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1 hour ago, André Sá said:

I have an issue I'd like to ask you guys but I'm really afraid if some might think I'm attacking the show/the fans/the actors...

Thanks for your comments and to understand I'm not looking for trouble (i'm really really really not looking for any troubles indeed)

Hi, it's ok to post this and it is a good point. We all love real discussion here. And I'm not very good with words so I'll just briefly say my opinion.

As some has mentioned before some hundreds of pages ago. Actually, Addicted falls on the fujioshi BL theme rather than a real LGBT drama. You can see a lot of BL tropes and the main target audience is still female.

As for making money. I think CJD just wants to realize her BL dream rather than making big money. Her situation is unheard of to me before her. She risks a lot of things and used up a lot of money to making BL drama which may not be earning money as BL is not really something accepted by mainstream and only cater to niche fans. Didn't she say she doesn't have enough funds to film up to the car accident scene in Addicted? And there are a lot of factors that kinda adds up coincidentally to make it popular that even non-fujioshi/fudanshi fans watch it. I have seen that a lot of ppl who watch this is their first time who watch BL. Actually, it's not that easy to get wide media attention with a BL theme. How many BL dramas that are able to do this before this? Not a lot.

And I think everyone will feel uncomfortable being touched by strangers. Especially those that are kinda feel like they're feeling you up. And JY is definitely not someone who easily accepts ppl within his 'zone'. See how polite his hands is when he has to hold or hug females. And when the female fan wanted a hug. He's like: can I do it? You can even see that he's so awkward on stage in the Addicted OP ceremony/presscon at 30/11/2015 when he's suppose to interact with ZZ(They've known for 3+ weeks at that time and it's after the BTS scenes, they are good with each other already). Uh, maybe I'll upload the video later since it doesn't seem to be in youtube. There isn't many instances that ZZ has to hold females so I'll skip him.

And as for not mentioning about LGBT and political topics other than the point that this is not a real LGBT drama I mentioned above. Let's just say it has always been like that not to discuss sensitive issues and more so after the ban. And it's a place where they cannot say negative things about their government.

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1 hour ago, André Sá said:

Now, what i've seen on the interviews and shows the cast appeared during the promotion of the series/before the censor, this kind of political questions wasn't raised, and they never seen to address anywhere any political position for the LGBT movement. Among the actors and during interview, everything sound to me like "Bromance" or "fan service" than to treat that in any political direction...

Also during the shangai fm interview (I guess), when the boy fan touched JY (I know it's disrespectful to do that), he seemed really uncomfortable and almost discusted by that fact. For me it seemed that, even for the actors, the BL theme still sounds more something you do to get midia attention (and money) than to discuss this important matter (since the series wasn't censured at the time). Please tell me what do you think about this!

I just wish to better understand your/their culture to know how the "Addicted/Heroin" experience has helped if anything the LGBT community in China, or if i'm just not aware of other interviews/news where the cast addressed this issues...

hi @André Sá welcome again to the forum. I am not Chinese so perhaps later @jlt4ever can give her input on the matter. But, I would like to weigh in a bit about the series itself. and if you want to write something long, it would be appreciated if you use spoiler box, as not to trouble people using mobile phone to scroll so much for one post. (it is the one with the eye symbol).


The series is not a gay series, it is called BL series, Boys Love, from the term coined by Japanese (please correct me on this). It is usually written by women, and most of the viewers are also women. I have made a little research on why women likes to see two men together, but am sure you can do too, by the help of Google. There are some interesting views on why women like to see men go gay for each other, and only for that person, and not really gay for another guy. Yes, it is a bit twisted, apparently. Many gays do not view themselves represented by these BL series, as usually there's always the one with seme (top/dom) character, and one is uke (bottom/sub) character, while in real life gay relationship, this role are reversible (please enlighten me if what I am saying is not true). 


So this one aspect already showed the series position in the LGBT world. This kind of series usually do not touch real gay relationship, this is women's fantasy about two guys who go gay for each other. And in this CJD repeated several times in the novel, that they are not interested in any other male, they are just interested in both of them (which is something that is not very common in m/m, f/f relationship, no?). 

I honestly do not know if their behavior towards one another in all the BTS/interviews/photoshoots were all fan service, but, hunch say it were not. My reasoning is a bit logical, they are a new actors, this is HJY's first project, and a second one for XWZ (?) what I see perhaps two amateur actors who dwelled so much with their characters and went too deep at times. It is normal even for much experienced actors to fall for their co-star, can you imagine two young newbies, stucked in same bed for few months during filming, and had to do lots of really steamy intimate scenes. My logic says it is much possibility for them to get in too deep with their characters.


