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24 minutes ago, imjagulagula said:

So now he called her 'song hye kyo'.. On interview with ELLE magazine, used to be he called her 'hye kyo noona'

seems like no age gap now, no senior and junior now.. It's just a normal man and a woman.. Hmmh I see.. Aratta..

allright! Let us keep sailing guys! No age gap now! LOL 

I'm not too sure how to interpret what he calls her given that I don't really know what is polite or not in certain circumstances, BUT I think it's more telling that he can both tease her, and that they are close enough to have drinks and laugh about rumors, and go out to dinner a lot.  

Honestly, if they showed any of this closeness in person i'd probably think there was nothing going on, but despite having to admit they are really close in private (which I think they only did because of the dating rumors),  before they didn't say much,  it doesn't translate in public.  

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hello, everyone~ Usually I'm just reading every post. All of your posts always makes me smile, thank you very much!! Also I want to share this video from KBS. Apparently, SJK and SHK used to be MC of Music bank!! And I found this cute because the one who mentioned it was KBS itself


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Song Joong Ki, you are such a tease!! Why are you shooting hearts on us all the time? This finger heart thing has become a mystery to me! Is this some kind of love language between you and SHK? Is this some kind of (very) discreet love confession? Is this simple gesture actually means you have SHK's heart? Or maybe, you are courageously sending your heart and love to SHK while she watches you admirably on TV? Whatever it is, I hope your heart is happy! I will just be in my Shipping boat waiting for more clues along with my shipping crew! *smiles*

Credit to owner. 

Edit: added another vid clip. 

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17 minutes ago, Nana Aprilia said:

hello, everyone~ Usually I'm just reading every post. All of your posts always makes me smile, thank you very much!! Also I want to share this video from KBS. Apparently, SJK and SHK used to be MC of Music bank!! And I found this cute because the one who mentioned it was KBS itself


Wow! Great find! That is good nostalgia alright! Oh, how cute they were back then. Okay, I'm sorry guys but I thought of a different "Song" person towards the end of the video, Song Ji Hyo and her hilarious trademark dance! Anyway, it would've been fun if they had an actual video recordings and segments together in the past! 

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Semi-OT, but did you read Koala's review?  I'm so annoyed that she suggested MY should shut up and wait to be rescued and not talk to Argus. I thought that was one of the best scenes.   And instead of going to the police she didn't know are corrupt, she should have run after SJ to go with her lol.  I get seriously bothered about how MY is treated by some people watching this drama.  If she does something headstrong, though dangerous, she's naive, but if she doesn't do anything she's a weak useless woman. 

And fangirls/fanboys will come out of the woodwork after his popularity has skyrocketed.    I do think Seolhyun liked him before,  but a lot of people will be using his name for media play tbh. 

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@megbc8 Can you please delete that video or replace it with an audio only video?. This is a SHK and SJK shipping thread, I request that you do not post videos of an actress whose fans have been going around bashing SHK. I hope you'll understand what I'm trying to convey. Thanks.

Also, since some of you brought the topic of a certain female idol mentioning SJK in recent articles. Her agency and she are known to be major media players , forever drawing mileage out of other big stars. So let's just leave it at that and not discuss it any further. Because it will just derail the thread.

Any other celebrities being discussed on this thread ought to be people with whom SJK and SHK both share good relations. I hope everyone agrees, so that we can keep the tone in the thread amicable. 





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@imjagulagula  Yes, but is noona used in a formal setting?  That's what I don't know.  I also like that he didn't go with "sunbae" or something remember, they are supposed to be close senior/junior after all. :P  But I love him saying her name.  And his voice is the best isn't it? 

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3 hours ago, Bambiina said:


Ahh Joogki – You flirt on national news .. wahahahah.. And you were so brazen ..  


That ‘someone will be angry/sulk’ remark is sooooooooooooooo uncalled for …….. You are adding fuel to the rumor WHY? Because both of you like it…. LIKE IT..


So .. it is not a confession yet gals??????????? … What more do we need?


