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[Official] Yoo Shi Jin - Kang Mo Yeon


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1 hour ago, joongkyo said:


Basically it states that to celebrate and thank the cast and crew of DOTS, the lead pair are hosting a dinner on the 1st of April at a hotel in Gangnam. The articles states how this was planned for 1st April, because there is great difficulty for everyone to gather on the same time and venue. The rest is about the show's ratings etc.

I found the original article, it was posted two hours ago. But Sports Donga seems to be the only news agency reporting it.


Waaa! Thank You so much!  But why do I feel like they're a couple who's going to announce something big at the party/dinner :wub:

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29 minutes ago, twtwb said:



When I read the article as translated by The Sunny Town, I didn't really understand what he meant by "this story must be a melo, aren't you growing too?". I am wondering whether you can please kindly translate the whole sentence so that we can really get the whole idea of what Song Joong Ki was trying to say regarding his chemistry with Song Hye Kyo. Many thanks in advance. :)

t think melo is melodrama which they refer to romance because i noticed that they always using the melo word for romance or romantic story. So, since the story is romance in genre they could have develop feeling for each other & that's why the writer tell them to date properly because of their awesome chemistry... :)

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Wow this thread is on fire! many news coming and we are excited to know all the details about it..  the 1st April gathering for DotS crew sounds legit.. the event will be held by both main leads in a restaurant in Gangnam. My eyes were popping when I read 'a restaurant in Gangnam' since I've been to one place where Kyo always dine (it's one of her fave) can it be there?? The awesome autenthic yet fushionistic Korean Restaurant 'Dadam' in Cheongdam dong- Gangnam gu. Both SHK and SJK's fave. The place is big and it can accomodate up to 220 people and some private rooms for private dining. I ate there the last time in 2014 and oww yeaah it's a fine dining Korean Joseon-ish style with modern touch.. as a restorateur my self I'm in awe of how the Korean culinair able to always developt new trends but still pretty much implied their proud and pride of the greatness for the Korean Cuisine. Dadam is most likely where the event would held and Song Joong Ki lives in Cheongdam dong area it's pretty convenient he can actually walk to that place (I doubt that he'll do that or the City of Seoul police need to be stand by hehehe) 

It's pretty common in South Korea for Entertainment's widely successful project to carry out dinner event and OMG I can't hardly wait to see it! SJK is a meat lover while SHK is more into seafood and vegetables so both of this mouthwatering delicious cuisine will be prepare to be enjoy by the whole crew to the max.. 

Waiting in a heart beat! 

PS. jheongmal kamsahanmida yeorobheon dhereul for the support.. I remember what Kyo said once.. when you do something with big impact, there will always those who opposse.. but that means you are JJANG!! hehehe... I'm going back to Seoul in July for 3 weeks and I hope the euphoria of DotS still and maybe even more rejoice full! can't wait to go and buy all the stuffs about DotS!


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Wow, the news about the co-host party on 01st of Apr made my entire afternoon at work lol

Like you guys, I also believe its quite rare for the leads to host a party for all the crews and staff to celebrate the success of the drama. Normally, for ultra popular dramas, lead actors and actresses just give out surprising expensive gifts to the crews right?. SHK has done the gifting before with TWTWB and I'm sure SJK did it before as well with his previous projects but hosting a party for probably more than 150 people at a hotel in Kangnam-  one of the most luxurious districts in Seoul seems to be a whole new level of generosity to me . This mutual decision of them is very admirable :) What a wonderful couple really :wub:

And the thoughts of Song Song couple having another chance to meet up, have fun, drink and party with no worry in the world just make me feel happy for them lol Probably there will be limited pictures releasing out after party because we all know the casts are super supportive but also very protective of our couple. I mean what's up with the whole posting and deleting pics/vid on insta lol.

