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[Daily Drama 2016] Heaven's Promise/천상의 약속 KBS2 Mon-Fri 19:50 KST


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OMG episode 24 was really good, it also made me doubt my initial thought of DH being the twin that dies. I think maybe the synopsis was right and it is NY that dies and DH assumes her identity. Seeing what a great investigator she was in finding HK ex, makes me think she's up to the task of finding out everything about NY and avenging her. The writer also made DH have a heart problem that can't just be for nothing. What if NY heart is given to DH after she dies, and you know how they say the heart knows, TJ always feels its NY. But, will DH remain DH or assume NY's identity. Oh so much to work with. 

SJ getting upset with NY was pure comedy like b itch you basically tried to seduce her man for 4 1/2 years, then slept with them while he was still engaged and got yourself pregnant. How dare she play the damn victim? TJ should watch out because he has a psychopath on his hands.

NY finally tells TJ he doesn't have to be responsible for SB, she's finally through and has accepted what he wants instead she's going to ask him for one last favor which from the preview seems like saying goodbye to SB. Perhaps he tells SB he's going back to America, that way it would make it easier for them to keep the lie that his not going to be apart of her life. Just then we see crazy, delusional SJ driving with toys for SB to meet her. I mean why why why is she doing this? I know she's going to hurt that baby, I can feel like. I think she will also have a miscarriage and getting pregnant again will be impossible to them. TJ will never have another child other then SB. 

I think SJ will kill NY or be involved in the accident that kills her, and we will have history repeat itself. With SJ doing what mother did to NY's mother and leave her there to die. But, could TJ/SJ end up raising SB after NY's death?

I'm upset that the twin's can't work together to get revenge, why does one of them have to die?

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@LoveBunny Trust me I am there with you. The way NY stood up to JW by telling him he made a huge mistake threatening her child, and if he thought she couldn't or wouldn't stop SJ/TJ wedding he was highly mistaken. That made me jump for joy, I saw that twinkle of badass in NY.  I'm looking forward to who ultimately survives. This writer did a great job in creating likable qualities in our twins. This is getting so good and its only EP 25. LYR never disappoints.

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41 minutes ago, LoveBunny said:

@ObsessiveCompulsive After really having a chance to watch DH in action I'm conflicted. One side of me really wants NY to be the one to live and take her revenge However another part of me just saw DH is a great detective she as no fear, and she as that sense of justice in her that i like.

Yes, I feel the same! but I am less conflicted about it. I have both scenarios in my head and neither are pretty for us viewers.

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Episode 24 subbed:

  • It's a double whammy for Se Jin, she finds out that Na Yeon is that girl from before, Tae Joon's ex, and mother of his child. Consequently she throws all her toys out of the pram. She's as psychotic as ever - adamant that she will still hold on to Tae Joon,
  • The Hustler tries to gain brownie points with Na Yeon's sister by telling her a sob story about his long lost mother.... I can't wait til these two find out about the other.....
  • Na Yeon decides to raise Se Byul on her own. She realises that begging is getting her nowhere and she doesn't want to force a relationship between the two. She asks for nothing but one last favour. It must be to meet Se Byul in her playgroup, as we see the two embracing in the preview there. 


As to which twin dies, I still think it will be Do Hee and Na Yeon will replace her. There's been too much character build up and lead ons, for example the watch of hers Hwi Kwang found, their two fateful meetings, and of course all the crap Na Yeon is going through. It has to be her to seek revenge. I think Do Hee's heart condition will be what kills her. As to how and when the twins discover one another, god knows but I can't wait. 

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Finally I had time to finish reading your last comment. It was very long comment though…hehe   It seems you saw the complexity of  each of the HP characters.   I’m glad to see you knew the details about NY’s mom. I somehow missed Yu Kyeong’s assumption about NY mom’s supposed abortion. And your guess about how YK might had known about NY mom’s pregnancy was very telling.  About TJ and his mom and NY, you gave again a very good detailed description as there were a lot of nuances how/why things happened with them.   

Now I noticed the writers put down this web of miscommunications and misunderstandings among NY/TJ /Kyeong Wan and some extent with SJ. Then perhaps, soon SJ’s mom (Yu Kyeong)  will be drawn into it and all these can have a ripple effect on Sae Byeol?? 

Here are some of the miscommunications and misunderstandings which were woven through among them::crazy::tears:

I thought NY said that she gave up on him except TJ being a father to Sae Byeol.   Then later NY asked Kyeong Wan  to give TJ back to her.  At first I was puzzled why NY said that.   But later I realized NY felt some trust with KW because of their previous experience and it wasn’t easy for NY to give up a 15 years old relationship with TJ that easily,  so she tried to get back TJ.   But that and the subsequent conversation between NY and KW didn’t go straight which created the seed of mistrust/misunderstanding.  At some point NY gave out a false impression of threat toward SJ and so was KW about Sae Byeol. 

