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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms 三生三世,十里桃花


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Don't forget about their difference in age and statuses. At the time that MY and BQ met she was like pretty much a kid to him. She had never had any experiences in her life and was just like a naive and happy child, whereas he had had weathered great battles and ages.. remember his history with Yaoguan. 

I think MY doted on BQ because he probably liked her innocence and her loyalty, and also he could see her potential since she was chosen by the Kunlun fan. He probably could sense she was bound for great things hence he was so protective of her. If he had any feelings beyond that I don't think even he was aware of it.

As for BQ I think her feelings from MY are platonic only since she probably also saw him as far above her, like a father figure. I think the best evidence is how she fell in love with LJ. She wouldn't have done that if she had feelings for MY. She had a great admiration and attachment to him. Because she was young and LJ was young their love was like passionate and happens quickly, whereas I think for MY to fall in love it would take like a million years haha.

HOWEVER I think if not for YH, had MY and BQ met again as (more) equals when he had woken up, things may have been different. I'm sure it wouldn't take much for his feelings to transform now that she's all grown up (and looks like a girl rather than dude), but judging by their ages and temperaments it would take like ages for them to admit their feelings. But then again they're immortal so they have all the time in the world. I do think even going by the novel that his feelings were heading in that direction, but it was cut short because she already was engaged to and had feelings for YH. I know the (4th?) novel has pegged another woman for him but just because he has another soulmate doesn't mean he couldn't have feelings for BQ. I mean BQ's one and only is YH but she still liked LJ so...

I think that's also why initially BQ and YH's feelings are like so not in sync. Because he's young his love is like super passionate but for her coz she's like his grandma's age, she takes much longer to deliberate and think about things. She probably finds his constant declarations of love sort of odd. Even if she starts to like him she's not going to dwell on it and it 's going to take her ages to come around to it. But if you remember when she was young she fell in love just as quickly, but things are different for her now. Like imagine you're 30 and some 18 year old guy keeps telling you he likes you. You'd just be like, "Okay, come on, let's get real now." I'm glad she's realized her feelings at last, so hopefully more smooth sailing for YH ahead. He did all he could to accelerate her feelings haha because he didn't want to wait whereas I reckon MY would have just sort of sat on it for thousand years.

Sorry for the MY shippers... I think YH got her just in the nick of time. If MY had woken up earlier things might be different.

Edited by whitesky20
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26 minutes ago, tintin92 said:

I haven't read the book but the series itself leaves so many question marks about MY/BQ 's relationship. I never got the idea that MY/BQ Loved eachother. BQ actually felt something for her master but I don't know if it was love or not :) 

I'm still curious about one thing : BQ took the potion to forget everything , why? I mean yes she was miserable after all those incidents and it was painful for her , how about her child and her love for YH? That wasn't enough for her?


i read few comments back that BQ will regain her mortal memory , that's when she realizes that she loves YH and confesses her love ? What triggers her memory?



Unfortunately when BQ gains all her memories back due to Sujin instigation, yes this antagonist is extremely awful til the end. Then that becomes pretty much the nail in the coffin for YH sacrifices for love and he pays dearly, with his life? (TBD) by drama gods.  

But in the novel, BQ finally understands how true love works, you cannot keep tabs or scores with each other.  She grew up with a personal belief that once you become indebted you have to repay properly to that person. Regardless if it was good or bad deeds inflicted.

Hence I believe why BQ and her determination to revive MY, as he paid the ultimate price for saving the worlds which caused him to be in a 70,000 years coma.  That's where I came up with the conclusion that BQ doesn't have any ounce of romantic intentions to her Shifu and mentor/role model. Just the utmost respect and gratitude towards MY only.

As per YH, he got it bad for Wifey.  Too bad she wallowed in the past pains rather than the love and happiness they created together once her memories returned, this gaining if her forgotten memories snd pain happened when she broke the soul collecting lantern due to her own insecurity that YH only loved SuSu and perhaps considered her as a substitute as she BQ looked like his "dead" first wife.  Oh the internal angst they both go through is so relentless.

But in the end it's all Karma, in that they owe to each other, once that's been settled, BQ and YH can get back to business being in love and having more babies as per the epilogues and fan side stories lol.


Read at your own risk.  Novel ending. Yes BQ regains her memories but that isn't necessarily a good thing especially for poor besotted YH.

