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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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saw on twitter that the 3rd special episode on friday would be 90 minutes long. it's epilogue + bts!!!!! that's so long omg. we're finally gonna see how close sjk and shk really are. im excited to see everyone's insights/analysis haha. still praying for kiss scenes and hug scenes bts. that's what we're all really waiting for let's be real HAHAHA 

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6 hours ago, SeGafanlady said:

All I want is for her to be happy.. what's the point of all the money in the world when you are unhappy? Her happiness is mine too. And if by shielding her and protecting her from all craziness is what SJK chooses as a way of keeping their relationship private and personal.. as a way of him expressing his love to her.. man you can have all my support.



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hi!! i just decided to join soompi and to this forum though i'm a regular visitor here. im a big fan of Song Hye Kyo since AIMH and Joong Ki since SS. I have lots of opinion about Song Song Couple but im only talking about this to my friends. 

Please be good to me. Saranghae! :) xx

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CAPTAIN AND BEAUTY's kissing scene at the beach shown in the last episode of DOTS shows that its not Captain and Beauty kissing, its SJK and SHK kissing. LOL. There is something behind those stares and body language. The way they touched each other. Ahh, too much affection. :wub::rolleyes:

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15 hours ago, ladylia257 said:


Sorry for cutting your post @twtwb

I might be seeing this in a very biased-shipper way, but.....what did he mean?

KMY had lots of crying scenes in ep. 15-16 but it's because she's grieving for a lover who passed away, right? Isn't it normal that she shot it alone? I mean, she has to be alone, right? Since YSJ was supposed to die already?

What did SJK mean?

Did he mean he'd WANT to be there on every scenes SHK took, regardless he's in it or not? What did he mean??? Did he like to hang around on set and see her shooting her individual scene like a......a.....patient husband waiting for his wife working? What? Did he need to be there to cheer her and support her???

Does co-stars do that? Did he slip in saying that? Am I thinking too much? 



Great analysis my friend!

This made my day more colorful than usual. Now, looking forward to the "Special Episode" this coming week.


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58 minutes ago, ladylia257 said:


Sorry for cutting your post @twtwb

I might be seeing this in a very biased-shipper way, but.....what did he mean?

KMY had lots of crying scenes in ep. 15-16 but it's because she's grieving for a lover who passed away, right? Isn't it normal that she shot it alone? I mean, she has to be alone, right? Since YSJ was supposed to die already?

What did SJK mean?

Did he mean he'd WANT to be there on every scenes SHK took, regardless he's in it or not? What did he mean??? Did he like to hang around on set and see her shooting her individual scene like a......a.....patient husband waiting for his wife working? What? Did he need to be there to cheer her and support her???

Does co-stars do that? Did he slip in saying that? Am I thinking too much? 




Ikr right...I think about that yesterday and I watch both episode....i can't find which part that he needed coz clearly he is dead at that time....hahaha.....did he accidentally tell us that he always there when HK filming....oppssss


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54 minutes ago, ladylia257 said:


Sorry for cutting your post @twtwb

I might be seeing this in a very biased-shipper way, but.....what did he mean?

KMY had lots of crying scenes in ep. 15-16 but it's because she's grieving for a lover who passed away, right? Isn't it normal that she shot it alone? I mean, she has to be alone, right? Since YSJ was supposed to die already?

What did SJK mean?

Did he mean he'd WANT to be there on every scenes SHK took, regardless he's in it or not? What did he mean??? Did he like to hang around on set and see her shooting her individual scene like a......a.....patient husband waiting for his wife working? What? Did he need to be there to cheer her and support her???

Does co-stars do that? Did he slip in saying that? Am I thinking too much? 



