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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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15 minutes ago, giegie said:


Already wrote it in DotS main forum. I also fell in love with KMY moreeeee than I love YSJ! KMY's character development was so good! She became one of my favorite heroines in TV series together with Felicity Smoak. I fell in love with KMY since earthquake's incident where she finally remembered her doctor's vow. How could you're not in love with KMY since SHK totally nailed all those crying scenes? And when I watched BTS, this lady is so tough in real life! When SHK said it's easier for her to act in sad scenes rather than cute/funny scenes, I just wanna hug her (well, I hope SJK is the one who hug her in real life). SHK is just like a pearl which isn't just lie on a seashore, I just hope SJK is brave enough to dive in to get her. And as you said, I also hope the best for them


Indeed .. i was so moved by her acting, very convincing. Actually before i got doomed in ep15, I was particularly in love with entire coffee hug sequence from the 'about to break up' to 'flash back of the kidnap incident' where she sat under the stairs to the actual 'coffee hug'. The way she expressed her hesitation and doubts about her competency of being YSJ's gf, the tears in her eyes moved me so much that I could feel the pain she's going through  (that was also confirmed by SJK in his recent Bazaar interview), then the sequence where she sat under the stairs thinking about the tears of YSJ when killing Argus, how regretful that she did not go over to give him support (that she should go covering his eyes, comforting him by asking him to forget about that as well), then it was this shot she looked up after flashing back and she wiped away her tears, the shot where she looked up was EXTREMELY BEAUTIFUL, her tears were like diamonds, and I could then really tell she (KMY) really loved YSJ and she had made up her mind that she would stand by her side no matter what. I think even that scene alone deserves a grand prize. She always able to make me feel the same pain as hers. At the same time, YSJ's pain in slipping out the words 'do you want to break up with me?' hurts me so much too. Now i know that he was really moved by SHK at that very point, and that's why we could see such true & realistic emotions. 

The 2 are just perfect for each other, and as you said i hope SJK can dive to get her, i think i should trust SHK when she said 'he knows what to do', Please be happy you 2!!  hengbok haseyo!!!!!! 

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22 minutes ago, phuongfoodiedinh said:

Also, it feels like SHK is giving Joong Ki all the attention and glory to skyrocket to stardom. She could have shared it with him like many other actresses did with their co-stars, but no, SHK just lay low and let people focus only on SJK. Regardless how comfortable and chummy they are with each other behind the scenes, SHK always put out some formal distance with JK and maintain her modesty and composure around JK in order not to fuel any scandals while JK's on his rise. She even knows that "Joong Ki is at his peak. He knows what to do"; she is indeed proud of him and cheering her best for his career.... All these happenings remind me of this saying: "Behind a successful man there is a woman". In this case, SJK is that successful man while SHK is the woman who pushes him from behind.

SHK is glowing in happiness! 

Song Joong Ki and DOTS seriously have brought the best out of Song Hye Kyo.

finally lunch break lolol spazz more!

sorry @phuongfoodiedinh but i have to disagree with the first few paragraph of your post. i believe SHK is a great actress and she has this high spot in the industry. but i believe that SJK gain all the attention with his own power and they have different point of view as why they accept certain deals. the way he act, his performance and delivery, his dedication to work all shows in dots which resulted in the stardom he is in. his previous works are well loved in SK too. I believe SHK support him and cheer on him and if she can she will definitely help him a long the way by introducing different people. however, i am sure that the chinese industry also know how famous SJK that is why he get all the offer. sorry for commenting on your post, its just my point of view. i hope i dont annoy your for commenting. 

but i TOTALLY AGREE THAT THEY GODDESS IS BEAMING WITH HAPPINESS. they both brought out the best of each otherrr :) 

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45 minutes ago, bliss7 said:

I'm so sad that I didn't get to read your post ; ( I was so looking forward to your next analysis. could you please please please repost it?


Oh that was just some rambling on my part, don't worry you didn't miss anything :) but I'll be deleting most of my posts since there is a certain section of people on this thread who make it a point to throw shade at my posts but at the same time are obsessed with reading my posts.

