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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms 三生三世,十里桃花


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1 hour ago, faythe said:

Did you hear who they are thinking of casting for DH & FJ? Jiro Wang & the bratty princess from Bu bu jing xin. Poor DH & FJ :(

Oh Dear God. Aren't they too young? Donghua is the most handsome but also the eldest. Feng Jiu has striking beauty. Dilireba Dilmurat is so perfect. If cast must change than they must choose the most pretty one or talent with great acts. Only personality can defeated beauty.

Dilireba will hard to take down.

Dilireba look like a barbie doll, I love her expresion everytime she met Donghua.

I hope that bratty princess from bubu jing xi can act T.T  why not female lead from bubu jing xi becone feng jiu? The young ma ertai

Ps: I am sorry to barge in. I am new here. I read this topic until page 21. I must back to read 22 to 44.

It's because I am so excited with these drama. I wrote comments without reading fully until the last page of these topic. I love this drama a lot. 

I also read recaps from frostflower14. Thank you so much. :) I was watching these drama in youtube without subtittle. T.T

I falling in love with Yehua's long stright smooth hair though hehehehehe handsome Yehua...always love to see him coughing blood lol yeaa I like to see him being tortured because he hurt Su Su.

Why didn't he give his own eyes to Su Jin instead Su Su eyes? So Su Jin will understand that everytime she hurt Su Su, she will destroying Yehua too.

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@n00dle - thank you for Yehua song, OST. Yearning. The words are beautiful and describes YH pain and anguish of 'losing' SuSu but also the heartbreak of remembering her when she chooses not to. He's so conflicted because he wants her to remember but then he's afraid that she'll never forgive him. 

I can't tell you right now how MUCH I love :heart: this drama. Words cannot simply describe it and it's all thanks to Mark's portrayal of YeHua. I don't generally fall for fictional character but he has breathed so much life and character into this role that I am absoluetely speechless and astounded by the wonderful depiction of YeHua. He is such a complex character because he keeps lot of things inside but somehow Mark is able to translate all of YeHua's yearning, his bitterness, his sorrow, regret and deep love for BQ so wonderfully. I am running out of superlatives I know he is THAT good!! Just sublime (sigh) :wub:.

I am definitely going to keep an eye out for him for any future projects. 

As for YangMi, to be honest I dont mind her as BQ. Personally, I don't think BQ is as complex YeHua in that she chooses to forget the past. So her expression is in keeping with BQ's character. Much more straightforward and less incline to ponder on things too much. She is definitely a great counterpart and balance to YeHua.

Further, YeHua had hundreds of years to reflect on his mistake and his treatmant of SuSu. This experience has shaped him considerably and and forever changes him. You can tell that there are so many things he would have done differently and you can just imagine the 'what if' scenarios playing in his head - he is so torn with regret and 'missed opportunities'. Gosh the angst!! I LOVE IT!!! :heart::heart:

This has got to be my favourite drama of the year!! Hands down!

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@thundergirl3 You probably haven't seen Goblin (K-drama). That is hands down the best drama of the year. :blush: This one can take second place..

@moonflower_ Yeah..Tang Zi got only a couple of images in her head..every woman is beautiful and every man is handsome. The women wears white and the men wears black...

Best line on ep. 38: When XN talked to LJ's brothers "You demon people are evil!" WHAT?!! Thats why you fit perfectly in with them, b%$&. 

@seawaterwitch The main lead for Bu Bu Jing Xin would not match FJ description. I don't really think she's pretty. She's a good actress, but she's not the prettiest woman out there. And she doesn't have that innocent and playful look about her.  Dilraba is a perfect match...so the next person needs to come close to that..

I got a question: How do the Gods sleep? I remember when SS was in Heaven, YH told her that Heaven doesn't have nights..if that's the case, how do you know when to sleep? Why do they need to sleep? They're Gods right.... :huh:

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Forgive this throwback Thursday moment...:wub:

You know you have it bad when the drama isn't over and you continue to rewatch it from the beginning over & over again!!!:D

One thing that I honestly didn't really think about until now is YH and his being a Father.  Don't get me wrong of course I realized he loves his Son more than anything and is loving towards him. But It's more than that, as I rewatched some of the past episodes I guess my eyes were open to a deeper thought..

YH having to be both parents taking care of raising their Son alone I mean without SuSu.  Sure he had lots of help but here is what I love about YH. He never once placed another woman in front of  AL or made another woman more important than the memory of SuSu his wife and AL's Mother.  In fact he went one step further he placed her portraits where they were living whether in the mortal realm or the immortal it made no difference... She was always with them..