It’s on national news – with his own words (not some journalist re-write what he said) this is straight from the horse’s mouth …


Are you dating  (if the female co-star is older) – No we are just good friend, because our chemistry on screen is so great people get the wrong idea that we are dating – NOONNA was so good to me, she helped me a lot and make me feel comfortable around her. So we are able to create good chemistry on screen. NOONNA has been a good sunbae to me. NOONNA took good care of me. They may also add NOONNA is very beautiful, at first I feel awkward but NOONNA helped me a lot.


The tone when they said the word noonna – You can’t missed it NOONNA .. like hey come on.. She’s old.. that kind of tone. They will quickly noonnazone their co-star.


 Some Actor/Actress/Agency will even appear more serious when addressing dating issue




When asked who they’d choose in real life – MOST POPULAR ANSWER to avoid speculation would be anyone but the co-star .. She can be the cleaner that appear 10, 15 second in that drama .. ANYONE but her ..


But well .. not the case with URI capt … on top of choosing SHK .. he added more fuel – I have to choose her or else she’ll be angry ..


Why would she be angry? Hehehhe… Is there a reason for to be angry? … wahahaha…


Why hint to the world that who you chose matter to her? … Why hint to the world that what she thinks matter to you? … That you have to make sure she’s happy and not angry …


So gals .. He already confessed ……  and he confessed on national news...



Anyway if he never get the chance to confess (may be because of contract with his agency or whatever – or may be because he is afraid of SHK getting more hates or whatever) I’d forgive him … Don’t worry Joongki - If she’s the one .. she will be THE ONE no matter the how big the obstacle. As long as you continue to drop hint here and there.. to continue seeing her … We are happy. You have millions praying for you.. for her .. May this be a wonderful journey ..


I hope you are THE ONE for her …  please be THE ONE for her …


Omo...u know what? I was so happy reading your post. It makes me grinning then giggling...it reallu makes sense. He looks like he care a lot abot SHK & everyhing he said is related & he's being considerate at her....well, he maybe not say it directly that they're dating but we understand it. So, the ship can keep go on sailing! Yeah, i'm rooting for them...탕결... *salute*

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The double standards for SHK piss me off so much. 

When the dating articles came out everyone was hating on her or calling her lucky for getting someone like SJK 

reviewers fangirl over SJK but don't waste a second to dislike MY or SHK and diss her for being cold acting wise or berate her character for making any kind of decisions. 

I love SJK but I equally love SHK. Most importantly SJK seems to be the more lucky one for having the original Hallyu Queen SHK. She's a legend (who else has that many national dramas under their belt?) 

for me DOTs and the song song couple wouldn't be the same without both of the Songs involved. 


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16 minutes ago, melissala said:

@imjagulagula  Yes, but is noona used in a formal setting?  That's what I don't know.  I also like that he didn't go with "sunbae" or something remember, they are supposed to be close senior/junior after all. :P  But I love him saying her name.  And his voice is the best isn't it? 

Yep. Korean language is special in a way.

When you address someone as your noona, there's a level of intimacy there.:phew:

So in a formal interview like on News9, it is proper to use Song Hye Kyo-shi (more or less translated to Miss Song Hye Kyo if you are English speakers) instead of noona which he used during interview with Elle, which was more laidback and less formal.

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@Nana Aprilia OMG!. If Oppa sees that video now he might just die, but that's just another example of his professionalism. So jjang!..keke. Hye Kyo looks just as gorgeous even with those crazy Music Bank outfits!

@imjagulagula just to weigh in on the topic of how one ought to address someone who is older in age according to Korean culture. I think the term Noona if used on a one to one basis then it is supposed to be denoting a siblingish feelings towards someone. However when SJK addresses SHK as Hye Kyo noona in the Elle magazine he is addressing her as noona only because of strict social etiquette, if he does not follow that he and her both could be bashed. However he uses her given name of "Hye Kyo" and not her full name to also show the casual side of their relationship. Just to take for example Lee Minho and FT Island singer, Lee Hongki both celebrities have professed their crushes for SHK (so obviously no sibling feelings) but when they speak of her in print, they refer to her as "Hye Kyo noona" which is representative of their wish to be closer to her since they do not know her personally, but within the ambit of allowed social propriety in the South Korean culture.

However when in private a person may not refer to the other as Oppa/Noona/Hyung/Unnie if they are close to each other.

