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[Mainland Chinese Drama 2017] Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms 三生三世,十里桃花


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1 hour ago, kimlary1234 said:

Can anyone please tell me whether Siming asked FJ to follow his plan to trample over his heart once DH fell in love with her?

Thank you!

@gingertj831 if it's based on the novel, it would be a happy ending. Even though FJ was still unconscious, Bai Gun Gun made it clear that FJ's countenance was getting better.



Novel wise (PB) it's a happy ending. FJ was just recuperating. Besides with DH, there is absolutely no way anything can happen to FJ. I do like both books, but the one thing I didn't like is the abrupt ending. Would it kill the writer to add in one more chapter?

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I give props to FJ and DH for having such a strong presence in the drama. Despite the fact that their screen times are so little, but they are absolutely unforgettable. I feel that the mortal DH is as shameless as Immortal DH. My heart breaks for FJ. Too bad DH didn't know what he missed until it was too late. So in a sense, I also felt a bit bad for DH. There is no happy ending for them in this drama because their story officially starts in the PB.

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Mark Chao is so spot on as YH. I didn't go into this with any preconceived notions but seriously, he has the best, most expressive eyes as YH. I've been so pleasantly surprised with his performance thus far - and he seems like such a delight BTS as well! 

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@linh5000 yes in one of the interviews, Mark said they both like playing video games and reading manga, so that's why they get along very well. Yang Mi in another interview said Mark treats her like one of his buddies (male), they greet each other by saying 'hey man'. Lol


Ep 38-39 summary


Zheyan knew that Yehua wanted to ask him things, so he stayed up waiting. Yehua asked:

1) 300 years ago when Bai Qian had the fight with Qing Chang (Demon leader), she was injured and fell unconscious for a number of years, is this true? 

ZheYan replied 'of course it was false. After the fight, she was missing for a number of years. Yes I lied to you'

2) Did she forget anything?

ZheYan replied 'yes, but forget about what, I do not know. One day, she just appeared in the plum blossom forest, covered with injuries and she was heartbroken. It was the day where I saved you after you jumped from Zhuxiantai. Yehua said 'So you feed her the forget medicine?' ZheYan said 'No, she asked for it herself and I thought maybe it is best to forget' 

Anyway, they talked about how SuSu is Bai Qian. Yehua thinks that she wanted to forget about him cos of Mo Yuan, their years together was just a trial for her to attain deity status, it isn't important to remember. (basically he thinks she loves Mo Yuan. Yehua looks so sad)

I will skip Xuan Nu part, Li Jing's brother asked her to kill him, by dying, his father will get more power to break out of the bell. Qing Chang is feeling the power!

FengJiu is having a great time, Donghua the emperor absolutely dotes on her. SiMing said he is happy for her, but now, she must break his heart, she is reluctant.

Yehua and Bai Qian are going to Jiuchongtian, she is using the heaven spring/bath to heal her wounds from her fight at Ghost realm. Li Jing is waiting for her still, he still loves her and wants to be with her. She talked a lot of past things but they cannot be together as she no longer loved him, she said they are strangers from now on.

Yehua brought Bai Qian to his palace, he carried her in (Kya!!!). He didn't want to alert the palace people (oooo a bit time together). She was planning to stay with Ah Li, Yehua said she has a place to herself (yep, yi lan fang hua which was Susu's old place). She saw the plum blossoms at the front yard, Yehua said he planted these 300 years ago, they only blossomed for the first time this year, she said he's patient. (I think this shows his undying love for Susu, he has waited for her a long time). She thinks the place feels slightly uncomfortable (she had bad memories of this place as Susu). Nai nai mistakes her as Susu and thought she is the puppet created by the soul lamp that Yehua has been attempting to do for the last 300 years. They told her she is Qingqiu Bai Qian. Su Jin is having a hissy fit as she now hears that Bai Qian is staying at Yilanfanghua (she is forbidden to go there). Ah Li asked Bai Qian to carry/hug him, she said she is unwell, ask daddy to carry you. Ah Li said she is carrying a baby and he read it from a book that's why she cannot carry him. Yehua asked her to have a baby right away after their wedding, she joked he can give birth instead.

Ah Li and Bai Qian go to the bath to soak.

Yehua is writing a poem on Bai Qian's fan. He thinks that his relationship with her may not be as deep as her/Mo Yuan, but she is the ONLY woman he has EVER love, so he will wait for her to forget about Mo Yuan and to fall in love with him instead. (Awwwwwww let's give this man a standing ovation, he is so devoted!!!)

