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1 hour ago, d172 said:

Hi everyone... I think I am lost here. Seems like people are talking about Joongki IV. What is it actually? 

Yesterday episode was amazing, really want to share my view on it but going to do it later after work. Thank you for all the recaps, translation, gif, videos songsong troopers, and whoever has extra asparagus soup please share with me. I'll appreciate it so much. :D

Song Joong Ki interview on KBS News, last night at 9 PM. Just read the last 5 pages.

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Was reading comments on the article regarding SJK's response to the dating rumors on Facebook and all of them are laughing just like us, saying how he didn't deny it and it's so obvious. They're also convinced the two are dating. So we are not delusional, even non-shippers can see right through him. We're on the right track. :) 

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1 minute ago, ilovesjk said:

Was reading comments on the article regarding SJK's response to the dating rumors on Facebook and all of them are laughing just like us, saying how he didn't deny it and it's so obvious. They're also convinced the two are dating. So we are not delusional, even non-shippers can see right through him. We're on the right track. :) 


Same reaction on Twitter. Thought was the only who thought that when first read the article. Lol

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@suellen88 Yes! Agree, she must be someone important enough for him to worry about her reaction. It is exactly what a gf would do. I can imagine their agencies freaking out over his impromptu answer, although I wonder if she would be upset or pleased that he mentioned her. I know I would.

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I told myself I was done shipping couples, but these two pull me back in again. How could you not with that kind of electric chemistry? I've always admired and adored SHK as an actress ever since TWTWB.  To me, she is the most beautiful woman in Korea. Hard to believe she's only 34 years old, what a timeless beauty. This woman seems to get more beautiful as she ages how is that even possible? I loved SJK in NG, and thought this guy is a great actor. He was always someone that is very handsome but in DOTS he turned from this flower boy into one hot sexy namja, my gosh. I try not to get too far ahead of myself in shipping, but how can you overlook with the way he looks at her? I get chills.  Those stares are filed with so much admiration and love. I know the whole "stare at the girl like she's the best thing on earth" is used a lot in dramas but this is different to me...imo. It's like SJK soaks in every minute with her. What sealed the deal for me was that truck kiss. Hands down one of the best kdrama kisses I've ever seen. So much passion and sweetness without overdoing it. SJK subtly biting her lip, was that part of that script? Seems pretty natural to me like someone got ahead of himself. :phew:I loved not that she kissed him back but how she did it. The way she looked up at him with a lovestruck look and lowered her eyes to wrapping her arms around his neck. SOO feminine and sensual at the same time. As a man, how can SJK resist that? My heart fluttered and I'm a girl. And with SHK, how can anyone resist this man? That guy is wickedly charming. It's not rocket science that these two are attracted to each other.  One's a goddess and the other is a manly hot charismatic man. Both equally attractive. It's evident on screen, sometimes you can seem them channeling SJK and SHK.

I think there could be a possibility that they're dating, seems like they kind of had a thing for each other back then. He watched TWTWB and visited her on set and she watched his drama. But whatever happens, even if they are just friends(which I don't think that's all they are) I will support them either way. They obviously formed a special bond towards each other so that's nice to see. Of course if they are real,(delu me thinks yes) then I hope SJK can hold on to her hand and protect her from all those antis, and stay by her side and be one power couple. Also it doesn't really bother me that he is 4 years younger than her, if he can be a real man and protect her from the public then he is more of a man than all the other ones that couldn't when they had the chance. (Not attacking, just stating the truth). 





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@hclover96 thanks for the superb and detail gif set... he did seems to a bit taken aback when he was asked 'SHK or KJW?'...

I haven't watch the interview yet but already read bunch of articles from different sites. & i'll be glad if someone share it here with the sub.... :lol:

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Lol the first gif made by hclover96 gives me this lost boy in love look. And to say on national tv news that a certain someone will be sulky/upset/go crazy if not chosen is akin to a Boyfriend trying to be careful not to step on her girlfriend's toes! 

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Going back to SHK's photo, the caption per google translate - "Spring is .. ^^". SHK is playing mind tricks on ME! HA! What is spring? Well, Spring is when all the flower blooms. The fragrant smell of flowers stir fond memories. Springtime is the most beautiful season of all. It's where everything flourish.... Where LOVE flourish! This is purely speculation and my delusional mind, what a coincidence that she posted these flowers and SJK will be on TV last night. So if you ask me SHK, Spring is LOVE! And I smell yours too! 

