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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms 三生三世,十里桃花


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1 hour ago, Sary Em said:

2 eps per week was torture already and now these bonus eps is causing me to be a bad drama addict, It's like I need more more more but then it ends!!! Then what?  LOL. I will be marathoning then hehehe from eps 1 again until I get it out of my system.  Or they do another drama of the same calibre.  YM and MC really does have great on screen chemistry!!


   Right! Being spoiled with 5 at once is not helping my addiction!  As @Purestupidity pointed out it's only Bilutv and for today only. wonder if it's a special occasion 'cause being back to 2 eps tomorrow is gonna suck. On another thought...maybe not, cause I didn't get much work done today :bawling:  

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What? two episodes a week? @peanutbutterjellytime I thought it's 2 eps every day. Maybe not tomorrow. :( C-drama mainland has ruined me for other dramas...they release these dramas so quickly, probably because everything is post production.  I don't know how I would live if this drama came out 2/week! I think i would wait until the end...and just binge watch.

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1 minute ago, linh5000 said:

What? two episodes a week? @peanutbutterjellytime I thought it's 2 eps every day. Maybe not tomorrow. :( C-drama mainland has ruined me for other dramas...they release these dramas so quickly, probably because everything is post production.  I don't know how I would live if this drama came out 2/week! I think i would wait until the end...and just binge watch.


Ah I certainly meant 2 eps/day not week and I'm sure that's what @Sary Em meant as well. Didn't mean to scare you for a sec there !  I do wonder why Bilutv released 5 today, hopefully it doesn't mean none or one tomorrow. Leaving us hanging at 44 after being spoiled like that is just too cruel :cry:

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5 hours ago, n00dle said:

WOW!!! 5 episodes... I want to start shipping Bai Qian and Mo Yuan .. but we all know that's a sinking ship alrdy... can we like have another Bai Qian so Mo Yuan wouldnt be left alone when he wake up.. poor guy woke up to loosing the girl...


The author is writing a book for Mo Yuan (but hiatus after only 3 chapters :() In the story, it reveals that his childhood friend (she is also Demon Clan's ancestor and Dong Hua's bestfriend) was his love interest. She is in "dead" status in 3L3W and PB but will "wake up" later.  And her personality is exactly the same with young Bai Qian (Si Yin) so I think that's why Si Yin was his dearest disciple (their relationship is more like father and daughter)


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2 hours ago, linh5000 said:

@kimlary1234  YW.  I don't think we will ever fully understand why DH rejects FJ so much.  Or maybe it will come later in the story. yeah, don't expect this story to be like PB.  I don't think it will ever happen.  


  Reveal hidden contents

DH did remember everything from his from his mortal life.  

scene between DH and SM.

SM came running to DH.

SM greeted DH.

DH: "You came here pretty fast."

SM: "DiJun came back to heaven before expectation. It is my fault. That's why I came running to ask for punishment."

DH: Why is it, we set for 60 years, but it is 18 years less?

SM: ......

DH: Something could go wrong with this?

SM: mortals fate usually doesn't have any big mistake. Maybe DiJun, your status is divine, even your fate book can't be control.  Or....

DH: Speak

SM: The suffering from the mortal is too painful...

DH: Are you saying my love fate with FJ is too wretched?

SM: I don't dare...


And then it got interrupted by YH entrance.



It's really heart-breaking to see how loving the King treated FJ and when he comes back, his feeling changes. I read somewhere that he will return the arrowhead to FJ signaling that he will forget everything with her during the mortal life. :unsure:  How can they turn him into an unsure man like this in the series? DH has never been torn by fate in PB, in fact fights against it to get his love.

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@peanutbutterjellytime Only time will tell for tomorrow. Let's have our fingers cross.  If there are two episodes tomorrow, we will find out what will happen to YH when he fights the 4 monsters...**cough** lost arm **cough** 


Side note: I love the props in this drama. Especially the tea buckets! I love how in heaven they don't use the normal tea pots, but a bucket and used a ladle to pour the tea...

