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[Daily Drama 2016] Heaven's Promise/천상의 약속 KBS2 Mon-Fri 19:50 KST


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Guest my2centsworth
6 hours ago, Katrina Abdul Talib said:

Can't wait to see SJ papa's expression. He knew DH wrote the article on TH/SJ. He is going to be curious if DH actually met and interviewed NY personally. He may probably test DH2 in the presence of TJ about NY....and should be thrilling how DH2 will answer them...minute details of dates, years,events, conversations not only with TJ+KW but as a teenager once living with the Jangs. :angry:

They all knew that the real DH, which they will know as DH2 ........wrote the article.  SJ mentioned it to TJ.  Then YK and KW were talking about it too.  Don't think anyone read it but KW and HK.  But YK, TJ and SJ all knew who DH was and she was a reporter seeking info on SJ and TJ for an article.    OH...yes....YK did see it. The newer version with add-ons that DH2 added.  YK saw it when the reporter wanted to confirm and that is when YK gave her the story of YS and her father.

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Guest my2centsworth
5 hours ago, tulip06 said:

The doctor knows who she is!

I'm not sure. Look at it from both sides. If he believes she is the real DH and is dying, then sooner or later he might come forward with that truth to DH2's mom. If he knows that the real DH is dead and NY is now DH2, he might keep the secret or at least until DH2's mom what to know more about why her daughter does not need her meds anymore.

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19 minutes ago, my2centsworth said:

DH2 whole game is to taunt and haunt YK.  The look on YK's face when see saw DH2........priceless !   MORE........MORE........I WANT MORE......   lol

@my2centsworth..... Chingu, YK is the person DH2 is out to destroy. YK is the person who destroyed her family for her greed and ruined both of her families life. :angry::angry:

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Guest my2centsworth
5 hours ago, ObsessiveCompulsive said:

Okay first can we talk about that ost at the end, It was really befitting of the situation. I loved that NY(DH) smiled at YK. Knowing that YK can't touch her is so satisfying. I'm also glad she revealed herself first to YK, so she could loose all her damn   marbles. It's impressive how consumed NY is with her character, I like that she's turned into a merciless person for those who deserve it, and a kind ally to those on her side. I hope NY wins it all, and at every turn. 

So our resident idiot TJ will  be growing a pair soon, I liked that he overheard YK call him no more then a damn dog for SJ, and its not like his dear wife was so quick to defend him either.  I think TJ will get close to YK, and get her to trust him a little more while working on his plan to take her out. 

HK on the other hand needs to get it together already, these ppl are not your family and they don't like you. He needs to stop being so nice, NY can't carry the load on her own, she needs him to pull his own weight.

I too like the OST at the end. The words fit perfect. As far as DH2 showing herself to YK first.......PERFECT ! ! !   The taunting and haunting have begun !    YK won't know what hit her.   YK biggest drawback is two things.  First, her secret of SJ's real father and second her hatred for NY and now DH2.   YK acts and speaks before she thinks. Her quick actions caused two people to die. Then she lied her way thru it.   Every time she acts out something that she dislikes....it backfires on her.  Waiting for more !  Her engine is going to blow....lol

Very anxious to see what TJ will do next.  Yes, he is growing a pair but they are only the size of peanuts so far.....must get bigger.....lol :blush:

4 hours ago, carlemyers said:

Negatory, good buddy, the doctor called her name, Lee Na Yeon!!

That's right...missed that !  Good ears !

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Guest my2centsworth
7 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:

@my2centsworth..... Chingu, YK is the person DH2 is out to destroy. YK is the person who destroyed her family for her greed and ruined both of her families life. :angry::angry:

Remember the target board that HW had in Glamorous Temptation?  DH2 needs one with YK's pic, then she can add SJ, KW and TJ.

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Ep. 50 had me asking a few questions. 


1. It's pretty obvious that the doctor said "Ms. Lee Na Yeon" but I wonder if this was a mistake i.e. a production mistake. Why would Na Yeon expose her real identity? What did she say to the doctor to cover for her? Also, the doctor said "Your mother is sharp...", which brings me to my second question...

2. Does Na Yeon think Do Hee's mother is her actual birth mother? I find it weird that even though she knows that Do Hee is her twin sister, Na Yeon has not made an effort to find out about how they were separated. So could it be because she thinks the Baeks are her birth parents? If not, why isn't she looking into it? Sure, she's blinded by rage and only focusing on revenge but surely she's curious about her past? 

