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We already talked about this (acting like a senpai haha). It's just a affectionate name because he is also a human, not a cat, and whale is a mammal which just like Yu but they are not the same and nor does d**k is a cucumber (is this argument acceptable? Hakhakhak! My vocab is limited so I rest here).

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Yes I am refering to that translation.

Overall I think you are right.

But let me add a few things, for a reason in a more general way. If we go by chromosomes a xy person is a man. But in expression and attitude there is a great variety. I would say an ideal person combines both sides. Male and female, taking and giving, soft and strong, dominating and surrendering. If we see new sides in someone we didn't notice before, then I think there is a reason for it. New experiences, intense emotional phases.

Watch some Beijing fansign - there is no wifey or husband. There is a complex person, soft and strong.

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Did someone accidentally turn the heater on!? No? Oh wait, it's your fault auntie @sohocomo! Now I demand a compensation: the sequel of that story, with reversed role! XD 

@sandown I agree that JY is marketing himself better than FengMang is marketing ZZ. Looking from his success at charting vchart and Billboard radio, I think FM can push ZZ's popularity more by producing and releasing MV for his songs. They do not have to be expensive MV, all the fans want is seeing more ZZ! Heck, FM can even cut and modify his Beijing FM and release it as MV and I am sure fans will make it on top of vchart again. But no, no such thing. IDK but I think there is so little promotion on ZZ's album? How many copies have been sold, anyway?

On ZZ's image, I understand that there are many facets of ZZ, ranging from cute to handsome, Latin dancer to pop singer to rocker, etc. Yet I agree that ZZ is not comfortable (yet) with his public image(s). He looks very happy and comfortable on stage especially when playing guitar and dancing but he is quite awkward when doing interviews and interacting with fans. IDK but maybe him being under constant attacks contribute to his uneasiness? He was very open and carefree during Shanghai FM, laughing and teasing, but then bit by bit, he closed himself. If he used to interact with public as himself, now he puts a mask. Maybe that is his way to protect himself from further hurt but he is certainly not comfortable with this.

JY is also the same, he puts mask when in public but maybe, as you said, he is more at ease with his mask, maybe because of his experience.

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Guest skeletonworks
54 minutes ago, kmmyzz said:

ZZ, you're so transparent [Meow meow] He read another message with JY's name being mentioned (but not the rest!)

Not sure what he meant, from KR translation, OP asked "If I screamed Huang Jing Yu, will you answer me (emoticon)"

but this could be a mistranslation because CHN -> KR -> ENG :sweatingbullets:

Sorry for no credit as I got this from twitter but this picture is due to the OP herself!

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@Scandani @ximichem and @gashupingo for better translation hehe love you :P


@sohocomo auntie ohh auntie, how did you I am lacking sugar these days? Thank you for tagging me, am now reading while fanning self. Must calm down, must!

Random gif for beloved auntie (gotta bring back the gold, ay?)

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A big round of applause for @lielee's answer! A d*ck is called cucumber in the novel but it's literally not a cucumber, same as ZZ is called wifey but he's not a woman nor that fans intend to see him as a woman. We can call both of them hubby, yes of course, but how to differentiate them then? Hubby A and hubby B? Taller hubby and shorter hubby? Singer hubby and model hubby?


Before I go to sleep. Ohhh I'm beginning to become like Johnny sleeping so late...

Here we go again about the hubby wifey thingy. I remember someone said the exact same thing last time, isn't it kimmy? *doge doge* LOL. This issue occurring the 2nd time really makes me ponder in amusement. Hmmmm... *insert Zhouzhou's YY meme: INTERESTING* Nice come back there Lielee.  

Maybe I must write a disclaimer explaining about the terms we use here: delulu, hubby, wifey, cucumber, chrysanthemum etc in the first page so that every now and then, when new people come, they won't misunderstood us. But then again who bothers to read the first page anyway right? So what's the point. 

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@sandown Agreed with many of your points.  Unfortunately, it is also the effect of the slash/BL and 'rotten' culture in Asian.  Due to the character roles, GH is more socially acceptable among people (outside of the slash culture) than BLY.  

From D&G twitter:


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15 minutes ago, yjhx86 said:

ZZ now going to Thailand?

ZZ is so busy! Anyone know why hes going to Thailand?


Not sure why too, probably has something to discuss with the organizer of both KR and BKK concerts?

But yeah he is busy, very busy indeed. Today (19th) - Bangkok, 22nd - Beijing, 23rd - Seoul, 27th - Beijing.

Glad that he'll stay in Korea for quite a long time, probably he has other activities going on after KR concert...?

(based on my experience working with event management, he must have side activities prepared. Probably interview?)

@yjhx86 concert rehearsal for BKK? This early? :o Or KR? But why Thailand? 

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Weibo update

Timmy's off to Thailand


Source:   泛起渔舟

Poor baby.. 




Source:   Ada荣小雁





Source:   _繁夏



More of Timmy yesterday


Source:   你想喝洲吗baby




More of Timmy for INMIX


Source:   inmix音米








Source:  kipun



Fan arts


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Source:   一mzj一



Source:   鲸鱼粥酱

Translation please, if anyone has time... Thank you so much...



Source:   蟹棒鱼丸




Source:   Van字号

Kindly translate please.. Thank you so much...