Also, talking about party and drinking makes me remember this funny meme that SHK posted on her public insta :


Well, I just wanna say to her 'Feel free to be happy and even drunk on that 01stApr party unnie, caused I'm sure a certain sang-namja will take care of you and take you home safely no matter what' :D ( please excuse me for my delulu mode friends :lol:)

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I am at work :tears:  Feeling under the weather :vicx: and the only thing that is keeping me a little happy is this thread.  I just want to go home and re-watch episodes in prep for tomorrow.  Is that too much to ask??  eecccckkkkkkk


** New medications to suppress cough, fever and cold :

 1.  SJK and SHK cute moments

 2.  re-runs of DOTS

 3.  Instagram stalk mode -  constantly looking for selfies of DOTs staff

 4. Repeat # 1 every 4 hours 


by the way --  I am totally neglecting my dissertation because of DOTS --  ugghhh #theinsanity  

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@my_bazuka I hope the entire cast including main OTP have a great time and drink loads!,Poor Kyo especially always has to be so careful when in Korea. Last time when she went drinking with her Chinese cast in Shanghai it looked like she had a lot of fun. Lol, the girls were all holding onto each other and tipsy.



I hope they all unwind, have a great time and enjoy their success. Since Joong Ki Oppa is still recovering , maybe he won't drink too much.


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in the mean time.. allow me to drool and spazz on this gorgeous man... he was a baby when I fall in love... and look at him now.. he is the one and only that I bless with Song Hye Kyo.. and remember.. when it comes to LOVE... both are EQUAL... 

he looks drop dead gorgeous in white..

I died... 1000 times and more.

Joong Ki ya.. :wub: noona love U loooong time (kissing my iphone screen)

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@joongkyo it looks like a photoshot for a magazine. Men's Health? well it's indeed healthy for women like us tho... Gurls get ready for the magazine spread ya'all..

those who have chingus or kajook or oppa in south korea.. tell them to get one for you and send it to you.. this magz gonna go viral and sold out in a day! I mean.. OMG look at those heavenly sight my minus eyes suddenly become normal.

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47 minutes ago, joongkyo said:

@my_bazuka I hope the entire cast including main OTP have a great time and drink loads!,Poor Kyo especially always has to be so careful when in Korea. Last time when she went drinking with her Chinese cast in Shanghai it looked like she had a lot of fun. Lol, the girls were all holding onto each other and tipsy.

I hope they all unwind, have a great time and enjoy their success. Since Joong Ki Oppa is still recovering , maybe he won't drink too much.


Which one of them is SHK? And who were the other two? :sweatingbullets:

Can't seem to make up which one is which since I knew nobody! Haha.

Joongki lookin' mighty fineeeeeee. Dayummmm...:w00t:

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3 minutes ago, Far^away said:


Which one of them is SHK? And who were the other two? :sweatingbullets:

Can't seem to make up which one is which since I knew nobody! Haha.

Joongki lookin' mighty fineeeeeee. Dayummmm...:w00t:


Kyo in the middle, Annie Yi on the right and most probably Annie's secretary holding Kyo on the other side.

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13 minutes ago, joongkyo said:


Kyo in the middle, Annie Yi on the right and most probably Annie's secretary holding Kyo on the other side.

If I remember correctly, the one on the other side is Joe Chen Qiao En. 

So I got a text from my sister (hardcore SJK &PbY shipper) this AM: "what? They got caught dining with others AGAIN?! WHY? NO!"

me: I told you they like each other. It's kind of obvious! BOOYAH!!!!!

man, but those guys are fine! 

thank you all for your updates. I'm stalking this thread 24/7. This is my life. Sad but who cares! Hehe

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2 hours ago, Far^away said:


Which one of them is SHK? And who were the other two? :sweatingbullets:

Can't seem to make up which one is which since I knew nobody! Haha.

Joongki lookin' mighty fineeeeeee. Dayummmm...:w00t:

Kyo is in the middle, Annie Yi on the right and Vivian Wu on the left.

OMG, went to sleep and woke up with so many good news :P  Thanks all so much for posting the news about SJK and SHK treating the whole cast and crew.  I'm also looking forward to the three day DotS specials, especially the bts, lol

SJK was spotted at a macaroon shop buying macaroons today and a lucky fan got his signature.  Did he get a new haircut?  Maybe preparing for his new movie already?




The desert shop that SHK and SJK ate at on March 27 also sells macaroons.  Maybe he's buying those macaroons for someone ;)


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8 hours ago, Bambiina said:

I think for a long time before decided to post this .. just like Captain YSJ thinking over 1000 times before kissing KMY, (This may seem out of topic at first .. :D hope it will not be deleted)

 I was a BiKyo fanatic through and through for a long time … I has never shipped any couple as long as I shipped them until it’s official that it was only a dream. I was more of Bi fan – I travelled all over south east asia just to watch his concerts. Even though I love Rain more, he kinda come in tandem with SHK.