Because of his never ending love for SuSu and his Son he never allowed himself or AL to forget about her.  By taking him to the very place they fell in love and married and walked and talked and were the happiest.  Even more I wish there was a gif of AL bowing to his Mother.  Showing her respect and honor each and every time.  Allowing AL to speak to her anytime he needed to or wanted to.  Keeping her close and her spirit alive in a way by just making AL know how much she loved him and that she would always be a part of his life.  Just that idea alone makes me want to cry I mean really what woman wouldn't admire a man like that...  He gives the words I will love you forever new meaning and he kept his promise of only loving her...

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On Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 0:57 AM, arniechow said:

Hi all,  just want to join in discussion about this drama..havent been following chinese drama since Hua Qian Gu.  But I gotta say,  I lovee Dong Hua and Feng Jiu.  The actor ans actress are really good.

 I love it when Dong Hua went and safe Feng Jiu from the monster in ep 25. He could have used his power to subdue the monster ( which he did at the  beginning simce the monster seemed to be weaker inside the  gold cage thing).  But when he realized that his power was too strong that it also harm Feng Jiu ( she started to lose her tails when he was using the power), he decided to risk his live and defeated the monster only using his sword even when he had wasted his energy prior to this:heart: ( which  was impressive considering the monster was the "king of the monsters" as the doctor mentioned.  

Also loved the look he gave to sleeping Feng Jiu when he was being treated d.  Its seemed to me like he's shaken that he's willing to go that far for Feng Jiu 


Sorry for the long post haha.. Gotta to gush :D




Oooh I see now. Thank you so much for the explanation.hugs. :D

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@linh5000 lol, absolutely right I haven't watched Goblin. Heard about it and yes many have also raved about it but I'm a bit funny that way. I don't watch things just because everyone says I should. Or shows with 5 stars rating, or if there are many great actors starring in them, chemistry, script etc,. My drama base is watched on a very presonal level. Perhaps it's because I'm so time poor and a self-confessed workaholic. Also my tastes runs to somewhat quirky things. Sometime an actress or actor catches my eye as with Princess Go Go. Then I find myself compleletely hooked on the show.

One of the most important thing to note is that I'm not after good looks as these things are transient. I want something extra and Mark definitely got it! He holds the drama for me. I am just so impressed with his acting. What's even more gratifying was that I wasn't expecting it! I love these kind of surprises! As for Goblin, I've read the summary, seen some of reviews and it doesn't resonate with me in the same way this drama does.

So thank you for the recommendation but my opinion still stands - this is my favourite drama of the year :)

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@thundergirl3 I understand. To each their own.  But if you ever stop being a workaholic and have some free time, check out Goblin. Im sure you won't be disappointed.  

Enough with that..

I don't know if anybody mentioned this but the love for BQ between YH and LJ are completely different.  They both have the misunderstanding that she is in love with MY but their actions on how to handle the situations are not the same.  For LJ, when Si Yin asked for the rock to save her shifu,  LJ (out of jealousy) refused to give her the rock.  It was his fault BQ would never love him again. 

But for YH, even when he thinks BQ still loves MY, he's willing to sacrifice himself for her. Even if it's for his love rivalry. This is the epiphany of love.  This is why YH deserves BQ more than LJ--among other stuff.

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3 hours ago, faythe said:

Let's re-count all the nice things DH does for FJ.

1. HE punished SJ for hurting FJ in fox form

2. He personally saved FJ couple of times when he could have just let the physician do it

3. He made the bratty princess cried for hurting FJ in fox form

4. He actually carried FJ to her room when he has never done so with another woman 

5. He snapped at Siming when Siming was holding FJ in fox form

6. He deliberately went thru mortal trial to fullfill FJ's wish of being with him because he knows they have no fate as an immortal 

7. The mortal DH was very good to FJ.

Okay these ease my heart, at least for now. In PB, although FJ is still unconscious, I believe she'll wake up soon and they'll be happy together with his son. If the writer needs to screw up their story due to copyright issue (another agency bought PB), I hope she/he gives us a decent ending (Perhaps this is the last time we see Vengo & Dilraba as a couple in fatasy series?). I hate to see them apart. Am I the only one to think if Vengo & Dilraba were given more time on screen they would outrun the lead OTP? So yes, I can't imagine others actors/actresses to portray DH&FJ as perfect as they are doing now. 

In the PB, FJ was forced to get marriage twice, but she bombed them all. First with the guy (I don't know his name in Chinese) that her father set up, she destroyed his palace. The second guy was the one who saved her while she was trying to cover the King from the killer. In the book she said the marriage ceremony didn't happen yet, but repaying a debt is important to Fox Kingdom so she still decided to become a widow. And yes, no DH coming to intervene during these events. 

