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[Daily Drama 2016] Heaven's Promise/천상의 약속 KBS2 Mon-Fri 19:50 KST


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Guest my2centsworth
54 minutes ago, Katrina Abdul Talib said:

:huh:... Jang family all down with NY phobia? Hahahha cant wait to watch ep 53.. I am sure NY is enjoying herself today. :P

Love the dinner at the Jangs......lol   DH2 really knows how to clear the room.....lol :w00t:

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6 minutes ago, my2centsworth said:

He has no idea that he has any other children other than SJ who is not his bio daughter. I hoping that when he does that find out he is her real father that DH2 wipes up the floor with him. And turns to BDJ has her father. In such a short period of time he has been more of a father than anyone.  No problem with the questions. Glad to be of help.

I saw that too. Did she open her top and look for the scar?

This week went  by so fast. Now we will have to wait........OH Noooooooo  !   lol :bawling:


That is how we got hooked and anticipating next week episode, a bummer weekend.

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Guest my2centsworth
55 minutes ago, valsava said:


@NewdramaAddict, It could work out two ways she could help her get her revenge and still keep a daughter or come clean which I highly doubt she would do.. 

The power that DH2 has......WOW !   I would love to walk into a room and just my presence have people become weak and afraid.  DH2 is enjoying this so much.  Love the way she looks at them and then just leaves them standing there in fear. This writer has all my kudos......lol

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I think it ws a good idea sending TJ to AP Food. Better to have yr enemy close to you.. DH2 shld play DUMB but...

I still wld love it if she slyly keeps jolting and emotionally breaks TJ with memories of NY and SB.

Preview showing DH2 pushing adoptive mum away? Ouch..should have been more compassionate towards a grieving person. Mayb offer her some soothing tea and give some comforting words. Well only seen a glimpse of what happened...hv to wait for Monday to see wht transpired.


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Just finished watching ep53 raw.  The dinner scene was rather short. When SJ ran after DH2 and they were talking, i thought SJ was about to cry. As always that WWWHMSW really get on my nerves. 

1 hour ago, Tang Soon said:

I saw that too. Did she open her top and look for the scar?

That was in the preview right wow! I think DH2 will have been prepared for it, remember when the doctor said that it won;t last long. I'm sure DH2 will know what to expect when ASJ finds out. And ASJ is in a predicament. I think she has to pretend not to know. Anyway still have 40+ eps to go. The show can't end now.

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26 minutes ago, imgreatgal said:

Just finished watching ep53 raw.  The dinner scene was rather short. When SJ ran after DH2 and they were talking, i thought SJ was about to cry. As always that WWWHMSW really get on my nerves. 

That was in the preview right wow! I think DH2 will have been prepared for it, remember when the doctor said that it won;t last long. I'm sure DH2 will know what to expect when ASJ finds out. And ASJ is in a predicament. I think she has to pretend not to know. Anyway still have 40+ eps to go. The show can't end now.

Yes! I wish the dinner scene was longer! But TJ wimped out! SJ about to cry? She sure was!! I sure hope DH2 was prepared; however, because of ASJ's surprised look, I'm not sure whether DH2 thought about that; though she would have had access to DH's medical records.


33 minutes ago, Katrina Abdul Talib said:

Preview showing DH2 pushing adoptive mum away? Ouch..should have been more compassionate towards a grieving person. Mayb offer her some soothing tea and give some comforting words. Well only seen a glimpse of what happened...hv to wait for Monday to see wht transpired.


Realistically, if DH2 was supposed to be DH AND she was acting like she never knew NY, her reaction was correct. A perfect stranger comes up to me and starts hugging me and crying? That would be my reaction too.

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And of course you can guess who followed DH2 outside...cannot wait to see what was said.



The encounter drove TJ to drinking but why does HK think he can have a relationship with TJ? He is so damn nice!



Awwwwwww.. Couple doing late night texting! Okay, only HK thinks they are a couple!



BDJ is just looking dapper in this scene! Okay, maybe it is just me! I liked the color combo!




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Will I be the only one who felt DH2's reaction was exactly as it should have been?



As an amnesiac DH, who supposedly had never met NY, not sure I would have the warm and fuzzies having a complete stranger grab me and hug me. Sure, we know she knows but if she is keeping it hidden, her reaction was perfect.

TJ's face for a very long time!



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This weeks episodes were definitely setting up for the revenge plot. I think it was nice that the writer finished off with everyone knowing about the existence of DH2. Now, that that's out of the way NY can start crushing these monsters one by one.  I'm loving the ruthlessness of NY, she's committed and she's going to take this all the way. TJ can't break now, that would be too easy and not fun at all. I hope the writer will not try to redeem him, I'm not falling for it, unless he runs in front of a bus meant for NY and dies, theres no redemption for him.

