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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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Amen to @joongkyo's suggestion! :) 

Oooh, posterior shot of Joong Ki while filming the ad for Kolon Sport ... Wish the pants/shorts were tighter ...

Heh. I'm sure Song Joong Ki, like any hot-blooded young man, checked Song Hye Kyo out more than a few times here and there while filming DOTS. I wonder if Hye Kyo, like any hot-blooded young woman, also snuck glances at Joong Ki's butt ;)




Cr. DC Inside SJK



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4 hours ago, sigang said:

sorry if this has been posted

In GotTV, the cinematographer said that right after kiss scenes, SS laughed out of shy and awakward moments, especially in the truck kiss scene, they laughed so hard, and  on their way back in the truck ,staffs teased SScouple, asking " who looked more skillful at kissing?" and "I think that one is more skillful", which was just to break the awakward mood.(two MCs in GotTV kept telling him that their kiss was real and the male MC said he was sure that they really dated, but the director was very defensive of SS)

In the Bazaar interview, he said he would probably watch the last episode of DOTS at home  and as feeling a surge of something,

he'd be likely to cry(laugh). SJK reminisced about the day of his discharging the Army, adding that the writer, the director and lead roles(in Entertainment news, there was only KES, the writer)  came all the way to Gosung city and he drank daylight booze a lot with them and right after two days he attended the script reading and after ten days he had the first shoot.

he said" there was the time when I was much busier than now . I couldn't remember what I was doing at that time and had no time to feel the pleasure in spite of a bit of cash was piled up in my saving account. so when having the same cycle(moment), I would never let the moment fade away without  making it mine. I thankfully got lots of results from DOTS , so I won't forget important things. Do I sound like an oldie?(laugh)"

he said the truck kiss scene meant a lot cause it was the first day when YSJ and KMY made up  their mind to date. But when filming the scene,

they really hurried to film it within one and half hour because of the sunset. the truck was so rattled that they bumped their faces.

p.s :SHK posted the bts cut today cause lots of k-followers asked her to show the picture (which was briefly shown at the end of DOTS special3)

and SHK has a good relationship with Dispatch(one of the top staffs is very close to her, and as my memory SHK told SJK to look at number 3 camera(assuming dispatch camera) wave his hand to Dispatch in Hongkong promotion.


Coincidentally, I'm writing a fanfic about Song2 couple, and I really need this timing sequence. Thank you so much for this. It's just a story, but I like knowing the real timeline of the people I'm writing about :)

And no wonder Dispatch hasn't released news about evidences of Song2 dating in real life. The lady is close to one of the top staffs. It is indeed great to be friends with various kinds of people, hehe. Good job, SHK!

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4 hours ago, hclover96 said:

Just wanted to post this gif from Drama Can't Stop.  The eyes do not lie.  Look at the way he looks at her :wub:

Here's a sexy SJK pic for the pervs fans who like his neck (you know who you are, lol)

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cr to weibo for the pics and gifs

@sigang, thanks so much for the translations :)

@joongkyo, hehe, I knew that pic will make some pervs fans happy


@hclover96 DAEBAK!!! i truly appreciate SJK adam's apple :phew::P

@sigang thanks for the translation and video. The MCs seem hilarious and envy our SS Couple too (I don't understand any Korean ~ merely guessing :D)

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Hei @Chewy Hoe please never hesitate to spam some more... your humor is exactly why the post got pinned :lol::lol: i really enjoy your post...

omg, this thread is like my guilty pleasure now the best support group ever.

idk how i will survive during the baeksang awards time, because i'll be out of touch from the internet in early june :tears: 

wonder how many page i'll have to back read later on :sweatingbullets: i really don't envy people that have to back read :P but i'll do it anyway...

Please for newcomers, do back read.. i promise it will be fun. As a silent lurker I've visited this page since page 1, although the development is a bit slow at first even after the wine kiss, and more people posted in Dots thread , but i kept waiting and waiting for this thread to grow... it's really fun to read a lot of the post here when the pages started to grow and grow... 

Borrowing some one's expression, Song Song is love....:wub:

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@lynne22 I don't understand how you can survive with no access to Internet in June too! Maybe get a router or something? I know I won't be able to so I don't wanna imagine myself in that situation ya 


and like I just replied you in pm! 

NO.......why would you guys see my apology post as humour?? I was dead serious in apologising because not all enjoy reading spams from the same person all the time and there are some who never liked my posts so they must be annoyed with me that's why I wanted to apologise because there is nothing else I can do? 

Takes a stool and sit beside @sight_stv what kind of confession would you like to hear? You actually catch the apologise and confess joke ah in my last convo with joongkyo. Good for you!! 