I wonder this time whether DH's screen version will do anything about the wedding. The kissing scene in the forehead (gosh why they only have one kiss scene and it must be in the forehead) , FJ is still wearing the pastel dress and it looks like they are in DH's chamber. Is this after she went to carve his name on the Fate Stone? If it's the case their ending is still open to many questions. Especially, they haven't given us a satisfactory explanation to why DH rejects FJ so much. 

@12blbl yeap, up to this point it seems they will give us a sad ending, so I just ditch it and read PB again lol. 

*Not really relevant I am so impressed with Dilraba in this series that I am eager to see her in Liehuo Ruge with Vic Chou. Anyone read that novel? Is it a good one?*

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On Monday, February 20, 2017 at 10:29 PM, linh5000 said:

@lizax1 I agree with you, they aren't doing FJ/DH the justice they deserve, but remember they can't stick to the PB because of copyrights issue.  They can only make it here and there. Like @faythe said, I do love the chemistry between Vengao and Dilbara, they make a stunning couple. I still wish they could make their interactions longer. 


Agree *_-

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I have a question about something that confused me.

I remember when Yehua first met Susu when he was in the snake/dragon form, he commented that she wasn't very pretty although she had a good taste in clothes or something like that.

However BQ is supposed the most beautiful woman in Qingqiu, and Susu and BQ are supposed to look super alike so what's the deal?

I remember when the demon king was stripping away her powers, he mentioned something like he's also taking away her appearance... did that affect it? But seems to be she and BQ are still easily recognizable as the same person.

Also when Little Dough was talking about his mother for the first time he mentioned that she was a "meiren" (beautiful person) although I guess he could be biased in this regard.

Anyway I might have missed an explanation at some point coz I admit I fast forwarded some of Susu's scenes because couldn't bear to see her suffer. I cried so much that part of the story that my eyes were swollen and puffy for 3 days after. My BF thought I was crazy haha.


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22 minutes ago, linhthao said:

Okay these ease my heart, at least for now. In PB, although FJ is still unconscious, I believe she'll wake up soon and they'll be happy together with his son. If the writer needs to screw up their story due to copyright issue (another agency bought PB), I hope she/he gives us a decent ending (Perhaps this is the last time we see Vengo & Dilraba as a couple in fatasy series?). I hate to see them apart. Am I the only one to think if Vengo & Dilraba were given more time on screen they would outrun the lead OTP? So yes, I can't imagine others actors/actresses to portray DH&FJ as perfect as they are doing now. 

In the PB, FJ was forced to get marriage twice, but she bombed them all. First with the guy (I don't know his name in Chinese) that her father set up, she destroyed his palace. The second guy was the one who saved her while she was trying to cover the King from the killer. In the book she said the marriage ceremony didn't happen yet, but repaying a debt is important to Fox Kingdom so she still decided to become a widow. And yes, no DH coming to intervene during these events. 

I wonder this time whether DH's screen version will do anything about the wedding. The kissing scene in the forehead (gosh why they only have one kiss scene and it must be in the forehead) , FJ is still wearing the pastel dress and it looks like they are in DH's chamber. Is this after she went to carve his name on the Fate Stone? If it's the case their ending is still open to many questions. Especially, they haven't given us a satisfactory explanation to why DH rejects FJ so much. 

@12blbl yeap, up to this point it seems they will give us a sad ending, so I just ditch it and read PB again lol. 

*Not really relevant I am so impressed with Dilraba in this series that I am eager to see her in Liehuo Ruge with Vic Chou. Anyone read that novel? Is it a good one?*

I'm just surprised they never gave DH & FJ a kissing scenes when the situation calls for it. How many times has mortal DH & FJ are intimate but yet the screen always blurred out. Doesn't make sense to me.

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10 minutes ago, faythe said:

I'm just surprised they never gave DH & FJ a kissing scenes when the situation calls for it. How many times has mortal DH & FJ are intimate but yet the screen always blurred out. Doesn't make sense to me.

because they are not the leading OTP? :D:D:D A strong fierce kissing scene of this favorite couple is gonna blow viewers mind lol. The producers just don't give the justice DH&FJ deserve. 

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38 minutes ago, linhthao said:

Okay these ease my heart, at least for now. In PB, although FJ is still unconscious, I believe she'll wake up soon and they'll be happy together with his son. If the writer needs to screw up their story due to copyright issue (another agency bought PB), I hope she/he gives us a decent ending (Perhaps this is the last time we see Vengo & Dilraba as a couple in fatasy series?). I hate to see them apart. Am I the only one to think if Vengo & Dilraba were given more time on screen they would outrun the lead OTP? So yes, I can't imagine others actors/actresses to portray DH&FJ as perfect as they are doing now. 