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14 hours ago, dancingbee said:

Hi everyone. Hi @Purestupidity
Don't know what episode this is. Ye Hua carries Bai Qian over his shoulder with one hand. The other one does not seem to work.
Bai Qian is confessing to Ye Hua that she loves him very much and wants to be with him forever. First time to see them both have tears in their eyes...



This should be ep 45+ I think going by the scene in the book this is what's happening (SPOILER)


After YH comes back with the stuff BQ needs to wake MY up she's super touched but really upset he lost his arm. She decides to take care of him day and night and tells him she loves him and wants to get married to him. This obvs makes him super happy. Anyway Little Dough comes and gets upset that his dad has lost his arm (although I think Zheyuan might have made him a fake one... can't remember exactly...) YH tells Little Dough that he can still hold him and his mom despite the injury and someone, I think Chengyun, makes a joke about whether or not he can "hold" BQ (ie have relations) and he carrys BQ off to show he can still do it without any problems haha. Something like that.


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6 hours ago, joyblack4 said:

I have not watch the English subtitles, may I ask, why did YH took susu eyes. Thanks 

Sujin pretended to have ben pushed in ZhuXianTai by Susu. To save Susu from being killed Ye Hau suggests that they take her eyes and 3 years of lightening as a light punishment.  

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My impression from the book was that there was the beginnings of "something there" with BQ/MY on both sides. They just didn't have enough time to explore or nurture it. Because they weren't fated to be with each other. And since they didn't have that instant attraction like with DH/FJ from one side or the other, they couldn't be bothered to put up a fight against fate like those 2 did.

But I do the think the seed was planted. There was enough there I think that a romance could grow out of it but clearly nowhere near the point where MY was heartbroken to find out that YH/BQ were together or to give BQ pause of YH vs MY. And I think that was done deliberately because YH/MY are twins and YH/BQ are fated. It's like looking in one of those funhouse mirrors for BQ/MY. The image is there but there's something slightly off about it.

On another note, Vengao and Dilraba have so much chemistry. Even though @faythe said V-love wasn't that good of a story, I'm going to start it soon cause this drama ain't doing it for me on that front. Like what was up with that "Robin Hood" scene? It came out of nowhere lol. I mean I don't want to complain cause FJ in a hood was adorable and it is screen time but it was so random.

Somebody mentioned this a few pages back that fans were saying Zhao Liying would've been a better BQ? I think I could see that. She's got a baby face but in Flower, when she transformed at the end into a "demon" she had a commanding presence. But it would be a huge challenge to buy her BQ as older than YH. I don't know. I don't think Yang Mi hits all the notes of BQ. She's pretty one-note in her performance and BQ should be more complex. It doesn't help that Mark outclasses her on every level acting wise.

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1 hour ago, Sary Em said:
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But in the novel, BQ finally understands how true love works, you cannot keep tabs or scores with each other.  She grew up with a personal belief that once you become indebted you have to repay properly to that person. Regardless if it was good or bad deeds inflicted.

Hence I believe why BQ and her determination to revive MY, as he paid the ultimate price for saving the worlds which caused him to be in a 70,000 years coma.  That's where I came up with the conclusion that BQ doesn't have any ounce of romantic intentions to her Shifu and mentor/role model. Just the utmost respect and gratitude towards MY only.


Read at your own risk.  Novel ending. Yes BQ regains her memories but that isn't necessarily a good thing especially for poor besotted YH.


Definitely agree with you on this as it seem to be one of her personal belief that she even bestow upon FJ to hold in repaying your debt which is why I do believe that her determination and sacrifice to revive Mo Yuan is due to her feeling indebted to him since he lost his life saving the world in the war that she probably blame herself for. And even her 4th brother who knows her best in my opinion did made a mention that firmly make me believe that she respect and feel indebted to Mo Yuan. It was something along the line of (hamster translation): "You've only repaid your debt to Mo Yuan and now you owe Ye Hua in return. You used your blood to repaid Mo Yuan for 70,000 years but what will you used to repay Ye Hua's 40,000 years of life energy" With BQ feeling towards MY, I do see it as a student who idolize and respect her teacher like a father figure or even a role model.

