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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Oh noooooo I thought today was on low note but then when I got home.. dang!!! We passed the 800th page already *cry and scream in minion voice* did I miss the party? :crazy: HAPPY 800TH PAGE COMRADES, THE SHIP IS SAILING SO FAST WHEN WE HAVE FUN :lol:

KMS is such an adorable kid who I would love to know more about his inner natures. And I'm more touched to be acknowledged that he is raised by his grandmother (thank you chingus for the information), and surely he's raised very well since I can feel that he has a beautiful soul and good manners :) From my 2 cents, our SongSong has a special sentiment towards KMS and in return, he cannot hide his admiration and love towards our couple, hence he would very careful in making any statement towards his dear noona and hyung. Our SongSong is in good protection of their friends *sniff*

And while waiting for the full show, the quote of "They are best friend" totally satisfies me :lol: We have millions quote about the friendship between man and women, to say some of them as I know in my country is "There's no pure friendship between man and women. If a man and a women become close friends. At one point of time, one of them will realize the abnormal sentiment towards the other.", "Marry your best friend." and so on. Close friendship is such a perfect platform to any long term and solid kind of relationship as they have the chance to know about the true colors of the partner. Good answer puppy ah ^_^

Definitely he is a very sensitive and dongsaeng, I can say that from the following expression of him that I find very interesting in the BTS. After making his noona goes crazy with the tsundere comment (due to the mistranslation from Onew :P), he looks at her with scary expression as scared of making her uneasy and at the same time, he glances to the left and checks his hyung's reaction :phew: Seems like the best friend/close friendship here is supported and witnessed by many lovely people :lol:


(video credit to Anne to New @ Youtube, gif by me)

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when I first dated my bf, I used to told our friends, family and other people that we're just bf, you know, bf is doing everything together, spend every freetime we got together. People asked is there anything going between us? We answer "we're just bf" :phew: that's my case :DI'm planning to marry my bf too :phew:

my true male-bestfriend (14 years friendship), we haven't seen each other for 2 years :lol::lol::lol: we just make promise whenever we need, the other will be there no matter what, no matter where :sweatingbullets:

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I can enjoy the Best friends vibe. Because from friendship you get to know the person (warts and all), you accept them for what they are. And the Love is real and special that way. So that works! Thanks Puppy for the clue. :heart:

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*grab some snacks cos this will be long*

I haven't been fully updated with everything that's happening here and with our OTP.. And I still have much to read. But I'd like to say I'm happy with all the spazzing and wonderful insights. I'm glad that all the love and fun was back and keeping this thread more alive. I appreciate everyone's joint efforts to keep this thread and our ship sailing. The translations, the juicy news, constant updates and valid scoops from all the passionate and kind hearted shippers from diff parts of the world. Thank You!

I wanted to make a special mention to @ludadeer , I just want to hug you with what you said. And to @sigang, my heart jumps and my eyes lit up everytime I see your name.
Some may be lurking and may not be contributing a lot (just like me) but I know we're all in this together.. helping and supporting each other out. 

Just when we thought SHK is taking her time resting, (like a real wife relaxing while hubby works hard bec he doesn't want the wifey getting tired lol) she'll surprised as with a series of magazine covers. If I remember correctly, around that time after TWTWB onwards, she was on every top mag covers in both China and Korea. She was even the first K-actress to ever grace Harper's Bazaar Korea and China at the same time, and was the cover girl for HB China for their anniv issue in a double cover edition. And that didn't stop there as a series of covers followed. And now after playing ninja for a while, she's at it again and man!! She looked so hot!! I bet someone will hoard all those magazines.

I love seeing their faces, both looking gorgeous as ever. And I'm still not giving up on that hope that they'll both do a cover someday

Now I'm back from Song-Song heaven and finally resuscitated. As much as I want to spazz and dissect everything from the FM to the pics that he showed us, I mean do I really need to do that still? I haven't been so complacent, not until I saw the pics and have read on the translations from SJK FM's. It may be too early to feel this way some may say, but IDC! 

Okay, maybe I'll dig a little deeper and say something. 

- I may not be good in math but based from how I've counted, they've known each other for a year now. (pre-script reading meetings and hangouts included) DOTS filming wrapped up Dec last year, and airing have already ended for over a month now. I'll stop here. GO FIGURE!

- Of all pics, why that one? He could've posted anything with JIS, LKS or with anyone on it. But SHK and YAI???? Gives me an impression of a guy bestie third wheeling with the girl bestie and her boyfie. BUT THAT'S JUST ME.  :phew:

- He's busier than he ever was with very very  limited off days.. but he chose to spend it with his new "friends" and his "colleague". IDK about his meetings with LKS and the rest of the JIS-LKS gang, but as far as I know they're inseparable. BUT THEN AGAIN, THAT'S JUST ME.   :phew:B)

- And what, he's close friends with SHK stylist/friends and other staff now? Why??? MAYBE HE'S JUST REALLY FRIENDLY? YES? NO? WELL, I'M NOT GONNA STATE THE OBVIOUS

- So he's part of the SC/TMI family now. Since when? But "WHY?" again, you asked? STILL NOT OBVIOUS AS IN REALLY? *shrugs shoulders with my million dollar "DUH" face* SMH

Remember how SS are the ones who always give the clues away, giving answers to all our questions. Here are a few ( not so detailed) samples:

Question 1:

Are they even close? Not even a bit?
Question 1.0: 
Are the NYC rumors true?