In the PB, FJ was forced to get marriage twice, but she bombed them all. First with the guy (I don't know his name in Chinese) that her father set up, she destroyed his palace. The second guy was the one who saved her while she was trying to cover the King from the killer. In the book she said the marriage ceremony didn't happen yet, but repaying a debt is important to Fox Kingdom so she still decided to become a widow. And yes, no DH coming to intervene during these events. 

I wonder this time whether DH's screen version will do anything about the wedding. The kissing scene in the forehead (gosh why they only have one kiss scene and it must be in the forehead) , FJ is still wearing the pastel dress and it looks like they are in DH's chamber. Is this after she went to carve his name on the Fate Stone? If it's the case their ending is still open to many questions. Especially, they haven't given us a satisfactory explanation to why DH rejects FJ so much. 

@12blbl yeap, up to this point it seems they will give us a sad ending, so I just ditch it and read PB again lol. 

*Not really relevant I am so impressed with Dilraba in this series that I am eager to see her in Liehuo Ruge with Vic Chou. Anyone read that novel? Is it a good one?*

Vengao is also in this drama! He might be one of the guys that like her. I hope he's Xue - supposedly a really cool & protective guy. 

1 minute ago, linhthao said:

because they are not the leading OTP? :D:D:D A strong fierce kissing scene of this favorite couple is gonna blow viewers mind lol. The producers just don't give the justice DH&FJ deserve. 

I guess they only want the audience to only focus on BQ & YH. But that's so unnecessary. Twould couples doesn't have to compete with each other.  They each have their own story.

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4 hours ago, peanutbutterjellytime said:

    Soo unsatisfied over changes to Xuan Nu's storyline too. Also got the vibe they were trying to make her more "redeemable" by claiming the Ghost Realm has something "in the air" that changes people's desperation for the worst. Nah Xuan Nu you're just a horrible person to begin with. 

  XN screentime got extended as the actress is under Yang Mi's company and Yang Mi has been trying to promote her artists in this series. But it's actress for Su Jin that Yang Mi has been trying to really promote/make her famous for the last few years, hence why all the unnecessary amount of Su Jin and XN screentime lol. Gotta give credit to Su Jin's actress tho for actually improving a lot over this series.  A VERY interesting rumor I came across is Dilraba is originally Yang Mi's choice to be Bai Qian, but the investors were only gonna invest if Yang Mi the more recognized star will be leading.  Don't know how true this is, but I'm glad Dilraba is Feng Jiu - she's probably the best cast female in this drama!  

@whitesky20   Thought I was the only one bothered by Ye Hua handing over the heavenly grass just like that! especially since XN literally tried to kill him  and he KNOWS his Qian Qian wants her to rot in hell for all the horrible things she did. Ye Hua is not one to forgive either, let alone be "nice guy" to one who has hurt his Qian Qian. Wtf. Fitting Xuan Nu into this whole thing makes zero sense other than purpose of extended screentime, I don't mind secondary characters getting some focus but like you said it backfires if it causes inconsistencies to the main plot or characters.

Dilreba is perfect for Fengjiu. I love to see her as 9th tails red fox. Thanks God she don't play as Bai Qian.

The Bad news is for the next artists ...if Eternal Love will be remake or the Pillow Book drama series will go on, Fengjiu's Dilreba already stunning and stealing the audiences, the next actress must working hard as Fengjiu.

I love Yehua and Baiqian but Donghua and Fengjiu keep stealing my attention.

Yehua is so sweet when he smile. Why they said he was ugly? He is soooo handsome as Yehua. Two thumbs up.

Bai Qian is cute yet very strong Queen. Adorable. I love her too. Love yo see Yehua and Qian Qian kissing scenes in sea Palace :)

Yehua and Baiqian are good ideal romantic couple as Jane and Mr. Bingley. While Donghua and Fengjiu remind me as Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Benneth (from Jane Austen : Pride and Prejudice) :D

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3 minutes ago, thundergirl3 said:

I couldn't agree with you more around the sacrificial and selfless love of YeHua versus Li Jing. Actually there is no comparison as YeHua is descisively my choice in this drama :heart:

Ye Hua is definitely my choice as well. His selfless and deep love for BQ is what makes him a huge fan favorite I'm sure. His eternal love is so touching and yet as heartbreaking as it can be.

He loved her and for him, those wedding vows - he meant every word. To love her forever. The one and only woman he'll ever loved and would do everything in his power for her. I love Ye Hua in the novel and Mark's performance may fuel my love deeper for him.  :wub:

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