3. Does Yoo Kyung have dirt on Young Sook? What secret does she have to expose when she threatened Young Sook? It can't be the secret about Young Sook's first love? Because I don't think that's a secret. Do Hee's mom already found that photo of Young Sook in her husband's book. Maybe she just doesn't recognize the adult Young Sook because the photos was a younger Young Sook? I think the secret will be revealed today, because in the previews, Do Hee's mom said "I won't give Do Hee to someone like that". Interesting to know what actually happens.

4. Does Na Yeon intend to exact revenge on Hwi Kyung too? Does she see him as someone responsible for Do Hee's death? Because he sided with his family, and chose family over Do Hee. (Side note: How stupid must Hwi Kyung have felt when his "family" turned his back on him, after he sacrificed his relationship for them? He must have felt sooooooo dumb). 


Anyway, haven't posted for a while but I lurk this forum every day. Glad to see the board so lively with observations and theories. 

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23 minutes ago, wunderkid said:

Does Na Yeon intend to exact revenge on Hwi Kyung too? Does she see him as someone responsible for Do Hee's death? Because he sided with his family, and chose family over Do Hee

HK might be collateral damage but as DH loved him and it was DH's decision to give him the stories, I really doubt that DH2 would intentional go after HK.

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Guest my2centsworth
50 minutes ago, wunderkid said:

Ep. 50 had me asking a few questions. 


1. It's pretty obvious that the doctor said "Ms. Lee Na Yeon" but I wonder if this was a mistake i.e. a production mistake. Why would Na Yeon expose her real identity? What did she say to the doctor to cover for her? Also, the doctor said "Your mother is sharp...", which brings me to my second question...

2. Does Na Yeon think Do Hee's mother is her actual birth mother? I find it weird that even though she knows that Do Hee is her twin sister, Na Yeon has not made an effort to find out about how they were separated. So could it be because she thinks the Baeks are her birth parents? If not, why isn't she looking into it? Sure, she's blinded by rage and only focusing on revenge but surely she's curious about her past? 

3. Does Yoo Kyung have dirt on Young Sook? What secret does she have to expose when she threatened Young Sook? It can't be the secret about Young Sook's first love? Because I don't think that's a secret. Do Hee's mom already found that photo of Young Sook in her husband's book. Maybe she just doesn't recognize the adult Young Sook because the photos was a younger Young Sook? I think the secret will be revealed today, because in the previews, Do Hee's mom said "I won't give Do Hee to someone like that". Interesting to know what actually happens.

4. Does Na Yeon intend to exact revenge on Hwi Kyung too? Does she see him as someone responsible for Do Hee's death? Because he sided with his family, and chose family over Do Hee. (Side note: How stupid must Hwi Kyung have felt when his "family" turned his back on him, after he sacrificed his relationship for them? He must have felt sooooooo dumb). 


Anyway, haven't posted for a while but I lurk this forum every day. Glad to see the board so lively with observations and theories. 

Don't know if I can answer your questions, but they are good ones.

1. That to me is a real puzzle. Could have been a production mistake, but somehow don't think that.    he doctors' scenes were always with the character named DH, so  why would he say NY's name.   Possible though.   Going to be very interesting to how, if indeed DH2 made some type of bargain with the doctor to cover up who she really is. You are are right. ASJ is sharp.  We can already see her giving this matter great thought. Now what we have figure out if ASJ figures it out that her daughter is not her daughter, then how is DH2 going to get her to go along with her plan?

2. Not sure if DH2 thinks ASJ is her birth mother or not. Don't remember if the real DH said anything to NY in the hospital about their birth. The real DH did know that she was adopted and she knew her mother's real name as it was embroidered on the baby clothes DH found in her mom's drawer.  Her looking into her birth more may come into play later on. Right now all DH2 wants to do is help HK and get revenge on the Jangs and TJ.

3. The secret !  It sure sounded as if YK knew something YS didn't want anyone to know. But whatever YK does or says, she better remember that YK knows a lot of her secrets. And YS has already talked about LYA being KW's first love. That alone should but won't scare YK. Guess YS will have to release what she knows about SJ's birth father. Who knows, maybe YS has another copy of the DNA results she sent to LYA. It's possible that secret may come out soon, but somehow I feel what ASJ said in the preview is that she is scared of letting DH2 go into that household since YS is a free woman now.  She knows her husband still has feeling for YS. Remember the book YS gave BDJ that ASJ found with a high school pic of  YS?  But before the real DH died, ASJ never wanted her daughter to marry HK because of YS being his mother and the fact that HK had been married before.