-Both agencies acknowledged their NYC meeting. As "colleagues"

Question 2:
How close are they? Are they friends? Are they still in touch? Do they still hang out after DOTS?

-DOTS dinner treat
-SJK mentioning they laugh at the rumors over drinks
-SHK posted HK selfies
*Too many clues and events to mention

Question 3:

-KBS News Interview/ HK PC/ DOTS BTS epic SHK-ssi 
-NGs, all the teasing and skinship
*I won't go into full details. Again, there's too many giveaways to mention

Question 4: 
CHINA FM (what will he tell SHK if he sees her. Not so sure abt this I still have to BR feel free to correct me) 

How long has it been since they last saw each other? (People speculated that a few hours is a long time already esp for someone in love)

-Shows pic of him with YAI and SHK 2 days before Beijing

These two may not admit it but they're obviously not hiding. The more they hide the more people will speculate. They're just keeping it on a down low (while trying to make subtle messages that they belong to each other)

What you see is what you get. Read between the lines. Action speaks louder than words. 

There's no need to dig deeper and further for explanations. And as with any other Sherlock mystery cases, everything is supported with valid evidences. (even mind boggling questions and speculations were subtly answered) MYSTERY SOLVED. CASE CLOSED. DISMISSED. 
And I'll quote this beautiful line from @ludadeer :

"The filming ended, but the feeling went on"




I'll just sit back in my hammock, relax and sip on my coconut juice and enjoy the beach while wait ing for the good news 

We're not too far from our destination anymore, chingus! And I can say we're ALMOST THERE! So cheers, and I'll see you all there soon.

                   HAPPY SAILING!!!!


Update: So from sunbae, to noona, to "colleague", to comrades and now BESTFRIENDS? What next? *No need for a guess, atleast they're not siblings*   ;)


P.S (This is my opinion) 

This is my first soompi official ship ever, but I feel bad for those shipping our OTP with their previous co-stars a.k.a those whose ship already sank. Thinking about your ship sinking, is both sad and frustrating, I know. But let's not lose sight of reality and the real world. Even some of their fellow shippers have acknowledged already that SS "might" really be dating. Facts, pics, statements, body language and all can't deny that. That's the reality of and they just have to accept that. There is a fine line between Real and Reel. And for some who still lives in their delusions and continue to turn a blind eye.. That's your choice. But please know that even tho your idols(?)  bias(?) didn't end up with SJK or SHK, they're both in good hands and in a better place right now (if proven that they're really together). SHK is lucky because she is with a good man, who brought back her smile and the reason for her happiness. Trust that he will always look after her, protect her and fight for her. 

SJK is with a good woman. He's with someone who makes him happy, who, amidst all the chaos in the limelight, makes all the hardwork worthwhile. She will take good care of him and will make him forget that he was weary and tired. They're both blessed to have each other.

Let's all just be happy for them and their shippers. I know it's an awful feeling but please don't rain on anyone's parade and just let them be. It's not any one's fault. Their hearts belong to them.

I'm pretty sure that soon enough, your bias will finally find the person they're really meant to be with 


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I've only known SJK and SHK from previous dramas they were in, I admit I haven't even watched all of it. Rom-com is what I crave for (my personal life is already riddled with heavy soap that I cannot bear to watch similar). These 2 (and to be honest YAI included) are my faves. 

For someone over the hill like me (I'm turning 60 in a couple) I just want my life coloured with lovely shades of happiness. I have come to the point in my life when I just really cannot care less of what others will say, I choose happy. And THIS is my happiness - SJK and SHK.

i have my assumptions on their "friendship" way before I jumped on this ship. I believe the grounds have been laid by SJK way before entering military service. During the course of 2 years he would have started laying the foundation. And God does hear the most silent whisper! The drama was offered on a silver platter.. Because it was meant to be...at the perfect time.

seeing how he warmed up to SHK on script reading will already give you the biggest indication. (Else why would he be rubbing his head on her shoulders for crying out loud, no way anyone has done that even if you say they are friends)! And so on, and so forth, we (all who have walked through and read through this thread) all are in the know.

to the wolves in sheep's clothing (even some putting dp in pretense, trying to ask q's that obviously show they haven't backread) lay off and stay away! The captain of this ship SJK is no no-brainer, he made sure this ship was built with the best and most sturdy materials, foundation for which none can sink. Every step he took and continues to take is well thought of and calculated for best results. A man of his intelligence does not ever jump blindly to any circumstance, he is endowed with the power to discern and to act quickly with resolve. 

