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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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@applegirl2 I hope her large fan base will mobilize to make sure the public sentiment is in Hye Kyo's favor. And I think it would be. 

Hye Kyo is strong and smart. She's a blood type A (obviously, blood theory is a major thing among Koreans), and I don't think she is one to act on things with a careless impulse. She took her time to ponder and go over the pros and cons of a lawsuit. So, before making the decision, I'm sure she knew her past scandal would be brought up again. That's brave, and I'm sure she'll win this---in the legal court and the court of public opinion.

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2 minutes ago, Chewy Hoe said:

Eh everyone later more and more people will see this lawsuit thingy later in this thread and and gentle reminder that we must stay calm and not bash the said company because we don't want to get sued too lol plus now with the mods paying attention we want to be very careful. I have been so toned down with my comments even though I am so mad. 


Ahh. I forgot about that, unnie. Thank you for reminding us. :sweatingbullets: Let's just wish SHK unnie will win this battle! Hihiiii

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3 hours ago, leedonghaek said:

@angieknows I could be wrong here..but I think her contract ended before DotS started airing. Their loss. If only they knew DotS would be this successful..perhaps they would've extended her contract. Well I'm just glad they didn't renew it. Seeing how they're handling this matter...I don't wish to see her endorsing the brand again. 


LOL. I meant she still improved their brand name even after January, long after the contract ended and while DOTS was airing. I'm sure there's a way for them to create a special contract that could have allowed them to use her image, but instead, they thought they could get away with it just because the drama was airing.

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@angieknows I'm also wondering why  her company has chosen this time to start a suit against that company .. Probably they have their reasons and I agree shes very brave .. 


Will need those who can read korean to check knetz comments. . But I glanced briefly in baidu and it was mentioned that knetz are supporting her 

Let's go flood her IG with support !! 

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It shame on J.E playing dirty trick with SHK. And how low can they be bringing up unreasonable statement into this issue. I didn't know that they have stop their contract with HK. When I thought of buying the bag that she used in dots, yup there goes my dream. Not going to spend money on a company that plays s**t.

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We must stay calm. We should respect and support SHK decisions in this matter. 

I agree that J.Estina move was not right, but it is not our place to comment on that. 

We should instead focus on giving support to SHK and reassure her, that her fans are with her. 

Do not be overprotective, be supportive. 

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Thanks for reminding. I was so angry! SHK has work so hard...... I agree that we should be supportive.  Let's flood her IG with messages of support and love. 

Now about J.Estina. I am so gonna air my grievances at whatever page they have. I wanted to buy that bag so badly. I guess bye bye now. (Sorry. I just hate all this bullying and cheap shots.)

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This kind of news is very bad for the tear ducts!! First I am crying from my withdrawal symptoms because I am supposed to be watching DOTS NOW the same time every week. But now I am even crying harder because Kyo had to go through this.....

It's not right...all Kyo did was to go and enjoy a short break and now she had to rush back to settle a lawsuit?! This is like sauna man! 

Song Hye Kyo-ssi you can do it and you will do it! That money won to fund the school will be much worth it 

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Thank you unnies for calming us down, I would be so mad but instead I will spend those energy on supporting our Kyo. And yes, I believe her agency has their own reason to take the action at this time. 

Things happen and more importantly is the way we deal with it, be positive and be the source of energy to her, my comrades :)



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@applegirl2 and @angieknowssadly the agency had no choice, as you can imagine in regards to lawsuits the timing is extremely important. Till last week DOTS was still airing and if SHK's agency had brought it up at that point of time then it could have been in violation of terms that she had agreed to when signing a contract with NEW(production compant of DOTS) something along the lines of not bringing harmful/negative publicity during the course of the drama or some such standard terms which exist in a contact. However once the drama was over, UAA would have had to send formal notifications to J.Estina of having approached the Court for legal damages. If they had waited for the awards season to be over then their case would have weakened, this would have been extremely harmful as the Company would have continued using SHK's image and gone on with contractual violations. 

In law, sadly the onus to prove the crime is on the plaintiff in most countries (I think it's the same in S.Korea) which in simple terms means the Accused is "Innocent until proven guilty". Therefore UAA was pushed against the wall with regards to the timing, if they had ignore this matter for so long considering the contract was over since 4 months it would have severely impacted the way that the Judges looked at the case. Hope I cleared your doubts 


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@applegirl2 Yeah, the timing is off, but it does show that Hye Kyo's got moxie. I like that. The Baeksang is definitely something to worry about, and I want her to win so badly. I honestly think she'll be nominated despite this lawsuit. Or maybe I'm being too optimistic? LOL. But if she's taking this gamble, then, my optimism is my way of supporting her. I have no IG to send my love to her. LOL. And maybe to Hye Kyo, her principles override the importance of the awards. She could have just let it go, but she isn't and intends to use the settlement for a good cause. It'll work out :)


@joongkyo Oooh, thanks for that explanation. Too bad that there was no better way to time the lawsuit, but it's still so brave of Hye Kyo to move forward with this. :) The public sentiment is with her on this because J.Estina is being blatantly greedy and ugly about the whole thing. While the country has extreme antis, the majority of South Koreans are all for backing the right thing.

