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1 minute ago, xix19xix said:

@windglider, @fuyuko, @nippy2002, @hailuoyin, @stillwater, @neko_wo_ai_ni, @ririsasy, @timotiustimmy, @bidubudu, @Lucy Vaganova and many more.

It's amazing that many of the "old" like @Jinkz, @gayyoxx, @sixte, @ximichem, @kmmyzz, @Ariodante, @teafortwo, @liesl, @Soohee ssi, @sohocomo, @guhai, etc are still here, and many new faces have joined us, after such a devastating Thai Fan Meet. 

For a while, I thought this thread would be dead for good... It's honestly suffocatingly hard to bear even for an old guy like me. I will be 101 years old in 60 years :) Instead, it broke 1 million views. People are still here.

I noticed that ZZ is still smiling. Face with such injustice, he continues to hold his heads high. Really amazing, he is not broken. I wonder how JY is doing now... Any pictures of how ZZ is received in Japan? 

I feel that this thread has become not just about a crazy bunch of delulu fans. It has become a symbol in my heart (with your presence) that oppression and fear cannot win. Love and courage prevails. 

I don't speak for all of the 'old timers' but I'm sure many would agree with me - so many 'new faces' is a wonderful and encouraging thing to see! Not only for this thread but also for the boys we love so dearly (all of the boys). Welcome everyone to this thread and the Addicted family we have created here!


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5 hours ago, Oline Oline said:

Guys, i don't know if you guys know about this project, so i'm sharing it now

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I'm planning to join this project this weekend.

It's a fun way to support our boys. :D

For non-Chinese speakers, if you guys would want the post to be extra special, I have seen this one on tumblr and you might consider to use it:


The following phrases are things I’ve come up with, if anyone wants to add anything feel free to do so or hit me up & ask about whatever you want to tell them:

  • 海外的粉丝一直支持你 - Oversea fans always support you (if you want to say “oversea fans always support you guys”, meaning all four just say 海外的粉丝一直支持你们)
  • 我们一直会在!- We’ll always be here!
  • 我们一直在你们的身后! - We will always stand right behind you!
  • 期待你们下一次的一起 - Awaiting the next time you can be together


  • 我们会等你们归来 - We will wait for you to come back (for those who are rather optimistic)


  • 即使以后再也没有上瘾了我们还在支持你们 - Even if there will be no Addicted we will still support you
  • 加油!- Fighting!


FULL CREDITS TO http://haiyin-mengqi.tumblr.com/

JY agrees. :P




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5 minutes ago, rictorcroix said:


Finally, I have been able to register successfully (with the help of soompi admins since I got some problems with my account). I've been a lurker since I discovered this forum (April 1) and this has been our number one source of anything related to S.S YuZhou.

I know that I'm or rather WE, since I have friends here who lurk too but they're just bidding their time to post, are a little too late to join the chaos that we are now having. It has been 20 days since me and my friends started this addiction. I know it's not that much but believe me when I say we all share the same sentiments that we have been experiencing for the past few days regarding our fandom.

To start off, we never had prior experience to any forms of fandom. Yes, we do shipping from time to time, but never in the same degree that we have now for S.S YuZhou. Wherein every single day since our discovery of Shangyin that we never miss a day talking about this. It started off as a tame admiration to the Addicted Web Series, it has its flaws but who cares? We thought this would be just a phase, but we accidentally delved deeper to the scenes behind. YES, it was the BTS Clips that sealed the deal that there's something more to this series. We started stalking, we started lurking, started having our own delulus (hey btw we learned this term here in soompi lmao and that richard simmons one). Oh dear until we got to this point.

The point when we question ourselves, our sanity, and the Ship's bearing to our real life. We asked ourselves why we were so invested on this, silently reaching our support to our boys. We even joked that we would sell our kidneys and other illegal things just for us to have our means to visit them, or join a FM, or concert, or buy whatever YZ related. We're a bunch of fully grown men, with jobs and other things to do damn it, but why are we so affected?

Is it because ZZ  and JY are both goodlooking? Is it because we're secretly hoping for the kind of relationship that BLY and GH have (minues the car crash and rape)? I don't knowwwwwww.

After the events of Thai  FM, we decided to abandon ship. YES, we were so devastated that we decided to ragequit. But no, you just can't simply get away with the addiction. We shed some tears, we cursed China, we cursed FAME, we cursed the FANATICS for bringing our boys down to this situation.

I guess you could say we are now experiencing withdrawals.

But as for me, I will continue to support our boys. I'm JY bias but I'm starting to love ZZ more now. That kid is a strong kid.

So that's it for now I guess.

Yes, we are from the Philippines, and believe me the addiction is starting to rise here.