In an event of a news interview (KBS) yesterday, SJK could have referred to her as Noona/Noonim (which is a more formal and respected term for Noona) however he chose to call her SHK-shi( please note that SHK addresses all her co stars as 'Insert name -shi' when she is in a formal setting which shows that she is very particular about using correct terminology when facing the press and media.), which is nothing but a respectable way of addressing another person. In English we would use the terms like "Mr./Mrs/Ms.", however since the English themselves aren't so strict anymore regarding terms of addressing people using such formal terms-  it might sound antiquated to all of us but in S.Korea it is still something that people practice.

So, Noona does not mean "Sister" as in real older sister, if however tomorrow SJK said SHK is like a "친누나" (chin- noona) then it would mean that he sees her as a "real older sister".

Also, SJK can use the word Sunbae(senior)-Hoobae(junior) when describing their relationship because technically she is his senior as she debuted in the late 1990's when she was still in School. Therefore the time and the period of debut is extremely important, it is a way to show respect and deference to people who have debuted before you regardless of age or success. 

Hope that cleared your doubts.


@gangurhar It's sad isn't it?. What's even more sad is the fact that it's girls/women bashing another Woman just out of pure envy. It's nothing less and nothing more. There is nothing we can do about it, it's just the way things are. This is exactly why qualities like envy/jealousy etc are seen as feminine drawbacks. It's because of those haters that we all get a bad name.

God, himself could come down and call SHK an angel and there will still be haters. So, yeah nothing can be done about it.


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5 hours ago, ilovesjk said:

@joongkyo Hahaha right? And did I hear that correctly or did she compliment him for being handsome? Sorry my limited Korean can only catch onto certain words but cannot make out full sentences. Like Asparagus, I'm going to learn Korean just for SJK! LOL!

Everything that's happening got me to recall SJK's Nice Guy days when Song Hye Kyo said in her Highcut interview, vaguely but she did, that Song Joong Ki was the junior actor that caught her attention. At the time she expressed that despite his pretty looks, he's able to convey a lot of emotions in portrayal of a man full of vengeance and therefore she was pretty impressed. I remember expressing in content to everyone I knew because one, it came from SHK, my woman crush since forever. And then two, I was happy for SJK as it must have been such an honor to be praised by SHK. At the time, the thought of a potential collaboration between the two never crossed my mind as I found it too far out of reach for some reason.

And then right before his enlistment, he held a private fanmeet. JIS showed up as a surprise guest and the host questioned SJK for his reasoning of visiting the set of TWTWB twice and he jokingly responded he went there to see SHK. Kyahhh, he wasn't joking I'm sure. As a loyal friend, SJK always makes the effort to pay his buddies a visit to their filming sets once but why he visited TWTWB's set twice is up in the air. So the man wasn't joking. :phew: At this point, my desire for the two to meet in a project have been brought up several times but everyone told me that they weren't compatible given SJK's baby face. Poor SJK, always being underestimated for his young looks. Yet, I kept my hopes high. Truth be told, in the back of my mind I did feel it was a fantasy of mine that would never get fulfilled.

And then fastforward 2 years have gone by and SJK approaches his discharge date, the trending talk of him taking on the role in DOTS was everywhere. You can imagine as an unwavering fan, deprived of him for so long, this was all amazing news to me! And of course he accepts the role and the next thing to look forward to was who would be the actress playing his leading lady. I immediately greedily wished SHK would be the one! This strong desire became an everyday topic of discussion between my boyfriend and I to the point where he got sick of me. LOL. He expressed the low possibility and said the two were anything but compatible. *side eye* Even so I was not phased by it and continued to suggest SHK should be SJK's leading lady to everyone I discussed DOTS with. And oh my god when the day came, I jumped for joy, literally!! I called my boyfriend and told him the great news and of course expressed it a million more times and still expressing it to this day. 

