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10 minutes ago, jaydee0491 said:

...date with star variety show? It was never aired/broadcast as well??

As with all shows JY and ZZ have been able to appear in since the ban, this was a web show. They are unable to appear in shows aired on traditional television platforms, since those are state run and subject to tighter control under sparft. Happy Camp (which never aired), Run For Time (which JY & ZZ were completely edited out of), The Amazing Race (which JY was suddenly dropped from), and the singing show I can't remember the name of that ZZ was edited out from, these are all television based shows. 

You can find Date with Star in youtube (though no subs I believe)

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20 minutes ago, sohocomo said:

As with all shows JY and ZZ have been able to appear in since the ban, this was a web show. They are unable to appear in shows aired on traditional television platforms, since those are state run and subject to tighter control under sparft. Happy Camp (which never aired), Run For Time (which JY & ZZ were completely edited out of), The Amazing Race (which JY was suddenly dropped from), and the singing show I can't remember the name of that ZZ was edited out from, these are all television based shows. 

You can find Date with Star in youtube (though no subs I believe)

Thank you so much for the info @sohocomo :wub:

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Uhm guys anyone has notice this?

Timmy wore today a button on his shirt with a female deer on his chest.




And anyone noticed the post from 5MilesLove watch at the logo in the picture from 5MilesLove deer antlers




Are the in the Bronze Age or something hahahahaha what is this again hahahahaha :lol:


Uhmmmm Ok Johnny is hunting at Timmy i gues hahahaha



@kyrie777 aaaah so that is it Baotou the meaning of the town hmm and than together with the T-Rex deer lol i get suger over dosis here hahaha

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From Wikipedia:

Baotou (Mongolianᠪᠤᠭᠤᠲᠤ ᠬᠣᠲᠠ Buɣutu qota, Бугат хотChinese包头市pinyinbāotóu) also known as Bugthot[citation needed] is the largest industrial city in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of northern China.[1] Governed as a prefecture-level city, its built-up (or metro) area made up of 5 urban districts is home to 2,070,801 inhabitants with a total population of over 2.65 million accounting for counties under its jurisdiction.[2] The city's Mongolian name means "place with deer", and an alternate name is "Lucheng" (鹿城Lùchéng), meaning "Deer City". The 39,000 capacity Baotou Olympic Sports Centre Stadium[3] is the main sports venue in the city, used mostly for association football games.


Ok, this is what called "distancing themselves"? Lol. It's a frikking giant candy hanging in front of the haters faces and they don't even recognize what it is!!!! 

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On 06/09/2016 at 6:08 PM, sohocomo said:

@bearology @filmlore46 BODY PAINT!! FINALLY!!!

I have to  be honest though. When I hear 'body paint' I immediately think of the film "The Pillow Book". One of my personal all time favorites (and not because it just happens to be another Ewan MacGregor full frontal nudity film...though that doesn't hurt). Then, as I was thinking about "The Pillow Book" somehow my thoughts wandered to "The Name of the Rose", another personal all time favorite (and not because when I first watched it at the age of 13 I got to see Christian Slater's bare butt...though that doesn't hurt either). AND THEN...somehow, and I really, really don't know how, my thoughts wandered towards Harry Potter. I have no clue. I mention all of this because 1) I shamelessly borrowed a few lines from "The Pillow Book"  2) there are some slight allegorical references to "The Name of the Rose" and Harry Potter, and 3) just to clarify - I'm not schizophrenic, just easily led off focus sometimes ;)

@gayyoxx @Scandani @ximichem @kmmyzz @liesl @gashupingo @abbraccio91 @charlie10 @skeletonworks @jlt4ever @prima13facie @xix19xix @lainavi3 @tea4two @ayasdai


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It had been a quick, meaningless thought that had started everything. Just a whim.

JingYu had seen the children’s art kit in a shop window. A cute little packaged case that had caught his eye. Crayons, markers, colored pencils, watercolors, fingerpaints. A tinge of childhood nostalgia had led him into the store to buy it. He had exited with not only the children’s case, but also some paints and brushes for WeiZhou as well.

Just because. Just a whim.

When and why JingYu had given his shoes to WeiZhou to paint he couldn’t quite remember. Maybe it had been the odd mix of concentration and happiness on WeiZhou’s face as he put splashes of color on paper. It was the same look JingYu became entranced by whenever his boyfriend sat down with his guitar and started a new song. The soul of an artist made visible. JingYu had a sudden desire to take some of that with him when he had to leave again. So his shoes became canvas.

Just because. Just a whim.