Whereas MY feeling is definitely up for interpretation which I'm going to saved until the scene appear for comparison with the novel and to see how the director interpret MY towards BQ. I wouldn't mind if he was one of their 3 lives together rather making him and YH twin. From the start, MY already knew she was a girl therefor his protectiveness and doting her could stem from that along with her innocence and spunky. You have a girl learning at Kunlun where it is male only as woman are forbidden.  MY has a good heart and him doting and protecting could also to prevent her cover from getting blown which wouldn't be good for Kunlun, Zheyan, or her family. With time (if he wasn't in a coma), we don't know if him and BQ would have been possible since there is the played "fate" in here throughout. MY is complete opposite from DH so I highly doubt he would be like DH and go "screw fate" lol.

His action when he wakes up leaves many room for interpretation on both sides which I will leave for now until the time comes for us to discuss. But regardless if he did or not, fate was not for him and his timing is over. BQ and YH are 1 heart and they have a child together which logically make him Little Dough uncle. And it's Little Dough, I don't think anyone could go pass him for his mommy accept his dad. Lol.

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1 hour ago, whitesky20 said:


This should be ep 45+ I think going by the scene in the book this is what's happening (SPOILER)

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After YH comes back with the stuff BQ needs to wake MY up she's super touched but really upset he lost his arm. She decides to take care of him day and night and tells him she loves him and wants to get married to him. This obvs makes him super happy. Anyway Little Dough comes and gets upset that his dad has lost his arm (although I think Zheyuan might have made him a fake one... can't remember exactly...) YH tells Little Dough that he can still hold him and his mom despite the injury and someone, I think Chengyun, makes a joke about whether or not he can "hold" BQ (ie have relations) and he carrys BQ off to show he can still do it without any problems haha. Something like that.



While still fresh as I just finished the Eng translated novel for the third time.  Lol. 

This was after she received the pill from ZH.  At first she thought it was he who sacrificed some of his essence/life energy but when she used the soul searching magic, she didn't detect any from ZH but she actually traced it to YH.  Realizing belatedly that YH must've used his own essence to give to her to use and remembering his words of concern when she told him she would gather the special grass needed for the pill.  She knew he was "young" in level of powers and wondered why he'd do such a thing, risking over half if his life's energy.  Knowing that MY will be recovering well she raced to see YH and confess her love to him finally. And so decided to compensate his generosity the only way she knew how.  Serving him tea and whatever he wishes!   But YH pretends all is well and he'd recoup in short order but BQ knows how YH works.  A man of few words but action speaks louder than words.  She realized he loves her to this extent.

The scene where he carries her over one shoulder is soooo swoon worthy!  But this is after the fact BQ made an excuse to A Li why his father lost the use of one arm (yes ZH provided a new arm which will be good as new in 10,000 yrs or so, poor YH) and that YH doesn't have that kind of "Strength" any longer but the 2 hooligans especially SY interpreted it differently and slyly. Ha!  The facial expression from YH and his pride took over to prove a point that there's no loss of "Strength" in that department and proceeded to prove himself behind closed doors with BQ as a witness or victim per say lol. And poor BQ so embarrassed of his audacity and shamelessness...but she wasn't struggling too hard against her future husband's intentions.

To add to above.  Cannot wait to witness how the drama portrays this part in full episode.

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1 hour ago, lizax1 said:

My impression from the book was that there was the beginnings of "something there" with BQ/MY on both sides. They just didn't have enough time to explore or nurture it. Because they weren't fated to be with each other. And since they didn't have that instant attraction like with DH/FJ from one side or the other, they couldn't be bothered to put up a fight against fate like those 2 did.

But I do the think the seed was planted. There was enough there I think that a romance could grow out of it but clearly nowhere near the point where MY was heartbroken to find out that YH/BQ were together or to give BQ pause of YH vs MY. And I think that was done deliberately because YH/MY are twins and YH/BQ are fated. It's like looking in one of those funhouse mirrors for BQ/MY. The image is there but there's something slightly off about it.

On another note, Vengao and Dilraba have so much chemistry. Even though @faythe said V-love wasn't that good of a story, I'm going to start it soon cause this drama ain't doing it for me on that front. Like what was up with that "Robin Hood" scene? It came out of nowhere lol. I mean I don't want to complain cause FJ in a hood was adorable and it is screen time but it was so random.

Somebody mentioned this a few pages back that fans were saying Zhao Liying would've been a better BQ? I think I could see that. She's got a baby face but in Flower, when she transformed at the end into a "demon" she had a commanding presence. But it would be a huge challenge to buy her BQ as older than YH. I don't know. I don't think Yang Mi hits all the notes of BQ. She's pretty one-note in her performance and BQ should be more complex. It doesn't help that Mark outclasses her on every level acting wise.