And then here we are today, with filming wrapped up, DOTS taking the world by storm, SJK and SHK burning everyone's screens with the best chemistry in kdrama world shutting up those who doubted them, meeting up in New York, meeting after midnight for dinner and tea, having talks over drinks... :bawling: (I'm crying happy tears). And I sit here and I can't help but think everything that occurred was a foreshadow of the present now and the future that's in store. I'm sorry I sound so dramatic but it just got me thinking of how far things have come and how happy I am with the turn of events. Like SJK, perhaps I wanted it so bad that's why it happened. Yes I'm self centered and think the world revolve around me. It must or otherwise all this would not have happened so perfectly. ;) In conclusion, I've found my happy place! I want nothing but for SJK to find love and be the happiest man in the world and I have a feeling he found just that in SHK. Golly I'm getting ahead of myself. Must check back to reality now. Be back later! :) 

Disclaimer: The content of this post is none but a diary excerpt from an avid SongSong shipper. Do excuse that it's nonsensical, way too lengthy, dramatic, and delusional. :) 


You wanted their collaboration before, and it came true. Since you want Joong Ki and Hye Kyo to be a couple now, maybe it will be (or it is) true. :) (I wanted hookups of other actors to happen before, and those came true, too.) Maybe you're the key to getting them together :P But seriously, positive vibes! 

I just really love reading your experience and your thought process regarding the compatibility of the Songs even before Joong Ki was in the military. 

Re: his interview ... Once the male news anchor mentioned the strong chemistry between them leading to the dating rumors, you could tell Song Joong Ki wanted to laugh or giggle, but he stifled it. Before he answered, it was obvious he was aware of those comments/views from the netizens, but I wonder if that suppressed giggle was partly because he was also flattered, not just amused. Hehe.


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Hi guys, i just backread this thread & i see some of the content here is not related to our song-song...yeah, i means it's only related to that one person & not as a couple...i don't think we should drag that idol here because it's kind of giving me unpleasant feeling. I'm in this thread to ship our couple happily. We can't deny that our couple have so many celebrity fans individually but let's just not talk about them in here unless it helps our ship. :) *peace*

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Hi, guys
Been busy with works but I wont miss this thread. I love all the posts here but I cant press the like button simultaneously as causing restarting on and on. 

I cant pull myself get delirious with excitement of SJK's interview, seeing he did not refute the dating rumor.  Nevertheless, I m so happy so there is still a chance shk will finally find her Mr Right. Hope I m not too exaggerated. As I told you before, being shk shippers for years - that s why I am familiar with @hclover69, @ji08, @megbc8, @twtwb, - now I will post what I m really wanting to post. Though I m now still hoping that shk be with kdw, yet I still am willing to open my heart for uri SJK. To be frank, he gives his totality in acting and therefore will lead to a lot of his exposures with the other female actresses. That s what I m worried about. SJK is totally a good actor and surely when he takes a role, certainly he will jump to it, and most of the time his film/dramas genre is romantic and mostly deal with sexual skinship with his counterparts. I m sure that - sorry I m not gonna spread a false rumor on kyo unnie nor make haters bash her - pls not anymore - her 2014 case and her 2years earlier case was a hurdle for her and salute for her for being tough so far (pls eonnie,  stay strong), as for me, sjk is typically a real man for shk (see her exes: cool, manly, charismatic). For instagram accounts claiming they are fans of shk, I m questioning their analyses, some are acceptable but most are baseless. 

Keep sailing, I ll support this thread thought not so actively participate, don't forget to pick me up and ask me to come when this ship finally gets to its direction (shk-sjk marriage). 

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1 hour ago, gangurhar said:

The double standards for SHK piss me off so much. 

When the dating articles came out everyone was hating on her or calling her lucky for getting someone like SJK 

reviewers fangirl over SJK but don't waste a second to dislike MY or SHK and diss her for being cold acting wise or berate her character for making any kind of decisions. 

I love SJK but I equally love SHK. Most importantly SJK seems to be the more lucky one for having the original Hallyu Queen SHK. She's a legend (who else has that many national dramas under their belt?) 

for me DOTs and the song song couple wouldn't be the same without both of the Songs involved. 



SPOT ON chingu.... and I want to say this... OVER and OVER again... those who don't agree with me.... if ya can't roll in... roll out...