4. I don't think DH2 would ever want to see YK dead. I think she wants her to lose everything she has and for everyone to know what she has done. That would hurt YK, having people talk about her, turn their backs on her. Maybe even prison.  Then the "big" secret will come out and she lose her husband, KW and he will be disgusted with her and want a divorce. Not to say that SJ may even hate her too.

I notice you have been on the missing list......lol  Enjoy you comments. This drama is really getting good not that the revenge part has started.  Don't be a stranger.  Hope you don't mind review of your questions. Please remember that they are only my point of view and subject to change at each esp........lol :rolleyes::D

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Question is whether DH2 plans to live her life as DH permanently?  I dont think DH2 would move for his sister's bf/fiance intentionally.. So far the vibes is DH2 to work with HK as partners as in business term not as lovers.. That is why ASJ comments in Ep 51 trailer must be mentioned by ASJ to Papa Baek ?

Getting married to HK would be stealing her sis man?  I think DH2 would not resort to that and that is not what DH2 would do to her.

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Guest my2centsworth
3 minutes ago, Tang Soon said:

Question is whether DH2 plans to live her life as DH permanently?  I dont think DH2 would move for his sister's bf/fiance intentionally.. So far the vibes is DH2 to work with HK as partners as in business term not as lovers.. That is why ASJ comments in Ep 51 trailer must be mentioned by ASJ to Papa Baek ?

Getting married to HK would be stealing her sis man?  I think DH2 would not resort to that and that is not what DH2 would do to her.

When talking about first loves.........NY was HK's first. He fell for her back when she was 12 years old and never forgot her. He still has that white watch too.   When he ran into her at the airport and then when she brought food for his ailing father, he thought of her with a big smile on his face. He met DH and thought is was NY at first. Maybe that thought of DH being NY never really left his mind. Then as he got to know DH more, he fell in love with her. I think he thinks they were both the same woman.  He never really go to know NY to compare them.  Now he is going to have the best of both of them.  But when DH2 see that watch, it will change her feelings for him.  Maybe what takes for them to take a trip down the aisle.

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5 hours ago, my2centsworth said:

It was as if she knew something no one else knows.

Greetings, my friend... Agree.  Wonder if maybe Daddy Baek has control of the shares until HK proves himself with instructions what to do with those shares if HK fails and DH knows elements from Chairman's Will either because Daddy Baek has discussed with her or because she read about it in DH's diary.  If he is an investment specialist, makes sense Chairman would entrust his life's work to him to protect his employees, HK and his mother from what he had to know would be the ruin that would come to Baekdo should it fall into the Jangs' greedy hands.  And this is why there is no time frame for HK's success, because all is well watched over by Daddy Baek.

Also thinking about... the secret.  I agree HK's mom must know KW is not SJ's father probably because Chairman knew he wasn't SJ's father.  Can you believe the chutzpah of YK in threatening YYS not to pursue a marriage between HK and DH.  Bravo to YYS... I would have picked up the phone and started booking wedding halls in her face...  the threat about "first loves" isn't a threat unless YYS is still involved with Daddy Baek and have seen no evidence of that.  YK probably plans to go see ASJ and put a stop to the marriage before it even begins from her side and I think that is what is behind the clip in the preview of ASJ saying she would never give DH to those people.  

Also thinking about this... things are getting precarious for DH.  Not only does she have to worry about EB pursuing her, now she has to worry about bumping into GB at ASJ's restaurant and then I'm pretty sure YK is going to try to pursue the circumstances of DH's birth to ruin the marriage and pull the support for HK by proving DH is not Daddy Baek's child (since she knows NY wasn't DB's child) but then she will also indirectly prove that DH is her husband's child at the same time (the DNA is on file).  And I can't see ASJ letting that happen because as crazy vicious as YK can be, ASJ has shown herself to be just as crazy vicious when it comes to DH and her husband.  That's gonna be fun, YK vs. ASJ.  

And, how is it that Baekdo can still mess around with AP Foods, I've seen over and again that they can't help or hinder HK's efforts so what makes them think they can downsize AP Foods.  If HK got his bailout, he met his bills and payroll, there is no need to downsize and I don't know where from they think they get the authority to interfere.  That scene in front of Baekdo with HK and DH, I think HK is about to roll over and agree to the "loyal dog's" plan to downsize and I think DH steps up and denies that will happen, immediately gaining the support of the AP Foods staff and the admiration of the Baekdo employees.