Vlove is not great but I love their chemistry. I did not like how they changed DH & FJ story line but I absolutely love their chemistry.  Yang Mi agency has no idea what they are missing by not buying the PB. DH is such a hoot to read. Sure he's more black bellied than romantic but he has his moments. He's not submissive to fate like the drama version.

Anyway I think that assassin scenes were supposed to be random because the fate scroll were changed somehow & no one can figure out how or why. 

I am praying that the casts rumourning for the PB is just that, a rumour. With that casts, I rather they don't make that drama & ruin the story. I really want to see Vengao & Dilraba as the OTP. They have such awesome chemistry. I wonder why they let DH & FJ have a kiss scene? Like not even one. I've seen their kiss scenes in VLove & they can definitely kiss. 

I'm usually not a fan of Yang Mi but I think she's doing a decent job here. Her chemistry with Mark is also good. Not off the chart but nice. 

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49 minutes ago, lizax1 said:

Like what was up with that "Robin Hood" scene? It came out of nowhere lol. I mean I don't want to complain cause FJ in a hood was adorable and it is screen time but it was so random.


Lol at "Robin Hood" scene. Well it wasn't *completely* out if nowhere. The scene before it has Si Ming explaining how DH wanted to experience the 6 "sufferings" in the mortal world. In order to help him experience another "suffering", Si Ming has decided to give his life story a little excitement by making him be attacked by a group of rebels while he is touring the country undercover (i.e. pretending to be a commoner instead of the emperor). He also foreshadows FJ's fate a bit in that scene as at the end, he has a worried look and says "little princess (aka FJ) take care..." (not sure if he can actually foresee FJ getting injured or if he just realizes that she will be in the middle of danger). Then it cuts to DH & FJ actually "living out" Si Ming's story script. (I can't decide if Si Ming's job is awesome or not--on the one hand it would be so cool to write all these stories and have them play out in real life while you watch! On the other hand you really can't afford to care about these people in the stories when they have to live out the tragedies that you've created...)

I do wonder though, why did FJ not use magic to blast away the arrow instead? She has been using magic in the mortal realm before...perhaps if it directly affects a mortal being, that is when it has consequences?



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About MY and BQ, I do believe that BQ didn't have any love feeling toward MY, whether is the novel or drama ver, remember she is so angry when LJ accuse her of having feeling for MY? She think MY so highly, so it cannot be tempered with such filthy emotions ( I do believe she's the type that don't accept teacher-disciple relationship), and to have anyone thinking that way, to her, is such an insult to MY that she think so highly and respect. And if this is not prove enough, I do believe BQ is not a person who will love someone else when she is in love with other person, so if she loves MY, she won't open her heart for YH.

But MY, at the beginning I wasn't quite sure if he has feelings for BQ, or if it is, I think he didn't even realize it. But the sentence he said before he sacrifice his soul to seal the Demon King : "Wait for me.." now that's something to think about. I think is the sentence that you said to someone you have feelings for. And the part when he wake up (in the novel) and said that the brothers (referring to he and Ye Hua) has the same taste (and feelings) towards woman, he is shock when BQ said the person who look just like him is her fiancee, is pretty much seal the deal for me :D and may I say, Mark with his hair pull down but didn't have any beard and moustache (as YH) is less handsome than MY with the hair pull down and with beard and that white robe :wub:

As for BQ and YH

Is so sad seeing that YH is actually sacrificing so much for BQ, but BQ or Su Su didn't even know most of it.

And it's not helping that when BQ live at the Sky Clan, that evil SJ and even the Su Su faithful maid confirming how much BQ look alike Su Su, while YH on his attempt to win back BQ's love, he again and again said something like : I only cook for you, I only ever love you, etc etc is already a blessing that BQ didn't questions YH's intention after saying all those lovey dovey sentences while others said that YH so deeply love his mortal wife?

