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[Daily Drama 2016] Heaven's Promise/천상의 약속 KBS2 Mon-Fri 19:50 KST


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7 hours ago, allievera said:

TJ is so weak lol. She didn't even have to try and he crumpled so easily. She knows his weakness and she will use his own insecurities against him. Honestly even without her it will only be a matter of time before he turns on YK and SJ because he has no loyalty. I don't buy the whole tortured soul act for a second. I love how the writer is trying to make it seem like he loved NY and he is haunted by her death when he never once hesitated and turned a blind eye to her being tortured by literally everyone lol. At the end of the day all he cares about is himself. He cries and then he does and allows others to do horrible things lol. Honestly, I think his obsession with her now probably stems from the fact he wants to go back to when he was happy. He had it good when he was with her not constantly being humiliated, treated like a house pet or SJ's toy.

This is my favorite part in the drama when the evil female lead realizes she made the wrong decision and everything she did never even mattered, but instead of accepting the truth then dumping the loser they desperajtely cling on (all the while having meltdowns) lol. She knows he doesn't love her and he never did, but she will keep trying to convince herself that he does. She was just a means to an end. She will always be living in NY's shadow and that will never change. Look at what he did and continued to do the women he supposedly "loved"  and the mother of his child while he was with you... what did you think was going to happen to you? Him remaining faithful is the least of your problems lol.

You wanted him at any cost and hurt so many people along the way ... there you go enjoy your husband kissing a woman that looks exactly like someone you will never be able to beat, even in death NY still wins. Why?Because her existence has nothing to do with him not loving you. Even if she was never in his life he still wouldn't love you.

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I think she didn't push him away on purpose for SJ to see them but also because she was probably enjoying how easy it was for her to break him. I don't blame her I would do the same lol.

I didn't really hate TJ for leaving her for a better life (even though that was disgusting). I despise him because he played an active role with the torture. He could have easily moved on with his life and not take hers. The amount of damage he allowed to happen to the "love of his life" and his child is despicable. He knew everything but not once did he do the right thing. His mother and him deserves everything they get and it better involve jail time. 

The biggest idiot of them all is JW. He doesn't even that he has been torturing his own daughter and he is an accomplice in his grand-daughter's death thanks to them. Like TJ he just sits back and allows of all their evil behavior not even realizing it's his own daughter on the receiving end lol. I bet it will be TJ that figures out that SJ's not his daughter and will use it to blackmail YK.

I like HK too much for him to be involved in this mess. He's honesty such a nice guy I just want to give the guy a hug. He doesn't have it in him to hurt others and here they are plotting behind his back while living under the same roof. I can't wait till he takes over everything.


Great post- totally agree ------- I also do not buy the writers efforts to show the conflicted, feeling bad, did and does love NY -- TJ.  The things TJ both did and allowed to happen to his his supposed, always loved NY. - do not reflect a shard of any love , I at least am aware of.

A number of recent posts have been very confident that a NY TJ will not occur-- I wish I could share that confidence-- I have seen a number of Kdramas in which the jerk boyfriend/husband, even after having intentionally inflicted great emotional pain - then goes from zero to hero over the course of the drama.

In those dramas the synopsis usually mentions in one fashion or another  -- Fated Love.  

The synopsis for this drama --basically says sincere love always wins.

This is what I am counting on for there not being a NY TJ ending.  A lot can and has been said about TJ - BUT "sincere" in his love -- NO - not now, not in the past (sincere love, would not allow your love to give up her education/dreams/future to support you)

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Can TJ get anymore sorry looking and pathetic, That's right NY run that little witch crazy even being dead..

HK needs to takr the stick out of his but and free his mind he got to protect not only his dad company his mom and his interest.. 

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Guest my2centsworth
46 minutes ago, minhojgsfever said:

Seriously after watching episode 55 with subs I have one massive question and that is when is HK, finally going to grow a pair and stand up for himself to the Jangs, to DH2, when will he sincerely fight for AP Foods. I love him but I feel he is too weak sometimes he can't hide behind someone especially when he is the main target no matter how much he doesn't want to be one.

I want him to stand and fight, fight for a possible relationship with DH2

LOL  When they told the men in this drama to get in line for the handing out the balls......all the men thought they said roll call and got in the wrong line :confused:

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7 minutes ago, Kfan7172 said:

A number of recent posts have been very confident that a NY TJ will not occur-- I wish I could share that confidence-- I have seen a number of Kdramas in which the jerk boyfriend/husband, even after having intentionally inflicted great emotional pain - then goes from zero to hero over the course of the drama.

Or a "Don't Hesitate" NY TJ occurrence, NY entices TJ to break up with SJ with a false promise of a NY/TJ marriage.

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Guest my2centsworth
20 minutes ago, sherrrr said:

What did TJ talk about with EB ? She seemed pissed

That is what I want to know too. Surely it was something about NY and DH2 but what !  He is such scum !

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@Kfan7172......jerk boyfriend/husband, even after having intentionally inflicted great emotional pain - then goes from zero to hero over the course of the drama.....

Eeeek hope not!

I left one drama halfway when I saw that happened..so unreal. 

I am not able to see where TJ is heading to. I feel nothing matters to him anymore, after wht he did to NY and his own child. I have the feeling he will be the one who will destroy the Jangs.