Song Joong Ki is of course the epiphany of a dream heart throb of a perfect man.. so flawless is he even a human? I can never see even one tiny little thing that is bad from him only he tends to get plump easily (well he loves to eat but who doesn't?) so he needs to work out regularly and balance his diet.. than it's good! in the intelligent area.. no doubt his brain is above average and I bet his IQ is 150 at least... his personality and attitude is beyond perfect almost all the people that I know in kdrama world (online chingus or real life ones) like him a lot! never a bad comment about him.. EVER. He's like Korean Robert Pattinson when Twilight boomed...

AND... he is.. he knows... he realizes.. he awares of how lucky he is.. to have Lorraine Song Hye Kyo by his side. I can assure that Song Joong Ki is the one man who will be able to keep Goddess happy.. light... calm and in peace. His mature and wise persona will cover her sometimes childish and sensitive character.. He's a VIRGO and she is a SCORPIO... it's like the warm sunshine that melts the cold iced mountain... oow yeahhh they are compatible indeed.

SHK is not an easy woman to live with... and I can see that only SJK is able to fulfill her wishes in a man that she needs to complete her as a woman. aside from all the amazing POWER couple Korean brangelina kinda thingy..

A Dignified Affair of a Virgo man and a Scorpio woman

Both the Virgo man and the Scorpio woman are deeply private individuals who value their dignity. Neither are showy or flamboyant in public, and both present with an air of mystique about them, and a certain inscrutability. It’s this very air of mystery which attracts them to each other, in fact. When the Virgo man and the Scorpio woman meet, each will wonder what lies beneath the other’s mask. Virgo man Scorpio woman compatibility begins as a bit of a quest to get to know the private individual seated across from each partner.


Once this couple do get to know each other a little, they will both find it much easier to drop their guard for each other than for some other people. Both are secure in the knowledge that their innermost secrets are not going to be blabbed, and that the other person isn’t going to do anything foolish. And as the couple relax more and more, they’ll find that they admire quite a lot about each other. The Scorpio woman, deep, intense and emotionally volatile, admires the Virgo man’s self control, his work ethic and his self discipline. He in turn, hard working but emotionally uptight, admires his Scorpio woman’s fearlessness and her ability to live through her emotions. Virgo man Scorpio woman compatibility can quickly turn into a mutual fan club.

At the most basic level, both the Virgo man and the Scorpio woman are deeply loyal individuals. Both will fight for their partner and neither are interested in idle flirtations or short lived love affairs. There’s a basic integrity in both partners which the other recognizes and applauds. This will not be a very sociable love affair. Virgo man Scorpio woman compatibility involves the ability and the desire to spend a very long time alone together, without needing to seek out friends or family. And the couple simply enjoy a very private affair.

Order or Power or Both?

The Scorpio woman can be extremely moody, but the Virgo man is ruled by Mercury and he’s not phased by changeable moods. Nor is he impressed by her drama – he is as perceptive as she is, and can see straight through to the heart of the matter. He knows when her histrionics are put on and he knows when he’s being manipulated. Despite not being your typical alpha male, the Virgo man is no pushover for the Scorpio woman, and she appreciates and respects that. For the Virgo man and Scorpio woman, compatibility is well matched in a non-obvious, beneath the surface manner.



(source : astromatcha)

PS :


THEY ARE AMAZING IN BED... YES..TO EACH OTHER.. every love making is a journey to heaven and always a new experience and expression of showing how much they love each other.. be careful Kyo or next month you'll be a mom ALREADY..


I wish them to have a great happiness and enjoy being together anywhere in the world (please visit Amsterdam too the Tulips are blossoming) and beautiful babies that resemble both mommy Kyo and daddy Joong Ki I even have a name for their first born..... Song Joong Kyo -baby girl-  hehehehe LOL at my self..




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I was backtracking because I can't believe the thread is moving at such an incredible pace and I noticed that so many of the old posts have around 50 upvotes, but I think 15 or so of us keep posting. So I'd like to ask the lurkers and the people who want to join in but aren't to please post!. More discussion and more voices, leads to better quality of posts in the thread. :)








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we are all here only because it's the pairing of SJK and SHK and it has to be that way otherwise it's not perfect anymore!! They are so good together that somehow I always felt they were already seriously making out by just looking at each other! Ok just writing it makes for a cold glass of water now! 

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