Our ship sails magnificently, strong and proud, no storm can ever break! And on the stern proudly stands our captain, his beloved friend by his side.

the steps of the righteous are ordered by God. 

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It's just laughable how detractors are mincing words trying to inch their way into our hearts and minds when it's there for all to see that even the rocks and stones are playing "dumb witness" to SJK and SHK beautiful story.

funny, that!

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I was watching past interviews of Kyo & came across this one from 2008. The host ask asks her if she wants to have kids in the future & she says "about 2 or 3" the host "chinchaaa?" - LOL, this cracked me up - and then she says since she's an only child she wants at least 2 kids. Awww :wub: I don't know but her talking about having kids and family made me so giddy & excited and I couldn't help but Imagine our SongSong with their triplets. Can KiKyo just make babies already? :D 

Do we know how many kids Joong ki wants? Maybe someone can ask him that in his next fan meet :D 

Starts from 6:45, she also talks about love & work. 


P.S You all are doing such an amazing job at keeping this thread active. I have a lot fun reading your thoughts, discussions, ideas, speculations...keep being awesome <33

Happy shipping :heart: *Back to being a silent reader*


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It's been 4 days I haven't posted and 2 days i haven't  visited the thread, and finally in the middle of my vacation, I got the time to back read 20 pages today! Whew! As always, fellow SS shippers made my day brighter! Thanks and virtual hugs everyone!!:)  However, trolls kinda ruined my day a bit! 


Placing in spoiler tags for bringing up the issue again. Sorry. As much as I wanted to stay calm and contained myself to not to stoop down the level of of those newly-made up accounts by trolls who happened to call themselves as "SS fans/shippers" but actually  know nothing about SJK and SHK and truthfully only wanted attention and/or trouble.. Geez!! Sorry but I really cannot pass this issue: SJK using SHK for f*me! Darn, I cannot even type it! Whuut the fudge are these people up to???!!! TROUBLE and ATTENTION, indeed, right?!! Well congrats, you got the negative attention you deserve!! 

With all due respect trolls! SJK is a likable and popular image in Korea and in many Asian countries EVEN BEFORE DOTS!!! 

  • SJK was a host of KBS Friday music program MB and a cast member on SBS variety show RM. Those shows + SJK were sought after in Asia and hot trends in many Asian countries and he was commended for his smooth hosting skills as MC in MB! He already gained popularity from those shows!!
  • Sungkyunkwan Scandal catalputed him to stardom throughout Asia! In our country, he was the most popular among the cast and my fellow fangirls had even wrote a petition requesting him to visit our country than the mainleads of the show. Oops sorry, that's a fact though. LOL
  • He published a book entitled "Beautiful Skin Project" [a health and beauty guide for men], it topped as the best seller within a month of publication and was even re-released in Japan in 2013!
  • If he's up for fame and hence for money then why on earth EVEN BEFORE DOTS, he already had donated his entire salary for the MBC program "Tears of the Earth" to the charity?! Meaning he had much of cash and wanted to donate some of his earnings to help the needy ones! 
  • FYI, he already held fan meetings to Asian countries before..to name a few were China, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan.. which means he's indeed popular since then!
  • His Werewolf boy movie which already has been discussed.. YES it became the most successful Korean melodrama of all time, with millions tickets sold!
  • IM/NG attracted high ratings and cemented his image in the press as the "savior" of the melodrama genre both on the big and small screen!!
  • And last but not the least,  He even actually said that "he'd rather be a good actor than a *popular* one".


Don't actually have to do this but  as a long  time SJK follower and a Song Song shipper now, I thought of delurking to defend Ki as well! I couldn't be more prouder of him coz he never used a single person for fame. Well, if he wanted to, there are JIS & LKS before SHK! He was hilariously even paired with YAI and won a couple award for their roles in SSKS at KBS Awards, yet he didn't take advantage of that so-called most popular bromance in K-ent that time! BUT NOPE.  Instead, he used his innate capabilities to learn and grow. And you get to just admire this guy coz despite of his fame and all, he still and will always remain grounded.

If you still has doubt re his career and popularity, then you research it yourself! You actually have to do so BEFOREHAND attacking someone because you end up being a fool!!

As far as I observed, many trolls have gone into this thread after SJK showed some of his personal photos from his phone in his last Beijing FM and two of those are with SHK. Not a surprised though. Nah, just goes to show where these people coming from!! Don't be too obvious next time please. Ya tactics are too lame. 'Twas such a desperate move! Time to find a map and go on a search for a forum that will suit your POVs! 

I rest my case.


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And to brighten up the mood... 

People who can't move on don't matter. What matters is NOW & how the NOW makes Ki and Kyo the happiest. Live in the moment!! :)

Beautiful heart. Gorgeous looks. Glad to know they have both! :wub:


[credit as tagged]


And together they're just the most beautiful pair. Both in and out. 

Good day everyone! :)


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