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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Seriously, lately I always feel like there are two steps forward and one step back with this thread.

True shippers spent time and put a lot of effort into translating pieces of information from Chinese and Korean websites and share with us here for sole intention of spreading SongSong love around when in fact they have no obligation in doing so. Thus it disgusted me how some thief and stealer in this thread still continue to abuse their kindness and tolerance and taking things out carelessly without authorization from posters and proper credits. At this rate, don't be surprise if this thread is left with no news of SongSong to keep tab on.

On the other hand, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all true and awesome shippers in this thread. I don't want to specify names here not just because there are too many of you, but because I do appreciate all the quality posts from regular to non-regular posters, longtime members to newbies that are keeping this thread alive and lively. You guys are awesome in your own ways :heart:

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59 minutes ago, Chewy Hoe said:

Sigh after having being cheerleader earlier now I have to get serious again 

People who took my translation out to IG, Twitter. I don't mind that you didn't credit me because it's not something exclusive since it's already at Baidu BUT how can you not explain clearly what this is all about and because you only copied the part of him liking to stare into her eyes? And let the people who read your post wonder what this is?? And then they start speculating nonsense....if you really have to take then please take the whole thing so people don't misunderstand or misinterpret

Sign in only to comment on this. This stealing issue has been around for quite sometime now. Is there really nothing can be done to stop them? Can we just publicize the IG and Twitter handle? At least to make people aware of them... Any IT professionals here? Just want to know whether it is really not possible to track them down to soompi? Some posters here are working really hard to get their piece stolen like that... :confused:

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I really tried to control myself a lot before I posted this but I feel this needs to be said, especially on our thread which has so many eyes on it.

If the person concerned is reading (*I have seen you taking information and crediting things to this thread) With regards to your last post on IG - Since you are  SHK's fan then you would know that there is no love lost between SHK's fandom and the fandom of that other actor. As recently as the beginning of this year his fans attacked SHK for using the news of her buying a new house as a tactic to draw attention away from this actor's movie. These fans have also been at the forefront of rumour mongering and bashing her when it came to SHK's tax issue. 

For a person like you with so many followers to post something like that without explaining the reason for the "similar clothes", I feel is just asking for his fans to bash SHK (*yes, I know you don't have any intention of getting hate for SHK but it will be inevitable). This actor was a part of SHK's agency and therefore was the client of SHK's stylist team and though he has changed his agency, he continues to use this former team of stylists (*which is the only reason  that he and SHK have similar clothes, these clothes were given to them by their stylists - to some it may seem like it is a purchase based on personal choice but it isn't. These are all "Sponsored items"). His using these stylists has nothing to do with SHK and all to do with how the actor enjoys the styling/makeup services provided by that team.

They all (*meaning this actor and the stylists) only share a professional working relationship and are not part of the same friend's circle unlike YAI and SJK. 

I will not request you to take down your post because you're fully within your rights to do so and make any posts to your liking, however I urge you to edit your post and at least add relevant facts about the stylist team. I am not making this request as a SS shipper but as a SHK fan, your IG is visible not just to fans but to the Korean Media as well - I have even shared this via a news article on an earlier date!. What you post on IG could very well be posted by a journalist in Seoul and it will be stated in the news that a SHK fan admin posted this - when this makes news, it is very likely that the fandom of this actor will not be pleased and any new news about any scandals could have repercussions on the Baeksang awards.

So kindly edit your post, a request from one SHK fan to another SHK fan.

Note - Obviously the actor mentioned in this post IS NOT SJK! Read the post carefully before jumping to such conclusions.

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12 minutes ago, boredahjumma said:

Sign in only to comment on this. This stealing issue has been around for quite sometime now. Is there really nothing can be done to stop them? Can we just publicize the IG and Twitter handle? At least to make people aware of them... Any IT professionals here? Just want to know whether it is really not possible to track them down to soompi? Some posters here are working really hard to get their piece stolen like that... :confused:


Haha seriously IG is anyone's playground and there is no law above them except for reporting their post each time you see it. the only thing I wanted for my translation is that they take out the whole thing in order for people to understand what it really means and that it was for happy camp. I don't even need to be credited because it's not my exclusive scoop. 

