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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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23 minutes ago, kimstipated said:

I agree @joongkyo! I already saw the 'SJK telling the staff to vote for SHK' making rounds on IG. This is supposed to be our safe space where we can freely speculate and merrily bask in the gloriousness of our songsongcouple, not a resource center.

Anyway, is there any way for us FILIPINO shippers to force someone powerful to back an SJK fanmeeting here? Or maybe we can meet and formally create a group? :)

But then again you have to remember that this is an open forum so anyone can come to see the contents being discussed here. It's not like we can make the forum private and have to approve every single users that visit here. SongSong couple are both very famous public figures so most of the time any info or topic they find interesting being discussed anywhere in the social media will be the talk or spread easily. Even if just one person take a content/resource from here and post it somewhere else but with just a simple click of a button that info is already out there in public spreading like a wildfire. Also, you have to keep in mind the language barriers and lots of the shippers are teenagers. With how advanced technology is nowadays it's easy to just share info not just in here but all over the social media. 

Suggestion would be to email or contact GMA network to bring SongSong there since they are the one who bought the legal rights of DOTS. The more requests they receive, the more chances for both of them to go there since both SongSong are very popular in Phil. Also, if Bench decides to endorse both or either one then there might be a possibility of them going there. Another way would be to talk to some organizers and ask the Filipino shippers to send requests. The more people who request the same artists then they will see the high demand which means profits for the organizers or promotion for their company/organization.

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8 minutes ago, li.michelle0831 said:

@Joongkyo, is it that mean we can't contact you for the people like me no instagam, I still can't vote for them, I'm from United States, I really want to support them by voting, please help, thank you 


Please the previous page. There are instructions on how to download the Baeksang app, and people from around the world can vote this way.


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You CAN vote (for the Most Popular categories). Just follow the instructions by @pgaltr. See link below.

Use an android simulator if you are on ios. Either bluestacks or andy. Google for them!

Go vote because we want Mr & Mrs S on stage. They both deserve it. Bless their beautiful souls.

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8 hours ago, Nana Aprilia said:

that's true. Dispatch have songsong as header on their facebook since 5 or 6 April until yesterday. 8 hours ago dispatch changed the header

Companies being cautious~ Heol! or Dispatch is now ready to spill some beans?? (Naaah. I'd rather protect mah Songsong couple...I wish they'll just announce their relationship when they will be getting married. So it will be less chaotic...)



That is one hella genuine, selfless love right there! Song Joong Ki everyone!!!!!!!! 

Yeah we see awesome friendSHIP right there and commendable sunbae-hoobae relationSHIP ..but the way SJK talks about SHK always makes me feel I should supporting this REALationSHIP till forever! My ship's showing all these genuine acts & I can't help but spazz and appreciate them even more!

Power Voting guys~~~


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15 minutes ago, li.michelle0831 said:

@lazyangie0913, I  just back read you 're from United States and can vote successful, would you give me instruction , the one kyo show from chinese website not work for me, I try to vote for both and give them support, thanks


Hi there...u can download the app from google play store. It'll tell you to accept and enter your (1)+10 digit phone number. After they will send you a authorization code via text. Copy that code and punch it in. Once that's all done, u should be able to install it and start earning points through completing various mission so u can vote. Hope this helps. PM me if you are still having trouble.

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@Chewy Hoe eonni how can I thank you. This is the best, the sweetest, the most romantic words I have ever heard. I am crying while I type this, can't hold back my tears, my hubby even asked me if something's wrong. 

Can we love them more than this? SJK just showed how much he care for her, her happiness is his happiness too. Her win = His win. They just like a married couple. 

I'm screencapping your post eonnie, this is my treasure. I will forever keep this, thank you, please convey our thanks to Ms. Kim and her team too. 

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1 hour ago, joongkyo said:


I'll be posting any speculation on this IG (https://www.instagram.com/joongkyo_/)from now on - but it will remain private so please DM me (on Instagram along with your soompi username) if you wish to view them.  Please read this post very carefully before you decide to send a follow request!.


U got my PM on IG's username?