When WeiZhou had completed his act of vandalism, he stood and stretched, JingYu’s eyes following his every movement. Lazily, WeiZhou had stepped behind where JingYu sat and draped his arms over JingYu’s shoulders. He looked at the assortment of children’s items spread on the table. Two words on all of the packaging caught his eye - ‘WASHABLE’ and ‘NON-TOXIC’. From a sheer sense of orneryness, WeiZhou grabbed a marker from the table and wrote his name on JingYu’s hand.

Just because. Just a whim.

Once provoked, JingYu quickly grabbed for a marker himself, but not before WeiZhou sprung away out of reach. The ensuing chase around the room, taunts and threats hurled back and forth as they jumped over and around furniture in their individual bids to catch and not be caught, ended with WeiZhou pinned beneath JingYu, breathless laughter subsiding into heavy breaths of anticipation. WeiZhou drew his lip between his teeth as he slowly lifted his t-shirt up to his neck. “Sign here,” he said, pointing to his chest.

Just because. Just a whim.

JingYu had remained frozen in a moment of contemplation. His eyes danced between WeiZhou’s and the bare skin offered to him. Slowly he had raised his hand, the tip of his tongue peeking between his lips. With definitive strokes that paused between deep intakes of breath, characters formed down WeiZhou’s breastbone: “Sacred Property of Huang JingYu.”

Just because. Just a whim.

The smile on JingYu’s face had buzzed into WeiZhou’s veins. Fascination. Possessiveness. Devotion. Desire. WeiZhou wanted to see and know all of it. To experience all of it. He pulled his shirt over his head and spread his arms wide. “Write, JingYu. Tell me everything. Make me into a page of a book. Your book.”

Just because. Just a whim.

Another moment of hesitant contemplation stilled JingYu. But only a moment. He had quickly gotten up, telling WeiZhou not to move as he gathered items from the table. When he returned to WeiZhou’s side, JingYu had to breathe deep and remind himself what he was doing. WeiZhou had stayed where he was, but had shed the rest of his clothing. To give JingYu more ‘paper’, more ‘page’ to express himself on.

Just because. Just a whim.

At first JingYu wrote slowly, cautiously, questioning himself before each application of thought. The silken etch of marker on skin relaxed WeiZhou’s muscles and excited his nerves as JingYu wrote first on an arm, and then a leg, and then a line on his stomach before back to his arm. The quiet sighs and shiver of limbs gave encouragement and inspiration to JingYu. WeiZhou felt himself being covered, clothed, in the patchwork of JingYu’s writing little by little.

A burning itch overtook WeiZhou, but not from ink or paint. A searing sensation felt only in those places JingYu left untouched. His face, his lips, his neck, his hips. WeiZhou’s entire body was caressed and used by JingYu, except those portions. A groan from the frustration of flesh manifested through his lungs when JingYu withdrew his hands and stood.

“Come here,” JingYu whispered, reaching out to help WeiZhou to his feet. JingYu silently led WeiZhou into the other room, to stand in front of the mirror.  

Lines of lyric flowed down his legs and over his feet to his toes. Fragments of poetry sleeved his arms and gloved his hands. From shoulder to waist, JingYu had dressed WeiZhou in his own words of joy and jealousy and fear and love. Only in the place most apt to be covered had WeiZhou been left unhidden.

With a velvet touch of fingerpaint, JingYu had accessorized his words. Red and orange and blue and green highlighted and emphasized a character here, a line there. Ribbons of color flowed between text, decorating flesh into an illuminated page reminiscent of the work of ancient monks and scribes. A decadent love letter become spiritual scripture.

WeiZhou stared, a sudden intense shyness coming over him. Was this truly himself in the mirror? Naked yet covered. Bared yet hidden. To see with his own eyes what he had felt JingYu’s hands do produced a sudden realization of intimacy he had never understood before. WeiZhou quickly dropped his eyes to the floor as JingYu, pressing against his back, met WeiZhou’s gaze in the mirror.

“Look at me, Zhou,” was spoken softly against his ear. WeiZhou slowly lifted his eyes. “Can you read it? Do you see?”

WeiZhou could only nod his head. His breath had become shallow as JingYu’s hands warmed the skin of his hips, making it impossible for sound to leave his throat.

“I really want to break our promise and take a picture, but I won’t. There’s no way in hell I’d ever risk someone else seeing you. This is mine.”

Again, WeiZhou could only nod. JingYu’s lips on his shoulder sent fire to incinerate his thoughts and the gentle caress of JingYu’s hands on his waist forced all of the air from his lungs.

“You’ve never seen it, have you, Zhou?” JingYu whispered between small bites on WeiZhou’s ear. The reflection of his gaze locked WeiZhou’s eyes fast. “Watch. Watch why I don’t just love you, but want you.”

