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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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@snoopy18Seems like you based your opinion on their public appearances/interactions only, I wonder how much you knew about Songs' out and about activities during private times to come to such current conclusion. Instead of taking hassle to convince or say otherwise, say that I give benefit to your doubt, what is your opinion on why SJK always join Kyo during her overseas trips? NY, Sweden, Japan.. why he being there when he got LKS or JIS and the gang to hang out with? And why he took all the hassle to attend HK stylist birthday party when he was so busy attending activities between two overseas location and only got less than 24 hrs to rest in Korea? Why SJK take extra effort to drive her before and after her 20th anniversary FM, she already got her manager who always accompany her before to do that kind of job and even YAI who is a very close dongsaeng of hers didn't even take over that task. And you mentioned he didn't confess to HK yet.... well, even blind people (with heart) can see how hooked he is towards her, they are not teenagers anymore who will play push and pull in such situation... If HK is really not interested, don't you think she would have admit as such to stop him wasting his time and move on already?


If you want to offer your insight, I hope you give one that is at least to the point of view of someone in a relationship, and you may want to put those under spoiler for interested readers only. I would have forgive you if you comment on your own personal space but to write here when it is clearly written as Songs' shippers paradise, don't you think it is just a bit too much?

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@helloace85.  You really said it well.  Maybe being the most senior here in this ship, I believe these 2 are in a relationship.  Just by merely looking at them you can see the difference between what @snoopy18 was saying about SJK public appearances/interaction. Just look at the way he looked at SHK and interacted with her, there was really something different.  I don't know how to explain it, but since I experienced love that is why I can sensed it.

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After the interview with Wkorea of SHK begins  a feeling of doubt and uncertainty again. We have been discussing, guessing and made again a conclusion of conviction that they are real. But some way that is  very natural reaction from various viewpoint ; cos some are very sensual and some are not. 

I am a big shipper but I have not that much wrote about our SSCP. Ok I’ve a couple of times corrected some information.  There were some reason why I didn’t jump into this forum, such as :

1. I am not a English native speaker.

2. There are so many shippers who knows very much about SSCP and  they are so logical to understand between lines and do almost like competent detectives.

3. IMO, this forum goes very well without my participation.

…. And so on

 But I have not yet read  one hint that I had seen in some IG which goes about dating rumor between TV stars in Korea. The TV-show which provide entertainment information and the program made in some cable TV ; TV –Chosun.

Such as program has a lot of panels in their show like main MC(master of ceremonies)s, TV-reporters, newspaper reporters who specialized in entertainment world etc., etc.


(beforehand they talked about another celebrity-couples)

MC: is there more news about dating between celebrities?

Newspaper reporter: No, I don’t have any more.

MC + the another panels : woo~, don’t hesitate. You have more news,  please tell us.

Newspaper reporter : well, actually this knows everybody .  &***E&R&R%(her voice was not capable of hearing, they made it with pip – sound)

All panels : Everybody knows that  ~!!!!

Tv-reporter : Oh, we all know that( he is very famous TV-Reporter and he said as if that’s not a big deal or it’s already open secret)

Second MC: Park bo gum then??


What do you think ? Which name would have said by the newspaper reporter? I think it was our OTP. Therefore PBO was mentioned after that. Otherwise there would not come the name of PBG, coz SJK and PBG are mentioned often at the same time.

 It’s first time that I wrote something about our precious OTP cos I wanted to give another hint for long-time shippers.

 P.S : Please don’t post this on your IG. I am not used to seeing my own writing on IG.



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Ok, delurking just to say a few things:

- frustrations will definitely eat you up if you want SHK and SJK to conform to your idea of how romantic relationships should be. There's no exact template for relationships, it comes in many forms, shapes, and sizes. It doesn't have to be just one way- and as observed here some expect declarations of love from both of them to ease doubts- please, let us not be like this. Whatever they have now is theirs and theirs alone. As shippers we can only bask in the afterglow and be thankful for what is shared. :wub:

- being in the same age group as SHK, single, independent, and with a successful career, have many close male friends I see as brothers, and have had relationships with younger men I can tell you, that is not how you treat a noona. My close friends/brothers from another mother would never touch me that way no matter how friendly we were. There is a line. When you cross that, the smart woman will know- AND will immediately put you back in place-or will let you in. I think we all know SHK is a smart woman, yes? :)

- this thread is a gift that keeps on giving (I'm always lurking, it de-stresses me from work) and while there will be down times when we don't have news I hope we don't dig a hole for ourselves to sulk in and count our insecurities. Whatever happens I think, the takeaway should always be the love that was made and how we're all better for it. :wub:


(Thanks everyone for the happy updates!)