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46 minutes ago, joongkyo said:



Wow. 30 billion won is huge just for one cf!

Much as the tax issue is no longer relevant to the current issue, the claim that SHK did not effectively increase their brand value during that time is not an excuse for using her image even after her contract ended.

I really thought that SHK is still with them coz her photos were still posted in their website as of last time I checked, about two weeks ago. 

Of course, this is only my opinion and understanding. 

On another note, I wonder how much Song Hye Kye got for Laneige, Esprit and that shampoo brand in China. Laneige I believe uses her image worldwide and the Esprit campaign is for Asia. Though she only got few cf under her name, the amount she received is equal to probably 30 (?) cf in Korea. Wow.

I would like to believe that SHK and her lawyers have initially reached out to them. Now the courts will decide.

I still hope this legal issue will be sorted out soon. SHK is so happy now. She doesn't deserve to be stressed. 




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I agree with @angieknows that the timing is off...  but it is understandable that nothing is as simple as ABC... 

48 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

SHK's agency has therefore decided to sue J.Estina and if they win, they will use the damages paid by J.estina to donate it to a fashion school.

@joongkyo, i can't tag you, idk why... btw sorry to cut your post here... 

But i wanted to highlight the part that although the lawsuit is for SHK cause, but she did not pursue this for the monetary value... instead she plans to donate the money if she wins..

The way i see it, SHK is taking a stand on companies that are using  her image but indirectly being dishonest to the consumer. And the agency must have put a lot of thought on how they are going to proceed as explained by joongkyo so there is nothing we can do except to show our support for HK. 



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SHK you can do it we are all here to  support and we are praying to God that this problem may solve soon, i know she can handle everything.im so piss off with this kind of people trying to use her without her consent. i thought she still with them in the episode where joongki gave her the sun necklace that necklace has been sold out even in china there is a lot of orders...i hope they settle soon so she can decide what is her next project Kyo fighting:mellow:

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11 minutes ago, nefer said:


Wow. 30 billion won is huge just for one cf!

Much as the tax issue is no longer relevant to the current issue, I think they could have just prematurely ended her contract back then due to the tax issue. In my understanding, every cf contract have clauses that it can be preterminated or even to claim for damages. The fact that they continued to have her as their brand ambassador for more than a year after the tax issue means that she had contributed to their brand's value. They even sponsored her drama!

The claim that SHK did not effectively increase their brand value during that time is not an excuse for using her image even after her contract ended.


You're very correct.

Each contract will have an exit clause for both parties, especially in a scenario where one party feels that the existing contract is no longer beneficial to them. Which is why this argument of J.Estina will not stand in a court of law. The judge will simply ask them why they continued their contractual relationship with SHK and further, why they designed an entirely new range of jewellery just for her to promote in the drama if as stated by them that she bought no value to the company and brand.

Which is why I said that this is just a tactic to brainwash public sentiment. Majority of the public who is reminded of her "tax issues" may choose to be unsympathetic towards her.

Also, sadly under Korean advertising regulations - it seems consent of stars isn't taken by many companies, long time fans of SHK will remember something similar happened in 2013 after the completion and success of TWTWB. Many internet malls and companies in S.Korea started to use SHK's image to sell their products, UAA sewed all of them and the court sided with the companies. They said the there was no way to "Ascertain whether or not SHK had suffered any financial losses" by having her image used by these companies.

So sadly, I don't have much hope for the case itself...I see it more as SHK making a point to J.Estina that she will not take this quietly. To me, this makes her even more admirable!. She has lost a case on similar grounds but she still has faith in the justice system and wants to set a precedence in the Korean legal system, this will benefit ALL CELEBRITIES.

But, sadly it could mean no awards for SHK. I really admire her strength and courage in everything she does!. SHK <3


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@angieknows Dear unnie, I didn't intend to post this but go with the flow of spreading love and support to our Kyo, I would like to share my happiness today as Mark Ryu ajushi replied my IG comment, though it was short but knowing that he has acknowledged about my words does make me happy. I was not the type of loving to comment on IG to my bias but now I think it can be an over expectation way to deliver our messages to our beloved ones. :lol: Yesterday I also commented on Hyun Kyoung unnie and wished her to talk to Kyo that we wish Kyo enjoy her life at its best as she always does and be positive, then after a few hours I see Kyo's new updates on IG, I hope that indirectly, our optimistic messages to people around Kyo can indirectly convey our love and support :) and I'm sorry if my post is a little bit out of the topic.


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