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[Drama 2016] Moonlight Drawn by Clouds / Love in the Moonlight ☪ 구르미 그린 달빛


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from the preview




and since both RO and mom are not in mourning clothing so RO's father survived.

we can safely say that BY took CP hostage and rescued RO and her father.

and during the escape both RO and her father split up to avoid the palace army.

And now BY is a fugitive ...

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13 minutes ago, rhiesta said:

this with eng sub chigu, the uploader need 1 hour, some part with eng sub


credit bored af

ahhhh RO's mom : the person always beside CP, I heard news about where he is .....BYUNG YEON!!!!! 

Thank you for uploading preview with eng subs!

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5 minutes ago, PrincessMe2515 said:

Hinting-ish like that doesn't it?? 

I think he survived for sure based on what Raon's mum is saying BUT BUT....anyone feeling seriously pissed by the trailer?


I was waiting for translations before l decide how l finally feel. Haha. Honestly, i was pretty disappointed with the preview at first coz it was again more talk, talk, talk by evil Kim n still showing the minor characters.

I was thinking this being the penultimate episode, shdnt the PD be showing more of the main characters to drive ratings? But after reading the sub, l ve decided this is a great preview coz it cleverly hints at hope of a CP-Raon reunion, that BY is alive, and YS is alive n on the CP's side! All without having to show all of them in action iterally. Thats clever.

what more can we ask for? Its all good, folks. *smile* 

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8 minutes ago, _Nachan07 said:
Update with rough trans for preview / I'm sorry if there's anything wrong in my translations
PM Kim: Please dethrone Seja & replace with a new one
Yeong: Byeong Yeon too, you too & me too... Is there no other way for us but only this way?
Yoonsung: You don't have to be sorry. Jeoha too & me too.

Raon's Mom: The one, the one who's always with Seja Jeoha, I know where he is now.

Raon to Mom: What do you mean by that?

Yeong: There's always been one thing going in my way. That is you, Premier Kim!

Evil Queen: It was definitely me, who gave birth to the King of this Joseon

PM Kim to EQ: From now you have to pretend to be good, so that no one will be suspicious.

Yeong: I will come & take you back to my side after I've fully prepared with everything here. I'm nearly done now.

Raon: Even if that day doesn't come... I will still wait for you, Jeoha.

Omo ... thanks so much for the translation ... after read the translation ... i can feel there is a HOPE for happy ending ... :)

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How come everyone is worried about a time jump? It might be a good thing and give it a better way of tying up all the loose ends in the story, so that CP and Ra On can be together happily... except for potential CP-HY wedding. That one just needs to be removed from our minds. 

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4 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


Episode 17 preview translation.

Kim Hun: Setting aside the Crown Prince and putting up a new Crown Prince is the right thing to do.

Yeong: Ultimately, you and me. Was this the only way it had to be?

YS: I don’t think we have to be apologetic, Your Highness or me.

RO Mother: The person who was near the Crown Prince, I heard news of where that person is.

RO: What does that mean?

Kim Hun: Being deposed isn’t necessarily a bad thing. 

Yeong: There is something that holds me back from leaving.  That is the Premier. 

Queen: This is definitely the child I bore, this country’s prince.

Kim Hun: So, that no one will be suspicious, from now on, you’ll have to continue to try hard.

Queen: Premier!

Yeong: When everything has been prepared, I’ll bring her back to my side. Now, things are almost there. 

RO: Even if that day doesn’t come, I will wait.



[Episode 17 preview.] Kim Hun tries to get the Crown Prince put aside, however planning that once everything is prepared, wanting to bring her back to his side “Now, things are almost there” Yeong. Also, even if that day doesn’t come, waiting Ra On. What will the unfortunate Yeong-On Couple’s ending be? D-1 till the next broadcast, tonight (17th) 10 pm "Moonlight Drawn By Clouds" Make sure to watch.


Thanks a million for the translation.:love:

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5 minutes ago, PrincessMe2515 said:

In the last voice over, did you notice that Raon looks more girlier than ever? hahahaha even her voicer which she was previously sounding boyish!

also another observation, did anyone notice that when Raon says she will wait...CP is in the background.....:tears:uri babies!!

Yes abt to say that tooo, seem like she is hiding from CP

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9 minutes ago, honeywell said:

Serious question but fusion sageuks like to end their dramas with time jumps to the modern era.  Do you think this drama would do that to give it an added "twist"?  How would you guys feel?

I guess no for MDBC... when we recall again, saeguk dramas which jump into modern era mostly are "fantasy saeguk" genre. Like Rooftop Prince, Queen Ihyun Man, Gu Family Book, Mirror Witch but in MDBC we never find magic2 thingy :rolleyes:

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41 minutes ago, _Nachan07 said:
Update with rough trans for preview / I'm sorry if there's anything wrong in my translations
PM Kim: Please dethrone Seja & replace with a new one
Yeong: Byeong Yeon too, you too & me too... Is there no other way for us but only this way?
Yoonsung: You don't have to be sorry. Jeoha too & me too.
Raon's Mom: The one, the one who's always with Seja Jeoha, I know where he is now.

Raon to Mom: What do you mean by that?

Yeong: There's always been one thing going in my way. That is you, Premier Kim!