WeiZhou saw his own eyes fly open and lips part with a gasp as JingYu cinched an arm around his waist. The next second the world turned red around him. JingYu had finally taken hold of flesh that, since the first touch of marker to skin, had slowly flourished and swelled. WeiZhou had been using every ounce of mental strength he possessed to ignore the pulsing heat that constricted his insides, but now it was unleashed to course through his veins. He melted back against JingYu, both of them falling to their knees, a strangled moan vibrating between them.

Each stroke of JingYu’s hand caused Weizhou to shake. Fierce groans echoed as palm rolled over tip, gathering continuously flowing fluid and smearing it over iron hot flesh. WeiZhou’s head fell back against JingYu’s shoulder, his eyelids pinching closed in an effort to control himself. His head snapped up, eyes widening again when JingYu bit into his neck with force.

“Don’t close your eyes,” JingYu hoarsely breathed. “Look at yourself, Zhou. Look at how you seduce me.”

As though JingYu’s voice held some form of sorcery, WeiZhou complied without thought. The man he saw in the mirror was someone he could not recognize, though he knew it must be himself since JingYu was holding that unfamiliar person. Glassy eyes that shimmered and sparked. Quivering lips that framed a tongue darting against air. A body that heaved against mounting pleasure, flushed and shining with sweat that formed a kaleidoscope like mist colored by ink and paint. The personification of lustful abandon and wanton desire. WeiZhou shivered at his own lack of self control and turned his sight to JingYu’s reflection.

“Bed,” he groaned pleadingly, his eyes begging for even just a moment of reprieve.

JingYu’s only response was to press his body more fully against WeiZhou’s. The hand that had held WeiZhou’s waist swept over abdomen and chest, reshaping poetry and prose into abstract forms of incoherency befitting a mad man. Fingertips scraped over tautly distended nipple causing WeiZhou to cry out in protest of the lightning bolts that shot under his skin from that point.

It was too much. WeiZhou wanted to fight, to break free from the onslaught of ecstasy JingYu was sending him towards, to run away from the lewd vision of his own passion that stared back at him.  

As though bewitched, cursed, WeiZhou’s strengthless struggles only aided JingYu’s machinations. But even as he willed himself to cease his bid for flight, as though possessed, his body continued to move against JingYu defiantly. A voice filtered through the echo of WeiZhou’s own erratic breathing in his ears.

“Let go, babe. Let go for me.”

The gentle, loving whisper of that voice, like a magical incantation, swirled through WeiZhou’s body, taking control of every muscle, nerve, and cell that held him together. His eyes remained transfixed to the mirror, even as his body shuddered and spasmed in JingYu’s embrace. An erotic sight that induced wave upon wave of continuing fire, until WeiZhou finally collapsed against JingYu in surrender.

If not for JingYu’s arms cradling him tenderly, if not for JingYu’s lips moving against his neck so enticingly, WeiZhou thought he could regain his senses more quickly. Instead, he felt himself falling into another wave of need and greed faster than he could have imagined. JingYu chuckled as “more” squeaked through WeiZhou’s lips.

“Let’s clean you up first,” JingYu replied nonchalantly, chuckling again as WeiZhou’s reflection glared at him, the spark of passion in WeiZhou’s eyes becoming frustration in an instant. JingYu pulled at WeiZhou’s chin until they could look directly upon the real images of each other.

“We need to wash the marker and paint off, Zhou. You’re a mess.”

JingYu slid his thumb over WeiZhou’s lips with a slow determination. A low hum bordering on a growl shook through WeiZhou as JingYu stood, pulling WeiZhou to his feet with him. JingYu zigzagged one finger over WeiZhou’s chest, another abstract design forming on what was once a declaration of heart and soul.

“Don’t worry, Zhou. This was just foreplay. We’ll wash up,” JingYu caught WeiZhou’s eye, “then I can spend the rest of the night kissing every inch of skin on your body.”

WeiZhou shivered, anticipation striking his nerves and setting his hair on end. The wickedly devilish grin on JingYu’s face was infectious, as was the emotion with which he looked at WeiZhou.

“Is there some reason you want to do that?” WeiZhou asked, feeling a little ornery and sarcastic.

“Just because.”

Oh, what starts with a whim.