*goes back to lurking

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7 hours ago, helloace85 said:

@snoopy18Seems like you based your opinion on their public appearances/interactions only, I wonder how much you knew about Songs' out and about activities during private times to come to such current conclusion. Instead of taking hassle to convince or say otherwise, say that I give benefit to your doubt, what is your opinion on why SJK always join Kyo during her overseas trips? NY, Sweden, Japan.. why he being there when he got LKS or JIS and the gang to hang out with? And why he took all the hassle to attend HK stylist birthday party when he was so busy attending activities between two overseas location and only got less than 24 hrs to rest in Korea? Why SJK take extra effort to drive her before and after her 20th anniversary FM, she already got her manager who always accompany her before to do that kind of job and even YAI who is a very close dongsaeng of hers didn't even take over that task. And you mentioned he didn't confess to HK yet.... well, even blind people (with heart) can see how hooked he is towards her, they are not teenagers anymore who will play push and pull in such situation... If HK is really not interested, don't you think she would have admit as such to stop him wasting his time and move on already?


If you want to offer your insight, I hope you give one that is at least to the point of view of someone in a relationship, and you may want to put those under spoiler for interested readers only. I would have forgive you if you comment on your own personal space but to write here when it is clearly written as Songs' shippers paradise, don't you think it is just a bit too much?

Very well said.. clap clap clap.. words can lie.. but the hearts who truly inlove cannot.. never doubt their relationships, its very obvious to their body languages..duh! Im a silent reader here hahaha

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@mooischat0, PBG huh? <_<Lee Kwang Soo would be pissed. If there's someone who comes between Ki & Kyo, it has to be LKS, not Yoo Ah In, not PBG, it has to be the one and only Lee Kwang Soo. He even wrote LKS's name on a rock in Greece! (with❤)

<_<First people said SSC is not real, now they say JK is gay.......what's next?:angry:

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9 hours ago, helloace85 said:

@snoopy18Seems like you based your opinion on their public appearances/interactions only, I wonder how much you knew about Songs' out and about activities during private times to come to such current conclusion. Instead of taking hassle to convince or say otherwise, say that I give benefit to your doubt, what is your opinion on why SJK always join Kyo during her overseas trips? NY, Sweden, Japan.. why he being there when he got LKS or JIS and the gang to hang out with? And why he took all the hassle to attend HK stylist birthday party when he was so busy attending activities between two overseas location and only got less than 24 hrs to rest in Korea? Why SJK take extra effort to drive her before and after her 20th anniversary FM, she already got her manager who always accompany her before to do that kind of job and even YAI who is a very close dongsaeng of hers didn't even take over that task. And you mentioned he didn't confess to HK yet.... well, even blind people (with heart) can see how hooked he is towards her, they are not teenagers anymore who will play push and pull in such situation... If HK is really not interested, don't you think she would have admit as such to stop him wasting his time and move on already?


If you want to offer your insight, I hope you give one that is at least to the point of view of someone in a relationship, and you may want to put those under spoiler for interested readers only. I would have forgive you if you comment on your own personal space but to write here when it is clearly written as Songs' shippers paradise, don't you think it is just a bit too much?

Wow dear very well said glad someone like you always there defending our couple to those non believers thank you :blush:

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Over the past few days, I've seen a lot of over-reactions here and there. Something that I feel, at this point is completely understandable but not totally tolerable. I feel that we are reading too much into it already. A solid "yes, we are dating" confirmation would be good, I mean we all want that but we cannot at all be selfish given the heated political situation in Korea and geez, we are talking about a relationship here and more than anything else, I would want them to be able to protect whatever it is that they have, to allow it to flourish at its own clock without having to give in to any sorts of pressure from anything or anyone. 