Let me try to answer it from my opinion. Maybe you imagine that filming is always in order. I mean they will shoot all scenes of episode 1until finish then continue with all scenes of episode 2 and so on. But in reality, they are doing it not in order. On a day they take several scenes that probably from different episode (considering the same background, place, roles, and etc). Note that the shipwreck kiss was taken in Greece (episode 16), that meant it was done before the shooting in Seoul (e.g. when YSJ got shot = episode 14). So for SHK crying/mourning scenes, maybe the original schedule is - those scenes were supposed to be taken in different weeks but due to SJK accident, SHK willingly to do the scenes marathon/continuely. Based on that,  I truly understand why SJK felt that way. Maybe I couldn't write my answer well. CMIIW

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Okay, now i get it why he had to addressed her as "SongHeKyo-noona" in his press conference yesterday. That phrase had to support the next phrase he said which was "She is a sunbaenim....." So you see he really had to addressed her first as noona. He even stated, "As a hobae i still have a lot to learn from her" (take note the word *hobae*). Obviously guys, that "sunbaenim-hobaenim-thing" he was referring that to their carreers. She is indeed his sunbaenim and him the hobaenim, considering that SHK has been on showbiz industry for such a long time already,  on the other hand SJK started at the peak of his career just recently. He's still a hobae, he still have a lot to accomplish compared to her. So ease your worries guys, that sunbaenim-hobaenim must be referring to their level of relationship as an actor/actress.(Though on a personal level,i don't think so.I believe they are far beyond the sunbae-hobae stage.) Now stop putting negative speculations. Let's focus on the positive side. Let's keep sailing this ship. KiKyo shippers fighting!!! Love you all!!:blush:

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Hi everyone!I super love this forum that every visit here,I get so immersed with all your posts & lost track of time.Plus,Ive learned a lot in here.

Before, I was too selfish,just wanting the songsong couple to admit their relationship so as to meet my desire for them.oblivious to what song kye kyo had been thru in her past relationships, their confession was really what matters to me & I got so frustrated right away when my yearnings were unmet.Even for joong ki's pc,I was expecting a lot & was disappointed of him  not dishing hyekyo directly. However, after backreading and mulling your posts,I got to understand the couple better & appreciate them more.

After being cognizant of hye kyo's ordeal in the past, I understood why she's now very cautious of sharing her personal life to the public. I pity her, but at the same time, I think of her highly. I thought to myself, she really deserves someone who's capable to shield her, fight for her & love her unconditionally. And concerning joong ki's interview, I've learned to take it in a different & better perspective. I admire Joong Ki for being selfless in his desire for privacy just to protect his loved-ones, which I believe hye kyo is one of those.

I am just into songsong/kikyo couple, & this time, I'll support them no matter how they want to keep private matters private.At the right time, when both of them are ready considering the many factors around them, I believe they will also take their story to the open. And to everyone here,thanks guys for the updates always!I'm also just excited for next week's special episodes.Lets keep shipping our beloved songsong!

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@SeGafanlady :bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling::bawling: right now. Only a  fan of SHK will say those words coz they are the one who's been there with her all through out the ordeal. I salute you for being there with her coz i see devotion right there. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Oh i forgot to include this picture. This is so on point! :grin::grin::heart:


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1 hour ago, ladylia257 said:


Sorry for cutting your post @twtwb

I might be seeing this in a very biased-shipper way, but.....what did he mean?

KMY had lots of crying scenes in ep. 15-16 but it's because she's grieving for a lover who passed away, right? Isn't it normal that she shot it alone? I mean, she has to be alone, right? Since YSJ was supposed to die already?

What did SJK mean?

Did he mean he'd WANT to be there on every scenes SHK took, regardless he's in it or not? What did he mean??? Did he like to hang around on set and see her shooting her individual scene like a......a.....patient husband waiting for his wife working? What? Did he need to be there to cheer her and support her???

Does co-stars do that? Did he slip in saying that? Am I thinking too much? 




Correct me if i'm wrong, 

To shoot an emotional scene especially as a lover role, usually the other actor/actress is there although he/she is not on camera to help the other actress/actor pull out the emotion needed for the scene. 

And SHK do it alone without SJK's help to bring out the emotion needed for the scene. I think as a professional actor he feels sorry he can't help her. And he is touched that she volunteered to do that so he can recover.

Anyway, as a song-song fans, i do agree on his interview in seoul, how he talked about her shown how much he respect and amazed by her work ethic. Wish they can get another rendezvous outside korea like one in HK, where they look so much free, unrestrained not like the ones in SK.

