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[Daily Drama 2016] Heaven's Promise/천상의 약속 KBS2 Mon-Fri 19:50 KST


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Here is the thing many of you have brought up the topic in regards to Nayeon marrying Hwi Kyung or that she shouldn't covet her sisters man and all. Let me talk about this for a bit. Firstly in regards to her marriage. At this moment I don't think that she is even considering marrying Hwi Kyung. I think that she respects her sister enough for that but as time goes on that may change according to the situation that she finds herself in. As it is she currently doesn't even need to marry Hwi Kyung as she already has more power than she previously had and not only that she is in complete control of the situation without getting married to Hwi Kyung. On top of that as of now Hwi Kyung is simply a means to an end for her. She doesn't love him she just needs to use him and his connection to the Jangs thus allowing her easy access to their place at home and now at their workplace as well. She really doesn't come to visit them all so often just because Hwi Kyung's mother invites her and Dohui was on good terms with her but because it really tends to throw the Jangs of their game especially Yoo Kyung. But all this may change later on when she realizes that to stop Yoo Kyung she needs to step up her game and that she needs more power etc.. to stop them so at this point she may consider marrying Hwi Kyung but as of now in my opinion she doesn't need to do that. As for the point of her agreeing to marry Hwi Kyung that again isn't such a big deal as some are making it out to be. This doesn't mean that she will actually go through with the marriage. First of all her she may agree but mariage isn't as simple as two people saying okay we love each other so we should get married and then they go of and register it secretly and all. Well I won't say that can't happen because it certainly can happen but it won't in this case because if people were to find out that could easily cause a scandal for that family or for rich people etc.. I guess Nayeon could do that just to hurt Yoo Kyung and her family but she isn't all that cold to harm Hwi Kyung as of this moment so I don't see her doing that. Other than that when you get married properly that is you have to take care of many things such as choosing which guest will show up, perhaps even set up seating arrangements just incase some people don't get along that are invited etc.. , next the venue for the marriage has to be chosen as well whether this place may be a mansion, hotel, church or even a wedding hall etc.. things need to be booked in advance and not only that Wedding Dates need to be compared for Koreans to see which months or days are considered to be blessed and all for the families. etc... In other words even if Nayeon were to agree to said marriage she still has sometime to work out her issues such as her revenge plans and all and when they are done simply decide for whatever reason that she can't go through with the marriage and have it cancelled. Remember when I said that Nayeon could have used her deteriorating condition for not taking her medicines as she just had six months to live thus giving her a time period to carry out her revenge plans and all. Well the same can be said now as well but the only difference now is that while she still has a time period to complete her plans they are slightly more flexible than the six months that she was initially given as she can always try to extend the wedding date and all if it comes to that but even that will work to a certain extent so she needs to hurry up and all.


So like I said earlier she may be forced into marrying Hwi Kyung though such as she realizes that she needs more power to thwart Yoo Kyung and her ambitions or that Dohui's mother may force her to do so. For instance she may think that she has done all that she needed to do to Yoo Kyung and her family and she now decides that it is time for her to return to the life that she came from but Dohui's mother isn't going to allow that due to her secret being exposed and all so she may simply refuse to let her go and perhaps even try to take advantage of Nayeon's kind nature and all. For instance we know that Nayeon is only sticking around that family for two reasons Firstly because of her revenge plans and secondly because she sort of promised Dohui to look out for her family as well. If Dohui's mother learns of this she might try to convince Nayeon to marry Hwi Kyung to save her own marriage and all. Such as she will tell her the partial truth that her husband might go to some other woman if she doesn't help her out. Naturally she won't reveal that woman to be Hwi Kyung's mother but since Nayeon has gone through something similar in regards to Taejoon and Sejin she may feel bad towards Dohui's mother and agree to the marriage. Poor Nayeon going to be guilt tripped once again :( . At this point though things may change for her. As of now she may see the glimpse of the man that her sister fell in love with because of the small ammount of time that she has to spend with him but the more time that she is going to spend with him and his mother is going to make things harder for her due to all of them being so kind and loving towards her. This is going to melt her heart and make her feel guilty because she will think that she doesn't deserve all this happiness and love which she stole from her sister as well. Though all of this will slowly start to humanize her and all and remember when I likened her to some one with a solid focus that can't be easily wavered or a laser guided missel that once locks on to the target will take it down with minimal civilian casualties and all. Well now that focus is seriously going to waver and she may even consider stopping her revenge plans and all but Yoo Kyung is going to pounce on this moment of her weakness. She who was simply biding her time for this moment and will comeback with some sort of counter attack and then as the tide will change once again so to will the Rise Of Yoo Kyung happen for the next few episodes. Though perhaps at this time it may be Hwi Kyung's moment to rise and this time defend Nayeon to repay her for all that she has done for him and his family. Or atleast one can hope that this will happen.