With TJ, I thought (?) TJ told NY that he needed time when NY said she would give him up but he had to be a father to Sae Byeol (which seemed a bit ambiguous line)     Actually I thought NY was sort of demanding that TJ should tell SJ/her mom about Sae Byeol before the marriage?   However NY didn’t know TJ was in a desperate situation with SJ’s mom(YK) and SJ’s pregnancy was unsteady which made everybody worried.    TJ also told KW that NY needed time to accept this new change with him.   Yet  KW acted hastily alone because he worried about his wife(YK) and his pregnant daughter who might have learned about NY and Sae Byeol.

Next SJ accidently blurted out the name NY and TJ thought it was NY who contacted SJ since NY warned him she might do it. So TJ went berserk and called NY and so ….on and on…

Whoa  HP writers must have an army of assistants/ apprentices to come up with such tangled details so that these poor characters have no choice but to strangle each other.  

PS  I just watched EP24.  Well NY made a decision at the end but it was one step late for everybody… so the beginning…  :bawling::cold_sweat:

Thank you for sharing your thought.  :)


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how i wish it like ISUG. were both sister live. it would be sad to see one of them kill off. even if it play by one actress. how i wish the writer just take DH oversea to get her health better. while NY  take her revenge on WK family. sad if the writer really going to kill SB off. i going miss seeing her happy smile.

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Thank you again for your brief summary of EP24.   When we have a drama with so many things happening, it’s always nice to read something about the latest episode. I wish I could do some recaps but  unfortunately it isn’t in me to do it.  lol  :(

I think TJ seemed indecisive about Sae Byeol because first he was in shock from learning about her.  Then when SJ’s mom was breathing down his neck and SJ was pregnant, he just couldn’t tell them as NY asked him to before he got married.   He needed time and he also knew NY who needed time to get over him.  So he told to Kyeong Wan that NY needed more time.  But KW didn’t listen and made his own conclusion how to handle NY.   

 Yes Korea is conservative but in these days  having a kid without marriage isn’t shocking as it used to be.  Still it isn’t something many people will deal with as if it doesn’t matter.   Anybody who is in this kind of situation will find it difficult and stressful whether the person is NY or TJ or SJ.  I’m not trying to say SJ is good. We know who she is.  But SJ is very insecure about TJ. Or she is almost paranoiac (or ‘psychotic’ as you said)  about him so much that she almost gave herself a miscarriage.  TJ has been caught in a nasty trap and everybody wants his blood.:tears:

About DH and Hwi Kyeong, I thought they had some attraction in the first meeting. But in the second meeting, DH appeared to be rather too upfront.   I have the feeling HK isn’t a person who likes aggressive/arrogant people.  It means he might not go for with DH until he meets NY with whom he falls in love and tries to help her out.   

Yes I can’t hardly wait to see this trio of gold diggers (NY’s sis & TJ’s step bro & Tj’s mom) and make a big splash.  TJ’s step bro was really good. It was so unexpected to hear him talking about his mom.    awhaaa


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Guest my2centsworth
4 minutes ago, booha said:


Thank you again for your brief summary of EP24.   When we have a drama with so many things happening, it’s always nice to read something about the latest episode. I wish I could do some recaps but  unfortunately it isn’t in me to do it.  lol  :(

I think TJ seemed indecisive about Sae Byeol because first he was in shock from learning about her.  Then when SJ’s mom was breathing down his neck and SJ was pregnant, he just couldn’t tell them as NY asked him to before he got married.   He needed time and he also knew NY who needed time to get over him.  So he told to Kyeong Wan that NY needed more time.  But KW didn’t listen and made his own conclusion how to handle NY.   

 Yes Korea is conservative but in these days  having a kid without marriage isn’t shocking as it used to be.  Still it isn’t something many people will deal with as if it doesn’t matter.   Anybody who is in this kind of situation will find it difficult and stressful whether the person is NY or TJ or SJ.  I’m not trying to say SJ is good. We know who she is.  But SJ is very insecure about TJ. Or she is almost paranoiac (or ‘psychotic’ as you said)  about him so much that she almost gave herself a miscarriage.  TJ has been caught in a nasty trap and everybody wants his blood.:tears:

About DH and Hwi Kyeong, I thought they had some attraction in the first meeting. But in the second meeting, DH appeared to be rather too upfront.   I have the feeling HK isn’t a person who likes aggressive/arrogant people.  It means he might not go for with DH until he meets NY with whom he falls in love and tries to help her out.   

Yes I can’t hardly wait to see this trio of gold diggers (NY’s sis & TJ’s step bro & Tj’s mom) and make a big splash.  TJ’s step bro was really good. It was so unexpected to hear him talking about his mom.    awhaaa



I think you may be right about DH and HK. They look look together but DH is more aggressive than NY making NY more suitable for HK. Plus when NY sees the white watch she gave her mom, it could bring her and HK even closer.