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@ladylia257 you are not alone. I thought about this too. Of course he wasn't exactly needed because he wasn't part of the script. Though he mentioned that when he was in bed hospitalized she had to arrange the schedule just so all the parts that he isn't needed be shoot first. This, logical. But him being on the set too when his character is presumed dead, now that's kind of off. Lol you want to be there and comfort her after the director calls cut eh SJK? 


Edit: @ladyme oh thank you for saying that. He felt bad not being there to help her. I just read your post lol

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Suddenly felt so emotional after reading the heartful posts here. Although I enjoy KDrama and adore some actors and actresses, I've never wanted to join or to read any forums ever since I've read a lot of BS from netizens about certain KCelebs on some websites. The comments there were harsh and hurtful I thought people in forums would be like that too. As a cancer survivor to maintain my health besides to do a healthy lifestyle I also try so much to stay away from negativity. But my love and curiosity for DotS led me to Soompi. KMY and YSJ led me to the main thread and their chemistry led me to here (I'm a follower since pg 1), and boy how grateful I am that I was wrong. You guys are a very mature, wise, thoughtful and supporting, nothing like those netizens that made me fearful of Korean Celebrity fans. I learned a lot about SHK and SJK from this thread, learned everyday how to be a good fan and boy, how my adorations and my respects for KiKyo grow bigger bigger everyday because of you guys. I'm so glad I decided to joined Soompi despite my fear and I just wanna say that you guys rock!!!!!! 

May the ship keeps sailing and the trolls burn in hell :P

PS: Shout out to our awesome detective @joongkyo, our fabulous eunnie @SeGafanlady (I love love love your post!) Also to @ilovesjk for your insightful posts about SJK and @twtwb for your beautiful posts. And to all of KiKyo supporters here, thank you for making this thread fun to read ♡ 

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22 hours ago, joongkyo said:


Because SHK was also out today, looks like she just finished giving an interview and signed another autograph!!!!. CHINESE NETIZENS ......WHERE ARE YOU>?..LOL.


songjoongki.hk你今天給他們簽的嗎?(Did you get their autograph today?) today meaning 15 April

k771982@songjoongki.hk 不是耶…你也有簽是嗎? (No ah)

songjoongki.hk那怎麼會有的?(Then how did you get it?)

k771982@songjoongki.hk 朋友幫忙的!! (A friend helped me)

xxixxi_0302@k771982 did you meet them together yesterday??

k771982@xxixxi_0302 no...

Here you go @joongkyo  translation of the Karena Blue person's reply to people asking when/how she got the autographs

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2 minutes ago, thelittleclouds said:

Suddenly felt so emotional after reading the heartful posts here. Although I enjoy KDrama and adore some actors and actresses, I've never wanted to join or to read any forums ever since I've read a lot of BS from netizens about certain KCelebs on some websites. The comments there were harsh and hurtful I thought people in forums would be like that too. As a cancer survivor to maintain my health besides to do a healthy lifestyle I also try so much to stay away from negativity. But my love and curiosity for DotS led me to Soompi. KMY and YSJ led me to the main thread and their chemistry led me to here (I'm a follower since pg 1), and boy how grateful I am that I was wrong. You guys are a very mature, wise, thoughtful and supporting, nothing like those netizens that made me fearful of Korean Celebrity fans. I learned a lot about SHK and SJK from this thread, learned everyday how to be a good fan and boy, how my adorations and my respects for KiKyo grow bigger bigger everyday because of you guys. I'm so glad I decided to joined Soompi despite my fear and I just wanna say that you guys rock!!!!!! 

May the ship keeps sailing and the trolls burn in hell :P

Wow! Welcome to SS shipper thread, @thelittleclouds!  I'm (We're) happy to hear that our thread have made a positive impact on you! :blush: It's heartwarming to know that the SS ship and SongSong/KiKyo have eased (if not eliminated) your fear due to your previous experiences from other fansites/websites/forums.

Know that our SS shipper thread will continue to maintain the positive, mature, happy and healthy discussions here. :heart:  

(Also, please bear with us if sometimes we become delulu, you know what I mean.  It's part of the fun of being a fangirl.) :blush:


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