So Yoo Kyung is having Dohui investigated. Good luck with that. Atleast for the time being I feel that she will face a dead end for sometime. Thanks to Dohui's mother we know that she has Dohui registered as her own child and that she only has that one child and no twins :) . So unless Yoo Kyung thinks of some other connection between her and Yunae Nayeon should be safe for the time being such as she should ask to find out where Yunae gave birth to Nayeon and when that happened and all. Plus Dohui's mother has already denied that she had twins so there isn't much that she can do at this front for the time being. Thank god for rich and crazzy people sometimes their actions just help out the leads whether they like it or not.


Also speaking about the matter regarding Nayeon and Dohui's doctor. On second thought I think that it was wise of her to confide in him her secret and all. After all what is the old saying better to trust the devil that you know than the one that you don't. This was certainly the safer choice than revealing to Dohui's mother that she wasn't taking her medicine because she didn't need them because she only had six months remaining and all. Why do I say that is simple because of how her mother treats Dohui (as well as many people in similar situations who refuse to accept that they are dying and try to look for alternatives whatever they may be) would simply refuse to go along with the doctors prognosis and would insist on Dohui trying some other doctor and get their opinion on said matter or try some other form of treatment etc thus her deception would have been revealed far sooner that she would like thus preventing her from her plans of revenge and all. Even then as some have mentioned that Dohui's mother will find out who Nayeon is really in the next episode or so.  Some also said that Nayeon is quite smart since the doctor warned her about how observant Dohui's mother was and all thus she wouldn't be able to keep up this deception for long and when Dohui's mother tried to look for the scar on Dohui's heart she may not have found one or perhaps she did because Nayeon prepared herself of that. My answer to that is that no matter how smart Nayeon is she wouldn't have thought that far ahead. There are simply many problems with her having a fake scar and all. She would probably need to use some sort of clever makeup to pull it of and even then she wouldn't be able to have it on at all times. For instance she may do it up during the day but would certainly remove it at night before sleeping and all. The only way that I can see her leaving such kind of makeup on would be if she some how knew that this particular night Dohui's mother would come to check on it or she specially acted out in such a way that Dohui's mother would get suspicious and thus want to check out is she still had the scar or not. Thus according to her plan Dohui's mother would check her out in her sleep to verify it or not and thus she would find one because Nayeon had planned for it. But as of this moment I don't think that Nayeon has thought that far ahead. She is simply moving forward with her plan with what she currently has and coming up with a few small counter measures to stop certain issues and all.


How did Nayeon convince the doctor to play along with her scheme should be interesting but I suspect that she revealed part of the truth to him because she knew somthing like this would happen but convincing him wouldn't be that easy. But she could simply tell the doctor part of the truth such as that both she and Dohui were twins or sisters that were separated at birth for some reason. For proof she has the DNA report that Dohui thankfully made and all and so she may have just showed the doctor that and may have told him that she just wanted to get to know their mother before revealing the truth to him. At this point I am unsure whether she may think that whether Dohui's mother was their real mother ir not. But I don't think so because if I recall correctly Dohui may have mentioned to her that Yunae was their real mother. So as of now she just needs access to what Dohui's family can offer to her in terms of revenge but the doctor doesn't need to. He may simply think that he is helping a mother and daughter reunite and all so he would be willing to go along for the time being and all.