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1 hour ago, Chewy Hoe said:

Sigh after having being cheerleader earlier now I have to get serious again 

People who took my translation out to IG, Twitter. I don't mind that you didn't credit me because it's not something exclusive since it's already at Baidu BUT how can you not explain clearly what this is all about and because you only copied the part of him liking to stare into her eyes? And let the people who read your post wonder what this is?? And then they start speculating nonsense....if you really have to take then please take the whole thing so people don't misunderstand or misinterpret

Noted unnie...
from the whole IG, twitter, FB information or speculation about Songsong we can see clearly whose mature shipper and whose not.

And of course, I'm very grateful to know you all and find this soompi thread.
Keep me sane from being a shipper, kekekeke...

ps: pardon my poor English

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Hi Everyone,

It's been a few days since my last post..... and honestly many things have happened not just in my personal life but a change in perspective and so during these few days I was unsure of what to say to express my current state of mind.....until now.

As an avid fan of SJK and SHK like the rest of you, It really is quite heartbreaking to see certain shippers become quite intrusive on various levels that have been displayed to the world more or less whether it be recent or not. The latest form of intrusion was the personal pic/video of SJK in the vehicle. I would assume it was not welcomed and made aware to HIM that it was taken but supposed fans of SJK feel that its OKAY to encourage circulation. I am at a loss of words, the man gives himself to his fans but I wish that people would understand the concept of personal space and privacy. If anyone follows him, they should know based on pictures, Work/CF commitments and fan commitments he has been through rather an exhausting 3 months and will continue to endure many more. For a fan to take the pic/video was disappointing to say the least but social media users who continue to repost give fume to this type of despicable behaviour. People wonder why celebrities are extremely private, and sometimes unwilling to give fans an "inch" at airports. To me they do this to deter "THAT" type of behaviour.

SHK's deleted picture...... As a frequent instagram user, I have noticed that as soon as that picture was uploaded and mere moments later it was deleted. It was quite shocking that users continue to post it without truly understanding how wrong that is. As a fan, our first notion is wow that is daring of SHK to show her sexy side in which we all knew way before hand and we think whats the harm in reposting right? everyone should know how sexy our goddess really is. Well she is a public figure and she has many followers.... 2million plus in fact and with that she has no way of knowing at what age her followers start from. She must have realized after the fact that the particular picture was maybe not suitable for her public instagram. Therefor a deletion was necessary and to which her fans should respect that action. So do not repost if the user has not posted it herself, its simple but to me she is a role model and a fine role model to boot, there is nothing that she has ever done that has taken away the level of respect I have for her. She is very careful in every aspect of her personal life and career moves so as fans we must be extra careful to make sure we follow suit and support everything that she has and continues to do. This action should be reflected in our behaviour towards SJK as well. 

I am most fortunate to be in a thread where a large sum of us, are willing to stand by SJK & SHK at their most popular time where their interests with our couple are at its peak. These shippers who may think they have the best intentions but to tag and circulate unwarranted pictures or speculations is neither displaying the best or sincere intentions. I feel that these types of shippers will continue to feed this notion that they must "CONNECT" every single thing and yet has little to no relation just to create a post. Some have no comprehension as to how damaging their actions can be to our couple. Why put pressure on these two beautiful human beings to announce anything. Life will work out the way it intended to be. I feel that fate has already intervened between the two and why should others feel the need to intervene in which they have absolute no say to do so. I wish that these instagram/twitter/FB users will one day understand that supporting your BIAS has its limitations, giving them the privacy that they so richly deserve is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING! 



I leave you with this, IN THIS CASE ......... LIFE HAS REALLY IMITATED ART!