Special request message to Auntie Sohocomo and Gayyoxx lol...;)).. Both of your fanfics have been keeping me 'quiet' these days from posting here lol.. I LOVE both of your beautiful, so real and juicy fanfics of our boys..! It's so great to be able to read them on Wattpad also, thankyou so much Auntie & Gayyoxx!! :)).. Hmm.. I really wish you guys would/could 'collaborate' with someone/few of the 'genius' FanArtists out there and produce a 'YuZhouLove Manga' for us all..(just name a price haha,,).. It would be so AWESOME and a DREAM come true for us all YuZhou fans I'm sure..and because it's so 'comforting' & 'consoling' to read all your fanfics along with 'factual candies' when we missed our two boys together so much..! ;))..  Auntie & Gayyoxx, we hope you have a 'fire & passionate' YUZHOU 'REUNION' fanfics prepared for us in October when JY returns home from filming?? lol... 'FIRE & PASSION' Yes Please!!!! and a VERY INTENSE ONE we WANT haha.. Sigh.. missing and feeling for our boys for being separated for so long this time..! .. Soompi friends, thankyou for keeping this thread going strong.. Thank & love EVERY posts, news, pics, fanarts & fics on our YuZhou.  Our two babies are absent from each other still, but the' fire and passion' are burning away fervently. Brilliant.  Thankyou ALL! ;)))))....xx 



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Timmy – Beijing ee809d.png Shanghai (092316)


Source:   CaTimmy_许魏洲微站 








Source:   瑜啾啾哟






Source:   Lydia的精分日常











Johnny – Baotou ee809d.png Beijing (090916)


Source:   鲸鸿_黄景瑜粉丝后援团


Nanjing Forest Music Festival (091616)


Source:   TL_ECG










 Shangyin BTS 


Source:   墨小虾xx






Source:  夸父逐烨

d85377edgw1f83x8xnj0wg208n04t1kz.gif d85377edgw1f83x9qmwgmg208n04t7wi.gif

d85377edgw1f83x9c9u4vg208n04t1l1.gif d85377edgw1f83x9kpzdhg208n04tu0y.gif




Source:  yuzhou.studio19520



Source:   Lydia的精分日常



Source:  zZhouluv


Video manip


Fan arts


Source:   有的是青春_沒的是時間



Source:   Krill_haijingyu



Source:   胡天楚










Source:   许魏洲吧



Source:  _tuh_high_la



@gashupingo Fan arts for your safe.. Thank you so much.. lovea_thumb.gif

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Johnny – Baotou ee809d.png Beijing (090916)


Source:   宇宙警卫







Timmy – Beijing ee809d.png Shanghai (092316)


Source:   Ethereal1994


Throwback Johnny – DWSS


Source:   NicoleTsui_NNN





Random YuZhou


Source:   朝辞瑜洲暮时归












Source:  zZhouluv


Fan art


Source:   谁爱谁没有所谓的对与错YZ



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4 hours ago, hentt9x said:

[Ocean Whale] Johnny's photobook

Similar people are always together. I want us to be together. 

想着有一天也带这里走到巷子最深处 , 你笑成颜色最丰富的油画 。
One day I will bring you to this place, go to the deepest alleys,
seeing your smile as an oil painting colorful.

And have one page only for CAT ...

Wow. JY's photobook seems to be a love poem from start to beginning. If you don't believe in YZ, who would you think he has in mind? Some other secret lover? Because from these texts, it's obvious there's someone in his heart, someone he's thinking of when he chose  (wrote?) these texts for his photobook. This is about romantic love. And why would you write about such specific, personal love, unless it's where you're at? And the cat! He likes dogs! Why wouldn't he put a dog in there? Aww, Johnny, you're putting your heart on display, aren't you?

All the new bts-videos are lovely. I'll have to wait for a while for my dvd. (Has anyone dared to order the Thai dvd? With the supposed 240 mins bts - which I'm still not sure I believe. The website for ordering is weird. Is that really a proper, legal, dvd?) 

Thanks @ryokise and @gashupingo for your beautiful translations of both the bts and the fanart. 

Seeing new bts is kind of similar to seeing ZZ's tattoo and trying to guess what it is; first we see only a small piece here and there and it looks like something else. Until we see a bigger piece and we can see what it actually is (I think it's a nice, very suitable tattoo for ZZ!). The point being that when you see fragments, here and there, you can draw conclusions which aren't right because you don't have enough information, but you might think that you do. So, in some of these videos, when we get to see what happens after the original cut, it might change how the whole thing looked. Like the car kiss. In the original cut, we got the feeling they could have continued kissing for a long time, when in fact, they stopped the second after. It's still lovely, but just different.