China is like the most of Asian countries, unlike most western country, LGBT is not something that you can discuss freely, and by the time the Shanghai FM, the series had indeed been banned. They can not continue airing the last 3 episodes in China, and resorted to Youtube to aired it. (please cmiiw on this too, oh you who know better than me). So, if your series been banned, how do you expected this actors to proceed with showing their lovey dovey moment just for fan service? They then were given another invisible ban as not to appear together in public, the ban that heard through the grapevine. Since there is no document for this second ban.

So, even if this series support LGBT for example (hypothetically ofc), I doubt they will ever dare to raise the issue since it will just upset the SARFT people that already banned the series in the first place.


As for that rude fanboy, would you blame the guy who got startled? and that guy did not do it once or twice, he touched him so many times as he got a chance. Even ZZ was backing off and said he was afraid when the guy touched him too. I would feel disgusted too when someone keep touching me. Why shouldn't I? First the guy is a stranger, second the guy acted beyond disrespectful! He did not respect the personal boundary, and as I said again and again, the guy need to back off! These actors are not manequin dolls that they can just touch. So, I really do not think it is because JY is not comfortable with touching at all. Please go back to so many interviews of them together, and with FS and CW and comeback to me and show me when did he ever show how uncomfortable he is when someone he knows touches him


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2 hours ago, liesl said:

*scratches head* I'm still not too sure myself. He has too many rings, I'm getting confused! :crazy:

Anyway, my theory seems to be over the top now that I've read it back. :vicx:

*tamps down delulu mind overdrive*



Johnny's instagram tagline before was "The important thing in my life is freedom". And he changed it to "Johnny, la gente está muy loca".

That phrase is in ZZ's new song. Definite hint?

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cr : @kmmyzz



I think I'll lose my sanity if I read that in ZZ's new album. Didn't C-Fans already receive the album? How come no one dissects the album already? :crazy:

Is Johnny listed there? Can this phrase be found there? How about the song "I Remember Your Eyes"? Did he mention One OK Rock? Gosh... so many things that I'm curious about from his album.


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@liesl - about the song lyric, from what I've been reading, they find similarity from ZZ's Light with JY's motto.

Here is the excerpt from the song:

让我变成一道光 我要爱爱爱爱自由的光芒

The translation means different thing though, but it's still about freedom.

And JY's life motto used to be "The most important thing in my life is freedom"

And because they are like highlighting the word freedom, fans been linking them up together^^


Also there are rumors that this song is dedicated to JY ahahahahaha /hides


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Thanks so much fornthe reply! Yes it's hard to understand this whole BL culture and indeed it's hard to see that as lgbt themed. Sorry for not using the spoiler "thing" im new to this and still don't know how tovuse most of the stuff hahaha i also wish I could @ both guys that respond but i dont know how hehe. Thanks guys!

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9 hours ago, snsknene said:

hi everyone i just finished watching the entirety of Addicted + the BTS stuff, and i am. obsessed. with haiyin and the tragedy of yuzhou. and then i found this forum and i am so glad there are people just as obsessed with it as i am.

as a newbie i just have a couple of questions:

1) ive finished reading the monica translation on wattpad until chapter 51, and i see other translations beginning from chapter 96 or volume two or 100+, but does anyone know where chapters 52+ are?

2) i wholeheartedly believe yuzhou had feelings for each other, but i see like 900 pages of evidence that they actually were a ~~ thing. ive tried to go as far back as i can, but it's 900 pages D: so does anyone have any particular moments/proof which really convinced them that yuzhou were actually together, or something happened between them? apart from the obvious moments in the BTS and interviews and stuff. for example why do you guys thing jy confessed on white day? im so behind but i want to know everything ahahahha


me too.... somebody help us

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11 minutes ago, gayyoxx said:

Well, I am not a Chinese and I have never been to China before. Actually, Addicted is my first exposure to Chinese BL series despite having reading (Japanese) yaoi (BL) and bara (gay) manga for years. But I'd like to chime in especially on Addicted, BL and gay culture.

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As several other have mentioned before, BL products (series/comic) are usually produced by women and cater to women. There are several problems of BL products in my opinion. First, is the enforcement of heteronormative values in a male/male relationship. Thus, it forces one party as the "woman" side while the other as the "man" side. In itself, this makes BL products fail or at the very least distort any dynamic in real life male/male relationship.

