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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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16 hours ago, Chewy Hoe said:


This is an accurate observation!! They were actually only required to appear in 1 frame that means walking down the red carpet and wave but they gave more than bargained! They held hands, touched each other and smile like crazy!! Classic!! 

Still not over that endless touching! He touched and guided her as if she's a baby who just started to walk. They even rode the same gigantic car! That's got

to be the best SS moment. 

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Source :oncc.tv HK


HK media report of Daesang awards of SongSong couple.

both losing out on acting awards.  Ooh :(

SJK hands comforting SHK when she lost...

Traditionally, co-stars not to suppose to be touchy with each other in order not to start rumours. But fans of DOTS cannot deny their chemistry and they are like perfect couple and hope that relationship from REEL life goes to REAL life. :)

thats the gist of the report, 

happy shipping comrades :). Still on cloud 9


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I've been a silent reader for months but actually I'm not a newbie. I've ever had a soompi account a few months ago but I forgot the password so that's why I ended up being a silent reader for awhile.

But their moments at Baeksang rly excites me to the max so I decided to rejoin this forum and enjoy the euphoria !!

I hate those haters who keep insisting on their OTP. They rly can't accept the reality that our Songsong is 'obviously' real even if there's no confirmation as to their relationship yet. There's no way I could spazz about Songsong on Facebook because I couldn't stand those jelly haters who keeps commenting on my posts.

Okay. So, sorry for that lengthy explanation above. I'm going to go straight to the point. I'm going to post some comparison pictures between Stonefield (Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield ... the ones who fell in love while filming, reel to real couple) and Songsong (Kyo&Joong) 


CkJyiEHVAAM4GLI.jpgdoes anyone say "only friends"? That's what the haters say and nope its not true at all!! They're real.CkJx_9IUgAAS06N.jpgthat looks the same :-) 

CkJx_-KVEAExCUn.jpgholding hands ...CkJx_9QUkAAjXCq.jpgwell... eyes can't lieCkJx_-XUoAAlE-h.jpgeyes can't lie part 2 ㅋㅋㅋCkJxdFRUkAQArgU.jpguh okay thats love

i'm not here to spazz over stonefield too, i'm just giving out some comparisons between a confirmed real life couple with our songsong. Look! The way they act to each other (songsong) looks the same with the real couple one. It convinces me that they're madly IN LOVE and already in a relationship. Sorry if it sounds delusional but I'm pretty sure about this one .... those baeksang pictures makes my heart melt. 

Sorry for a lengthy post... have a good day and keep sailing!

Haters back off.

P.S : there are so many similar pictures between those two couple but I only could edit some of it for now.

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Hi! So feeling akward doing this, after all, i'm nearing 50 already. But i couldn't anymore contain how i feel! OMG i felt teary eyed after reading your post @lunggay (i don't even know how to tag). I just had to register so i can like your post. I have always been a silent shipper and have always been thankful for this site.  I guess i will still continue to be a silent shipper but i just dropped by to say thank you to all the veterans of this site. 

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3 hours ago, tobisani said:

Does anyone have links to English Subs for the speeches Song Song couple made when they went on stage?

I'm also looking for the links for the eng sub of the speeches but sadly I still can't find it until now. Or can our lovely shippers here repost again the translation of the speeches here as I rmb I did read abt it earlier but our pages jump so fast tht it is like impossible for us to backtrack to find it... TIA to our lovely shippers.

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On June 3, 2016 at 7:10 PM, gangurhar said:

Can't breathe 


I Unbelievable! Dreams do come true. Wish them all the best! It's enough for me that the couple showed us their affection in a formal public event. We should believe and trust in them...support them. I believe that's what they were telling us shippers in their own special way. 

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@Oraeorae and @lunggay and @Bambiina - don't talk about age - I am way older than you 3 ladies and I am not ashamed to admit my admiration for SJK and SHK.  Like most here, I, too, am hoping that the reel has turned into real.  We can only wait since these two are very good in giving clues.

Regarding the haters and those saying what they did at Baeksang so all fan service - if it is all for their fans, they could have done more than what they did - be more flirty and touchy..  Too bad for the haters - what we all witnessed were natural instincts - meaning .........,

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As a shipper, it has been wonderful to see how his stature and confidence have increased over the past few months as well as their increased willingness to be seen together publicly. In the days of he first PC in Feb, she was the iconic Hallyu megastar with a 20 year track record of success. He was the promising rising star but not yet in her league. She was confident and composed in that first PC, he less so with the rumours of New York circulating. Even during the 1st April dinner they co-hosted, not a single photo together has emerged to date. During the HK visit in early April, they moved apart in the airport as soon as they were aware they were being photographed. They came out of the airport and went into separate cars. At dinners they sat apart.