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36 minutes ago, peanutbutterjellytime said:


Ah I certainly meant 2 eps/day not week and I'm sure that's what @Sary Em meant as well. Didn't mean to scare you for a sec there !  I do wonder why Bilutv released 5 today, hopefully it doesn't mean none or one tomorrow. Leaving us hanging at 44 after being spoiled like that is just too cruel :cry:

OMG, I'd suffer greatly if it was 2 per week, yes I meant 2/day lol.  See this drama is causing brain malfunction and typing incorrectly lol.  Cruel indeed if it took a hiatus and then back to 2/day...oh wells, I read the novel numerous times now but cannot reiterate enough that seeing the characters come to life is absolutely stunning and captivating to watch as a viewer although I do pray that producer, script writer, and director gives us a proper ending with more flowery and lovey dovey scenes than the abruptness of the novel but what can we do if they don't include more for the ending?  I guess I am being a greedy fan lol

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Omg I swear you guys are trying to kill me with all these spoiler, lol. Literally watch the hot kiss trailer and learn that it is definitely not a good idea to do so at work. Squeal like a crazy girl and had to run on break to finish the scene so my coworker don't think I'm watching some naughty steamy movie. That scene was the death of me this morning at work,  lol.

God, how hot can Mark get with his acting. Mark, your acting is amazing and you are attractive as clean cut YH but also rugged Mo Yuan - sorry I crush on men with slight rugged beard like Mo Yuan and Mark got me crushing on him like that since he played young Detective Dee, so I don't know how c-nietzen are thinking about you being unattractive. You are attractive in your own ways (or is it I'm too biased). And I couldn't be happier that he prove all wrong with his amazing acting skills (now I feel like the pressure is on Yang Yang with the movie version). Love the BTS cause we get to see his playfulness.

And thanks @Purestupidity for the amazing recap. That kiss scene literally have me squealing then turn me into a sad mess with his heartbreaking expression. The depth of his love for her just melt and breaks my heart especially when he's so insecure with how much he meant to her compare to someone she held highly of for thousands of years. 

I wonder if both brother are like that in that when they love someone,  they loved just that 1 person wholeheartedly and no one else. The previous recap about what Si Yin said about Mo Yuan not looking like a god of war and mention something "sissy" literally got my mind flickering to Shao wan, how she see pretty guys as sissy lol. Definitely that common spunk I feel which can also explain maybe Mo Yuan fondness towards Si Yin esp. if she remind him of Shao wan. I don't know if they both are in common with each other in that aspect and hope they do. That their heart is faithful to 1 woman, 1 love.  YH for sure and I'll pray for Mo Yuan novel to be out soon to see if he himself is the same and I do believe he is. 

Back to YH, the depth of his love and sacrifice just breaks my heart that's why I always see it as YH having it worse compare to BQ who has so many people she can confide in whereas YH mostly only have his 3rd uncle. It just breaks me each time he ask her if there is a place for him in her heart while his heart only have and always will have just her and her alone. I don't know if I'm ready for the ending because even at the very end in the novel, he place her first and even when she threat him about being with MY, he still abide to it. He always place her above his own life and when he saw her waiting into the pond on the previous episode, his expression of fear of losing her again was so sad. BQ always believe that YH had betrayed her thus void their wedding when their wedding is never truly void and those vows bound them for all lifetime because YH truly never betrayed her (his heart had always and forever love her).

Also this may just be me but I feel like BQ subconsciously accept YH from the start. I mean she may forget YH but feelings and warmth are never forgotten. I mean as BQ, she doesn't seem fond of skinship and even when she was in the mortal world, she didn't like that human guy touching her. And this is BQ we're talking about out. When she don't like something, she don't like and she have no problem putting people in their place. Yet with YH, no matter how many times he kisses her, hug her or so, she never use her high goddess status and put him in place,  smack him or be extremely angry with him on the skinship. Anyone else won't do but with YH, it was okay. 