When I see that playground bts and hear XL and CJD comment so much to ZZ on how he should be positioned, it makes the video look different. Before you get the feeling it's just ZZ and JY in their own little universe. When I hear CJD & XL kind of ruins the fiction of that. Instead, other things become interesting. For instance, it's fascinating to watch how JY just lies there, very still, hardly speaking, probably almost sleeping, while ZZ can't lie still for more than a few seconds at a time. In this bts, ZZ looks like a guy who's a little jittery, can't sit still, keeps wanting JY's attention (hitting his head, kicking him, hitting his chest) without getting much of a reaction. ZZ really is the kitty messing with the big dog who just wants to sleep. It's quite amusing to see ZZ trying to rile JY up, without any success. Slapping him and running away, like he's hoping for a fight. Like he's hoping to be wrestled to the ground. The joyful part obviously being way, way more important than the painful part. It's a classic case of pulling the pigtails of the girl a boy fancies. JY being the girl, trying to act cool. 

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6 hours ago, dins88 said:

Hi everyone, I have a question, what meaning of 5mileslove ? Youzou fan calling? Please explain about this, really curious, often I hear that word but I`m not still get it yet.. thank u... :)

Hello, 5mileslove is the name of a famous CPF account in weibo. He/she has been known to capture HD pictures of HJY and XWZ from events, concerts, or any special moments from each of them and then he/she adds romantic captions from lyrics or some random ideas about love (even if it's Pikachu's thunderbolt :P). 5ML also hosted alone the infamous LED billboard for promoting ZZs last concert in Shanghai. Until now it is still a mystery on how he/she gets a picture perfect shot for both of them even in poor lighting! No, the account itself is still mysterious even if 5ML told already that he/she is just a fan.

In short 5 Miles Love is like a ringleader of the CPFs and a bridge to YuZhou,

YuZhou on the other hand is a "couple name" derived from Huang JingYu + Zhou from Xu WeiZhou.

11 hours ago, shuwei said:

the news just broke, cjd and feng mang now owns the filming rights to 19 days, the most popular bl manga is china. wow, nothing is stopping her!

Ah, that's why CJD was so keen in posting this manga on weibo, haha 

@jaydee0491 it's a title for a very famous BL manga in China, now it will be brought into action :D 

CR: 新浪电视 Not Addicted related but just want to post CJD's desires. 19 Days (BL manga)




Eh, Eh, Eh, Now the whale tail is wildly flipping on yinzi. JY Can't stop!  :flushed:


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39 minutes ago, prima13facie said:

Edit: something didn't work :bawling:

Hello, 5mileslove is the name of a famous CPF account in weibo. He/she has been known to capture HD pictures of HJY and XWZ from events, concerts, or any special moments from each of them and then he/she adds romantic captions from lyrics or some random ideas about love. 5ML also hosted alone the infamous LED billboard for promoting ZZs last concert in Shanghai. Until now it is still a mystery on how he/she gets a picture perfect shot for both of them even in the poor lighting! No, the account itself is still mysterious even if 5ML told already that he/she is just a fan.

In short 5 Miles Love is like a ringleader of the CPFs and a bridge to YuZhou,

YuZhou on the other hand is a "couple name" derived from Huang JingYu + Zhou from Xu WeiZhou.

Ah, that's why CJD was so keen in posting this manga on weibo, haha 

@jaydee0491 it's a title for a very famous BL manga in China, now it will be brought into action :D 

CR: 新浪电视 Not Addicted related but just want to post CJD's desires. 19 Days (BL manga)

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Eh, Eh, Eh, Now the whale tail is wildly flipping on yinzi. JY Can't stop!  :flushed:


thank u so much for your explain.... i've got  it now.. :) 
still waiting translate shang yin novel vol 2 chapter 1 until 95 very curious their process after 8/9 year separated and meet again... 

still hope for season 2... :) #eventhough impossible


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4 hours ago, dins88 said:

Hi everyone, I have a question, what meaning of 5mileslove ? Youzou fan calling? Please explain about this, really curious, often I hear that word but I`m not still get it yet.. thank u... :)

@prima13facie explained it the best  


2 hours ago, jaydee0491 said:

@shuwei what does this imply? "Filming rights to 19 days"

i didnt get it, 

thank you :wub:


The author of Counterattack, Addicted and Unstopabble (a new series or movie coming out this October or December?), her company Fengmang bought the rights to make anything out of it meaning, movies, series, etc. 


Edit: I now get why ZZ gets guilty pleasure from getting wrestled by JY!



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2 hours ago, 1blankstare said:

The author of Counterattack, Addicted and Unstopabble (a new series or movie coming out this October or December?), her company Fengmang bought the rights to make anything out of it meaning, movies, series, etc. 

@1blankstare @prima13facie Thank you so much for the info guys :wub:

...just a bit confused now, since this new series will be coming out on the coming month/s , therefore the banning in China covers only the addicted series and cast, i thought the ban was for all BL series...?



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