I don't know someone called Taejoon's step father a playboy. I think that he is more of a scammer just like his wife and child. I mean so far he has seemed to show interest in both Taejoon's mother as well as Nayeon's stepmother as well. I can neither admit or deny his reactions with Yoo Kyung as of this moment but to be honest I won't be surprised if it turns out that he knew her as well. But for some reason I don't think that he is Sejin's dad as of this moment. Exactly how old are all three children perhaps we can do a little maths problem while we are at it though we all know that writers are sometimes simply bad at maths and all :) . But so far we can tell Taejoons stepbrother is clearly younger to him more in the range of Geum Bong herself and Taejoon and Sejin are not only older than him but would be somewhere around the same age bracket as well. This would mean that Scammer would have to be cheating on one of those two woman that he was with whether that woman was Taejoon's mother or even Yoo Kyung herself. Also even now he is still upto his scams and all. He is still looking for a rich woman to latch onto. First he tried Taejoon's mother with no success so now he is moving onto Nayeon's stepmother. Please note by rich I don't mean someone on the same level as Yoo Kyung clearly but someone who can make their own money and all such as Taejoon's mother due to the medical store that has been opened up for her thanks to Yoo Kyung or in the case of Nayeon's stepmother her chicken shop and all. You can be sure that he will try to leech of both woman if possible. As of this moment I don't think that he will have much luck with Taejoon's mother so he is bound to try his luck with Nayeon's mother who is sure to get scammed by whatever plan he is scheming up next. I think that he may pretend to invest in her chicken shop and perhaps even make it into a franchise and all and if she won't fall for it completely then I am sure that Geum Bong will certainly fall for it and may even end up giving him one of their famous chicken recipes as well. Causing further problems down the line. For instance we know that Hwi Kyung wanted to start a chicken and beer shops to bolster the sales for AP Food and all with various modes and all depending on the location and clientele etc.. but was unfortunately shot down. So perhaps when Nayeon realizes this she may think that it would be a good idea to introduce her mothers'  chicken place to him. Perhaps Yoo Kyung may see this as a sign of her being Nayeon and all but either way she will try to sabotage said deal and all. So she may even convince Scammer that she will invest in him but she needs the chicken receipe and all and his greed and all will agree to said deal. But we all know that Yoo Kyung is not someone that keeps her word so she will make it look like Geum Bong and her family plagiarized some other shops recipe and all thus getting AP Food into trouble and all. Another reason why I as of now I don't think that Scammer isn't Sejin's father is because he went over to Taejoon's workplace with his Taejoon's mother and all and he showed no sign or indication that he was aware of the people involved. So unless at that time either Yoo Kyung and her family were also in the socks business and that factory belonged to them or that Bakedo is something recent ie only a few years old and till then they were into other things or just branched into construction etc.. I don't really see anyway for Scammer to have met her. Then again the same can be said regarding Geum Bong and his son. Perhaps they were somehow set up on a blind date where one of them had lied about their status and all. Somehow I doubt that this person would be Yoo Kyung because if anything she is far to proud about her status to even think that she is on the same level as the commoners beneath her and all so if anything it would have been Scammer upto his scams and all. Never mind he couldn't cheat on Taejoon's mother since he isn't Taejoon's dad and all. My Bad :( Also speaking of Scammer I have to say that he must be equally responsible for Nayeon finding herself in her current situation. If someone may recall when Taejoon confronted his mother about why she stole the money that Nayeon had saved for their education and all and thus she had to sacrifice her education for him and all she said that she was wrong but she needed it because her husband was in jail and needed to get him out. Do you think that she was referring to him and that he perhaps was sent to jail because of some scam that had pulled and all and she needed that money as settlement to be paid of and all. So in other words if he hadn't caused problems those two wouldn't have stolen money and thus both Nayeon and Taejoon would have completed their education and may have even been happily married and all with their daughter. Then again knowing Sejin and her crazy personality and all with her never lose mentality and all she would have ended up causing the two to divorce. Well she would have tried but Nayeon would have none of that and would have taught her, her place very quickly and all. Thus none of them would even be in this position. Still I want all the woman in this show to pull out Scammers hair and all and if that includes Yoo Kyung so be it. It most probably would be therapitc for her as well.