It's hilarious that SJ is already planning the destruction of DH2, it's rather cute. If she was shocked when NY splashed the water back at her. Were about to see the cray cray come out in the Jang family and I can't wait.

Seems like DH's mom did try to look for the scar on her chest and didn't find it, but what's she going to do about it? how would be ever explain herself to NY (Oh you look like my daughter but your not twins, and my daughter is one who died)? or to her husband, especially not that HK/DH2 are not married I'm sure she will be afraid to loose him. Plus NY already has the DNA test and knows her and DH were in fact twins. So, I foresee DH's mom keeping quiet and going with the flow while she greaves in silence for DH. I like the new formed relationship between DH2 and her "dad" its like she's been craving a daddy figure a male to protect her for a long time, considering all the men she loved and trusted betrayed her (KW/TJ) it's nice the writer is putting this side of NY in the story. 

NY character is shaping up to be very complicated, and I like it. I just hope she doesn't somehow turn weak again, and that she successfully carries out justice for DH and SB and her own suffering. I'm also glad NY is the living twin, no one would be able to carry out this revenge like her.

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11 minutes ago, ObsessiveCompulsive said:

I like the new formed relationship between DH2 and her "dad" its like she's been craving a daddy figure a male to protect her for a long time, considering all the men she loved and trusted betrayed her (KW/TJ) it's nice the writer is putting this side of NY in the story. 

I love their relationship! Even though he was close with DH, he will be even closer to DH2 because she has a lot of likes and he LOVES this DH being all interested in the business. Yes, I agree with you, ASJ cannot say anything if she discovered that DH isn't DH! She's too scared of losing her husband. Also, she might be all 'gun-ho' on HK and DH2 marrying now. But the grief this woman will show if DH2 didn't expect ASJ to look for a scar will be very sad. Regardless of how possessive the woman is and the reason she wanted DH around, she loved that girl!

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16 hours ago, Tang Soon said:

Ahahaha,.. imagine this...

YK is not real bio-daughter of the Chairman...

SJ not bio-daughter of KW

So that makes them commoner?

Greetings... and great question again @TangSoon.  Can I just add something I've been thinking about to whomever answers this question... can someone eplain the family hierarchy here, I'm a bit confused.  YK refers to YYS as "Mother" which makes HK her little brother, but he is the family's only male so, should HK and DH marry, where does she fit in the family hierarchy... as the male "head of family", does DH outrank YK or does YK forever outrank her because she's older.  If a "Mother" can be someone who is the same age as the daughter, then surely the head of family can outrank an older sister... Does anyone know this...

And I just want to take this moment to whine about how rude YK and SJ are.  In Episode 53, the scene at the dinner table of YK walking away saying "thanks go somebody" had me wanting to show her the back of my hand and then SJ skulking around, eavesdropping and then chasing DH out the door was just class-less.  For someone who, in Episode 51, chastised YYS and DH for being rude not to introduce herself, these two ladies just have no clue what it means to be rude.  And I won't even go into how rude it was for YK to go poke around ASJ's house.  My question is why in the world did ASJ let her in the door...  Those two witches embody rudeness.  When SJ asked DH, "do you know me", I was waiting for a response along the lines of, "of course, I read my notes, you're the home-wrecking, baby-Daddy-stealing adulteress daughter of Baekdo interim Chairman KW and wife."  Well, that's what would have happened if I was writing the script...  :naughty:

While I'm on.the topic of rudeness...... that .scene of DH's Dad and HK's Mom having a meal in the restaurant... are Koreans really such busy-bodies to mind everyone else's business and on top of that to talk out loud about them so they can hear....  Maybe I'm not as evolved as HK's Mom but no way would I run away...  I would have made a point of enjoying every morsel of my meal and every minute of my male companion's company right in their self-righteous faces...  :rage:

@my2centsworth - Hello...  regarding SJ's biological Dad, I'm thinking he'll show up in about 25 episodes just as HK and DH have revived AP Foods and made it profitable and as HK is about to take over Baekdo as someone with the means and the malice to intercede on SJ's behalf and, of course, at that point, he will appear to both YK and SJ as the Alpha male in their lives and, at that time, both KW and TJ better watch their backs...  :naughty:

Yes, well, it looks like net week will be the start of the "War of the Mothers" ... NY's adopted Mom see's DH and wants a relationship with her, ASJ realiees DH is actually NY and hopefully gives NY a chance to eplain and then goes after YK and SJ with a vengence, YK should get the info that the twins were born on the same day and in the same place as ASJ's daughter and put 2+2 together to figure out a switch happened and try to threaten ASJ with that (more fuel for ASJ teaming up with NY to take down the Jangs) and then we have WWTMHSW running around putting charms under everyone's pillow doing battle with the "ghost" of NY....  He, he, he... :naughty:

Good weekend, everyone...