Evil Queen: It was definitely me, who gave birth to the King of this Joseon

PM Kim to EQ: From now you have to pretend to be good, so that no one will be suspicious.

Evil Queen: Yeonsang!!


Yeong voiceover: I will come & take you back to my side after I've fully prepared with everything here. I'm nearly done now.

Raon voiceover: Even if that day doesn't come... I will still wait for you, Jeoha.


Gosh another heartbreaking preview. I wish I'll just be trolled by the preview -_-  Hope my trans helps a bit for now & let's wait for our transcapper's translation later ^O^


Thanks for the translation!! He said "I'm nearly done now". And I am happy to hear that.

So we were right that there will be a happy ending. 


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Looking at the preview again though it seems that last two lines might be a face to face conversation between uri OTP. If it is....it better be ...at a romantic place...with Ra On...in hanbok. ( hahaha i'm laughing at myself for saying this again and again)

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13 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


Episode 17 preview translation.

Kim Hun: Setting aside the Crown Prince and putting up a new Crown Prince is the right thing to do.

Yeong: Ultimately, you and me. Was this the only way it had to be?

YS: I don’t think we have to be apologetic, Your Highness or me.

RO Mother: The person who was near the Crown Prince, I heard news of where that person is.

RO: What does that mean?

Kim Hun: Being deposed isn’t necessarily a bad thing. 

Yeong: There is something that holds me back from leaving.  That is the Premier. 

Queen: This is definitely the child I bore, this country’s prince.

Kim Hun: So, that no one will be suspicious, from now on, you’ll have to continue to try hard.

Queen: Premier!

Yeong: When everything has been prepared, I’ll bring her back to my side. Now, things are almost there. 

RO: Even if that day doesn’t come, I will wait.



[Episode 17 preview.] Kim Hun tries to get the Crown Prince put aside, however planning that once everything is prepared, wanting to bring her back to his side “Now, things are almost there” Yeong. Also, even if that day doesn’t come, waiting Ra On. What will the unfortunate Yeong-On Couple’s ending be? D-1 till the next broadcast, tonight (17th) 10 pm "Moonlight Drawn By Clouds" Make sure to watch.


Sorry, I was late with this. I got called away by RL for a few minutes, but rushed back so I could watch, translate and post. I'm feeling very hopeful now about the ending. I just wished I could have glimpsed a bit of BY, but I think that's who RO's mother was referring to, so I think BY was also able to get away safely. Yay. Have to go again, but will be back later to spazz again with everyone. 

Kamsahamnida songsaeng-nim :glasses:

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5 minutes ago, in00022 said:

Omo ... thanks so much for the translation ... after read the translation ... i can feel there is a HOPE for happy ending ... :)


directionally, almost confirmed a happy ending

now, we are just waiting for the passionate hugs and kisses .... resulting in twin babies. :wub:

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doing a time jump is common on saejuk dramas as you guys pointed out but doing that would be an unsatisfying ending for mdbc don't you guys think? tbh I won't be pleased if it ends just like that - time jump to modern era. :vicx: 

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You're very welcome @cloud92  @in00022  @moodypie  @ricerascal67 @NongpeeP @Mico Ricco. I hope my quick trans helped everyone a bit!

Please check out @stroppyse & @MinLyn for more accurate translation XD Thank yoooou you two :wub:   

@moodypie He said I'm nearly there now/I'm nearly done now. TT^TT I think it's a sign of a happy ending isn't it? :tears:

@phoenixember TT___TT I don't see Byung Yeon, I'm worried ~~~ I think it's okay with a time jump as long as they are all safe & sound TT^TT Let's wait, we may just be trolled by the preview again >.<

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5 minutes ago, stroppyse said:


Episode 17 preview translation.

Kim Hun: Setting aside the Crown Prince and putting up a new Crown Prince is the right thing to do.

Yeong: Ultimately, you and me. Was this the only way it had to be?

YS: I don’t think we have to be apologetic, Your Highness or me.

RO Mother: The person who was near the Crown Prince, I heard news of where that person is.

RO: What does that mean?

Kim Hun: Being deposed isn’t necessarily a bad thing. 

Yeong: There is something that holds me back from leaving.  That is the Premier. 

Queen: This is definitely the child I bore, this country’s prince.

Kim Hun: So, that no one will be suspicious, from now on, you’ll have to continue to try hard.

Queen: Premier!

Yeong: When everything has been prepared, I’ll bring her back to my side. Now, things are almost there. 

RO: Even if that day doesn’t come, I will wait.



[Episode 17 preview.] Kim Hun tries to get the Crown Prince put aside, however planning that once everything is prepared, wanting to bring her back to his side “Now, things are almost there” Yeong. Also, even if that day doesn’t come, waiting Ra On. What will the unfortunate Yeong-On Couple’s ending be? D-1 till the next broadcast, tonight (17th) 10 pm "Moonlight Drawn By Clouds" Make sure to watch.

Aaaaaaah yes, translation is here!!! YAY!!! Kamsahamnida @stroppyse!

Okay, this preview is not really making any sense (as expected, for added suspense, considering that it's already the final week). I'm just really bothered because the hype of MDBC is crazily at its peak and given the recent developments in the story (plus this preview), I think we need to cross our fingers, toes, and whatnot to achieve that happy ending. Hoping for the best though. :)

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