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Hello. I have been a reader of this thread for less than a month now. I always wanna post but I couldnt figure out yet how to use this.I still dont understand as much but I will try to post now.. I discovered this when I felt the need to release my feels during SS HK presscon. My heart almost combusted with what I saw. I seldom use social media but due to SS I think Im starting to maximize my accounts up to even creating my own soompi account(i just learned i can log in thru fb) SS is really special. And I think... The reason we love them is because WE CAN RELATE TO THEM. I think most of us fell in love at one point of our lives and we see ourselves in them somehow. The way they look at each other...The way they act... and even their awkwardness in front of a lot of people. I think we have gone through this at some point. SS ship is the kind of ship that makes one a better person because we become inspired by their goodness and personalities. The more we love SS as a 'couple' the more we love them as individuals. The more we love them, the more we wanna protect them. And us feeling the need to protect them increases our respect towards them and their decisions right? I love this ship not only because it has the most probability of becoming real but because it inspires to me to do my best in everything I do just like them. They, this ship inspires me to become a better person.
To the sunbae's of this thread who constantly give out information and translations, thank you so much for alloting time. I am in awe of your dedication. To @chewyhoe @joongkyo @angieknows and others   I thank you very much for filling us with info's. We owe you a lot. I thank you. Thank you as well for constantly reminding that we need to be disciplined shippers. Thank you very much.  Im currently downloading the baeksang app so I can vote for them.  Thank you.

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Sigh I regret to inform that Miss Kim is not willing to share this info on Soompi or on any SNS at all.

and I really didn't expect sharing this here will spread this much everywhere 

With all due respect for her, I have removed the said post and I urge all members here to remove their quote on that post. You can keep your comments but remove your quote on my post 

If you know any SNS users with that post. Please tell them that the author do not wish to share this and to respect the author by removing

This is the least of respect we can give to Miss Kim 

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@joongkyo, this old ahjumma is having so much trouble. I immediately jumped on ig n created an account, but damn im clueless how to even send a dm there. I see its up and running, but to post something i need to install ig app on the device, and thats a whole new problem since im sneaking around with my son's device! Lol... So i messaged u in soompi to tell u my ig id. I'm hopeless but PLEASE count me iiiinnnn... Ive sent u the request but with no dm. This Damn technology! 

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Eonni @Chewy Hoe and @joongkyo some people on sns who spreads your post are nice enough to delete their post after i've sent them a message,,some just ignoring my message,, so :( 


guys if your number took a long time to get aunthentication code,,please do change your number, ask your mom dad brother sister or bf or hubby like i did to lend you their number, hope it will work

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@joongkyo I'm gonna just PM you, but seems like you're getting too many PM for IG's request. I'll just ask you here. About getting points for the voting, I dled all the app, able to get points but not enough, 10 votes = 2000 points. I can't and also don't really have time to play the web games' mission, so is there any other way to get more points. I'm wasting around 8 votes/day because I can't play the games' mission to get point T.T

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2 minutes ago, mummyof2 said:

Eonni @Chewy Hoe and @joongkyo some people on sns who spreads your post are nice enough to delete their post after i've sent them a message,,some just ignoring my message,, so :( 


guys if your number took a long time to get aunthentication code,,please do change your number, ask your mom dad brother sister or bf or hubby like i did to lend you their number, hope it will work


That's ok. It's a nice post to share. But we have to respect Miss K who didn't want to see it on SNS. 

Let us clean up here on Soompi first. You people can keep a momento but just do not put it outside. 

I feel so bad towards her now 

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8 hours ago, joongkyo said:

I am crying in the corner.....such happy tears!. SJK <3.. I love this OTP so much!

I need to take a mental picture of this moment!

Dear @joongkyo and @Chewy Hoe, why do you girls always make me cry with this kind of touching information?  How can we not love these two love birds and respect SJK as a really man?

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Hi everyone!

Just dropping by to say hello from Boston to all you lovelies :) I've been a super silent reader and have only recently signed up for a Soompi account. I've never really been a big enough fan of anyone significant to actually sign up on any forum but I guess there's always a first. To the avid contributors, I really appreciate your efforts and my apologies in advance for not being able to contribute as much (I'm pretty new at this but I'll try and get a hang of it soon, hopefully *fingers crossed*). In the meantime, here's wishing everyone a blessed day and looking forward to sailing along the SS ship! :heart:

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9 hours ago, joongkyo said:


What is the group photo session that everyone keeps talking about? Is it taking place on the 7th?. Then he'll be staying at the resort till the 7th? :blink:... and they've reserved the entire resort for him?... Wow, why does he need so much privacy for two days...lol




@Chewy Hoe read this post!!


Hmm.. What a perfect place for them to have total privacy then.. Nice..

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