Source:   本来就是CP啊




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35 minutes ago, matthew2312 said:

I heard that fans are being so jealous on behalf of ZZ over the fact that JY liked that photo. Good job YZ fans! :D:D. Also a story of Tian Ai about ZZ's level of jealousy during Happy Camp that was discussed in a forum for Tian Ai's fans. It would be great if someone can read Chinese can verify it. Well bascially the story was what Tian Ai said with staff backstage. At that time there was also ZZ with her. She said ZZ sort of stared at Tian Ai's hands/wrists (because she held her hands onto JY's body during some of the activities). First she thought ZZ stared at her because she's pretty. But then later she found out it was not because of that. So she said to staff that's why she had "toothache" (probably that was a lot of sugar i guess haha). So that was the story of Tian Ai's fans, they didn't even care that ZZ stared at Tian Ai so then they went on to mainly discuss the fact that how funny Tian Ai was to think that she is so pretty that a boy stared at her but then that wasn't because of that :D

LoL... It would be fun if we can gather this funny experience of Tian Ai... But in Chinese, i give up then... I din't even know how to read Chinese characters... ANd Tian Ai, is it the girl that Johnny lifted on HC?

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ZZ is going to Bangkok? I hope he is going to arrange side activities for his Seoul and Bangkok trips. Also, looking at how things are, I guess Bangkok can be his base to reach other Southeast Asian nations? By now he should have geographical data of his fans (mainly through his album buyers and the concert attendees). Big hope for you, ZZ!

Looking at ZZ's outfit closely... Is that the couple ear ring that he wears? Still not wearing JY's the necklace? Sigh.

12 minutes ago, mrsaturn said:

Omg the new VANS comic is so sad... :(

Could you kindly translate it, please? Something about cctv's stupid move, I presume?

@narakeiko Yes, Tian Ai is the girl JY lifted during HC. LOL. I can relate to Tian Ai's impression, thinking that ZZ was checking her but actually burning with jealousy XD 

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Today's highlight:ZZ's Milano shirt! 

There's just no way that's a coincidence. No way. Someone is definitely messing with us here. I mean just as JY is appearing at the fashion show in Milano, ZZ turns up in a shirt with Milano on it. Just, no way.

ZZ still looks too thin and a little weary to me, though. And now he's flying off on a whim too. Without fans knowing? Or was it just too late at night? (Edit: Just realised there were fans there...) And what is he doing there? Promoting his album? Concert is not until end of July, right? (And his shirt at the airport: "You win some, you lose most." Almost sounds like a statement about how he must feel sometimes.)

Meanwhile, JY really looks like a super star model. Sometimes, he looks very beautiful and almost angelic. I guess, JY can always keep working on becoming a super model, if all else fails. Are there any international Chinese super models? 

Far too many questions for one post. Sorry about that. It's late, let's blame that. :blink:

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4 hours ago, sandown said:


Tari Tari said: " What's the difference between JY and ZZ? Why did fans, government, tv, etc, treat ZZ worse? He did nothing wrong." I don´t really know but I have two theories:

1. ............ I really like ZZ and it angers me if people call him wifey. It is the job of his managment to create an image that fits with him. 

2. Now its going to be difficult and I hope I wont create misunderstandings. Traditionally men are percieved to be active and giving and women being passive and taking. This gets problematic with same sex relationships. Some people have the prejudice that being same sex orientated and being the top/active part is more manly than being the passive / bottom part in that relationship.  With JY being pretty manly and appearing to be dominating its clear what people probably think ZZs part is in that rumored homosexual relationship. This gets more problematic in a homophobic society if a man is perceived to be the passive (female) part in that homosexual relationship. I would not be surprised if thats one of the reasons why ZZ is treated worse than JY. Even the fans call him wifey! What do you think what other people might call him who are not even fans?

Same sex means husband + husband! Especially between men both roles are possible. Same sex doesn´t mean husband and wifey. And by looking at the older ZZ pictures its so obvious: Maybe he is in love with a guy. But he is not a wife! He is a man!



@sandown THANK YOU!!!  I wanted to write something about this "wifey"-calling for some time now and your words are so to the point,  It is so disrespectful towards ZZ. As if a man looses his masculinity when he is the receiving part in a relation. And i totaly agree that in homophobic society this causes more hatred and maltreatment. To some extend calling ZZ wifey time after time is about the same as calling him a f*g*t. 

Ofcourse i also know that calling him this is not done by the fans with bad intentions, on the contrary. I know this is done out of love for Yuzhou. But sometimes we need to rethink the things we do and say. We all want to do our best in these harsh times to support them in all the best way possible. But for me taking away or degrading his masculinity is not he way to go. 

I hope i do not offend anyone with this. It is not an attack on using the word wifey in the past but more of a whish of refraining from it in the future.

:heart: to all



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19 minutes ago, charlie10 said:


Meanwhile, JY really looks like a super star model. Sometimes, he looks very beautiful and almost angelic. I guess, JY can always keep working on becoming a super model, if all else fails. Are there any international Chinese super models? ...............



I do not know if there are many. What I do know is that JY looked far better than the ones on the catwalk:D:wub:

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More of Timmy's departure for Thailand (061916)


Source:   吴大迪子讨厌北京的大风



Source:   许啾啾的哈特



Source:   Cat初雪喵




Source:   HOM_许魏洲英雄站





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Since YuZhou is practically real-life HaiYin and based on Shanghai fanmeet of Zhou defending ZhouYu, (I'm pretty sure they haven't done 'it' yet but of course feel free to correct me, you love birds you) I would think they both on the receiving end? (Tho of course just like HaiYin that was more Yin than Hai) And remember that bts where Zhou while knitting and smoking answered CJD about whose the dominant one (rephrasing). His hesitant showed that he didn't want to agree Yin is the uke (:rolleyes:) but it's kinda true thus the short pause before answering.



On another note, founder praised me! Thank you, founder (sound like some sort of occult calling you 'founder' but eh~, this forum doesn't have much different with that anyway). It always excite me whenever you liked my post considering I'm just a nobody with bad grammar. :D


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