Being shady is the easiest thing to do.....I'd like to see you contribute something meaningful,  in the mean time I'm also going to lurk just to see how much they contribute in terms on actual content.

Don't worry - if you people can throw shade, I can do it much better. 

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9 minutes ago, gigivillaceran said:

‪#‎SongSongCouple‬ Younger version                                                                                                                                                                                                             

I just can't believe how similar they are. Even SHK admitted she has a lot in common with him. plus they have the same name (Song)  It's like they were designed/created for each other since the beginning of the universe :P
SHK: "Make sure you come and find me in our next life."
SJK: "I promise"
he looked pretty serious when he made that promise to her.

Actually, it is likely they have been soulmates in their past lives as well. :)

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36 minutes ago, phuongfoodiedinh said:


3) If it were for DOTS and Song-Song chemistry, I would have never thought I'd become SJK's fan. Having watched him in RM, SKKS, NG, WB..., my only perceptions of JK were: a typical flower-boy with shining smile and a talented actor who looks much younger than his age. I even found him a bit flirtatous and childish sometimes :D Then DOTS changed everything. He still has that flowerboy image, still a but cunning and flirtatous like YSJ, but way more mature and manly. There's sth about SJK that I never saw before. Watching those BTS seeing how SJK did all the hardcore action scenes himself, sweaty and focused... wow a sangnamjia indeed! Especially when he's around SHK, he tends to be more manly and never gives off any feel that he's younger than her nor her hoobae. Even when he teases her we could judge from his tone that he treated her like someone same-age or younger. Seeing JK tease HK seriously reminds me of how boys in my class tease their crushes lol. 



ditto! I'd never ever know of SJK's existence if he wasn't paired up with SHK in DOTS. I'm glad that I did watch the drama and I came to know about him through his amazing character YSJ. His acting in the drama and BTS proved me how manly he actually is regardless his much younger looking face. I have shipped SHK with someone else before, but after seeing SJK with her, especially how happy she is, I just can't be any happier because I can definitely feel that she finally found her man- the man who will treat her the way she deserves to be treated..

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Omg @joongkyo what happened? I've been really busy but tried to read a page or two when I can! I always check your timeline for something that I might've missed reading from your post (because I love reading your posts btw!) and I was shocked to see everything was "deleted". What is going on? Waaaah. You are our main gal here, our major contributor, our captain that keeps us afloat! Sad to say but I agree with you that most postings, including mine are all speculations and inconclusive lol. Your's is beefy and has some good content on it as well as you connecting all the dots and referencing stuff to make your point valid! Sad, sad, sad. 

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@finickyfray @ysteee Lol, don't worry I didn't mean you two were throwing shade. People who did it know what and why they're doing what they're doing.



Also, to the freaks of nature who are attacking SHK on SNS - your bias's issues in life have nothing to do with SHK. Kindly leave her alone unless you want richard simmons dragged around regarding your bias as well. Your immature and ridiculous behaviour is inciting a fan war, believe me when I say this you will not like the end-result. I know you stalk this thread and then go report it to your other cronies and then attack SHK on various sites.

Yes, SHK has dated 2 of her co-stars...is that a crime?. You think your Unnie's never had a man?.....But, unlike some - SHK has never ever played the victim card. She's never thrown shade, never used public sympathy, she's never opened up about the relationships or her break-ups. She's been a lady and classy through out her life!. 

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@joongkyo What?! You deleted your post?! 왜? Please don't mind the varying opinions. It adds colors to the thread, chingu. Plus I love your posts! Often refer back to them and reread them and feeling enlightened all over again especially on days the thread is slow! I hope you continue breaking down the BTS. Really enjoy your perspective! 

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22 minutes ago, joongkyo said:


Oh that was just some rambling on my part, don't worry you didn't miss anything :) but I'll be deleting most of my posts since there is a certain section of people on this thread who make it a point to throw shade at my posts but at the same time are obsessed with reading my posts.