As for Taejoon moving over to AP Foods. I don't think that is such a good idea. Not because he would try to sabotage them and all but because he would be working in close proximity to someone that looked just like his Ex-Girlfriend and all. Sejin must not only be real confident in her love for him but must trust him fully as well :) Lets see how long that is going to last though. You can be sure the more time that he is going to spend around Dohui the more uncomfortable she is going to get. :) As for him being their for work I think that while Nayeon may have expected such a move considering that Sejin's dad only had a few limited moves currently available to him and I may just get into them but as I was saying I think atleast for Nayeon this is her last chance to give Taejoon a shot at redemption and all. We all know that he is going to fail it spectaculary and all. For instance she would be expecting him to use foul play now that he has become a member of Team Evil so she may delibrately leave false information carelessly lying around the office or makes sure he hears something which isn't true so that he can now either do nothing and be the person that she once remembered him to be or more than likely go of to Team Evil and try to report to them on said information. Naturally since the information is false it is going to negatively effect Bakedo Company and all and thus Nayeon is going to take advantage of said situation. Perhaps even ask her father to buy some shares of the company and all for her. :) Ofcourse Taejoon will have to take the blame for this :) Going to be so much fun when that happens. Even Sejin is going to be so unhappy with him and she won't be able cover for him and all. :) As for the point of Sejin's dad having limited options what I mean by this is that he can't have AP Food succeed for various reason which we all know. Therefore he is going to need to put a stop to their plans and all. But the problem that he faces is to know their plan he first of all needs to place an agent over there to report to him on what they are doing so that he can come up with these counter plans and all. But the main issue will be having an agent who can be trusted and all. If it is some normal employee at the company then they may not be willing to report on AP Foods as that would be bad for them on two fronts. Firstly AP Food could suffer and thus they wouldn't have a back up job to go through. After all who would be willing to perhaps take them and all. So in this case he would need a willing Pawn to take the fall if necessary. Now from the limited pool of people that he could trust only Sejin and Taejoon unfortunately fit the bill. He himself couldn't work there for obvious reasons and all but he could count on his children to do his work also since they are family he knows that he can trust them not to betray him and all. Naturally he doesn't want Sejin to take the fall when things go wrong since getting her back into the main company and have her take it over later on is going to caus problems so in other words he would send Taejoon to AP Foods perhaps even with the promise that his seat would be secure once AP Food goes down. Taejoon wanting to prove to them that he can actually be trusted and all is going to throw his principles once again to do whatever it takes to ruin AP Food not realizing that once Team Evil is done with him that they will gladly throw him under the bus as well. Perhaps Nayeon may eventually get to him and make him see the light somehow making him finally change sides for real. For instance she may confront someone from Team Evil and make them confess of they plan on discarding Taejoon when all is said and done and all the time secretly recording their conversation and making Taejoon listen to it further breaking him down.


In regards to Nayeon coveting her Sisters man. First of all as I said she doesn't have any feelings for Hwi Kyung at the moment and he simply is a means to an end for her in her quest for revenge. If anyone it is Hwi Kyung that has feelings for her  or rather for Dohui which she is simply taking advantage of. Even if she were to marry him and no matter how wrong that is she would only be furthering her own goals perhaps her marriage to him could be because Yoo Kyung would be threatening her adopted mother somehow and to protect them the only way would be through marriage to Hwi Kyung and all. But you can be sure that once her revenge is over she may plan on divorcing him and all. But if along the way she falls in love with Hwi Kyung it will be a totally different matter. Will I feel any differently if that happens. To be honest no but I would like her to reveal the truth to him rather than live out a lie for the rest of her life. A perfect example of living out a lie would be to see how Dohui's mother is currently living as always in the fear that her husband may leave her for his first love and all. Whether or not Hwi Kyung decided to leave her or not that is the risk and fate that she must accept no matter how painful it be to her. Also it would have been a different matter if Dohui was still alive and well and was either dating or even married to Hwi Kyung but since this isn't the case I see no reason why the two of them can't be together down the line at some point or the other. It isn't like Hwi Kyung is cheating on Dohui since she isn't there anymore. Will he be hurt to discover that the woman that he loved is dead yes he will, would he be hurt to know that he was lied to once again in his life and that to by a woman yes he would but if said woman can actually become sincere in her feelings towards him I think that they can work out their differences and be an actual family. Should he forget Dohui the answer to that would be no he shouldn't but he should certainly move on at some point. Infact I can perhaps see both of them divorced by the end of the show but at the last episode they meet up at Dohui's grave or the charnel house etc.... by chance mind you and come to realize that they still have feelings for each other and thus get back together finally and at the same time ask Dohui for her forgives and her blessings as well.


For instance I really can't see Nayeon live out her entire life as Dohui. No matter how much she may have promised Dohui to look out for her family and all she has a family that loves and misses her as well and thus at some point either she will have to reveal this fact and return or get exposed by someone in Team Evil. Either way she would at some point want to reclaim her own identity and be Saybyul's mother as well.


