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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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7 minutes ago, naya said:

Was it where I disagreed that the director may have been pis.sing off sjk in the kiss truck scene? If not, please do elaborate. Unlike others, I don't delete my posts so if there was something I shouldn't have said please quote it and let me know. And don't feel like you shouldn't say anything  please continue so.

I will leave this here, again:

And it is a bit on immature side to act out when things don't go your way or if someone ships differently then you. Everyone should understand now that there is always going to be a difference of opinion.

And were people not supposed to like my post? Please elaborate. 


There is no need for you to attack @Chewy Hoe, we get it - you think I am immature and have an attitude problem if things don't go my way. I think we all read your post and understood that. She's just trying to be a protective friend and I'm sure you can appreciate that. Your problem is with my post and apparently you also have a problem when I delete posts. It's okay, I get it. You don't like me and you're welcome not to.

Hopefully you like SS and will realise that you can just PM me when you have a problem with me. Let's leave the thread for spazzing.

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6 minutes ago, joongkyo said:


There is no need for you to attack @Chewy Hoe, we get it - you think I am immature and have an attitude problem if things don't go my way. I think we all read your post and understood that. She's just trying to be a protective friend and I'm sure you can appreciate that. Your problem is with my post and apparently you also have a problem when I delete posts. It's okay, I get it. You don't like me and you're welcome not to.

Hopefully you like SS and will realise that you can just PM me when you have a problem with me. Let's leave the thread for spazzing.


I'm really puzzled right now. Where did I attack people? Verbally or physically? If you guys feel like I'm atracking you, please let a mod know so they can go through my posts. She quoted me and I replied. Is that considered "attacking" in your world?

and @joongkyo I've never quoted or pm'd or asked you anything or even mentioned any of your posts so what makes you think I am talking about you? Is it a case of "if the shoe fits...?"

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Guys and girls,


BUT HONESTLY, sometimes you guys just need to know when to shut up. Stop dragging unrelated personal stuff into this thread. It's annoying and unnecessary bye.


Here's a random big richard simmons picture to make this thread pretty again



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4 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

When people only post to say negative things or hint at negative things about OTP and there are people who support those comments. Then aren't they basically trolling? :)

I was hoping one of you would notice something in my posts since I don't like to disappoint shippers! I love all the genuine shippers on this thread!. So something for all of you.

Look at SHK's table - those guys were just there for pictures. Can you see Coffee?



Yupp! Noted!! I think I was just too clueless to realize something like that lol :sweatingbullets: And you should know that me and other SS shippers also love you a lot :heart: kkkkkk

OMGGGGGGG Thank you!! Thank you!!! I cannot contain my happiness knowing you shared it to us :) It seems like both SS cannot get themselves separate from each other lols 


Credit: as tagged.

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10 minutes ago, naya said:

Was it where I disagreed that the director may have been pis.sing off sjk in the kiss truck scene? If not, please do elaborate. Unlike others, I don't delete my posts so if there was something I shouldn't have said please quote it and let me know. And don't feel like you shouldn't say anything  please continue so.

I will leave this here, again:

And it is a bit on immature side to act out when things don't go your way or if someone ships differently then you. Everyone should understand now that there is always going to be a difference of opinion.

And were people not supposed to like my post? Please elaborate. 


Let's do this the very mature way, shall we? 

I cannot find back your post but I have a pretty good memory but I won't be able to exactly quote you word for word but I do my level best to remember the gist of it. So then you started your post by saying; 

I think some people seriousy over-Analyse things and etc etc. I have it in my head but somehow I cannot put it in words. 

all she did was to analyse from her post of view and she did say from her understanding of SJK during this time so that would very well mean that she is not speaking from a SJK Long time fan and she probably would have not picked up what you or me or other Long time fans picked up. 

You starting your content like that is like denying her observations right away and that is just like dissing someone first before you even say the real content 

and you have not contribute anything worthy to this thread for you to be even denying that right for her to analyse that kiss in whatever way she wants. 

You come in only to give lengthy summons on how immature we can be and that opinions can differs and how we should take it easy....

you don't like what you see and start chowing down on us and have you for a minute think that we don't like what we see in what you said too?? 

So you shouldn't start if you are mature by labelling us.  And like what you have been trying to say: if you don't like it then leave it. 

if you are going to reply to me then please PM me! Do not reply here. Thanks 


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6 minutes ago, stargazer187 said:


@hyukgu I love that gif... soldier ahjussi.... haha


LOL!! The soldier ahjussi ahahaha I suddenly rmb that scene where KMY talked about how annoying he was to YSJ, but she didn't realize that soldier ahjussi heard what she said! :lol:


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hello i am new here, it is my first time to join a forum and also my first time to ship a korean actor and actress... i am a certified dots addict! 

I love korean dramas and it is actually autumn in my heart the first i ever watched which was shown via cable tv on a chinese channel, i enjoyed watching it and find shk really beautiful even w/o subs as you know at that time not everyone can access the internet... then unexpectedly it was shown in the philippines and that was the start of filipinos loving and being hooked in kdramas,then there came FH which was the highest rating kdrama in phil ever 40% viewers rating, SHK is the most popular kdrama actress in phil everyone knows her actually even my dad :)

She is my favorite...

she has chemistry with all the actors paired with her

esp. won bin 

while sjk I loved him since nice guy but never did i ship him w/ anyone because he is too gorgeous and no chemistry at all with his past partners i actually never expected he will have such one of a kind chemistry with shk it is really addicting... addicting to the point of making a soompi account and reading all the comments in this ship forum...

i found this video and i hope someone may translate what daniel is saying about songsong couple... please please




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..Bwahahaha ..seriously, you need to major in  Crime Scene Investagation or something similar. How in the heck did you notice that?!!! 