And imagine when BQ regain back her memory as Su Su, how all those sentences that YH said, all those actions that YH take for her (and she only know just a few of many sacrifices that YH made), will questions YH's love her. BQ will think that YH is doing all those actions just to compensate for his actions of taking her eyes. Poor YH :(

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Wow I am amazed with Mark's acting. I hope he get best male actor award for this drama. He has me so obsessed with his emoting its ridiculous. I feel bad honestly cause when I first saw the teaser pix with him I thought I might or might not watch it cause he didnt look that cute to me at first. But Im happy I gave him a chance. Also, I would like to thank the production team for allowing these sexy scenes to be played out as they did in the book. Its great everything is almost the same as the book mad props to the writer and cast for doing such a good job. I'm forever grateful they didn't cut those intimate scenes out like Hua Qian Gu (that made me super PO:wacko: that they did that to the fans). And I have loved almost every scene with Dong Hua and Feng Jiu they are almost my fav couple I think they give me mild butterflies seeing them together :wub:. Here's a vid of Mark saying how he was too embarrassed to say the lines “Don’t be afraid ....... it will only hurt a little bit”  during there recent sexy scene. If someone already posted here sorry but I haven't read all the back pages in this thread.



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@BaiZiHua   Ahhh thank you sooo much for this !! This is too funny, Mark's reaction is adorable!   And I believe he mentioned that line which made him cringe, was from the first intimate scene between Ye Hua and Su Su (so I assume that's the wedding night)  Welp looks like he got his wish after all as it didn't make the final cut :tongue:  

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11 hours ago, Purestupidity said:

I think Yang Mi is doing a great job as well. I saw a video from Chinese press, saying Zhao Liying (Hua Qian Gu) would have been a better choice, but I diagree, Zhao Liying is too baby face, maybe as Si Yin is ok but not as Bai Qian who is a high goddess...


I don't know about ZLY (I actually haven't seen her in anything except the first few episodes of Boss & Me before I got bored of it--I'm just not really a fan of modern dramas--and obviously her character there was very silly/cutesy, quite different from Bai Qian). Just visually I agree on first glance she seems to be too baby-faced for the role (but of course as Mark showed us, superb acting can overcome that! XD). Anyways, I actually read people posting on weibo that initially, Yang Mi's agency wanted to give the lead role to Dilireba. Don't know if this is true or just a rumour, but I can see it since they really seem to be promoting Dilireba and giving her lots of good leading roles. Anyhow, according to these posts, the investors would not back the drama unless Yang Mi was BQ (I guess they wanted the more guaranteed success with a more famous/proven leading lady). Something interesting to think about, how it would turn out if Dilireba was BQ? Of course now I can only imagine her as the cute and spunky Feng Jiu! :tongue:


As for Yang Mi's acting, I definitely find her believable as all the characters she's portrayed (her evil Xuan Nu was especially good, haha). There are parts that could use improvement, and Mark definitely has more depth to his acting...however, I think it is also easier for him to do so because of the depth of emotions Yehua has for BQ. For now Bai Qian is very nonchalant towards Yehua, so I think it is difficult for Yang Mi to act with the same amount of depth when her character is so indifferent towards everything. Generating chemistry is also easier with strong emotions (be it love or hate)--but much more difficult with a complete lack of strong emotions. Hopefully once Bai Qian starts returning the feelings towards Yehua, things will pick up! (e.g. I thought she did a great job as Su Su in the scene where she thinks Yehua is dying in the battle, you could really feel her desperation and pain; and also the bleak hopelessness when Bai Qian first awoke after jumping from Zhu Xian Tai. Hope we see more of that in the coming episodes!)

Edited by kfan1883 .
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On Monday, February 20, 2017 at 0:26 PM, lizax1 said:

So this video has the spoiler to how the mortal DH/FJ story ends. Starts around the 6:00 min mark so don't click if you don't want to know.



The bell "breakup" scene where he walks away from her and she's crying, I think everyone has seen looks like is in Ep. 46. It probably ends with FJ taking her rightful place as Queen. There's a quick shot of her in red with her hair up, on a stage somewhere and that would be right around where Pillow starts.

I've decided I don't like the changes they made at all and this half following Pillow, half not following it and doing their own thing they're doing. I think they've ruined the spirit of the DH/FJ story and DH's character. The DH/FJ story is all based on the fact that for centuries FJ was following DH around and doing things for him and he was always ignorant of how much she's done for him. He never knew she was his palace maid or that she gave up her fox coat to save him, became his pet fox to be near him and he didn't remember their time in the mortal realm. But once he found out, he was ALL IN! The dude basically lied, cheated and manipulated things to be with her and he didn't give a damn. That shamelessness is at the core of his character and the core of their romance, once he gets involved.

But here, he knew right from the beginning that FJ likes him and he remembers their time in the mortal realm, so by having him reject her is so not their story. I'm sure they'll give him a somewhat justifiable reason for pushing her away but that was never what their couple was about.