OH MY.......what fun we are going to have when all the secrets are revealed with KBS. When he find his mom and she meets LEB and especially her mom, YMS. Then when LEB and KBS find out that neither of them are rich. Then there is connection of KSB to both DH and her family and  TJ and after his marriage , the Jang family. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we try to  deceive  ......lol

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Your welcome chingu! It was short, it's not in me to do a long exposition :D I just keep it to the vital happenings.

I can understand Tae Joon's reticence in not jumping headfirst into fatherhood. However, for me, he equivocated too long and I didn't see the big deal in not telling Se Jin sooner. She would have found out in due time  and he was better ripping that band aid off in one go. But yes, Se Jin's father took it too far with the threats. He should have left well enough alone. It was their business in any case, I don't think it was right for him to get involved. 

You say Tae Joon has been caught in a trap but was it not one of his own making? Yes he didn't know about Se Byul, but he was as good as married when he left, I don't think it was too much to ask he remain faithful.... I'm sorry, but I have zero sympathy for his plight especially when there are innocents involved much more deserving of it. (I don't mean to sound harsh)

And to your last point, I couldn't agree more wholeheartedly. Hwi Kwang looked super pee'd when he came home to find Do Hee there. I don't think he likes her pushy personality at all, and I too can see him falling head over heels for Na Yeon. Although I think it isn't all business on Do Hees side. Why research into his background so thoroughly unless there is a smidgen of attraction there in the first place? If she has any hope of reciprocated feelings than she needs to be less assertive because. as you say, Hwi Kwang does not seem to like it. 

The writer is setting the scene, weaving all these threads and I can't wait either for them to unravel.... 


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Guest my2centsworth
9 minutes ago, MadraRua said:


Your welcome chingu! It was short, it's not in me to do a long exposition :D I just keep it to the vital happenings.

I can understand Tae Joon's reticence in not jumping headfirst into fatherhood. However, for me, he equivocated too long and I didn't see the big deal in not telling Se Jin sooner. She would have found out in due time  and he was better ripping that band aid off in one go. But yes, Se Jin's father took it too far with the threats. He should have left well enough alone. It was their business in any case, I don't think it was right for him to get involved. 

You say Tae Joon has been caught in a trap but was it not one of his own making? Yes he didn't know about Se Byul, but he was as good as married when he left, I don't think it was too much to ask he remain faithful.... I'm sorry, but I have zero sympathy for his plight especially when there are innocents involved much more deserving of it. (I don't mean to sound harsh)

And to your last point, I couldn't agree more wholeheartedly. Hwi Kwang looked super pee'd when he came home to find Do Hee there. I don't think he likes her pushy personality at all, and I too can see him falling head over heels for Na Yeon. Although I think it isn't all business on Do Hees side. Why research into his background so thoroughly unless there is a smidgen of attraction there in the first place? If she has any hope of reciprocated feelings than she needs to be less assertive because. as you say, Hwi Kwang does not seem to like it. 

The writer is setting the scene, weaving all these threads and I can't wait either for them to unravel.... 


Every time I look at TJ I want to laugh.....he's a joke. Always crying.....looking for pity......look at at me, I'm a victim.  Really don't want to see his face or KW's either  The more I see them together I think they are more likfe a father and son.  As far as a marriage between TJ and NY....the were married in the eyes of God.....to me they said their vows and exchange rings, there isn't isn't anything else but the legal part of getting a license.

With DH vs NY....they are sisters, twins.....and each in their own way they are both aggressive.  DH' aggressive personality has more to do with her being an investigated reporter, where NY aggression only comes out to protect the ones she loves. Just like you I think NY will suit HK better. Some people have expressed their need for the revenge part to start. I am ready for that too. I believe that things will pick up some now. Soon the twins will meet, not sure if DH will find NY thru her investigating TJ and SJ or if it will be by accident? That has to happen, then the issue with SB, and last one of the twins die.  I think all this will happen before the wedding of TJ and SJ. Then I would like to see the wedding, with  DH aka NY  walking in  on HK's arm and give all of them nightmares that last and last and last........lol

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I totally agree. Although I will say the writer is pacing the drama nicely, I'm happy to wait for the revenge to start, everything is building up perfectly to it. I love your take  on Na Yeons aggression coming to the fore to protect the one's she loves. She certainly took the fight to his doorstep and no hesitation either. She'll need those killer vibes later on to enact her revenge lol.

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Guest my2centsworth
2 hours ago, MadraRua said:


I totally agree. Although I will say the writer is pacing the drama nicely, I'm happy to wait for the revenge to start, everything is building up perfectly to it. I love your take  on Na Yeons aggression coming to the fore to protect the one's she loves. She certainly took the fight to his doorstep and no hesitation either. She'll need those killer vibes later on to enact her revenge lol.

She kept telling both TJ and KW that they needed to tell SJ and SB. Then when KW threatened SB, that was the straw that broke the camel's back....so to speak.....lol

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