Second, is the "gay only for you ". The old products usually portray their characters as two straight males who go gay for each other and only for them. I have read somewhere that this create the sense of "forbidden relationship" which in turn excites the female readers because it enforces the (illusion) of true love shall overcome all obstacles. While personally I believe that sexuality is fluid, thus there is no person in this earth with 100% hetero tendencies neither with 100% homo tendencies and that it is possible for a "only gay for you" to occur in real life, the possibility is low, imho. Also, the depiction of "two straight males go gay to each other" in BL stories further fail to capture a realistic male/male relationship.

Contemporary BL products (at least in manga) have tried to break away from these two problems. There are more and more manga with one or both characters are gay or bisexual. There are more and more manga which break the seme/uke or dominant/submissive relationship of their characters. To be fair to Addicted, from what I have read (translated works and excerpts/summaries), CJD tried to break away from these two problem as well.

First, GH/BLY relationship is not the usual seme/uke. Their characters are both strong willed, physically fit, masculine yet at the same time, they are both emotional and accepting, and show flaws here and there. I'd say, the basic characteristics of GH and BLY are quite realistic. On their relationship, at first, yes, GH always thought BLY as his wifey and imposed various womanly characteristics toward BLY (like during their role play). But BLY himself always challenged this heteronormativity. CMIIW, the second book depicts this dynamics further to the point that when they married, both of them are the husbands and they do the traditional rituals to each other.

Second, while other BL products put emphasis on "I only gay for you", Addicted put emphasis on "I only love you". While GH and BLY have previous romantic attachments, after their separation, they become celibates. IIRC, the second novel stated clearly that BLY does not have any relationship at all during the eight years and burns his energy for military training. GH is more ambiguous but seeing how he is surrounding himself with beauties and none of them manage to capture his heart, I'd say, GH has also become celibate. This might be extreme but still plausible in real life situation.

Third, the casting of HJY as GH and XWZ as BLY further breaks Addicted from stereotypes plaguing BL products. Their acting, while might lack advanced techniques, manages to bring the soul of Addicted the novel, including not forcing heteronormative values to the characters. Yes, HJY!GH is still dominant but XWZ!ZZ can stand head to head against him. If only there is chance to film book 2, we can see how HJY and XWZ portray the dynamics of adult GH and adult BLY. Personally, both actors while claimed themselves to be straight during interviews also showed understanding on male/male relationship and be polite with it. In China, where LGBT is scoffed at and has not yet accepted as integral part of the society, their attitude is commendable, I'd say.

Now, why do HJY and XWZ not become vocal and political in their position toward LGBT community? It's simply because China forbids the discussion on anything political. Even the banning of Addicted (and then the rumour of second ban for both HJY and XWZ) might be caused by the political nature of the series; not only talking about gay relationship but also corruption, abuse of power, cronyism etc. Atm, all HJY and XWZ can do is survive in Chinese entertainment/fashion industry, establish themselves as strong individuals then, only then, they might be able to be political.


Wow this really openned my mind. Now i can understand why i (gay fan) grew so much love towsrds them. I guess i would not be a great fan of classic BL themes as you said. Thanks for the reply!


On a second note, os there any english sub video of happy camp? I'm searching all over youtube and can't find any. At least a subbed cut whith ZZ/JY scenes...

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17 hours ago, Lucy Vaganova said:

There are two main factors about the "ban thing". First, there was a general ban on the Heroin filming, mainly because it was not just a boys love show, but it was a schoolboys' love displayed in quite a big scale. Second, there was an explanation given to fans after the fan meeting in Thailand by the FM organizer. According to what he wrote, Johnny was not allowed to give exclusive interviews there, take part in the press conference and appear next to Timmy on stage (the last fact was given later by the M.C.of the FM) Officially nowhere been told that two of them were prohibited from communication outside of the above mentioned events. Restrictions were coming from the Johnny's side (mentioned by the organizer of Thai FM as the actor's agents, but as we know, the agents are the medium between the artist and all the other sides. So, the forbiddance in this particular case was issued by somebody behind the curtain)

Besides, the hints about the existing ban were given by the director of Happy Camp in his weibo post)

One more point was given about Timmy's especially hard situation by the Vice President of Enlight Entertainment in his speech in front of students. From his words we understood  that the maximum of support they were able to give to Timmy in the current situation was inviting him to sing "Towards the bright side" in the movie - behind the screen.  So, for Timmy it's still very hard to appear on TV/Movie screens.
Mr Vice President said, that this ban was due the political reasons.( In the last case I rely on the English translation only, because there was no Chinese printed version provided, just the video of his speech) 


  So timmy is involved in political problems and it made agents choose that it's best for them not to be close or near each other?  / or the politicians also not wanting them to meet ?