After DotS, he was filming CFs almost continuously between fan-meetings. This was a bit hard to understand since he has never come across as someone interested in money or commercial success. He has sometimes picked smaller interesting support roles over less challenging lead roles. So I was somewhat surprised by the endless CFs. The only thing I could conclude was that he was working so hard to be worthy of her. Some estimates are that he makes USD 4 to 5 million per China ad. His earnings  this year are estimated to be astronomical so far with one report saying he has earned trillions of won (although that number seems a bit unbelievable since that is hundreds of millions in US dollars). Nonetheless, he has made so much that he can do pretty much whatever he wants now without worrying about the consequences.

So at the BS, you could see that the roles were reversed compared to the PC. He was the one who was more confident. He was the one who led.  He was also probably the one who was willing to break with convention and show that they were not afraid of being seen together, even holding hands. I'm sure she must have needed a lot of persuasion. I started watching the series because I love her but honestly, he is amazing at multiple levels.






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2 hours ago, lunggay said:

i totally agree with you on this @Bambiina

if i can just add my thoughts on this wonderful couple, and i must stress that this is only my take. since i found this thread 03 May i have backread. which is the best thing i can do, as i have only watched and re-watched dots til then.

there are a few points i picked up while backreading, which actually gives me a chuckle because they weren't picked up and discussed about. while i do not profess to be an expert on love and romance and relationships, i know much about these only based on personal experiences plus those of the people close to me.  i am not much in the belief of love at first sight (been there, done that).

to go back to my points, which to me are major ones in the culmination of what we see and experience today as SJK & SHK. for me, this is their history:

1.  SJK sends food truck (i believe on 2 occasions) to twtb set. why? SJK said coz he misses/missed noona SHK. and even with JIS mentioning on the interview, (or to this content) how come i never knew you were there? to which SJK said, coz i went straight to SHK noona car (correct me please, if i am wrong.  i have read this mentioned on this thread not once).

that was just dismissed and laughed off by the press, nothing to it. why, I wonder? could it be that at the time they thought it was just SJK being funny? or not at par with SHK status? how discriminating of the press! 

but for me, this was the start, this must have been the start. they might even be already on step 1 of the relationship. SJK being able to get in SHK car and without JIS knowing? why would SHK let him in? not normal if he just 'misses' his noona, not acceptable for SHK impeccable status.

2. heaps more pages on the thread and i come across this: there was a time when SJK was still in the army and SHK was feeling really sad and low, YAI was there to comfort her, he even took her to his "happy place"

why? coz she misses someone? i think so.

and again, this was just dismissed as ' oh yeah right, they're best friends anyway, he can always do that' or this may have fired up rumours of YAI and SHK? (another chuckle!)

3.  when dots was discussed by the writer and SJK while he was in the army still, she said: you should date properly.

4.  the rubbing of the forehead on first day of script reading, how gorgeous! and SJK expression afterwards like thinking, oh no, what have i done, i gave away too much

whoah! did he already confess to the writer about their relationship? was that why the plot was re-written to fit their respective personalities in the drama?

but again, this is just me.  so i totally understood NY, they wanted to be together, they wanted to experience 'dating' like normal people do, just walking hand in hand, being themselves, feeling free.  

no one expected dots to be huge. and that was a bit of a worry for SJK. he must already have a plan in mind to how he can break to his fans the message that he does not only love SHK but he IS IN LOVE with SHK. with his popularity blowing up as such, he needed to change his strategy.

there's always good in everything, there's always a positive even in the most negative circumstance.

the way i see SJK, he is a man with determination, he is intelligent, his principles are way far beyond anyone in the industry. he is so well grounded, his parents have been most wonderful in bringing this boy up. i have high regard to them, and i believe that if you start injecting principles in your child at a young age, he will take this with him all through his maturity. SJK is a seed well sown.

so off he goes to the height of his popularity. fan meets everywhere? oh yeah, he can do that. even to the detriment of his health, he will do it most defs. and if you can see, or to rephrase it, the way i see it, he's been setting his ground with his fans.

- too much mention of SHK on fan meets?  of course, he wants his fans to know and feel that this woman is important to him, and that she takes up most of his thoughts.