On a side note, can I just be selfish and pray to the writer God to have Tang Qi skip the 3rd novel and focus on the 4th since I want to know Mo Yuan story with his love interest. For her to view pretty men as sissy including Mo Yuan and eventually falling for him and she is DH best friend makes her sound extremely awesome to me. And for someone to rattle a principle person like Mo Yuan would be a joy to read about. I guess I am thankful that those chapter release so far hasn't been translated or I'll be demanding bloody mary and dying waiting and wanting more chapter. The Mark effect where he makes you crush on both Mo Yuan and Ye Hua cause he's just so amazing.

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32 minutes ago, Sary Em said:

although I do pray that producer, script writer, and director gives us a proper ending with more flowery and lovey dovey scenes than the abruptness of the novel but what can we do if they don't include more for the ending?  I guess I am being a greedy fan lol


  Not at all! With 58 episodes and extended storylines for characters that have zero business normally at this point of the drama *ahem Xuan Nu*  it isn't a lot to ask for. At the very least, they could throw in the epilogue. Longer Cdramas tend to have this issue with rushed endings despite having enough episodes to avoid it so it isn't unfair to expect this. 


Speaking of that Xuan Nu


 Seriously, the only justification I can accept for her still being alive is Bai Qian gonna lay it to her a fate worse than death. This woman has zero shame and conscience. Somehow I hate her more than Su Jin. 

Although I think 16th and Yan Zi are cute together, I am not liking Yan Zi's plans to protect Xuan Nu and save her dead child. It's kinda predictable that stubborn 16th who has an anti-Ghost tribe mentality will fall for Yan Zi (if not already fallen) and for the two to become a couple. Wonder if they will adopt Xuan Nu's child too :rolleyes:, if they do change the storyline and have the baby saved from the sounds of that whole talk about heavenly grass Yan Zi plans to get for her brother's kid.  


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@Rivajuu   We probably wont get a drama out of MoYuan in the next 10+ years >.> 


guys i think i'm going crazy waiting for the next 2 episode to air .. i'm constantly refreshing youtube for any thing new related to 3l3w xD ... so far DF has 3l3w sub up to 22 episode .. with my poor heart i think i'll wait until Friday for it to be sub up to 30 so I can watch it one go ... I can't handle Su Jin framing SuSu T_T ... gahhhhhhhh what am I suppose to do with my life once this drama has come to a end .... I have never really been this addicted to a drama b4 *sigh*

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@peanutbutterjellytime isn't that baby already dead? Yeah..XN needs to move on and get out of the story. Leave her screen time for DH/FJ..She is too annoying. 

@n00dle Yup..10 years waiting for Tang Zi to plagiarize somebody else. :tongue: I'll still read it. haha. I think some people have already recaps each episodes in this drama.  You should go back and check...that will quench your thirst a bit. 

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Super cute interactions between the actors and Dilraba.

Thank goodness for Lian Song BTS! Just like his character..


RUMOR: Reading on the inter-web that there will be 3 more episodes for tomorrow but won't have the next day....are we hoping it will be true? But I haven't seen any trailers...so.....slime picking.

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OMG!! I couldn't wait and just saw episode 44 !! All I have to say is she resisted at first but while they were doing the deed BQ was having flashbacks of her mortal life and in some scenes she was standing there watching her mortal self as susu. Although there was one part I couldn't hear and was wondering if anyone could tell me what YH said to her. I'll describe the scene they were in there skinship, doing you know what and YH paused for a moment, she covered his back with the blanket as she was beneath him in a obviously unmovable position and then he said something to her before continuing his jaw dropping movements  . what did he say to her? And of course she had a flashback in the middle of it. I think 45 is going to be  the beast episode.

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@linh5000  it is but the extended storyline has Yan Zi planning to help Xuan Nu "revive" the dead child and mentions the heavenly grass can do the job, as well doing what it takes to get it. The rest are just assumptions because of that scene in the OST of Yan Zi carrying the child walking away from 16th.  I was really enjoying the DH-FJ story today too, just to have it cut shorter for more Xuan Nu who should be six feet under by now ... 