Ah Li had too much fruit wine to drink, Bai Qian said he is fine and should wake up in a few hours time. She asked another maid about Susu, she doesn't know. Apparently Tianjun changed all the maids to cover up the Susu's incident, so no one knows. 

Miaoqing brings the doped soup to Yehua, the dope is from Su Jin, this is to get him arouse and do the deed, so that he will feel responsible. (Su Jin, how low can you get?). Of course, Yehua didn't drink soup and questions her. Su Jin came in and act like a hypocrite, asking for his forgiveness for her sake as she saved Ah Li before.

Bai Qian went to Yehua's place and overheard a girl crying, she thought he is enjoying the company of a girl as he is still young and hot blooded. Yehua hears her outside and asked to come in to collect the fan. 

Bai Qian enters, she said to Su Jin that her eyes are nice (it's YOUR eyes!!!!). Yehua is kicking Miaoqing out and she is to return to East Sea, he turned to Su Jin and said 'If you cannot bear to part with Miaoqing, you can request from Tianjun to marry off to East Sea!' (Oooo nasty Yehua I like...!) 

Miaoqing begged Bai Qian to help her, she told Yehua it is not only Miaoqing's fault but also his. He gave her hope by letting her come to heaven to be his maid, she said to Miaoqing to go back to East Sea and left the room.

Yehua said 'She (Bai Qian) is my wife and the ONLY niangniang(queen)!!! (Take that SuJin!)

This took ages, today's episodes were jumping around with too many things happening at different scenes....

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Ohh I will have to learn a few tricks from BQ. I love how she admonishes YH at episode 39 about the Princess. I don't understand all of it, perhaps about 20% but I believe she laying some of the blame or rather responsibility with YH. Noting that he should have never allowed her to stay at the palace giving the Princess false hopes that he would one day return her feelings which would have never eventuate.

He's such a smart man, he knows who was the real instigator of the situation so he wasn't too hard on her and by deferring to BQ he's making it clear to the Princess who really matters in his life!

I absolutely love the interplay here and just looked at how BQ handled the situation - with panache and finesse! I love how with a few words she assesses the situation and closes the chapter very quickly. That's why BQ is one of my favourite heroine!! 

I believe by now BQ is definitely romantically interested in YH even if she denies it. The very fact that she's 'involves' says something as BQ would have definitely pushed the Princess towards YH if it wasn't the case. By visiting his 'home' and staying at this place she has accepted him. So it's only a matter of time before she accepts him completely and returns his feelings wholeheartedly. Not everyone jumps in when it comes to romantic love and BQ is generally reserve but when she does it's wholeheartedly and that's what I really like about her!

I must admit (a perverted) part of me loves the fact that YH is a little unsure of BQ's love and affection, and that he's feeling rather insecure about MY. I do like watching him struggle a little and Mark is sooooo good at it,!!! So I love every expression, the little smile and the nuances and that smirk even more. He's such a complex man in that he doesn't always explain himself and tends to keep a lot of things to himself. 

You know being a Crown Prince despite being difficult at times does bring many privileges in that everyone you meet just wants to please you and there's generally an attitude of deference and servitude. With BQ, YH is besides himself because he so sure about everything except about her. I love it!!! 

Although you've got to love these novels! They do create situations which are frequently so far from reality. Who would have three love confessions in one day!! Only in dramaland (hehehe).

Episode 37 is by far one of my favourite and of course Mark as YH is absolutely wonderful to watch!!! I would generally laugh out loud at such confession and moments like these are well and truly in the cringe-box but he's delivered the line so well that I'm rather touched by it - kudos Mark, my hat off to you!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart:  It was a very sweet moment and I couldn't resist the urge but to re-watch the scene again. Even without the subtitles it was very romantic! *sigh* 

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wow XN got 13minish screen time in ep.38 ... can't she like go away alrdy... just give us more FJ and DH instead =3 ... ep.39 is quite satisfying when SJ saw BQ ^^ .. SJ you better watch out you better not cry becuz BQ will be coming back for her eyes once she remember ... it's so hard to wait for new episodes to come out =( 

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@thundergirl3, thank you for the insight in ur post! I kind of know the gist of whats going on bc i read the translated novel but its always awesome when kind people like you can give us the nitty gritty of a scene, while we wait (patiently) for subs. 