If you've watched the entire DVD, you'll get what I mean. Both have mutual respect to one another and it sprawls over to their respective craft and I just feel that this is their biggest consideration why they are choosing to stay as an "open secret" to the rest of the world. 

As for us here, I kind of like where we are actually. Times such as these can reveal the true shippers from those who are merely riding the bandwagon. -_-

Whatever the outcome of this entire journey, may we let ourselves remember all the beautiful moments and smiles that our Songs were able to share with us. If there's one thing about our couple, they never were selfish to share priceless memories to us. Whenever doubt hits you big time, just think of baeksang, chengdu, the hk presscon, SHK's fan meet and everything in between. Truly, they have given us so much more and it would be a complete disservice to reduce all those to uncertain grounds just because of a solitary magazine article.

Let's just keep on loving and supporting them.

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3 hours ago, coffeedizzy said:


Hi there! I understand you're not a native English speaker (I'm not either lol but I've been living in the US for a decade) so I'm afraid some of your words might get lost in translation...if I may, can I ask if this is what you mean when you described this very interesting discussion they had in that Korean tv show? 

A bunch of media personalities sat together to discuss about couple celebrities and MC asked the N/R for more couples names. N/R at first denied she knew more but after some urging relented and disclosed a celeb couple that everyone knows already but then they *bleeped* out the names (so definitely not a couple who have gone public). And everyone was like "Oh everyone knows that!" Then a famous (and credible?) TV/R was like "Yeah we all knew about them" so they're basically moving on from that subject n someone else asked about PBG.

So just to make it clear, they were discussing ab a secret celeb couple (that is basically an open secret among journalists so end of discussion and then wondering about PBG - if he's in a relationship?). Im sorry if im being relentless LOL its just so many people here use English as 2nd language and I would hate it if there's any misunderstanding after you've been so generous to share w us. Its so rare IMO to get info straight from Korean fans nowadays, please dont hesitate to join our discussion anytime! Also, if that discussion is the way I'm understanding it, I would agree w you, yes, they're talking about our SSC lol awwww nobody is surprised about them anymore, they're like "SSC? Meh everyone knows that. Next!" 


Yes we are believe it they were talking about our SSC and then automatically one MC asked about PBG.  

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Ok, I made not clear writing about the TV - SHOW. It's very complicated to edit my pervious answer to @coffeedizzy. Therefore I write it separately.

I did not mean that TV-show goes about gay-thing, OH, NOOOO! (that's my fault, I was not clear but I didn't expect either that some people would get it as gay-thing....sorry)


SJK and PBG are very hot in Korea at this moment. Almost every woman is into one of them or both of them.

Therefore we(women) are really eager to know their dating -life as well, haha.


They talked about SSC first (I guess) -> they know about SJK.

Now they wanted to know aoubt PBG as well -> the second MC asked automatically " PBG then? Does he date too?? "


I meant so, now understandable?  .



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I thought UAA is on dormant mode until they quickly responded to the recent rumors regarding SHK's upcoming project.

And THAT was ALL they responded to, folks!

UAA and Blossom apparently are still alive and kicking, and they can quickly jump to their own defense to straighten out inaccurate rumors.

YES!!! My heart is fluttering... a certain happy rumor has been spreading all over Asia regarding their artists, and they don't bother addressing it. I am sailing.... wheeeeee... I'm coming here almost everyday so that my sails can pick up some more winds.  this ship has have so many reasons for flying high already... non-believers can't anchor it down. Nuh-uh!


From watching the DC BTS (thank you netizens for the translation) and other tidbits here and there, some observations occurred to me. I'm putting this in spoiler, so do skip if you'd rather.