Okay, now back to reality! 

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I also found it amusing how serious SJK took the question asking him to choose between KMY and YMJ. Honestly I felt it was a harmless question asking him to choose between the characters, a pretty common one that's asked all the time, but he immediately concluded it as choosing between SHK and KJW. Joong Ki oppa, isn't it Blossom who told us not to get ahead of ourselves? Perhaps you ought to take your agency's advice. :phew::phew::phew: 

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Grinning ear to ear since last night....:blush::wub:... Dreaming mode onnnnn

Thank you to all the Song2 couple / Kikyo couple shipper for the generous efforts in sharing the translation interviews, article, picture & etc of SJK & SHK... really appreciate that... Salute!!!!

No wonder SHK falls for SJK..... He knows how to take care of our lady... not only he is gentle and respectful... he's also  a caring guy by looking at his replies from the interview ... 

Definitely & Totally different facial expression and body language from his previous drama's interview... Here we can see that his blushing whenever the topic relates to SHK.... Yeahhhh like what others in this thread mentioned before... HE CAN JUST POLITELY DENY THE RUMORS & FURTHER ON EXPLAINED THAT SHK IS HIS RESPECTFUL SUNBAE (come on man..prime time slot...kill the rumors.. as u wish)

Instead he continuing teasing us the shipper and indirectly spills us something "and it’s become a topic of conversation for Song Hye Kyo and me over drinks"

Aaaaahaaahhhhhhh...... got u there.... rumors becomes a topic... it means you guys had converse it a lot right??? since when huhhhhh ... during NY times? Sangeeta supper times? or any other secret times & places..... :w00t:

Whatever the future hold for SJK & SHK... I hope they ended together as dotting married couple...... :heart:


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It's been close to an hour, none of you wanted to do any extra work - YOU, LAZY PEOPLE!.

Anyhow, I'll just lay down broadly what I observed from the interview. [ The yellow highlight is for the announcers, orange for SJK and green for me. I just thought this would be easier to read for everyone, lol, this is actually making me feel like my break is over and I'm back at Uni.]

1. SJK, is a very cool cucumber - The male news anchor tried to emphasise how inviting SJK on news was a big deal, because it's the first time that a "celebrity/actor" has been interviewed in the Studio. [ In S.Korea news anchoring is considered a very prestigious career, I'm sure people who are belong to Asian communities understand - It's like, an Actor may be way more famous and richer but certain careers are considered more respectable. Therefore the announcer is trying to emphasise how honoured SJK ought to feel].

SJK doesn't miss a beat, he says he's extremely honoured AND he goes on to reply that this is also the first interview he has given since the drama started airing [ So basically he's telling the announcer that they too ought to be grateful that he granted their wish to interview him since he's not been just running around doing interviews. I think SJK sends a very clear message here, he is as of now the biggest star in Korea so now it is he who has the luxury to be selective of choosing to be or not to be there. I'm glad he did that, the announcer really needed to be put in his place. ]

Full marks to SJK.

2. The two times when the issue of his Hallyu status were brought up, SJK's answers were - perfect!. The first time he replies saying he's embarrassed at all the praise, and he questions whether he is deserving of such praises and he doesn't know how to phrase it  [this is when I thought it got interesting] - he says Nowadays I am living in happiness [ these days meaning how everything is these days, the way that the way it is. If you notice before he says "요즘" or "yeojum" and he looks at the camera just before saying so, since it is a face to face interview during the rest of the interview he doesn't look straight into the camera but at this moment he does. It looks like he's talking to someone or relaying his feeling to someone on the other side].

Then at around 5:30 they bring up him being a world renown Hallyu Star - SJK says - the Hallyu wave is not due to the contribution of a single person. He attributes his present success to the efforts of Sunbaes (actors/actresses), the people behind the camera and the fans that he has reached the place that he has today. Therefore because of everyones efforts he wants to - unashamedly advance further,unashamedly be known as a Korean actor, unashamedly try to be a good actor - He wants to confidently (not arrogantly) purse this. [Why I'm highlighting this? Because it gives us a window into SJK's mindset, he says when he sees an opportunity he is someone who will take the bull by the horns. He is someone who does things without feeling ashamed or burdened once he decides to commit. Which is probably why he isn't hiding the fact that they meet in NYC, or meet for dinner and drinks in Seoul. This man isn't the kinds to be "ashamed" of being in a relationship even if he's not publicly acknowledging their relationship]