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On 5/9/2016 at 6:17 PM, missandrea said:


Thank you hun. I deleted it. I do not harbor hate and take this as a constructive criticism which I will also impart to other members. I accidentally tagged her, believe or not. If you carefully look so in my posts there, all are of the same "tags" from the beginning to the latest post. I copy and paste it to save time and not typing it all. But as soon as it was put in my attention, I have deleted it. Thank you. Like I've mentioned, no harm intended and I apologize! =)


On 5/9/2016 at 8:43 PM, Karolineee said:

Kikyo is my obsession these days, OH MY GAWWD. I have never shipped a couple this hard before, I'm dead serious. Sure, there are some some couples that I think are cute and stuff but not to the point where I would dedicate my time to do things for them. Today, I spent my entire Sunday on my iPad accumulating points so that I would be ready to vote when the next day comes. But it's also because exams (ughh!) are coming up and I won't have have much time :dissapointed_relieved:. However, that is entirely fine since I have enough points for about 11 days :blush:. So far, I'm at 21778 points and that's just from one day! I totally don't regret it at all because I AM determined to see them two on that red carpet and accepting this award! :star: Let's keep voting!!!!


Thanks joongkyo your post to remind someone posts from this thread by misleading to the public and media and hurt hyekyo eventually  , but all kyonatics will trust and support our kyo and joongki too, we keep  voting for them andsee them on Baeksang Awards, also thanks chewy, khxy, hclovers and all others to support and contributes their efforts to make this shippers keep forward :) 

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I totally totally echoed @lovely_skham_stv post especially being the first time she wrote in normal fonts which makes it much easier to read. Haha thanks 

there is a reason why I don't post pictures of him unhappy like for example that pic in the plane, he looked violated to say the least and they even film him throughout the entire process live no less. This is already violation not just intrusion. So when you all see a picture of SHK or SJK looking disturbed or unhappy the last thing you want to do is to repost it and tag him or her in your post. It does nothing for them except to be reminded of how they have lost their privacy totally to these fans who are supposed to care for them 


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2 hours ago, songsongcouple said:


Awww joong ki such a kind-hearted and warm person


credit to dotscouple


OMG! Again and again...I am in awe of his big heart...he continues to work hard and manages to stay happy and warm in the eyes of his fans and yet he does not get anything in return but instead he chooses to give and give and give....WOW! Jjang of you SJK....I soooooo admire you....and I know that good karma will come back in tri-fold! Cheers!

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@lovely_skham_stv& chewy unnie. I strongly agree with all that is written in your post above. thankyou for reminding everyone. :wub: I sincerely hope that we (including myself) can understand that we have to respect their privacy. I, myself, sometimes enjoy looking at fan pictures of them but then i realise that this must be hard on them. you dont want to be underspotlight 24hrs. they have to enjoy their own time like i do. they have their rights and i have to respect that. lets continue to support and protect this couple!! i love both to bitsss and i know everyone here do too!! :) 

thankyou @songsongcouple this couple, always giving back to others :heart:

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I think more like SJK looks nervous for that fan filming him im that VIP car. He was even trying to protect her, sure he's signing the autograph but he's hiding it from his guards. I think that's what I got from the video. These days, he has no privacy. Everywhere he goes camera is in his face. He's always gracious towards the fans but they need to understand personal space. 

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I've messaged a few IG users who have been sharing content without credit, tag SHK and friends, as well as those who spread unfounded 'conspiracy theories' and edited pictures :) Hope it becomes fruitful!

in the meantime, let's VOTE.

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I wonder if SJK will be the same after this year, and after the China FMs. Yes, he was famous before, but as he said in Thailand, he was previously able to walk on the road by himself unescorted. There is a reason why some celebrities require bodyguards, partly for the celebrities' safety, and also, I guess when they are being manhandled by a mob of fans it cannot be good PR to be seen fighting fans off. The invasion of privacy is probably something he will have to get used to... cameras at every turn, whether or not one expects it. After a while, it's inevitable that one will become more guarded. 

