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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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55 minutes ago, hyukgu said:

SJK: "I need my mum's permission."

SHK: "Still? We have done it a lot tho."

SJK: "No, I must ask her."

SHK: "You should have asked already!" 


DC Inside

Does anyone know the shooting order of their kissing scenes?

There are 2 scenes they shot in the beach but SHK stares and expressions are drastically changed in episode 16 compared to episode 3. If these scenes were shot at the same day, I must applaud her wholeheartedly. 

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10 minutes ago, Chewy Hoe said:

@joongkyo your translations that were not included in the subs further reinforce that just following just only the subs is just simply not wholesome enough. The truth lies in their offscreen content and interaction that is shown on this BTS special that truly shows us how they have gone way back and it's not something that's build only from DOTS! 

Some people say SHK praised Ki too much and if she likes someone she doesn't do it so obviously, now I just want to say if she cannot even bring herself to praise someone she likes then maybe that is because she really don't like that person ya 


Agree, they were obviously friendly even before script reading as shown by their closeness in bts.

And btw, whoever said that is actually kinda indicating that SHK is being insincere and dishonest about her opinion to SJK. That is quite rude. SHK praise SJK because she finds his talent as actor and personality as human being is admirable and so she compliment him. Expressing that to public shows that she appreciate him as her partner while doing DOtS, and as someone she got to know. And also, saying that by praising him that much means that she must not like him, well excuse me, that's kinda saying that she is someone who likes to play mind games and being coy. SHK is someone who is honest and straighforward. She would not give compliment to an actor she's eveidently close with and lies about it. That is just not done. What kind of logic is that when she likes someone she supposedly would not being appreciative and compliment them? I can't even. :mellow: 

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when I watched the drama, I feel like 'it is joong ki one sided' as his actions gave him away too much but when I watched BTS I found sincerity of Hye kyo towards him by taking initiative so... 

besides Hye kyo called him baby and he sang 'like a child' in FM

thank you joongkyo for ur translations, all updates and detective skill

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I am wondering what was in his mind when she's doing this aegyo in front of him, he can't even stand up as if he has lost all his strength :joy: 


cr: utkim from DOTS tread

SHK said the drunk scene was not on the script but since each time they drink she often ended up like this so they added it in the end, or something along the lines, please do correct me if I am wrong. 

SJK said he and HK often discuss the rumors about them over drink, did he end up like this each time they have drinks too? :wub: This only happens in my mind, lol... I hope it's true though... :D 

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15 hours ago, my_bazuka said:

How adorable can this guy be? Sitting casually on a sofa, eating sandwich all the while wearing luxury Dior suit lol He's really down-to-earth like his beautiful lady :rolleyes:

credits: vougekorea/baidu

I bet he wants to get home soon so his life partner SHK can cook some hot and nutritious meals for him rather than eating sandwich for dinner though LOL (delulu mode at its finest) 

@convalescentI have always enjoyed reading your posts. Once again thank you for taking time and sharing your thought with us. It was amazing <3


I love this pic of SJK wearing Dior all over but sitting like that and eating sandwich. I don't think everyone can put off such a laid-back pose with high-end brand like that. Or am I biased

Song2 having a photoshoot for Dior would break Dior's sales record, you know. How I wish that could happen!

Anyway, after I finish the cooking club with my students this afternoon, I immediately watched the BTS with Eng Sub at Dramafire. 

My favorite scenes:

1. Hairtie scene. Because he spoke like a smug lover there.

2. Drunk Hye Kyo scene. Because he was ROFL-ing like he really can't anymore :3

3. The one in the afternoon at Urk when he was going to apologize after lying to her that there was a grenade. She was wearing the long blue shirt. I love it because they were so playful there.

The BTS is great for me because it shows how carefree SHK was. I watched several BTS of her works before. She's always nice and enjoys her work, but I've never seen her this carefree. She really laughed a lot. 

I ship Song2 but there were a few things I doubt before the BTS.

Like how some people said that they were already close before the drama began filming. 

Some even went as far as believing that they were already dating even before the filming. 

I really doubt that before, choosing to believe that it might be after they finished filming/early 2016. If I could point an exact timeline, I'm gonna bet on them becoming a couple in Greece.