3.The final point of course being the rumour itself 

SJK starts off by saying that these days the cast of DOTS has been meeting often for meals and over drinks with Song Hye Kyo-shi  they have discussed the interest of the viewers and the way he sees it many people love the drama, therefore he has been enjoying the interest shown by the people. [Obviously as we've discussed before this was SJK being evasive and round-about without being evasive. He gave an answer, whether that answer really answered the question is for the viewer's interpretation and I think that was exactly what he was attempting to do. He wanted anyone listening to his answer to draw their own conclusion to what he could have possibly meant]

The female announcer was quite smart, she tried to corner him into an answer - She phrases the question like this - In that case I'm curious in your real life, who would your personal choice be? which one captured your heart ? KMY, the character portrayed by Song Hye Kyo-Shi or YMJ played by Jiwon-shi. [If you see. it was a clear attempt on her part to force him to say the  particular actress's name in his answer rather than the character which is why she phrases her question as such. Also, isn't it completely out of the blue to ask about preference between the two female characters since this story doesn't have a love triangle. YSJ's character is written in such a manner that such a question seems quite irrelevant]

SJK, replies, I didn't expect such question on the 9pm news. But the way I see it, since I appear on the screen more with KMY....(pause) wouldn't I (pause) ..if I weren't to choose (her), wouldn't someone be sulky?  [this was so smart!. He knew that she was hoping to catch him off guard and he would end up saying a name. Because after all this is his PERSONAL PREFERENCE that she's asking him about and if he were to say the actual name then it could be interpreted as a partial admission. However he does give it an extremely endearing personal touch by saying, someone would be sulky - he is teasing SHK. I found this quite brave actually, he's admitting that he knows her enough and cares enough to not want to make her sulky  - while being extremely witty in his handling of the question].

The male announcer then pushes for a stronger answer and responds, So basically you're saying your choice is KMY? and to which SJK replies, "그렇죠" or "geu-reot-chyo" which in English would mean " Yes, that’s right." ," Yes, of course that’s right"," Sure! Why ask?" and "Isn’t it obvious?" [Which further goes to show that his comfort level with her and that he was teasing SHK in the earlier part since he was extremely clear of what his answer would be.]



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Thanks for all your hard work, @joongkyo. I would have gladly helped you, too, but unfortunately, I am also very deficient in the Korean language.

But really, we appreciate all the effort you've put into giving an in-depth analysis of the interview so that the rest of us can enjoy and spazz some more. THANK YOU!

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@joongkyo You are a blessing to this thread! I envy you much for understanding Korean and also having such keen eyes and a mind that thinks outside the box and ability to read between the lines. SJK, you've been caught! Moreover, I'm pleased at how smart SJK is. The man does not allow oneself to get cornered. I love a man with brains. As though he isn't already sexy enough. No wonder he's driving women all across the globe crazy. Too bad he belongs to the goddess SHK! Kekeke

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10 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

@missandrea @angieknows_11 Lol, it's okay. I was just joking about the lazy bit. That post was so long, my fingers and brain are both hurting. I don't even know if it made any sense at all. HAHA.


Girl, trust me, you made sense! You explained it well! I can even vividly imagine everything, thanks to your in-depth analysis! I thoroughly enjoy every single paragraph and be on my Song-Song cloud nine! Again, thanks for this huge effort! 

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7 minutes ago, ilovesjk said:

@joongkyo  No wonder he's driving women all across the globe crazy. Too bad he belongs to the goddess SHK! Kekeke


Lol, you have no idea!. I was getting so damn irritated every time that female anchor would do her high pitched giggles when he spoke. I was like this News Anchor Unnie better back off from my Unnie's boyfriend, plus female news anchors are notorious flirts in SK. Many become news anchors to get into a position to make good marriages. So I was like "oh-no-you-didn't " when she was laughing.

@missandrea great!. I'm glad someone doesn't think I'm looney. lol

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25 minutes ago, joongkyo said:


@missandrea great!. I'm glad someone doesn't think I'm looney. lol


Well, we discussed about us being delusional! If ever I end up in an institution it better be because of my Song-Song craze and obsession! HA! I'll be there welcoming you and others like @angieknows_11 and be happy in our own little Song-Song haven and be delusional together! Okay, you can come after April 22nd like you mentioned earlier! LOL. 

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