I was an avid fan to both of them… that was in 2004 ~ 2006, until the ship sunk … however I was still a big fan of SHK but the fan war in SHK thread was too much for me :D, I eventually stop visiting the thread stop participating in the thread … but I like her ..  I continue to watch all of her dramas .. 

I understand perfectly why some fans (Kyo) are so protective of her.. she has been through a lot .. she has been labelled a lot of names before … some antis can be very mean. Though my ship never sail – I have never ever ever said one single hurtful comment about her. Because I believe in her.. One of a few actress’s work that I make sure to watch to wait .. regardless of the plot/writer/director. Her name was drag to the mud and her ardent fans continue to protect and support her.. I salute them .. she has a lot of loyal fans eps here in soompi ..

I love reading praises about her .. about joongki … I believe who ever in this thread esp those with songsong tagline in their signature must have love both of them and a believer (there are also non believer here which I don’t understand whatda heck are you doing here? Spying?). I am more on Joongki but I stop fangirling a long long time ago (been there done that – in fact  I don’t chase Rain anymore.. I don’t consider myself his fan anymore (tried watching comeback mister – I can’t .. stopped at 2nd eps) ..  I have stop all serious fangirling .. it’s tiring and consumes too much energy and money.

Praises – of JoongKi or Hye Kyo is very much welcome … when you love the ship .. you are hungry of all positive comment about them .. be it JoongKi or Hye Kyo .. It’s so inspiring to read about their struggles their success … their achievement .. Joongki case – He’s ‘new’, of course his achievement is not as great as SHK …

The thing that make individual fans a bit uncomfortable in this thread is the comment belittling one another (be it JK or SHK) …

So praise all you might dear friends … at the same time try as much as possible not to make the other party pathetic .. I know it's not intentional .. buat yeah .. sometime we overlooked me too

BTW – I think the Producer believed JoongKi too.. just google how much he is paid for DOTS 



Wahhhhhh the bikyo clan.... I'm one of the shipper last time... with our dedicated AGENT P from Philippines (salute!)... where we discussed the couple's progress.... the old days.. which I sincerely treasured the experience in my heart where true fans from various countries united and shows support and love to the couple.... :wub:

Of course after that bikyo ship sunk... SHK had been with HB.... but that didn't appeal enough like what DOTS / SJK had infected us here with the S2 love virus.. (hihihi)...

Honestly when I heard SHK will be paired with SJK, the first thing that came up in my mind... aiyaaaaa... SJK's physically too young and not manly enough for SHK..... But I guess I'm wrong..... It turns out SJK succesfully charmed our SHK unnie with his attentive and caring personality... & the most important thing he is soooooooo gentleman towards SHK and we can see that from his body languange and the warm response from SHK...... To the extent that I can see SHK longing for his attention.....

Enough said....... I really wish both of them best of luck in their future endeavour.... & may God bless them as a couple & more.. :phew:

Waahhhhhh now they want to hold a dinner for DOTS team.... another bold step from the couple...







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@hclover96 I'm not trying to hint anything but the name of that macaroon shop.. cough cough , it's French for - "A Good Marriage" . I'm just saying :phew: 

(Yes, I know this because I know French and am not just delulu making up stuff..lol).

@annypooh wait till April, things will get confirmed and you won't have to kick your sister. Lol :)

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my imagination dialogue again:

scene 1: at the press conference


song hye kyo to director: please director, this way please (showing him the way)

song hye kyo to song jong ki: come closer honey (while dragging him a bit)


scene 2: after announcement of their relationship (in my delulu mind)


song hye kyo: hope you can give us your blessing (nodding shyly)

song joong ki: yeah please pray for us (smiling happily and nodding)


can't wait for to see their next PC. it gonna be interesting:P



all pictures credit to owner



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1 minute ago, joongkyo said:

@hclover96 I'm not trying to hint anything but the name of that macaron shop.. cough cough , it's French for - "A Good Marriage" . I'm just saying :phew: 

(Yes, I know this because I know French and am not just delulu making up stuff..lol).



Ok am not alright now...what with this macaroon and a good marriage shop...Joongki kyah....


Hahaha....am not normal today coz tomorrow is Dots day....

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