong because they're the safest OTP ever.

But it's really a problem I have with her character.

And she didn't give me that feeling in the last episode... I mean I get what she is doing but still... at this point of the drama - 4 episodes until it ends... I feel so indifferent when it comes to her. Heck I want this wedding to be over so we can move on from repeatedly Lee Yeong meeting her, telling her over and over again he doesn't care a great deal about her. He doesn't hate her but at this point he has other things on his mind - even besides Ra On...

And that's sad! I don't want to feel indifferent about Ha Yeon. :(


I have a bad feeling she's going to die. Sorry chingus. As long as the  Evil Queen is alive there's no princess that can take the throne.







@Earth2KatyD sending prayers . Stay safe and warm. 

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6 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


Hmm. Perhaps HY is the Joseon equivalent of a saesang fan? And, all she want is "oppa"?

Your observation made me think of how, in another show currently airing at the same time slot, a male character relentlessly pursues the female lead despite her repeated rejections but that drama spins it in a way to make it seem acceptable and maybe even romantic (though I certainly don't think so). Both HY and this male lead are willing to sacrifice for their loved ones but in this case, one is considered a nuisance and the other a hero. Are there different standards for males and females or is it up to the actors/actresses to make their characters likable?

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