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1 hour ago, Kfan7172 said:

number of recent posts have been very confident that a NY TJ will not occur-- I wish I could share that confidence-- I have seen a number of Kdramas in which the jerk boyfriend/husband, even after having intentionally inflicted great emotional pain - then goes from zero to hero over the course of the drama.


I have too but not when the death of a child was involved. Add to that, a sister. Sure, he didn't directly do it but it was his actions that put everything into motion. TJ even admitted that at the memorial. He was correct. I have a feeling if the writer goes that way (which I doubt), they will have hell to pay with the audience. The problem with TJ was he thought of NY as that old comfortable shoe and SJ as designer ones. We've all been in that situation where we throw away the comfortable for the new, only to regret it later and then that shoe cannot be replaced. NY was always there for him (big mistake) and he felt nothing about throwing her away until it was too damn late. So, you bet that the writer better not put these two together. But then that makes me think of Thorn Flower....curses!!


1 hour ago, valsava said:

HK needs to takr the stick out of his but and free his mind he got to protect not only his dad company his mom and his interest.. 

Hello my dongsaeng (I know I'm older than you). I really think that the Chairman knew this as being a major flaw of HK. He saw it for years with HK trying to get YK to like him to no avail. She was probably the reason he left for so many years because he didn't want to make her uncomfortable. I'm hoping after today's episode with him overhearing convos that it will help inspire him. Plus the help of DH2 which the Chairman knew he needed a woman like her.

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51 minutes ago, Cinderello Martinez said:

Tomorrow will be ASJ mourning and weeping day..

That woman just can't stay quiet. What can she really do, run to husband BDJ and tell him or chase DH2 out of the house?

Anxiously waiting for subs:sweatingbullets:

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7 minutes ago, imgreatgal said:

That woman just can't stay quiet. What can she really do, run to husband BDJ and tell him or chase DH2 out of the house?

Anxiously waiting for subs:sweatingbullets:

She can't do a damn thing! That's the beauty of it. DH2 can threaten her but at the same time she needs to be very weary of the woman. She's a little nuts!

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51 minutes ago, NewKDramaAddict said:

I have too but not when the death of a child was involved. Add to that, a sister. Sure, he didn't directly do it but it was his actions that put everything into motion. TJ even admitted that at the memorial. He was correct. I have a feeling if the writer goes that way (which I doubt), they will have hell to pay with the audience. The problem with TJ was he thought of NY as that old comfortable shoe and SJ as designer ones. We've all been in that situation where we throw away the comfortable for the new, only to regret it later and then that shoe cannot be replaced. NY was always there for him (big mistake) and he felt nothing about throwing her away until it was too damn late. So, you bet that the writer better not put these two together. But then that makes me think of Thorn Flower....curses!!


Hello my dongsaeng (I know I'm older than you). I really think that the Chairman knew this as being a major flaw of HK. He saw it for years with HK trying to get YK to like him to no avail. She was probably the reason he left for so many years because he didn't want to make her uncomfortable. I'm hoping after today's episode with him overhearing convos that it will help inspire him. Plus the help of DH2 which the Chairman knew he needed a woman like her.

hk need to grow up.almost 50 episode we need a big transformation on him. i get bored to see him this way.he need to protect his mom and dh.now dh is protecting him.he need to show "true" korean man with power, leadership  and man of  action.now all the women lead him .  his failure in personal life and work because he always gives in and never taking.  i always glued up when i see senior or old actor showing their  leadership and man of the house .i always fall in love with the old king and old man  in the drama.i think i loves their leadership and their action.if you ask me to choose which man i want to live with i will choose the chairman not because he is rich but his leadership . i will choose  dh's adopted father my second and hk is the last man .i don't think hk's will make you secure and protected.he need to grow up and show his ability as a leader of big corporation and head of his family.i don't see he is growing up after his father death.    

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The Dna test, I thought was for paternity are ya'll saying it isn't? I'm only able to watch without subs for now; and have been lurking. I agree with someone eles that mentioned the chances of a DH2-TJ hook-up or in the very least "dating" status....Ha Ha, it's going to happen; just hope it's only for revenge when it does happen. Some of us have seen the end game where the unfaithful husband ends up with their new improved doormat wife. 

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Watched the raw looking forward to sub -- too much drama today and hk and his mum are waking up to the truth about the Jangs.

yk is in for rude awakening as HK mum has reached the tipping box and Pandora box is slowly opening! YK step mom/friend knows all about yk past I reckon probably as much as we do re seeing not child of KW and more?

TJ is puppet he has lost him self and it was good to see him stand up for himself against YK --

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ASJ finding the box with SB picture was nerve racking then I realised she is going to great pain more and there isn't much she can do looking forward to the fall out.  The woman has got a leg to stand on with her husband knowing daughter not his and DH2 knowing she was liar...

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@chickpea You are too funny! I'm glad TJ is up in the Jangs's faces too, but I think he's all about greed, not revenge. And he has reason to doubt SJ because she is mentally unstable and she has said before her mother's will is hers. Plus, she's his superior at work. So, if I were him, I wouldn't trust her words regarding sharing Baekdo fully. 

That bit about the puppies was hilarious! That's how it works for me too. 


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