In one of the BTS, writer/director were discussing how they came about the decision to cut out the intimate hugging scene between KMY n YSJ ( when she came to the pre-op room to gave him the diamonds to exchange for the medicine) the Reason? According to the translation, it didn't seem appropriate bc MJ is on the brink of death (not in their culture, but in America I'd say it seems fine. I'm Asian but not Korean, have lived in US for too long).  it didnt make sense to me at first, but then I realize that perhaps the production team was worrying that by showing a focus of personal relationships between YSJ n KMY, it risks the interpretation which may de-characterize their altruistic images.  In the time of turmoil, it deems selfish to make it about me-me-me.

Second, when avid SSC shippers contacted Dispatch around New Year, their response was, I believe, they are not going to report any relationship because SK is in a state of political turmoil and it's not an appropriate time to present a distraction. 

Third, Kyo posted on her IS a painting she saw at a museum in London.  I believe the message (please do not take the literal meaning of the message, but rather the symbolic interpretation) fits in nicely with the other points above.  


Fourth: regarding WKorea article, in a male dominate society, do you think it would deem appropriate for her to be the first to announce the state of her relationship w Jk? She respects him and it should be him if not them both to be the first to come out and define their relationship... so she cleverly put in a form of rhetorical question... allow readers to derive at the answer that for themselves.  It seems the negative interpretations were brought on by international fans, who are clearly from a different culture, yet they are so convinced their literal translation is how it ought to be understood and went crazy with it.  From following Korean fans on instagrams, it seems to me they are unfazed by what was said in the article and their shipping game is going as strong as ever.

So I believe, when the right time come, when happiness can be shared appropriately, they will. I'm following SK politics for their sake now haha.

Happy Shipping!


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Actually all of us should thank moischat0 for giving us something to spazz about in these drought season. Thank you so much. Instead of reading those click baits and youtube...its better to back read this thread. Read post from our senior comrades like sigang/ssuleim, angieknows, hclover, utkim, lvsjk, joongkyo, thepixies, khxy, lov3kikyo and many more...their post are worth to read than those click baits. As fans...we just have to wait patiently. Our SSC is human too. They need some privacy. SHK have two fail relationship. I don't think she wants history to repeat. If they were meant together...nothing can change that.:)

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All of us love SSC.  That's why we are here. I enjoyed every posts and addicted for more. Thank you for making this thread fun, friendly and enjoyable... thank you everyone, really appreciate that. @mooischat0 .. love to hear more from you.

I really hope that we should focus on positive vibes only. We, the real shippers should know that nobody force us to believe SSC is real other than ourselves. We believed so based on our observations and our hearts is telling they are real.

So do not expect or force  either SJK or SHK to announce or confirm their relationship just to makes us happy. As SJK said that they are enjoying the rumours.. so let them be. At least we know they are happy with that.

We should avoid baseless issue (which is totally absurd and based on speculation only) that will just hurt SJK  and SHK only. The one who will be happy with this kind of news is the haters..which I believed is lurking here everyday too. They are happy if this ship will sink. So don't let them have a silly grin.

This ship is totally for the firm hearts who believed SSC is real. Please do not mix with other nonsense thought that will only hurts our beloved OTP. 

Let us shipping them happily and praying for good things to happen. :heart:


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To those who responded to my post:

I profess to be rooting for KiKyo to be together in real life. To me, they are the only reason why I love DOTS so much.

However, I do not think that as a shipper, I should be delusional or believe every single rumour that is being said about the SSC. What I had expressed is simply my observations based on events that have actually happened. Helloace85 mentioned all the"supporting evidence" that they must be together, but are all these actual facts, or hearsay/rumors? In the desire for them to be together in real life, must we choose to believe every rumor (no matter whether fact or fiction) and view them as gospel's truth?

And I am indeed surprised that in Helloace85's overzealousness to protect her beliefs hat I it appears to have morphed into a personal attack. What do you know about me or anyone in the forum for the matter to make personal comments on the other party? 

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You don't need to drag everyone down if you don't believe in them anymore you can just quietly leave and go on with your life and I'm sure you know this is a place for shippers hence the title "shippers' paradise" so what would you expect? Do you expect us to agree with you? Okay so maybe you are trying to do a public service to knock some sense to some of us well if that's your intention okay thanks but you are just bringing in negative vibes here...which is so frustrating because this is a like a cycle here!


so in the future please...



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