But at the first script-reading, seeing the way he leaned his head on her shoulder so comfortably and how she just laughed of it changed my mind. 

I don't think they were already dating, but they looked so comfortable together. 

Two people, no matter how professional, could act like that if that's the first time they met. Sure, they might have some meetings alone before that to discuss "how are we going to portray our characters", but I don't think they would look that comfortable with each other if it's just that. 

They way SHK told about her connection with SJK is so casual. "We first met at TWTWB filming location, and we bumped into each other on cafes from time to time".

However, they look much closer that casual friends who sometimes "bumped into each other" at their usual hang out places. 

They really look like good friends. What I wonder is, when did they really start to be good friends, before or after his military? Maybe some of Joongki’s long time fans here could tell me when did he exactly leave the military?

I’m sorry if it has been asked before. I just want to wonder whether the timing was enough to be good friends with SHK on the first scripreading already.

I feel they were already good friends before his military service, though.

And that look he had on the first reading makes me feel that he already liked her for a while. She, however, still only looked friendly.

Maybe during the filming she didn’t realize what she feels to him, got mixed up with the drama. But afterwards, I’m sure she realized she’s in love with him.

This question in my mind of whether they were already close before or after his military service is intriguing for me because it’s strongly related to my suspicion that all those “bumping into each other at cafes” were not really coincidences, but actually SJK trying to get closer to his long-time crush.

Shoutout to @Chewy Hoe

Ignore the haters and spazz harder. I’ve always thought that anyone who has haters are too awesome to live a too-idle-social media life. You made that person insecure. I love your posts, so please, spazz harder. That’s really a good way to give a virtual slap to that rude person.

*back to page 526*

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59 minutes ago, Chewy Hoe said:

@joongkyo your translations that were not included in the subs further reinforce that just following just only the subs is just simply not wholesome enough. The truth lies in their offscreen content and interaction that is shown on this BTS special that truly shows us how they have gone way back and it's not something that's build only from DOTS! 

Some people say SHK praised Ki too much and if she likes someone she doesn't do it so obviously, now I just want to say if she cannot even bring herself to praise someone she likes then maybe that is because she really don't like that person ya 


i'm giving this to those negative people. 


God, people can be an ar... 

its song hye kyo, let her to say whatever she wants. they've been complimenting each others like for months. so sucked it up. she has a soft spot for THE SONG JOONG KI. let her be! some people need to understands that she doesnt own/ doesnt read the mind of THE SONG HYE KYO.

the day songsong couple got hitch is the day i'm going to spam those negative people.. hah!


ps: just ignore those haters and spam like crazy. it drive them crazy....hahhahahja

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I can't believe there are people who said SJK is no match with SHK, if she/he is a shipper she/he wouldn't say that. That's the logic, if they don't like them to be together then why bother posting in this tread in the first place? I was shocked when I read @Chewy Hoe 's post about people's sending hate mails. I can never understand those people's real intention.

About the praises SHK gave to SJK, even blind people can tell they are genuine and sincere. She even said only SJK can act as YSJ, that's how high she thinks of him.

How I wish I can post some kind of bad gifs here, lol. 

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 @kristy86 haha Ki is probably just too consumed with happiness that Kyo is so aegyo towards him infront of the screen. He didn't even look embrassed one bit so this aegyo-Ying must have been frequent lol 

and he aegyo Kyo infront of the screen while at script writing first so they are basically love aegyo-ying each other! now they just need a baby of their own to aegyo seriously 

@raniryu to expand on Kyo honesty and straightforwardness I just have to share that during a chance meeting with her in airport some time back. I can testify that those eyes don't lie!! When I ask her questions she looked right into my eyes and answered my question with some much earnestness that I finally believe the saying that our eyes cannot lie!! Plus she is so pint sized too cute for words lol 

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15 hours ago, convalescent said:

- Onto the last point, I've read somewhere, someone SJK is not yet 'worthy' to date SHK because he is not yet at her level, unlike her previous costars and friends and connections. I wont discuss the career level or acting level-wise. What I want to convey is that at the personal level, they worth each other, and if anyone ever to express her admiration towards his personality, that is SHK. Since her first interview regarding DoTS and SJK (in Elle), she had shown how she was impressed with his personality, and she has stressed it over and over again. I believe for a lady as experienced and wise as SHK, money, fame, and other superficial qualities are not her standard in choosing who she wants to date. The recent interview pointed us to the qualities she wants from a man; all boils down to personal level. And at that, SJK, is very worthy man to have, and whoever ends up being his bride is one very lucky lady - SHK, if you ask me (always a shipper!) 