I wish the pillow book continue to be adapted as drama with the same casts. Because all casts for 10 miles peach blossoms are already perfect. I love them all. (There is 4 book? Yehua and Qian Qian was 1st, Donghua Dijun and Feng Jiu was 2nd, Chengyu and Lian Song was 3rd, and Moyan in 4th books? )...if that so..the director must move fast to catch the time :) and Tangqi Gong Xi must write faster ...poor author ^_^;;;

Maybe the drama want to make a real live character of Donghua Dijun?

Dijun was an ancient God, he is as old as time. He is cold but not ignorance (ind the drama). In the book he was little bit too naive and more ignorance with his surrounded (remind me of sherlock bennedict cumberbatch lol). But I love both character of Donghua in the book and in the drama. Love it.

 Is it Zhonglin and Shi Ming the same person?

I love kissing scenes between Yehua and Qian qian in sea pallace. *_*

I wish to see Donghua dijun kiss Feng Jiu too. :D


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Hi everyone, this is the first time in all my drama watching life (which is a long long one :D) that I've felt compelled to make a Soompi account. I'm simply obsessed with this drama. I love all the characters, except for TJ, SJ and XN of course. I too also hope they'll extend the ending a little more then the book. I think BQ and YH deserves that :wub:

Edited by noodlesss
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2 hours ago, faythe said:

Vlove is not great but I love their chemistry. I did not like how they changed DH & FJ story line but I absolutely love their chemistry.  Yang Mi agency has no idea what they are missing by not buying the PB. DH is such a hoot to read. Sure he's more black bellied than romantic but he has his moments. He's not submissive to fate like the drama version.

I am praying that the casts rumourning for the PB is just that, a rumour. With that casts, I rather they don't make that drama & ruin the story. I really want to see Vengao & Dilraba as the OTP. They have such awesome chemistry. I wonder why they let DH & FJ have a kiss scene? Like not even one. I've seen their kiss scenes in VLove & they can definitely kiss. 

I'm usually not a fan of Yang Mi but I think she's doing a decent job here. Her chemistry with Mark is also good. Not off the chart but nice. 


1 hour ago, seawaterwitch said:


Dijun was an ancient God, he is as old as time. He is cold but not ignorance (ind the drama). In the book he was little bit too naive and more ignorance with his surrounded (remind me of sherlock bennedict cumberbatch lol). But I love both character of Donghua in the book and in the drama. Love it.

 Is it Zhonglin and Shi Ming the same person?

I love kissing scenes between Yehua and Qian qian in sea pallace. *_*

I wish to see Donghua dijun kiss Feng Jiu too. :D



Gosh you guys just speak my mind. To be honest, it's weird that they've changed DH/FJ core spirit, which makes their scenes are tragedic to watch now. Like you said once he knows that he likes/loves FJ he would fight against fate to return her love, but now what? He chases her away. I mean, WTH. It's not the notorious shameless ignorant DH that we know. This couple makes me crazy over days though. Any spoiler to the ending of DH/FJ will ease my heart B) 

If the story just ends by them spliting up, FJ becoming the Queen and that's it I will never watch a romantic fantasy adaptation again, lol. 

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7 hours ago, crispachu said:


I don't think she directly said that in the book, but she definitely had that thought when she first met him. She actually wasn't that impressed with her shifu at all when she was first accepted, and in the books, she only started looking at him differently after he saved her from YG, if I recall correctly.


Yeah she didn't directly said that in the book. 

The book only mentioned that BQ and 4th brother admire Mo Yuan very much, even 4th brother want to follow BQ and Zheyan to meet Mo Yuan, but Zhe Yan didn't allow him to come so 4th brother shut himself in his room for days LOL. After BQ meet MY, she was dissapointed and dissatisfied since he's not like what her imagined. But after Yao Guang incident, her perspective of Mo Yuan was starting to change and respected him as a teacher.


Actually i think BQ was rather slow regarding love LOL and most of the time she's the passive side. Li Jing's case, she started to like him after Li Jing told her he like her and send her plenty of poems. Bi Fang's case, she didn't even know Bi Fang like her until he told her, and she thought all this time Bi Fang jealous of her closeness with Feng Jiu because Bi Fang like Feng Jiu. 

Anyway i only read from the english translation book, since i don't understand the language. :D

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