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38 minutes ago, Tang Soon said:

Ahahaha.. KW thinks so smart of sending TJ to AP Food but DH2 told HK she is expecting it... That is urmmm. smart of DH2 to her plannings in anticipating.

Urmm GB is pregnant...  :sweatingbullets:

I think so....let's see if SK holds to his words to be the man and not dump his girl that is pregnant!!

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6 hours ago, NewKDramaAddict said:

The encounter drove TJ to drinking but why does HK think he can have a relationship with TJ? He is so damn nice!

HK is giving life's lesson to TJ when he said, 'don't say yes sir or no sir' say what you feel so people won't looked down on you' Waaahaahaa so true for TJ

6 hours ago, NewKDramaAddict said:

Awwwwwww.. Couple doing late night texting! Okay, only HK thinks they are a couple!

i like this, HK is all smiles, but DH2 is serious when she said 'go to sleep we have work tomorrow and don't you dare dream' Waahaahaa

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Guest my2centsworth
9 hours ago, Katrina Abdul Talib said:

I think it ws a good idea sending TJ to AP Food. Better to have yr enemy close to you.. DH2 shld play DUMB but...

I still wld love it if she slyly keeps jolting and emotionally breaks TJ with memories of NY and SB.

Preview showing DH2 pushing adoptive mum away? Ouch..should have been more compassionate towards a grieving person. Mayb offer her some soothing tea and give some comforting words. Well only seen a glimpse of what happened...hv to wait for Monday to see wht transpired.


Some times we have to hurt the ones we love.  The real DH would have had no problem doing that and DH2 had to do it for two reasons. 1. She had to act like the old DH and 2. If her adopted mom knew she was the real NY it would have spoiled everything that DH2 is working for.  It was hard to watch and I'm sure if was twice as hard for DH2. If you think about it that scene was stupid. First, a maid lets two strangers into the home of the family you work for when no one is home? And EB should have stopped MS. EB knows first hand that both ASJ and DJ2 doesn't want them there. I understand it was necessary for MS to see DH2 in person, but that scene i didn't like. MS is a poor creature when it comes to her children. Two daughters and neither have the sense to come in from the rain and her adopted daughter was more like a real child to her.

You are so right when it comes for TJ to be sent to AP Foods.  He'll never be able to do his job because he will be distracted by DH2 and SJ will be there all the time too.  With him being there will give DH2 the perfect opportunity to taunt and haunt TJ.  She can say or do little things that will remind him of NY.  Let the game begin....lol

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3 minutes ago, my2centsworth said:

Some times we have to hurt the ones we love.  The real DH would have had no problem doing that and DH2 had to do it for two reasons. 1. She had to act like the old DH and 2. If her adopted mom knew she was the real NY it would have spoiled everything that DH2 is working for.  It was hard to watch and I'm sure

So true, DH2 must really be hurting inside, but she can't go weak now and must go thru with her plan.


6 minutes ago, my2centsworth said:

If you think about it that scene was stupid.

i agree, why must the writer have this scene. let say you see someone who looks exactly like your dead love-one must you go into people house and want to hold their son or daughter, yeks! i'm going bonkers with this. i can understand that the writer wants to show us DH2's reaction when she meets her mum, but this this is just yeks!

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32 minutes ago, imgreatgal said:

So true, DH2 must really be hurting inside, but she can't go weak now and must go thru with her plan.


i agree, why must the writer have this scene. let say you see someone who looks exactly like your dead love-one must you go into people house and want to hold their son or daughter, yeks! i'm going bonkers with this. i can understand that the writer wants to show us DH2's reaction when she meets her mum, but this this is just yeks!


Like all her plans, it is in her anticipations that she would meet Jangs and Lees in one way or another.. Since DH2 moved her chess piece to meet Jangs, DH2 would had anticipated Lees coming soon maybe via TJ mom or YK coaxing.. maybe DH2 had tried and trained looking herself in mirror to bring out that pre-DH manner whenever meeting Jangs/Lees.. i would.

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Guest my2centsworth

@NewKDramaAddict You are so right about DH2 reaction to MS. She is not NY anymore, She is DH2. Everything she is working for to get revenge on the Jangs and TJ would have gone down the tubes if she gave any other reaction to MS.  When all is said and done and DH2 can run into the arms of MS and explain, all will be forgiven.  MS and her daughter, EB and GB want them to pay as much as anyone.  It hurts to hurt someone you love and I know DH2's heart is breaking.  But she is doing this for three people.  Herself and more important for SB and her sister, the real DH.  It doesn't matter if DH was dying or not, she has some time left and YK actions caused DH's death because she was forced to make the decision to switch places with NY so that she could live to be with her daughter and family.  Of course, no one knew that SB was dead. It still doesn't matter thought.

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