I guess I worry about it because I love how he is so openly appreciative of his fans at this moment. But when it goes on for long periods it takes a lot to stay the same. The level of stalking in China is extraordinary, having witnessed it in the past. Partly because almost everything is for sale, including information if you have the right connections. I've seen his flight details being offered for sale on weibo! (Whether true or not is besides the point ). I have heard of restaurant owners who offer the utensils to fans after a famous celebrity has used them, or people selling the cushions they've sat on. Also fans knocking on hotel doors, and rushing in to take pictures of hotel rooms after a celebrity has left. Etc

the type of pictures and videos that have come out over the past few days suggest that he is probably being put under great stress by this aspect. When one is constantly under watch in public, whether at he gym, at dinner, in the plane....

Just hoping he will come out unscathed by these experiences ...

On another note, I wonder if there will be the same fan interactions in China as elsewhere. In the past, there have been times where out of fear of disorder, the authorities have forbidden fans up on stage or the artist to come down the stage. Funnily enough, they have screening at concerts in China akin to those at airports... But cameras are permitted! Even high end dslr type recording equipment... 

Sorry for rambling on, just wanted to share some experiences I had when attending events in China. 

I guess one more thing people may not be aware of is that the ticketing system for events in China is the reason why scalping can never be eradicated. Organizers will release the best seats as a matter of priority to black marketers. Occasionally if they work with fan clubs, good seats may also be released to the fan clubs. But the tickets are sold at high prices to these black market ticket sellers, who mark up the prices arbitrarily depending on what the demand is. Which is why one will never get front row seats by using the computerized system unless the event is not selling well. Regardless of how quick you may be at the keyboard!

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@smoky1671...yup i feel for Joongki this is the price of a Hallyu Star.. he deserves it...but the fans... man... are so invasive...i saw the van video and i was wondering...if they love him why should they video him like that. Its totally invasion and they spread it on IG. And i chanced on IG another vid, the fan/fans were waiting outside the lift/room and joongki hold her hand...which was such a nice gesture but she wouldnt let go...it looks so scary.. i really hope he gets out of it..with a different approach...he is sooo nice to fans. I am sure he is asking for tips from Beauty.

And i believe he needs tighter security..it seem the Nation Husband Title is sooo real in China.

We all wish the best for them ...hope Joongki is better and he seems happier though...*positive thoughts* and voting must go on.

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This was from a variety show back in 2010 where they had a discussion round table about whether actors/idols should 'open up' and go public about  relationships - they debated the for and against.

SJK speaks at 46:30 mins about his opposing view to "going public on a relationship"

Note - it's 6yrs ago, so do note his thoughts may have slightly changed

Translation:  SJK: I'm going to stand on the side of against the opposing view on going public about relationships, my opinion is i feel it isn't good (to go public) to be honest because i wouldn't be able to wholly and truly go out and love properly if people knew about my private life, because of everyone's overly/excess/over bearing concerns/interests i will feel a lot of restrictions, inside i will feel uncomfortable



cr: From Baidu xkaelax


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@smoky1671 @blissfullife29 I agree with you in many points.

Sometimes, I feel like even SJK himself did not expected that the popularity of DotS would turn his life like this both positive way and the effects. When he was in Thailand, that his friends and SHK visited here on vacation several times, SJK also mentioned that he used to walk alone in tourist area without problem but now he cant. However, I think he learned something from SHK who has been Hallyu star for many years. It seems like he plans to step in different way from the current wave and fame in his next movie. I heard once that meanwhile he thanks for love from fans but in the same way it's difficult to handle and keep his private life in peaceful means.

I experienced fans crowd in China once, when I was with my Thai stars bias, back two years ago. It's really...uncontrollable in my view. So that's security is tightened for SJK. 

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