Being shady is the easiest thing to do.....I'd like to see you contribute something meaningful,  in the mean time I'm also going to lurk just to see how much they contribute in terms on actual content.

Don't worry - if you people can throw shade, I can do it much better. 

I thought it was your detailed analysis of the truck kiss scene? no? if it wasn't. thank goodness! :) 
I can't thank you enough for being such an amazing shipper. we are all so grateful to have you on-board. Coz without you, this ship will be lost!

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4 hours ago, newgirlblues said:

Drop by to share this fanvid :) 


Thank you for sharing this FMV, it's so fluffy and I'm melting. It's dangerous to see videos of their interactions in slow motion is bad for my sanity, lol. But it brightens up my day so much! 

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@ilovesjk nope, got nothing to do wth difference of opinion. I'm just making way for the people who pop up once in a while and leave shade :) ...maybe they'll finally contribute something now that my posts aren't there. Also, SHK looks adorable.....hahaha, look at puppy at the back, he looks real happy/amused! Maybe SHK was drunk hence all those autographs that the Mapa Owner keeps posting?..kekeke. And we know that SHK can't drink if we go by puppy's post from the party. She must have provided a lot of entertainment that day...wish I was there!!!

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3 hours ago, ~*kYo*~ said:


Sorry to cut your post :sweatingbullets:. That scene perplexed me as well, cause it didn't sound like SHK said her line wrong so I was also wondering why he laughed and why she ended up apologizing... and the sexy groan that he did afterwards (which I may or may not have replayed more than I care to admit :phew:) confused me even more.....KBS please release the full bts please! . And you might be right that he couldn't get used to gazing into SHK's face, I noticed in other bts cuts that he tends to look somewhere else when he's doing a face-to-face scene with SHK (e.g. before the coffee-hug scene where he was looking at her shoulder/or had his eyes closed)


:blink::tears: Guys, we're behind in the poll now :tears: htf did that happen???

Hi...I've been a silent reader here...I can't help responding to the said bts...I  find it cute when SJK stuttered & seems lost of words. So I wonder if it was adlib by SHK becos SJK looks genuinely caught off guard with her question. If it was scripted SJK would have known what's coming since its in his script. But he was really surprised with her question & he genuinely look like a bf caught by uncomfortable questions by his gf...lol

Also maybe u all hv talk abt this before but I'm really curious about SJK statement 'wanting to call his mom to ask her permission' to do a kiss scene *roll eyes* and SHK casually responded "why are you still asking her now, when we've done a lot already" or something like that.  So I wonder if they didn't do the kisses in order? As they film in Greece first maybe they did the tower kiss first,  followed by the shipwreck kiss then only they did the truck kiss, also I suspected the wine kiss was the last kiss since it looks like they shot on a set in Korea. Also becos in the wine kiss bts SJK seems very comfortable with HK that when teasing her, he no longer refer to her as noona or HK noona/sunbae or HKssi but just informal "Hye Kyo"

And on the set in Korea when he playfully interview kibum, he refer to his real name formally as Minseok-ssi but when he ask question referring to SHK he just ask, "I heard Song Hye Kyo treats you well..."I listen closely many times he never said SHK ssi/rang/noona/sunbae attach to her name as he should since he's younger. Maybe I'm wrong but I suspect when they started filming in Korea he was already comfortable enough with SHK to be more casual with her. Because though he tried to be formal he slip here & there.. that's why he keeps referring to his sunbae as  "Song Hye Kyo" or just "Hye Kyo"....and tho I'm more SHK-KDW shipper irl, I find SJK casualness for SHK very interesting,  knowing he is 4 years her junior. After all Koreans are very serious abt formality between senior & junior.  SHK even call KDW oppa irl although they were born in the same year just because he was born in January , thus belong to an earlier school batch. So unless the younger guy has an understanding with the older girl, he will hardly refer to the girl casually....so now I'm wondering what kind of understanding did SJK has with SHK?! :D 

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