I admit, im also enjoying YHs insecure lovesickness just a smidge. I know he went thru a lot of things for SS/BQ as well, but I really feel like he did their relationship a disservice by not opening up and being honest about his feelings and the circumstances surrounding them at the time. (And i think SS/BQ got the worse end of that stick for sure) So its been a real treat to see him be so forward and wear his heart on his sleeve a little more.... 

I can just feel the angst coming on for at least the next series of episodes - and thats excluding crazy XN. 

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38 minutes ago, icesiren said:

I admit, im also enjoying YHs insecure lovesickness just a smidge. I know he went thru a lot of things for SS/BQ as well, but I really feel like he did their relationship a disservice by not opening up and being honest about his feelings and the circumstances surrounding them at the time. (And i think SS/BQ got the worse end of that stick for sure) So its been a real treat to see him be so forward and wear his heart on his sleeve a little more.... 

YH didn't tell her anything but coming from him who had witness Tian Jian treatment of his uncle, it was understandable. He had seen what his grandfather did. Prevent him from seeing his mother, his wraith on his uncle and his love. He knew what his grandfather is capable of doing and the wraith his grandfather would place on Su Su would be much worse than what his uncle love went through especially when Ye Hua is his pride and joy.

For me, or maybe I am biased on YH (blame it on Mark amazing acting, lol) that I find YH have it worse. For BQ, the curse was place on her to be a mortal and suffer mortal's fate. She loved YH and he loves her. While YH doesn't tell her things to protect her from his grandfather (and didn't realize the seed of doubt planted by Sujin), Su Su is also at fault as she didn't trust or have faith in YH love to ask him about why he name her Su Su but rather believe in Sujin words hence all action that YH does (out of love) gets clouded and misinterpreted like him taking her eyes because he was unhappy that she harmed his love (vomit) Sujin and that she's just stuck between their lover's spat. That's why it took her to truly lose YH to understand his sacrifice.

And the reason why YH had it worse is that he loved her whereas with her time, he was only a love trial and if it wasn't YH, it would've of been someone else. And the aftermath of losing Su Su, we had see how much he suffer losing her. Su Su choosing to drink and forget whereas YH chooses to remember and suffer that pain. Even when they meet again, although he is by her side, he suffer insecurity of where her heart lies because he was only a love trial for her to reach high goddess and the importance Mo Yuan is to her (hence he ask her a couple time if there is any place for him in her heart). YH sacrifice and suffers a lot for BQ. He suffer much for her (almost lose his life like 3 times for her) that she doesn't know (until the very end where she finally realize that even after 2 lifetime being together with YH, that she truly never understand him at all and she didn't know what he did for her until his mother chide her). 

@thundergirl3 omg, I totally agree with you. Mark is so good at expressing his character. The brooding, the sadness. His eyes and expression are just so good. I love DH made up stories about MY and Si Yin living off in seclusion and the rumor swirl about MY and Si Yin having more than a master student relationship that makes YH insecure about where BQ heart lies esp. when he knows he was only her love trial too. 

Just a side humor for me but how funny if Shao wan wakes up to hear such a rumor about Mo Yuan and that story was crafted by her best friend, lol. 

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4 hours ago, icesiren said:

Mark Chao is so spot on as YH. I didn't go into this with any preconceived notions but seriously, he has the best, most expressive eyes as YH. I've been so pleasantly surprised with his performance thus far - and he seems like such a delight BTS as well! 

Agree wholeheartedly.  I only recently heard of TLTL, so the current cast are doing great but yes Mark takes the cake with his interpretation and portrayal of YH

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I am so curious to know how will DH and FJ will end in this story. I know they will not end up together because it's not their time yet. But what will happen to them? And how is it possible that DH can still remember his trial time on earth?

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Okay so I just finish the novel and it was really really good the only thing that got me was the abrupt ending I wanted more.  For anyone that has a Kindle you can read it for free if you have the prime or the book is a dollar with English translation. It's called To the sky Kingdom. 


 I kind of hope they change the ending just a little bit, if not its okay because there is a happy ending. 






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I was watching episode with Li Jing and BQQ. Does anyone else think that Li Jing is the real victim here? Things were going great between him and BQQ as A-Yin but XN had to come in and put doubt in his head about MY and A-Yin. She also used her face swap to trick him too. I mean the poor guy is already ostracized by his father and family pretty much. And he was giving up everything to be with A-Yin too. And the actor portraying Li Jing is good I think. You can really sense his desperation when he's asking her if they really can't start over. 

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