Thank you for sharing your experiences with Shangyin and SS YuZhou. I'm from the Philippines, too! Welcome to the delulu land. We are a family here. :) We never leave our boys, Jing Yu and Zhou Zhou, Feng Song and Chen Wen. :) 

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4 minutes ago, xix19xix said:

@windglider, @fuyuko, @nippy2002, @hailuoyin, @stillwater, @neko_wo_ai_ni, @ririsasy, @timotiustimmy, @bidubudu, @Lucy Vaganova and many more.

It's amazing that many of the "old" like @Jinkz, @gayyoxx, @sixte, @ximichem, @kmmyzz, @Ariodante, @teafortwo, @liesl, @Soohee ssi, @sohocomo, @guhai, etc are still here, and many new faces have joined us, after such a devastating Thai Fan Meet. 

For a while, I thought this thread would be dead for good... It's honestly suffocatingly hard to bear even for an old guy like me. I will be 101 years old in 60 years :) Instead, it broke 1 million views. People are still here.

I noticed that ZZ is still smiling. Face with such injustice, he continues to hold his heads high. Really amazing, he is not broken. I wonder how JY is doing now... Any pictures of how ZZ is received in Japan? 

I feel that this thread has become not just about a crazy bunch of delulu fans. It has become a symbol in my heart (with your presence) that oppression and fear cannot win. Love and courage prevails. 

Thank you for mentioning my name. I have want to join much much much earlier to this forum but due to lack internet connection and other problems,I came out late. .

And about Zhou.. yes. He is such a REALLY Mature Young man.  The way he handles himself in public or his speech and hold conversation with other, never ever he feels annoyed at any question given to him by the interviewers.

I look at him and reflect to myself How I handle the situation in my life. This young guys has become such a rolemodel and inspirartional figure for me in good attitude. 

Still can not believe that he is 2 years younger than me.

His heart is made of gold. Really beautiful.

I will try as best as I can to be their fans as long as I can.

I don't know how long I will be in this forum but so far. I love it very much.

*warm hugs*


When something bothering my mind, it will be easily slip to my dreams. Lately everytime I woke up mu chest feels hurt because the images of two bosy being pulled from one another keep haunting me.

I keep dreaming about them and it's not a pleasant dream.

So beyond sad about everything that these two young men have to face.

I wish everyone with power and care about human right in china will start speaking up and lessen the unjust treatment to them.


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2 hours ago, fuyuko said:

Addicted/Shangyin brings into my life so much new things I’ve never done/experienced before. Feelings I thought I could never have for someone I don’t even know personally. And feeling of sadness and frustration for someone I’ve never met and seeing/watching only through my laptop/iphone screens. And this feeling of wanting to do something crazy to show my support for HJY and Zhouzhou.

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Right now is Tuesday night (my time zone), almost 3 days have passed since Thailand fan meeting and news of the end of Shangyin and seeing with my own eyes how HJY and XWZ were literally pulled apart and couldn’t even stand next to each other on the same stage, and even that same stage was only the last few minutes of the fanmeeting. Thinking about them still bring tears to my eyes…especially HJY. He is on his own. He didn’t sign up with any company to assist him. He treasures his freedom and doesn’t want to be restricted. Shows that signed him on before have dropped him one by one. What does the future hold for him? 1 fan who went to fan meeting wrote she has asked XWZ at the hi-touch why he and HJY didn’t sing together. XWZ made a gesture with his finger to his lip as a sign to quiet and told her in English “I’m fine. You should believe in me.” I wonder what does this mean. Later he posted on instagram (?) “It’s only the beginning.”

HJY and XWZ are officially separated in public eye. I believe they are still good friends through their behaviors. Like everyone believe, XWZ will become more popular. I also have that feeling too. He has big company backing him and he’s very talented, friendly, and his look attracts many people. I’m not as worried for him as I am for HJY. I am biased. I admit I’m more invested in my feelings for HJY. Even though he is younger than me (both are), I admire him a lot. I don’t think he’s perfect. I don’t think anyone is perfect. But his attitude in life, his love for taking long walk, the way he smiles and looks at XWZ, his narcissism but without being obstinate and condescending, his self confidence in his look, his “Am I handsome?” and “handsome, handsome, handsome” phrases/questions, his honesty, his tiger teeth, his smile, his laugh, his tears… all these attract me to him.

Shangyin is the first (and for now only) boy-love theme drama I’ve watched. I got to know them through Shangyin, I like and enjoy Shangyin, I really like BLY and GH, but I really really really really like and care for HJY and XWZ, especially HJY. I can’t say I’ll be their fan forever because I don’t know how my heart changes in the future. I don’t want to make a promise to be their fan for life when I myself can’t even be sure of that. I remember reading somewhere a fan told HJY something along the line of “I am/want to be your fan” and he asked her “For how long?” I feel sad as I can’t even answer that question myself… I just know that I have faith in him, that he will make the right decisions and path for himself, whatever they may be. I wish all the best for both of them and hope one day in the near future they can once again stand on same stage, same screen, and show the world their friendship without all the stupid restrictions.