Another point that someone else pointed out was the dinner scene at the restaurant with Hwi Kyung's mother and Dohui's dad where she walked out without even finishing her meal. Now please note that while I haven't watched the epiosde as usual or even watched it with subtitles and all I am going to make an assumption and if I am wrong well I guess I will admit it if I remember to do so but as of this moment based on my assumption I am going to say that she made the right call. What do I mean by this is simple her husband just passed away recently and she is out with a man and no less this just happens to be a married man as well. Regardless of the fact that they are old friends the problem here is that people don't know that. What they do know is that she is with a married man as soon as her husband died and then problem number two will arise namely if someone can recall just before her husband died she was accused of causing a scandal by seducing a rich old man and then marrying him. On top of that she apparently even kicked his sick wife as well. Whatever the truth is people aren't really going to care about it and think that what the article said about her was the truth and here she is trying to do the same thing once again and thus ruin a happily married family and all. I know someone may bring up the fact that she invited him over to thank him for what he did for Hwi Kyung to get him out of trouble and regardless of whether he arranged the meeting place or she did one must also recall that she had also invited his wife to join said dinner. This would have clearly served a few points such as it won't cause misunderstanding to happen between people neither will she become a topic of discussion. As of now if Team Evil were to find out about this dinner you can be sure that they will try to let certain parties find out about it such as the press thus not only damaging Hwi Kyung's mothers relationship even more but also the relationship between Dohui's parents and not to not only affect Dohui's dads company and all. So her walking out when she did was right if at this dinner Dohui's mother wasn't going to show up or if the dad had arranged it so that she it was just the two of them or hadn't informed his wife just to spend time with his first love. That was more than thoughtless of him and so no I won't be taking up his side in this matter atleast. Now if I am wrong in my assumptions the please forgive me like I said I am only judging from what I have read so far and I can more than likely be mistaken in said regards.


I have to say that from all the people that we have seen so far Nayeon seems to be real lucky when it has come to moving up in life and all. Not saying that Dohui had it any bad and that she did live a loved life and all. But Nayeon has lived a happy life more or less all these years as well. Though what I mean by this is that she lived a happy life with her mother and though they didn't have much it was enough, then her mother died and she moved into Sejin's house for sometime. Sure she wasn't happy there but after being sent to the orphanage she was soon adopted into her current family and then again while they didn't have much they gave each other more in love though I have to say that it seems that family was slighlty better of than her mother and now she seems to have another upgrade in life moving into Dohui's house and all. Sure it is temporary and she is living with a slightly crazy woman but this is simply a temporary stopover something like she had when she was at Sejin's house before going over to marry Hwi Kyung and live with him. (Thus another upgrade for her and we all know how much both Hwi Kyung and his mother adore her)


I am feeling sorry how some people are accusing Dohui's dad to be in the same level as Taejoon or even Sejin's dad that he left his first love for marrying into a rich family and all. I really don't see him in that light as of this moment that is. Yes he married a rich woman but how much do you think that she trapped him into doing so such as the case of baby swapping and all. She was desperate to have him. But other than that I think that Hwi Kyung's mother made a sacrifice for her love which she doesn't have any regrets for. For instance when they were young Dohui's dad was sent to prision for protesting and all. Now we don't know what exactly those protests were for, maybe regarding work and was on a strike regarding that or something the government did etc... At this point I am sure that Hwi Kyungs mother did everything in her power to get him out. This would perhaps mean to try and cut deals with people that had power or influence such as Yoo Kyungs dad or perhaps even Dohui's mother herself or her parents. etc... Now perhaps Dohui's mother may have agreed to help him get out in return that she never met up with him again in the future. Clearly because she like Sejin didn't like sharing her toys and all. It is possible that she agreed to this if it meant her love got out of prision. This unfortunately doesn't help how she got with Hwi Kyung's dad then. Since if he got him out then she wouldn't have to marry him. Unless there was something more to the story between all parties involved. Frankly I am starting to get slightly curious regarding all these people as well but I don't want a lot of episodes focusing on said matters. More than likely some sort of deals were cut. It is even possible that Dohui's dad was protesting against Dohui's parents or something thus they had him thrown away and they must have told him that the only way out of this is if he were to cut a deal with them such as marrying into their family (thus he wouldn't be able to protest against them and all.) Ofcourse he would refuse due to his first love and all but since Hwi Kyung's mother had also signed a deal with them she would have pretended to cut of all ties with him as well such as saying that she didn't love him anymore and had moved on with her life maybe she was even seeing someone else. At this point what could have then happened is that since she didn't have anywhere else to go and Yoo Kyung wasn't such an evil person at that time could have voluntered to let her friend stay over at her house perhaps even allow her to look after her ailling mother and all. Natrually Dohui's father wouldn't know about this and would have thought that she was going into said house because she was seeing Hwi Kyungs dad and all. Thus having no choice he ends up marrying Dohui's mother and all. As for Hwi Kyungs mother well something happened and she ended up with the chairman. As of this moment I can't figure out what kind of deal they struck but as of this moment I am sure that she was there due to some kind of deal so it may have possibly mean some kind of contract marriage between the two (which I am sure is going to be brought up in the future to clear up the misunderstanding between Yoo Kyung and her because the only other person that could actually clear it up is dead unfortunately) Anyway while the marriage may have been some sort of deal or contract between the two eventually actual love was there between the two. Unfortunately Yoo Kyung isn't going to accept this for quite some time thus she is going to constantly live in misery and all.