Wait, you'll delete your post every 2 hrs? So if I'm busy due to back to back conf call then I won't be able to see it?

not cool! Lol. I'm kidding. You do what you have to do. 

I didn't know Monday is SS day. I thought everyday is SS day. Hehe. 

Thank you all for your contributions and thoughts. If you have complains, please do so via PM. I always crinchd when I see one in public. 


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@joongkyo I owe you big time! At this point, I don't think one session of 3 days and no nights will suffice! Just name what you want and I will cough it up! I thought it was cute enough that the two of them skipped out on drinking alcohol that night but being the idiot I am, did not catch onto the coffee cups. With what you've provided, I was able to draw 3 conclusions:

One, he grabbed them both each a cup.

Two, he was with her at her table, therefore his coffee was there.

Three, she's drinking out of his cup. :P   

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Why do I sometimes feel that SHK is trying to tell us something thru her IG posts? She knows we're all aware of the whole 'New York' thing, then she posts a picture with the shirt - and a selfie at that! As compared to other celebs, she keeps posting selfies to a minimal. Perhaps it's an open secret? Maybe because of our affection, she wants to drop hints here and there while still keeping her anonymity.

Hmmm. What if she has gotten wind of this forum of ours? 

Anyway, I showed their Korean press junket vid to friends who recently got hooked on DOTS, and they can feel an intense suppression of feelings, almost treading on forced awkwardness and being very guarded.

There is a gulf of difference between their behaviour in interviews and the BTS.

My Korean friend who lives in seoul told me that nobody will be surprised if they were really dating in real life. 'Guys dating Noonas' are all the rave. LOL! Hahahaha!  But people feel a sort of reverence towards SHK that they allow her more space. Apparently SJK is everywhere that even she is feeling tired for him. She said there is rapid turnover of young male hallyu stars but the women seem to remain the same (ageless). However, she notes that SJK is different because he is known to be smart and very quiet about his private life.

love love songsong couple! They're the only people I have shipped in my entire life!!!!!! And i love this community of songsong shippers! Let's all join our positive forces for the sake of our ship. If we think positive thoughts and post positive things, good karma racks up and all the good juju will come our way ❤️ Love Love Love! ❤️


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@hyukgu Actually, what I am thinking is that there are two possible scenarios - Given how the restaurant looks, they wouldn't be selling coffee and definitely not in one those paper coffee cups-to-go. So!

A. SHK wasn't drinking that night - remember when we heard that SJK went out to buy desserts?. He must have gone out to get her something to eat and drink, which is when he also got the two of them some coffee.. Which is such an adorable BF thing to do.

B. He was sitting with her the whole time --- lol, and they basically didn't let anyone take pictures when they were together. Again, sitting together in a restaurant and not letting people take pictures of the two of you together is another couple thing to do...hehe.

Basically, they were doing cute couple stuff. Which we shippers adore and love~

@ilovesjk I never thought of 3rd option - HEY, that's the most couplish thing to do!!... I want option 3, please!!...hehehe


Again, please PM me your grievances.

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5 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

@hyukgu Actually, what I am thinking is that there are two possible scenarios - Given how the restaurant looks, they wouldn't be selling coffee and definitely not in one those paper coffee cups-to-go. So!

A. SHK wasn't drinking that night - remember when we heard that SJK went out to buy desserts?. He must have gone out to get her something to eat and drink, which is when he also got himself some coffee.. Which is such an adorable BF thing to do.

B. He was sitting with her the whole time --- lol, and they basically didn't let anyone take pictures when they were together. Again, sitting together in a restaurant and not letting people take pictures of the two of you together is another couple thing to do...hehe.

Basically, they were doing cute couple stuff. Which we shippers adore and love~

@ilovesjk I never thought of 3rd option - HEY, that's the most couplish thing to do!!... I want option 3, please!!...hehehe


Nah! I only have one scenario crossed in my mind before, and that's described in your second possible scenario lol And dang! How could I forget that SJK suddenly went out to somewhere to buy desserts?!!! I love your possible scenarios, and lemme just take that both were applied to them during that moment: He went to buy sth to eat for himself and SHK; then after he came back, he sat down together with her while chatting with others; and I am going to "borrow" @ilovesjk 's third scenario that whether he actually bought one or two cups, I just totally love if SHK drank SJK's coffee! LOL :phew:

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10 minutes ago, joongkyo said:


Wow @joongkyo, u posted something about the coffee 58 minutes ago (hehehe, i checked the exact time)  and now its in instagram already tagged under #songhyekyo. just wished the ig user at least acknowledged/credited you for the investigative post.

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Let's see my first SHG ship was AIMH couple but I liked Wonbin for her. 

My second ship was FH. And I had high hopes for that ship to sail 

And now because of DOTS this is my third ship. Hopefully this will be the lucky one and it will sail and a very smooth ride at that. *wishing and hoping. :heart:

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I am following this thread religiously for the past one month. Although i haven't posted many times i really appreciate some of your sherlock Holmes level detective skills in analysing the things. Its always fun reading this thread. 

I really dont want the moderators to close this thread bcoz of some silly fights. We are all mature adults and this is a public forum so please behave yourself people. I am begging u.

Peace all. Cookies for everyone:cookie:


Cr to creator

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