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3 hours ago, Lyna said:


Also this may just be me but I feel like BQ subconsciously accept YH from the start. I mean she may forget YH but feelings and warmth are never forgotten. I mean as BQ, she doesn't seem fond of skinship and even when she was in the mortal world, she didn't like that human guy touching her. And this is BQ we're talking about out. When she don't like something, she don't like and she have no problem putting people in their place. Yet with YH, no matter how many times he kisses her, hug her or so, she never use her high goddess status and put him in place,  smack him or be extremely angry with him on the skinship. Anyone else won't do but with YH, it was okay. 

 Sorry to cut your post, yeah she never angry with him on the skinship, but except twice, the first one when YH hold her hand and she attacked him with her magic so he let go her hand but then she loss, and the second one the force kiss scene, she should pushed him away with her magic.

Anyway it's the first time i saw Dilraba and MZ, and they surprisingly good, i hope we can see them again in another period drama. 

It seems there is no ep today, and tomorrow only 1 ep will air.

Edited by 12blbl
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57 minutes ago, carmolita said:

OMG!! I couldn't wait and just saw episode 44 !! All I have to say is she resisted at first but while they were doing the deed BQ was having flashbacks of her mortal life and in some scenes she was standing there watching her mortal self as susu. Although there was one part I couldn't hear and was wondering if anyone could tell me what YH said to her. I'll describe the scene they were in there skinship, doing you know what and YH paused for a moment, she covered his back with the blanket as she was beneath him in a obviously unmovable position and then he said something to her before continuing his jaw dropping movements  . what did he say to her? And of course she had a flashback in the middle of it. I think 45 is going to be  the beast episode.

I wonder if it's along the line of the novel that whether she's doing this (offering herself) because of the lantern, or because of Mo Yuan, just being with her for one night, he doesn't regret. 

Before sleeping and her dreaming/flashback of Su Su, he asked her what would happen if one day her eyes get taken away and I'd that person who took her eyes was him. I think she said she cut all ties like in the novel. 

The look YH had at that time break me. It's like knowing that'll she'll never forgive him if she remember and on top of that,  her heart doesn't belong to him (assumingly since he believe her heart is with Mo Yuan). 

Just all that and not wanting her to be in danger or harms way will lead him to sacrifice himself more for her. 

Need more episode. This drama is such an addiction.

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1 hour ago, carmolita said:

Although there was one part I couldn't hear and was wondering if anyone could tell me what YH said to her. I'll describe the scene they were in there skinship, doing you know what and YH paused for a moment, she covered his back with the blanket as she was beneath him in a obviously unmovable position and then he said something to her before continuing his jaw dropping movements  . what did he say to her? And of course she had a flashback in the middle of it. I think 45 is going to be  the beast episode.


If you are referring to the conversation right after it cuts to them with no clothes on, this is what they said:


BQ: Where...where did my clothes go?!

YH: I found them to be too troublesome. So I used some magic to make them disappear.

BQ: *embarrassingly covers them up with the blanket* You, you, you...you want to...with me...

YH: I want to be with you.

I found it hilarious how embarrassed BQ is, while YH is so nonchalant about it, haha!


Edited by kfan1883 .
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Haha true! Also Bai Qian's inner monologue is hilarious during that scene:



She doesn't realize she is having flashbacks to the wedding night between Su Su and Ye Hua, she thinks these are her own fantasies in her head. Hence her inner monologue:

"Could it be that this is a case of 'whatever you think about during the day turns into the thoughts/visions you have at night?' (recall she had been thinking a lot about her and YH's relationship during the day) I can't believe I am having such dirty thoughts about YeHua!!!"

You can just see her cringing internally from the embarrassment, this 140 000 year old "gu gu" who is usually so aloof and detached, mortified at the thought of herself suddenly having "these kind" of fantasies, haha! 



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