This post is so awesome and I love every part of it, but just gonna highlight this part. 

Further comment:

The most important part is who are we to judge SJK, if SHK herself falls for him? 

She's the one who makes the choice, not those "fanatic Kyo-fan who thinks SJK is beneath her".

Besides, I think fame-wise, SJK equals her level after DOTS.

In terms of acting quality, he is NOT beneath her at all. His skills is much better than other Korean actors, to be honest. I've watched many, and let's be frank, many fangirls would swoon over any actors without acting skills. But SJK, he really CAN act and he can do it very well. 

What he lacks is only the duration of his stay in the showbiz world. That's all. 

Something that will be equal too in the future. He has a bright acting career ahead. 

SJK doesn't deserve SHK? I am starting to think that no one else but SJK deserves her. 

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I've been seeing comments of non-shippers like they're just noona-dongsaeng and all blah blah... It's not like a 20-year age gap people..I remembered this BTS scene where both SJK & SHK asked Min Seok what "Tsundere" means ..It was subbed as "Indifferent" ..Tsundere is a Japanese term but a description being used nowadays in Korea, especially by the young ones or the trend savvy..[Wiki says it's "a person who is initially cold and even hostile towards another person before gradually showing their warm side over time" same as what Onew (Dr. Chi Hoon) interpreted, he was behind the camera..I remembered Taemin (a member from Onew's Kpop group) was featured in SNL in a Tsundere skit] so the conclusion is...both of them practically is in the same generation like ahjussi and ahjumma not-so-familiar with recent terms and all..but they're not that old though I just used a comparison..


I'm slightly annoyed to all the haters out there..I've learned to calm down my feels..but I wanna say...Can we just respect and love our own ships? For humanity's sake...LOL..but seriously, hate doesn't reap any good...Let's all love and enjoy our respective ships~~


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Deabak!!! Luv that article! N thanks a lot @joongkyo translated it...otherwise we will missed it! 

Copy that! I will close my eyes and open when they announce their marriage!! :D Joongki oppa n Hyekyo eonnie happy dating secretly ya...we won't disturb u guys....ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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@tikawarokka thank you. And please, if you know, when did he finished his army duty?

Another BTS scene that I'm amazed at is SJK filming the maknae soldier and asking "I heard SHK is nice to you?". It's like a very smooth investigation for me. He looked exactly like someone who has the right to do that, using "She's mine, why were you getting cozy with her, do you want to die?" tone, but milder, lol. 


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11 hours ago, ilovesjk said:

@joongkyo Oh my god, what a bully! LOL. He treats puppy just like how he treats LKS, nothing but tough love. I guess those who don't know him may get offended by him but he totally means well. Poor puppy anyway though. No wonder he expressed that SJK is surprisingly a very frightening sunbae. LOL. My take is SJK is gentle with women but he's rough around the edges with men. He'll tell them like it is. Even Puppy said though SJK was harsh, his advice helped his scenes make the cuts. To Puppy, SHK is like the cool mom and SJK is like the strict dad since his fear of SJK evidently does not stop him from being SongSong's 3rd wheel^_^

Awww I totally Agree with you:wub:




SJK: "Everyone in Korea knows that (SHK's pretty)"

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@denira2104 thanks for the gifs, dear. 

However I must have missed it when I watched the subbed version. In the first gif someone introduced the puppy guy 'He's our mascot'. I mean what?!? Mascot?? Like Takku the mascot dog in Studio Concrete??? LOL Remember SHK is very fond of Takku and she has picture of holding him on her Insta. So they actually called their beloved puppy guy as mascot so that they could have their own mascot on set? LOL That's adorable! 

Since I think this pic has not been posted yet:

Btw, he's the only celebrity that Dior official Instagram page posted individual picture last night. Most famous/powerful actor in Asia in current time indeed!



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