Well that will be all from my end for the moment take care all of you and keep posting. :) Will be sure to check your posts out soon. :)


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As we all know, DH2 has yet to give off lovey dovey hints to HK in all meetings they had since the accident.  Obviously DH2 is not into HK and the clearing up misunderstanding of The Chairman is what she owe DH for her love to him.

The car scene, text messages and stuffs.. It is all purely professional and cordial relations.  Things got to move in gear for DH2/HK relationships to grow.

TJ should seriously consider his options, by removing DH2/HK/AP Food will means he is in the next firing line of YK and oil & water don't mixed as she had said.  SJ is mommy dearest daughter and SJ thoug fixated on TJ, that fixation will grow old in time due to YK coaxing.  Hope DH2 place some "cheese in the trap" for Jangs soon.

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Guest my2centsworth
12 minutes ago, Tang Soon said:

As we all know, DH2 has yet to give off lovey dovey hints to HK in all meetings they had since the accident.  Obviously DH2 is not into HK and the clearing up misunderstanding of The Chairman is what she owe DH for her love to him.

The car scene, text messages and stuffs.. It is all purely professional and cordial relations.  Things got to move in gear for DH2/HK relationships to grow.

TJ should seriously consider his options, by removing DH2/HK/AP Food will means he is in the next firing line of YK and oil & water don't mixed as she had said.  SJ is mommy dearest daughter and SJ thoug fixated on TJ, that fixation will grow old in time due to YK coaxing.  Hope DH2 place some "cheese in the trap" for Jangs soon.

Lets' say that TJ is successful with getting rid of DH2, HK and AP Foods.  Do you think for one minute that YK will start to like TJ and accept him as her son-in-law?  The moon would have to fall into the ocean and still then YK will never accept TJ as her daughter's husband.  It really doesn't matter anyway, they are all going to lose everything anyway.    

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@yamiyugi all great points. I've never been one to think that DH2 marrying HK would be a disservice to her sister. I have this feeling if the Chairman had died before DH and she had known about the will, he would have been in the list of people she would have wanted NY to take care of. DH2 is not romantically interested in HK but in the latest ep, you will see her say or elude to the fact she understands why DH liked HK a lot. This is something she actually says to HK personally. So, I believe that initially she won't love him and will marry him as a ways to a means but I think later as she does, her guilt of what she is doing will weigh heavier on her. One of things she will realize (YS will mention it) that HK will lose Baekdo to the Jangs. She has hard mention the will, but no one has gone into detail about it YT. When DH2 finds this out, what better way can she truly get back at the Jangs and TJ than to take that company! It is at that point when marriage would be beneficial to her and her revenge. DH2 and living her life as DH, we know that in the end she will return as NY.

YS meeting BDJ for lunch was innocent and not her intentions. She invited both him and his wife. Now, whether or not BDJ had really informed his wife about the lunch remains to be seen but because she had talked to him, they were friends first, she didn't think nothing about it nor did I. However, BDJ may have put her in this awkward situation, we will see next week. I felt really sorry for her. I would have said invite them to the house but the awkwardness of that situation would have been fun for us to watch but not necessarily for ASJ and BDJ.

YS is truly a snob of the worse kind. She really thinks highly of herself and thinks she is all powerful. I really think she underestimates the power of DH's father. As a financial wizard, I think he is a very powerful man who could make or break Baekdo otherwise, why would KW be so afraid? I'll be glad when she has that reality check. BDJ is getting more and more attached to the new DH!