- he plans to get married in the near future? regardless that fans say no, what does he quip? "oh, but i want to"

he's not afraid of anything, he stands by what he believes and knows and feels what is right for him. he just wants to let everyone accept and understand that:  this is me, this is who i am, this is who i love, this is what i want to be. please understand and trust my decisions.

coz when you love a person, you love everything in him.  indirect request to fans, please accept and love me as i am. he came across to me as laying the ground at his fan meets and interviews.

i'm pretty sure that the agencies have also talked to him about his "relationship goals". and i believe he has reasoned out to his agency as well that he will not be fazed by whatever outcome there may be.  he is his own person, he has a life, he deserves to be happy living the way he wants to. and he will take full responsibility whatever the consequences may be.

huge factor: SHK is SJK main priority.  in whatever he does, he wants SHK happy.  he doesn't want SHK getting hurt from negativity, he doesn't want SHK being blasted here and there, and oh boy is he proud of his love!  and he has sworn to protect and uphold this love for all the world to see.  

i think they are ready for anything and everything that can be thrown at them.  they have prepared for that. the good thing is that it looks like everyone has accepted them, are happy for them.

i cannot imagine how big a shock SJK is to K entertainment.  he surely is a notch or two above all, higher than anyone else, vintage or newbies alike.  he dared to do the unimaginable by K-ent standards. none can compare to him. he drove through against all odds.  and he came out victorious! 

what a man! he slayed all the dragons for SHK. and i know he will continually do so.

SJK does not come across to me as one who does things at the spur of the moment.  and even on impromptu situations, his wisdom and the abundance of his heart takes over. no cutey-patooty stuff for him, everything hard core.  he is a born leader, this one!

this statement of coming out together at BS feels like SJK giving out a message to non-believers and detractors:  ZIP IT!  leave my girl alone, don't you ever hurt her. i live for this woman.

love at first sight? naaah! love that was sown and nurtured, love that has grown, sprouted, and is now in full bloom!  this is their love, and they are ready to share to all.

now all you naysayers and haters, do you know what you remind me of?  the story of the garden of eden.  the snake slithering and whispering evil words to Eve. i am sorry, but that is how i really see you.  now scam, git, stay away, be gone! wanna rain on ours? we have umbrellas.

try and backread here, it will do you good.  rather than just blurt out whatever comes to your mind.  i still haven't finished back reading, and to tell you honestly, it's better than watching another drama (harharhar!!)

to SJK and SHK parents, a huge shout out!  what a blessing you are that you are able to raise up such wonderful children who in turn are now becoming a bigger blessing for all of us who love them!

"let your hands be so busy catching blessings that you don't have the capacity to hold on to grudges"

To God be all glory.

(DISCLAIMER:  these are all from my heart only, this is what i see and feel. sorry for being long in the tooth. thank you to those who will read this.)


@lunggay : Agreed and love your insights on this... very well said and should I add, u r very attentive to details too .... 

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This actually is the best part for me. Amid all those chaotic conditions, cameras and reporters, he will make sure she will walk the steps properly.







Without knowingly or unknowingly, his body is always seeking for her presence. He will make sure she will tag along.

Can't stop staring at this gif. She is already holding him and yet his right hand is looking for hers.

" Don't let go! Hold me tight..  " :heart:




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Fans are saying that the phone placed on the table in Ah In's picture in front of SJK is in fact YAI's phone, so it seems that YAI was really made to move in between them just for the sake of the picture. 

I haven't seen Ah In's phone cover but if SJK turns up in the next few days with the same Undercover phone cover that he's been carrying then we'll know that this news is in fact 100% correct. Lol.

Oh, SS and their crew. We know you did that to deviate attention from the pesky people but shippers would know/will get to know :) 

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i'm mostly a silent reader and i love reading every different in sight of all the shippers here but i sometimes feel offended reading this line (He is not yet in her league or He is working hard to be worthy for her)i'm SHK fan more than SJK but i feel hurt everytime i encounter reading those line because i love the man too.i think he is already worthy enough for her with his good,great personality and humble attitude.he is already worthy enough for his love,care and protectiveness towards her.By saying he is not yet in her league is what i see only the difference is the years in the entertainment industry but when it comes to acting he already proven by his works in his past dramas.Please and hoping some shippers avoid posting that kind of line about him because I love SongSong so much.i'm not good at words so i seldom posting lenght comments and i'm sorry if my post offended some of you it's just that i really can't stand reading those line.thank you

Happy shipping ,Happy sunday and i thank God i'm still alive after BS ^_^

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Sorry @SeGafanlady I was having trouble with my post I can't delete quote or writing anything. So I had to post it just get rid off the quote. I can't edit it. Sorry again.


I have a request. Can some kind souls make gifs for this video. I mean when SS at the photowall in the building. Thank you.


Beautiful Song Song Couple :wub:






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21 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

Fans are saying that the phone placed on the table in Ah In's picture in front of SJK is in fact YAI's phone, so it seems that YAI was really made to move in between them just for the sake of the picture. 

I haven't seen Ah In's phone cover but if SJK turns up in the next few days with the same Undercover phone cover that he's been carrying then we'll know that this news is in fact 100% correct. Lol.

Oh, SS and their crew. We know you did that to deviate attention from the pesky people but shippers would know/will get to know :) 

That phone on the table is IP6/6S Plus if i'm not wrong. JK's phone is IP6/6s rite? 

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