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@Chewy Hoe i know right? i can't even imagine.. but its work related, and the boss will be watching 24/7 so it'll be hard to do anything.... :(

:lol: that's just my opinion because to me spamming is ok, especially if its a fun post... 

and @sight_stv has spoken so it isn't just me who think so...:p 


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First off I for one MUST APOLOGIZE for allowing my emotions to get the better of me, Engaging in those sort of negative banter does no one a favour. I and like MANY others would hate to see this thread be reprimanded for things such as the ones which occurred yesterday. So lets keep up what we are all good at and thats KEEPING UP WITH THE POSITIVITY! 


Back to the FUN times!

I am loving all the GIF's from OLD ones to NEW ones, It really does FILL my shipper heart! especially since DOTS is over.... BIG SIGH..... 

SHK posting those two new BTS pics, is making me really hope that when the DVD comes out that, THERE IS WAY MORE CANDID GESTURES BETWEEN THE TWO THAT IS WAY MORE SWOON-WORTHY! [One can only hope] I can see that even being on vacation which primarily is meant to unwind and NOT think about anything just the scenery but obviously that moment(s) where YSJ and KMY were finally reunited was not just a scene it really meant A LOT to her and Like YSJ always says "IN MANY WAYS"..... SHK THANK YOU!, you really are steer-heading this ship aren't you [wink..wink]

Now a days I find myself filling my spare time by LITERALLY RAPING THE REPLAY BUTTON ON THE BTS EPISODE.

My ultimate favourite scene would have to be that "HAIR TIE BTS" Just because I love the cute banter between the two, Even though they exchanged just a few words it was like I was watching a husband and wife play out the scene. How he playfully reacts to being nagged about how to tie her hair which would be him saying "Alright, Alright, Wait a minute" while gritting his teeth.....a couple of seconds later asking her "like this, Did I do well?" and then her "Yes, just like that" Last little bit him fishing for compliments....To me two words can describe that scene to a "T" and that is RELATIONSHIP GOALS! and when he seems frustrated but almost like child like frustrated where he still has that beautiful smile masking his true feelings, and her....... trying to support him with the smallest gesture [She placed her hand on his shoulder blades]. This to me and I am sure everyone here agrees they really are THAT close, where there is no point in denying it BECAUSE to me I think everyone has some sort of comfort zone. In the case of SHK AND SJK they have trusted each other so much and transitioned into more than friends because to allow one another to enter that comfort zone behind cameras speaks volumes. 

Lastly I wanted to comment on how....... 


*There are so many examples that it would have been quite exhausting to name them all but here is just a few:

  • SJK says "You seem to seriously hate it" [White doves scene]
  • SJK cuts in front of her while saluting, can I say this she literally almost had his armpit as an umbrella LOL
  • SJK was rolling around on the floor when she was trying to act her "cute drunk" self
  • SJK just can't seem to look directly at her since he can't hold his smile/laughter 
    • The scolding scene, them walking in the field path
  • SJK says"I need my mom's permission"
  • SJK says "Give me my gun" [Beach scene]
  • SJK calles the fish "It's a fishy"
  • SJK initiates FIST BUMP x2 at HK press conference


CR:  @kristy86 I hope you don't mind I repost your gifs, Its just too cute for words,






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SHK looking so pretty in her Esprit CF. She made Esprit looked like Dolce and Gabanna!!! 


While SJK face for Jeju Air has been plastered even on the shuffle buses from the airline and I so wanna be on them 


Credit to original owner 


Also SJK new movie will start shooting in Mid July

Credit to owner

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Guys I know it's been said, but please be careful with what you say regarding other people and other actresses or costars.  I know I'm as guilty as other people, but I'm reflecting.:PHaving gone through thread closures when people couldn't get along, it's seriously not fun.  We don't want the mods to close our thread because we got too off topic and negative.  We can also try to ignore any drive by troll posts since they are just there to bring down the mood of the thread.  Let's not give the mods a lot to do and keep the thread a happy place.  

And I noticed DoTS fans have been working hard http://isplus.joins.com/100sang/event/100sang_poll_event.html to win this, having come back from behind.   It's not official, but seems fans are working hard anyway to win it.  So if you can spare a few votes (don't break your fingers, but a few votes would be nice) that would be appreciated.



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21 minutes ago, angelicXD said:

@Chewy Hoe oh yeah. Anyway regarding the thai FM tickets. It was sold out. however, its being sold by third party at a ridiculous high price. And a lot of them can be fake too. A lot of fans are just planning to stalk him. The people who organize the meeting said there won't be a second round due to his tight schedule. 

Anyways, one of the segmeng is going to be a yes or no answer and fans are asking a lot of funny questions regarding SS. Hilarious. 

the MC will not ask something boldly like "are you dating SHK or somekind question like that" because of some circumstance, but i think the undirectly question about that will be asked like "are you will date someone like SHK or are you still contact each other or something like that" lol lol and that will be a very hard question for him :) very looking forward to it!

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