Whether she intended to confront YK in "her house" or not, interesting it happened that way.  Confronting the lioness in her lair and its the lioness who will be cowered...  When she appears in front of Baekdo in support of AP Foods, she's laying down a gauntlet in a very public way to KW, SJ and TJ.  I'm liking this.  The Jangs do everything in secret, DH will do everything in public so that any Jang response will also be public and she can show the public who the Jangs really are since they keep quashing news reports.  I like....

One more thought.  I went back and watched the end of whatever episode it was where NY finishes DH's story and she refers to the tragedy created by TJ's betrayal, SJ's twisted love and the selfish love of their parents.  I'm wondering if DH uses this--the selfish love of mothers and fathers for their child--against each other in this revenge, i.e., the Baeks against the Jangs, the Parks against the Jangs; the Jangs against the Baeks, the Jangs are already against the Parks; the Kangs against the Jangs and the Jangs already don't like the Kangs; TJ's guilt over SB's death against him and SJ and ultimately the revelation that DH and NY were KW's children by his first love against YK and that SJ never was...  I'm getting giddy with all these thoughts of Jang destruction...  he, he, he :naughty:

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. It's pretty obvious that the doctor said "Ms. Lee Na Yeon" but I wonder if this was a mistake i.e. a production mistake. Why would Na Yeon expose her real identity? What did she say to the doctor to cover for her? Also, the doctor said "Your mother is sharp...", which brings me to my second question...

I don't think its a production mistake, because the doctor said some thing to NY like ' her charade won't last long and that her mother is quick to notice' . Everything is going as DH's(NY) planned, i'm worried about the mother, she could be a problem in her plan, she seemed nervous about something. I'm not surprise because she has a secret to keep. On another note, does DH's(NY) mother know about her husband first love YS? and YK did mentioned (i think it was in the preview ep51) that DH's mother has a temper. The evil YK could use the issue of YS and Mr Baek to separate DH(NY) and HK.

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1 hour ago, my2centsworth said:

When talking about first loves.........NY was HK's first. He fell for her back when she was 12 years old and never forgot her. He still has that white watch too.   When he ran into her at the airport and then when she brought food for his ailing father, he thought of her with a big smile on his face. He met DH and thought is was NY at first. Maybe that thought of DH being NY never really left his mind. Then as he got to know DH more, he fell in love with her. I think he thinks they were both the same woman.  He never really go to know NY to compare them.  Now he is going to have the best of both of them.  But when DH2 see that watch, it will change her feelings for him.  Maybe what takes for them to take a trip down the aisle.


To HK, true enough he might falls for DH2 but then again he already falls for pre-DH and nearing to marriage stage.

The problem would be DH2 herself, reading DH diary would inform her what DH feels for HK and that kinda love would be too sacred for DH2 to trample over.. She might look like DH but her death and love would be too much for DH2 to just pretend to be her.. That is going to be emotional journey in vengeance and love for DH2.. I think DH2 will feel and think HK is her sis and not her's.

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There is still loads of unanswered questions whether Baek Dong Jin's first love is Yoon Young Sook or not. I just felt that Young Sook played along with Yoo Kyung as she was speaking of first loves as being unforgettable. Young Sook rubbed it in that Jang Kyung Wan also had a hard time after losing Lee Yoon Ae.

I know that Baek Dong Jin is very impressed with the current "Do Hee" as she is acting more like him with her passion for business. Baek Dong Jin is a famous investment player. I think there isn't much Ahn Sung Jin can do if both "Do Hee" and Baek Dong Jin are firm on the partnership between Hwi Kyung. You know her Achilles Heel is not to loose her husband. So she will conform. But it is will be nice for once to see "Do Hee" has someone formidable at her side now. Yoon Kyung may have loads to say but I think Ahn Sung Jin will not let her bully "Do Hee". So she better be prepared. Furthermore, "Do Hee" is to come in as her sister-in-law which made Baek Dong Jin and Ahn Sung Jin in the same family hierarchy as her father. Therefore, they will be her elders.

"Do Hee" is back for revenge ... do you think she will care about the Jangs' feelings?

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Guest my2centsworth
1 hour ago, Tang Soon said:


To HK, true enough he might falls for DH2 but then again he already falls for pre-DH and nearing to marriage stage.

The problem would be DH2 herself, reading DH diary would inform her what DH feels for HK and that kinda love would be too sacred for DH2 to trample over.. She might look like DH but her death and love would be too much for DH2 to just pretend to be her.. That is going to be emotional journey in vengeance and love for DH2.. I think DH2 will feel and think HK is her sis and not her's.

You are very right in what you say. But all in all, I don't think that DH would mind and DH2 will see this once she sees the white watch and remembers HK when they were younger.

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