Secondly you said he can't get tv/screen time is that only in China?  He act outside right ?


Thirdly what kink of troubles timmy got into I am so worried and feel sorry for him 

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1 hour ago, André Sá said:

Wow this really openned my mind. Now i can understand why i (gay fan) grew so much love towsrds them. I guess i would not be a great fan of classic BL themes as you said. Thanks for the reply!

Same here! I tried to watch BL movies/series and all went "meh" because of the distorted image presented in the movies/series. When watching Addicted, I was sceptic at first but then the dynamic between GH and BLY reminded me of my own experience (clumsy, full of emotions and doubts etc etc. I was not that violent though XD). Watching the BTS vids sealed my fate as an Addict :P.


If you want to try another Chinese series, I'd suggest Me and Mr. X. This series is made by gay community in China based on true stories so it's more realistic. But the actors are not as good as HJY and XWZ, though. Season 1 is a collection of short stories (Youtube). Season 2 is a full movie (Youtube). There is also a professionally made Chinese movie about gay couple Lan Yu.



On a second note, os there any english sub video of happy camp? I'm searching all over youtube and can't find any. At least a subbed cut whith ZZ/JY scenes...

I don't think we have any Engsubbed HC videos. Hopefully, someone fluent in Chinese can spare their precious time and subbed for us!

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On a second thought, if BL is a regular "midia" in china (at least it seems to exist a lot of bls) why would they censor this in particular? Was it due to poor timing (like now they are censuring everythug and they didnt use to be like that) or does this BL was like reaaaallllyy sucessfull (or more succesfull than other bls) and it draw to much attention?

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2 hours ago, gayyoxx said:

Well, I am not a Chinese and I have never been to China before. Actually, Addicted is my first exposure to Chinese BL series despite having reading (Japanese) yaoi (BL) and bara (gay) manga for years. But I'd like to chime in especially on Addicted, BL and gay culture.

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As several other have mentioned before, BL products (series/comic) are usually produced by women and cater to women. There are several problems of BL products in my opinion. First, is the enforcement of heteronormative values in a male/male relationship. Thus, it forces one party as the "woman" side while the other as the "man" side. In itself, this makes BL products fail or at the very least distort any dynamic in real life male/male relationship.

Second, is the "gay only for you ". The old products usually portray their characters as two straight males who go gay for each other and only for them. I have read somewhere that this create the sense of "forbidden relationship" which in turn excites the female readers because it enforces the (illusion) of true love shall overcome all obstacles. While personally I believe that sexuality is fluid, thus there is no person in this earth with 100% hetero tendencies neither with 100% homo tendencies and that it is possible for a "only gay for you" to occur in real life, the possibility is low, imho. Also, the depiction of "two straight males go gay to each other" in BL stories further fail to capture a realistic male/male relationship.

Contemporary BL products (at least in manga) have tried to break away from these two problems. There are more and more manga with one or both characters are gay or bisexual. There are more and more manga which break the seme/uke or dominant/submissive relationship of their characters. To be fair to Addicted, from what I have read (translated works and excerpts/summaries), CJD tried to break away from these two problem as well.

First, GH/BLY relationship is not the usual seme/uke. Their characters are both strong willed, physically fit, masculine yet at the same time, they are both emotional and accepting, and show flaws here and there. I'd say, the basic characteristics of GH and BLY are quite realistic. On their relationship, at first, yes, GH always thought BLY as his wifey and imposed various womanly characteristics toward BLY (like during their role play). But BLY himself always challenged this heteronormativity. CMIIW, the second book depicts this dynamics further to the point that when they married, both of them are the husbands and they do the traditional rituals to each other.

Second, while other BL products put emphasis on "I only gay for you", Addicted put emphasis on "I only love you". While GH and BLY have previous romantic attachments, after their separation, they become celibates. IIRC, the second novel stated clearly that BLY does not have any relationship at all during the eight years and burns his energy for military training. GH is more ambiguous but seeing how he is surrounding himself with beauties and none of them manage to capture his heart, I'd say, GH has also become celibate. This might be extreme but still plausible in real life situation.