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I am sorry, I just started recently watching this drama, never watched a daily before and this one is very interesting. After seeing episode 53, I am confused. Does HK know that she is not DH but actually NY?

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1 hour ago, hell59 said:

I am sorry, I just started recently watching this drama, never watched a daily before and this one is very interesting. After seeing episode 53, I am confused. Does HK know that she is not DH but actually NY?

Welcome! HK has no idea. He has never seen NY. He only knows that she was TJ's woman before she was dumped for his niece. THis is a good one to start watching dailies. So far, it has been very good! Plus it is only 100 episodes instead of the customary 1201

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2 hours ago, hell59 said:

I am sorry, I just started recently watching this drama, never watched a daily before and this one is very interesting. After seeing episode 53, I am confused. Does HK know that she is not DH but actually NY?

No, he doesn't.  But he's a bit naive and a bit slow, so don't expect him to pick up on anything much anytime soon.

17 minutes ago, NewKDramaAddict said:

Welcome! HK has no idea. He has never seen NY. He only knows that she was TJ's woman before she was dumped for his niece. THis is a good one to start watching dailies. So far, it has been very good! Plus it is only 100 episodes instead of the customary 1201

What other dailies are this good?  I really liked Two Mothers, but nothing else since until Heaven's Promise.  

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Guest my2centsworth
18 minutes ago, NewKDramaAddict said:

Welcome! HK has no idea. He has never seen NY. He only knows that she was TJ's woman before she was dumped for his niece. THis is a good one to start watching dailies. So far, it has been very good! Plus it is only 100 episodes instead of the customary 1201

It's going to get interesting when HK figures out that NY is the woman that he helped at the airport with her torn skirt and made his ailing father that food when she went to the hospital to return HK's phone that was left in the sweater he used to wrap around her when he tore her skirt. Also the same girl from when she was 12 years old and lost the white watch that he now has. He has seen NY's face but never knew who she was, that is why he gave DH a chance when his father set up them to date. The scene where DH showed up at AP Foods. Remember how puzzled and glad at the same time when he looked at DH there? HK has been attracted to NY for a long time.

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HK is pretty densed and slow, he only seen NY twice.. Once when NY is staying over at Jangs when she is pretty young and the other time when they bumped on each other in airport.  And that he don't even know her name.

Rest of the other time, HK only seen DH until her demise and actually falls in love with her.  DH knowing that she is dying seems to cut ties with HK before heading to find NY and the rest is what we seen NY assuming her identity as DH.

@NewKDramaAddict - if it is 1201 episodes, it is going to take years for the revenge to even begins.  :D

Page Turner is 3 episodes starring the same female lead in School 2015 - Who Are You (same twin sister premise except both didn't die and if you like high school story).



12 hours ago, my2centsworth said:

Lets' say that TJ is successful with getting rid of DH2, HK and AP Foods.  Do you think for one minute that YK will start to like TJ and accept him as her son-in-law?  The moon would have to fall into the ocean and still then YK will never accept TJ as her daughter's husband.  It really doesn't matter anyway, they are all going to lose everything anyway.    


Hopefully TJ himself is not densed and think of ways to worm himself out of this kinda predicament.

Help Jangs and he risks himself in the next firing squad.

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What seems interesting is the Will, who holds the shares now?  If KW is the interim chairman, and HK is reviving AP Food - what happen to the shares?  If HK fails, who hold the shares?  And it is like very few will written by such a rich man.  If he is calculative and smart, the Chairman would had some plans in place in event of... right?

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14 minutes ago, Tang Soon said:

HK is pretty densed and slow, he only seen NY twice.. Once when NY is staying over at Jangs when she is pretty young and the other time when they bumped on each other in airport.  And that he don't even know her name.

Rest of the other time, HK only seen DH until her demise and actually falls in love with her.  DH knowing that she is dying seems to cut ties with HK before heading to find NY and the rest is what we seen NY assuming her identity as DH.

@NewKDramaAddict - if it is 1201 episodes, it is going to take years for the revenge to even begins.  :D

Page Turner is 3 episodes starring the same female lead in School 2015 - Who Are You (same twin sister premise except both didn't die and if you like high school story).




Hopefully TJ himself is not densed and think of ways to worm himself out of this kinda predicament.

