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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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I come home to bad news.

I'm so angry that I sent a personal email to that company's marketing contact. 

This is so heartbreaking, the way a lady we love so much is constantly having unfortunate issues in her own country. We all know how she's a die hard supporter of her country. How she rejected a 1 million USD offer because the company had bad treatments of Koreans in the past. Yet, why, why does she keep getting attacked in her own country. What did she do wrong?

If we are getting upset, I'm so worried about how she could be feeling TT________TT

Seeing the past case, she might not win this one. And she might lose her chances to win awards too. But she and UAA still decided to file a lawsuit and even already announced that the money gained will be used to fund a jewelry design school.

She's very noble. 

I'm saddened that she has to cut her vacation short because of this. This is so, horribly unfair. That company's sales and stocks' price increase because of her! How dirty and unfair!

I hope SHK is ok. As of now, all I want is a picture from her in her IG. I need to know how she is doing. 

Will keep supporting this lady with awesome beauty but even more beautiful heart inside. Fighting, Cheonsanim!!!

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I pray..and i hope every one in this thread still support each other.. hymne!!! Hope every thing goes well.. hope SHK can throug this matter with good ending.. and this problem can be a way to make this ship SHK, SJK and all of us much stronger.

I love you all (cant tag every one)



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guys dont loose hope god always on the side of her and i know she will get the justice of her battle just keep our fingers cross and lets wait for the decision of the court and i hope this time the korean court will be deciding on her part, all of the battle in this world  have  a winner and a loser, pls guys lets us help her by doing a prayer for our.  beloved  Kyo  and i hope she is not the only one facing this battle for sure now she is surrounding by many of her good friends and i hope also her Captain is in her siide, were waiting for the good news but its bad news when are we  going to receive the good one Kyo hang on  and always keep on your faith to God, goodnight thank you so much

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I was just watching ep 8-12, the withdrawal syndrome hits me so hard I even need to force myself to stop watching for now or else I'll be watching it until dawn, it' past midnight already.  @Chewy Hoe eonni, my eyes are swolled too, I cried so hard :( 

I thought to check on the tread for one last time tonight but greeted with this news, sigh...

We have to stay calm. Whatever happened we have to trust HK, she will be okay. I admire her even more, despite her lost in the previous law suit she still move forward with this case, she's a brave and strong woman.

Now I can't even read the jewelry name, but as mad as we are I think we should refrain posting bad comments about that company.

I don't know if this can affect HK chance for the awards, I hope not.  

We just have to show our full support to HK. She has the best fans in the world, hasn't she? She will be okay, she has Big Boss always by her side. Thank god JK is still in Korea now.

I can't lie I am so so sad now...



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5 hours ago, joongkyo said:

Since, I received some queries regarding the Lawsuit. Posting information here just to make things clear for fans, please don't take this out of the thread. 

J.Estina is this jewellery brand that SHK was endorsing and they also sponsored parts of the drama, hence all that product placement in the drama. Viewers and fans all presumed that SHK was still the face of J.Estina because of the continued use of her images by the company to sell their products, especially the special line of jewellery that was made for KMY's character in DOTS. Unfortunately, it turns out the contract was over in 2016 January, they didn't renew her contract but instead hired Kim Yuna and PBG. Sadly, the brand continued to use her brand ambassador's image both online and in physical stores despite the contract ending 4 months ago.

The public was not made aware of this contract having ended so when everyone saw DOTS, people presumed SHK was still the brand ambassador which is why the sales for the jewellery brand went up and even their stock prices shot up as earlier reported.

SHK's agency has therefore decided to sue J.Estina and if they win, they will use the damages paid by J.estina to donate it to a fashion school.

Sadly, what is most disappointing is that J.Estina tried to drag up SHK's tax issue today. They reported that after SHK signed the contract in 2014, they were disappointed as the tax scandal came up later and according to them this made SHK's role as brand ambassador is ineffective/didn't add value to their brand.

Considering this had nothing to do with SHK's tax issue which was long resolved in 2012 , this is just a tacky attempt on J.Estina's part to remind the public of SHK's past misfortunes and to sway the public sentiment against her.

@joongkyo, hi... hope you are feeling better... 

The judicial will not take SHK's tax scandal into consideration. As mentioned by @joongkyo earlier that SHK's tax issue had been resolved in the year 2012 and that SHK had gone into an advert. contractual agreement with J.Estina in 2014, there is no point for J.Estina to drag out the old laundry in an attempt to cover up their dirty laundry. In fact, I would say that the move made by J.Estina is irrational as in other way dragging out SHK's 2012 tax issue will only magnify their "contradiction" in their stand in appointing SHK as their ambassador in year 2014. Meaning... they should have clearly understood earlier regarding SHK's tax issue before engaging and enter into a contractual agreement with her. Hence, no issue in whatever the outcome of the agreement in terms of ineffectiveness, etc. There should not be 1-sided blaming on the actress as they should have well aware of SHK's earlier tax issue and whatever consequences in their marketing plans. Instead, they should have consider rectifying their poor promo strategies then. I would say they are just like slapping their face in front of the public.   :crazy:   

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Back home from watching a movie, back to the reality with the first Wednesday without DOTS, the lawsuit and I need to keep myself at ease by watching over and over again her and their smiles, hope everything will be alright.


Credit to lovestories28@Youtube

@joongkyo I hope you will feel better soon *big hug*


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3 minutes ago, Chewy Hoe said:

Ladies to set your mind at ease. Joongkyo is not sick sick per say. She meant she is sick of what's happening against Kyo favour. Don't worry ya 


I'm happy that Joongkyo is healthy ...but a bit sad about whatever it is that's happening against our dear Song Hye Kyo.  

Everything will be okay.  In the end, Song Hye Kyo will be the happiest because we all love her so much. :heart:

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Wooooah!!! Just when the drama awards is just a few weeks away from happening, why suddenly all the negativities are spreading around? My heart breaks for Kyo once again. I mean, why are people so harsh to such a kind hearted and wonderful person? 

Let's give the negative people and their bad intentions a hard fight by supporting and showering SHK and SS more with our love and support. As much as possible let's try to replace,  if not fully cover up, all the negatives with love, kindness and positivity. The more hate and bad vibes they give our SHK and our couple, we'll reciprocate it twice as much with love and spread more good vibes! 

There will always be obstacles coming their way and people will try to bring them down, given their enormous popularity and the arwards coming up. But let's try to keep our cool (but I've honestly lost my chill upon learning the news) and be level headed. 

For the meantime, let's keep this thread alive and happy. Let's continue with the spazzing and all the wonderful convos in here. And keep posting their lovely pictures! Sending all my love to Song Song!  :heart:

Because I'm a positive delulu.. I think This is the best time for her "comrade" to give her those tight, sweet and warm reassuring hugs (the kinds that we saw on dots) and to shower her with love and be by her side. 

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I believe SHK have more strength now.. Since she has a billion fans, lovely friends and (i believe) someone special ^^ make her smile with your cheesy things hey you someone... Ehehehe 


Have a Safe Flight back to Korea, Goddess.. 

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30 minutes ago, thelittleclouds said:

Just browsed through IG and stumbled on one KiKyo's shipper account.............:(

Please leave that negativity out of this thread, whatever that particular feud is brewing has no relevance to this POSITIVE THREAD.... thank you. I suggest you edit your post.... As to not instigate others from commenting on this. 

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It's already past 1am where I am but I could not sleep. 

Ahhhhh! I don't care about the awards anymore! 

I just want Song Hye Kyo to be happy. Seeing her so happy is worth all the awards in the world!  

Positivity IN. Negativity OUT! 


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