And I’m very happy to have followed this thread and read many memorable writings here and all the pictures and videos shared here. Thank you very much everyone. This is also my first time writing something so long in a forum.


A lot of us feel the same way as you so you're definitely not alone. It is a strange phenomenon indeed. Sometimes I think I've fallen into some kind of alternate universe...

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10 minutes ago, charlie10 said:


This is a beautifully clear video from the HC-wrestling match. I love being able to watch ZZ's face closely. That's what I'd call giddy happiness (kind of like they both are in the NetEase leg clamp video - insanse with giggles and joy). Has anyone seen the full clip in this clear version? 

How can anyone take any offence from such exeptional adorableness.

I love it so much. I can't get over it. 

Awesome clip!! One of the best yet.  Thank you!!!!!

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Finally some news about baby whale...well not exactly news but at least we got to see him right?

Thank you @xix19xix for mentioning my name but I'm not old enough in this thread to deserve this recognition. But of course I'm here to stay :)

OMG OMG thankyou @charlie10 for the upclose video Yuzhou on HC. Woah woah whah *raped the play button*

I'm usually not posting about airport video, but look at him though, his hand full of present from fans..he almost fell though but someone say annyeong (korean language)...look like he went to Korea not Japan LOL

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28 minutes ago, akira1221oor said:

@hailouyin17 and @fuyuko 

I don't think it's a good idea to compare XWZ and HJY. And I don't think XWZ is in better situation than HJY either. 

You guys seem to see less HJY now a day is only expected and it's not really a bad thing atm. He's going home, taking a break, spending time with his family and it's not the end of his career in anyway. Talking about scheduled shows cutting him off, besides shows that featuring both XWZ and HJY (HC, RFT - both just in rumors), any other cuts him off? If you say TAR then give me credible source that says his partner for this show isn't supposed to be XWZ and that makes 1, only 1. Is it that bad for a newbie? 

I don't know if you're HJY's fan or HJY-bias or not, and don't take it personal when I say this, majority of HJY's fans is overprotective and likes to victimize him, don't know why. He's a grown up man who started working at a very young age, don't you think he'll be that vulnerable and fragile? What happens to him due to his role in Addicted is unfortunate, but it also brought him many opportunities in the industry, so don't complain. And he's not the only one who has to take that blow from the ban, why go blaming it on his colleagues? even bashing them? or saying bitter things? Many magazines featuring him still go on sale, many other jobs he got from his popularity from Addicted still hold,... why bitter?  

Actually, XWZ has it worse. But well, shouldn't drag the mood down any further. Sorry for my long rant, but I checked info on XWZ&HJY and HJY's fandom (not here, I don't mean you guys) irked me and drowned me in so much negativity that I had to let it out of my system somehow. Then coming here, I saw some victimization in the making, I had to have a word. Thanks for bearing with me. 


Hi @akira1221oor!

Sorry if my posts sounded like that way you understood it but if you would hear me more about this, I would assure you that I have no biases since both JY and ZZ are wonderful, strong, and talented young men for me. I just can't help to feel bad for both. I'm neither complaining. I actually feel bad about the bashing that's happening and the I only care about HJY hashtag in Weibo has irked me until now.

So I'm not sure how you were able to infer the victimization part in my posts. Just because I'm expressing sadness over someone's 'demise' does not mean that I am hinting victimization on the person's part. This is just plain sympathy and empathy like when I cried for the four of them when I was watching the BKK FM. 

And for the record, everytime I post about these boys, I, most of the time, would end with a hopeful tone of supporting them. So that's how I am ending my post about your comment, with hope that the four young men succeed in their career. 

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34 minutes ago, charlie10 said:

This is a beautifully clear video from the HC-wrestling match. I love being able to watch ZZ's face closely. That's what I'd call giddy happiness (kind of like they both are in the NetEase leg clamp video - insanse with giggles and joy). Has anyone seen the full clip in this clear version? How can anyone take any offence to such exeptional adorableness.




I love it so much. I can't get over it. 


I watched this on loop 50 times before I snapped out of it. I'm insane. Thanks for sharing. 

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Please check this out, I found it quite interesting. This is today's post.

Several days ago I saw China Huace Film&TV posted the pictures of Johnny and Timmy, and today this channel page post this. I don't know why but I feel that it is a good sign for us.


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Thank you so much @charlie10 for sharing this. Ahh two love birds. Have little care to the world. And then the world crushing them in.

We discussed this before that Johnny is indeed very gentle with his cat. He put all of ZZ's body weight on his right thigh to 'drag' him back to the mattress, before claimed his victory. well maybe not 'his' victory seems the one who supposed to lost seems to be so happy and too giddy to be called the lost party. 

LOVE IT!!!!!!

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