Help Jangs and he risks himself in the next firing squad.

Oh C'MON!! I was on the road trying to get home for the last 13 hours! I'm whipped!!! 120 @hell59 That was tired typing...

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36 minutes ago, tulip06 said:

No, he doesn't.  But he's a bit naive and a bit slow, so don't expect him to pick up on anything much anytime soon.

What other dailies are this good?  I really liked Two Mothers, but nothing else since until Heaven's Promise.  

My favorites would be Ice Adonis, Glass Mask (I liked it except the all is forgiving), Ugly Alert, King's Daughter, Eve's Love, and A Daughter Just Like You to name a few

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1 hour ago, tulip06 said:

No, he doesn't.  But he's a bit naive and a bit slow, so don't expect him to pick up on anything much anytime soon.

remember when HK said to DH2 " i'm dumber than i look so you have to be straightforwad with me" whaaaahaaha


1 hour ago, my2centsworth said:

Welcome! HK has no idea. He has never seen NY

I would like to correct that, HK have seen NY before. At the airport, remember, and when he met DH for the first time he thought that DH was NY and he asked her if she has a sister or something like that.

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Guest my2centsworth
3 hours ago, Tang Soon said:

What seems interesting is the Will, who holds the shares now?  If KW is the interim chairman, and HK is reviving AP Food - what happen to the shares?  If HK fails, who hold the shares?  And it is like very few will written by such a rich man.  If he is calculative and smart, the Chairman would had some plans in place in event of... right?

Wondered about who has them too. Must the lawyer. He could be holding until the right time. But when is the right time. There was no mention of a time limit for HK to save AP Foods. Must be part of the will that we don't know about?

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Guest my2centsworth
11 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

remember when HK said to DH2 " i'm dumber than i look so you have to be straightforwad with me" whaaaahaaha


I would like to correct that, HK have seen NY before. At the airport, remember, and when he met DH for the first time he thought that DH was NY and he asked her if she has a sister or something like that.

Would like to correct that phrase. I never said that. HK did once met NY at 12 years old and again at the airport. He tore her skirt and then wrapped his sweater around he with his cell phone int eh pocket. They were suppose  to met at the hospital, but that when she saw TJ and when she went to follow him she bumped into a little girl. She did leave the phone and food which the Chairman ate and YS thought is was beautifully made. That makes me think of something else. With DH2's knowledge and talent with food she has been unable to show it. If ASJ figures out that DH2 is not the real DH, then at some point DH2 can show her talents with cooking and preparing attractive and appetizing foods that will help AP Foods.

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3 hours ago, NewKDramaAddict said:

My favorites would be Ice Adonis, Glass Mask (I liked it except the all is forgiving), Ugly Alert, King's Daughter, Eve's Love, and A Daughter Just Like You to name a few

my fav daily revenge themed drama would be Pink Lipstick and Ruby Ring. Glass Mask was ok, except it was too draggy and there wasn't much romance. I saw Ice Adonis because Lee Yoo Ri was in it. Didn't like it much, there was too much going back and forth, eg the Yeon Wa's mother was kidnapped twice, i thought that was little too much. The drama should have ended at ep100, 

ooops off topic a little.

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5 hours ago, NewKDramaAddict said:

Welcome! HK has no idea. He has never seen NY. He only knows that she was TJ's woman before she was dumped for his niece. THis is a good one to start watching dailies. So far, it has been very good! Plus it is only 100 episodes instead of the customary 1201

Thank you for clarifying this and good to know that it is shorter than other dailies!

3 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

remember when HK said to DH2 " i'm dumber than i look so you have to be straightforwad with me" whaaaahaaha


I would like to correct that, HK have seen NY before. At the airport, remember, and when he met DH for the first time he thought that DH was NY and he asked her if she has a sister or something like that.

Thank you for the info!

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2 hours ago, imgreatgal said:

my fav daily revenge themed drama would be Pink Lipstick and Ruby Ring. Glass Mask was ok, except it was too draggy and there wasn't much romance. I saw Ice Adonis because Lee Yoo Ri was in it. Didn't like it much, there was too much going back and forth, eg the Yeon Wa's mother was kidnapped twice, i thought that was little too much. The drama should have ended at ep100, 

ooops off topic a little.

i like lee  yoo ri in your lady.. and other drama else well especially bride of the sun hahaha

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