Third, the casting of HJY as GH and XWZ as BLY further breaks Addicted from stereotypes plaguing BL products. Their acting, while might lack advanced techniques, manages to bring the soul of Addicted the novel, including not forcing heteronormative values to the characters. Yes, HJY!GH is still dominant but XWZ!ZZ can stand head to head against him. If only there is chance to film book 2, we can see how HJY and XWZ portray the dynamics of adult GH and adult BLY. Personally, both actors while claimed themselves to be straight during interviews also showed understanding on male/male relationship and be polite with it. In China, where LGBT is scoffed at and has not yet accepted as integral part of the society, their attitude is commendable, I'd say.

Now, why do HJY and XWZ not become vocal and political in their position toward LGBT community? It's simply because China forbids the discussion on anything political. Even the banning of Addicted (and then the rumour of second ban for both HJY and XWZ) might be caused by the political nature of the series; not only talking about gay relationship but also corruption, abuse of power, cronyism etc. Atm, all HJY and XWZ can do is survive in Chinese entertainment/fashion industry, establish themselves as strong individuals then, only then, they might be able to be political.



@gayyoxx, well said! I may not be mainland Chinese, but I am Chinese, gay and a Sinophile. I would say that before Communist China, East Asian are actually homophilic. The Confucian attitude towards homosexuality has always been that as long as one has descendants, it does not matter if one has same sex partners. Because Buddhism believes in reincarnation, they are also far more tolerant than Abrahamic religions (since it could be that one is reborn into a different sex and still have inclination of past lives).

Surprisingly, Communist China while atheistic, had labelled homosexuality as an indulgence of the "capitalist right". The reason is probably because only the rich can afford toy boys. In fact, it was also labelled as a disease until about 10 years ago. Recent surveys in tier one and two cities suggest that many are okay with same sex relationships, especially the young. I am confident that China will become more open unless the authorities tried to start another Cultural Revolution, which is highly unlikely.

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6 hours ago, cake oil said:

  So timmy is involved in political problems and it made agents choose that it's best for them not to be close or near each other?  / or the politicians also not wanting them to meet ?

Secondly you said he can't get tv/screen time is that only in China?  He act outside right ?


Thirdly what kink of troubles timmy got into I am so worried and feel sorry for him 

I believe, you misunderstood something in what I wrote. I was just reminding what was said by Liu Tong, Enlight Entertainment vice president . (The hardest thing for people in China to say in public what they mean, I suppose.) He mentioned some political reasons while spoke in front of students .This is not about Timmy's political views, but about the reaction of the society (the part of the society) on the Heroin series. He even says he understands the decision of the authorities. He just hints that the pressure on Timmy was extremely high. I guess, this pressure was, probably, even higher that what it was on Johnny. I suppose, partly, this is due the fact Timmy still is a student. Thanks Goodness, Johnny already is back in movies and on television. Timmy still does not have this opportunities. He did not appear on TV or at the cinema screens since the prohibition of of the Heroin web series. All of these videos and live streams - all this is only the Internet broadcast. We hope, he will be in a better position after finishing his studies. I believe, he will get new good roles in movies and TV series in  near future. His concerts should help him with his future success in acting career.

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@André Sá, as a queer person living in a south east asian country which is incredibly homophobic, i'm not surprised that they didn't address any lgbt+ questions in interviews etc (i mean apart from china not allowing political commentary in public). even talking about lgbt+ rights would cause massive backlash in their society. they're young actors - they don't need that kind of negative attention - so it's easier to treat the whole BL thing as just a story, something that happens in fiction, something that's about as mystical as playing a king or a policeman or a warrior, rather than a political statement. harder for us as queer fans to take, especially having been exposed to good lgbt representation elsewhere, but that's how it is, and i don't particularly blame them.

as for the show itself: it pleasantly surprised me. my experience with gay people in asian media has been caricatures for humor, or if in actual relationships, m/f stereotypes like @gayyoxx mentioned, with one person playing the ~traditionally female role.

Addicted showed us two complex, flawed people and a love story which was more about them as people learning to love and accept and be better for each other rather than focusing on gender stereotypes (LY calls GH out whenever he tries that "wife" crap). it's not perfect, but it's definitely a step in the right direction for queer representation in asian media. it's refreshing that the actors are quite respectful about lgbt+ stuff as well. i'm really really glad it got the kind of attention it did. i just hope it isn't costing their careers too much, or that they regret anything, because they shouldn't. they should be extremely proud of themselves.

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