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9 hours ago, alvinboi said:

@skeletonworks @araKitty

I've just finished reading the whole Shi Hui (LY's ex-girlfriend) saga from the beginning when Shi Hui appeared to the end when GY & LY got back together after the rape (Ch. 119 to Ch. 133). The rape was a huge tragedy. It's so regrettable that things became like that. It started with one misunderstanding and it led to another.

Gu Hai was very remorseful. He stayed by LY's side throughout his hospital stay. He was very thoughtful while accompanying LY. Even when LY left the hospital, he knew he had no reason to stay by his side and left LY with all the necessities. They didn't meet until the time of reconcile. Later on, when they reconciled, GH, again, felt remorseful, for not being there when he needed him most.

On the other hand, Bai LuoYin was a really tough guy. In the hospital, he was receptive to the doctor's treatment. He didn't shut himself up and did many things like paying Shi Hui a visit partly to console her. And at the end of it all, he went to look for GH and reconciled with him on the night of Yuan Xiao.

I'm just glad that it's over. It's something that they manage to overcome, which can only strengthen their relationship even more. :tears:


@alvinboi I'm on the website for the original novel in Chinese [LINK] and I wanted to know where are you reading the other chapters? On that page, it says the chapters only go up to 97 and I think I saw it mentioned a couple of times about different volumes as well? Do you or anyone else know how that works/is available for this story? 

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Ok, so now that I watched the episode. It's surely not the best episode on the series, but I liked it, some big development in the interactions, BH girlfriend is not that bad, she is just upset... and border but well. 

Beside that is an episode full of BHxLY, moments just simple daily life alike, really nice. I guess we will have it harder next week then, with all the stuff that no doubt are coming up.


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4 hours ago, skeletonworks said:

Anyone watching tonight's episode 9? I'm gonna hit the sack... Today has been a long day... Nite!


I've just finished watch ep.9 and I'm agree with @Andrew Beltran , flatt!! I don't speak Chinese so I don't understand what they are talking about. But is it really necessary to watch Luo Yin's father job things for such long duration? My guess is he kinda promoted or get some benefits from his company, and again (guessing) somehow maybe there is GH's interfere in this thing.

Is this because so many (again guessing) scenes deleted from previous episodes due to censorship regulation so the production team replace it with unnecessary scenes (i.e: LY's father jobs scenes).

Ooouggh.. Now I have to survive for 3 days to meet Wednesday :bawling:

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Guest lainavi3

@alvinboi thanks so much for adding in all the details.......I'm truly thankful to you and everyone else here who has been feeding us hungry fans  with all the awesome spoilers......thanks so much for taking the time and the effort to do so.:heart:

I was actually crying reading that spoiler........especially at the part when GH said to BLY " I assure you aside from your father, there is no one who loves you more than I do" Also the part where BLY brought home the uniform thrown away by GH and washed it......was quite endearing. But I really cried my heart out when GH said after BLY fell asleep " Coz I want to extend our time together" :tears: It was a really dark time in their relationship.....full of torment, hurt and despair.......GH knowing that it might be the end for the two of them yet desperately holding on........BLY in spite of the horror he went through didn't break down......in fact he's really really strong and wise.......( it's extremely difficult for anyone to get over something like that and of course rape in any form or circumstances cannot be justified )

Maybe in BLY's case, the quiet understanding that he had of Guhai's personality and his ability to perceive the circumstances that led GH to do what he did may have led him to be able to forgive GH and go back to him.........we tend to get hurt and angry more easily with the person we love and yet we also tend to forgive them more easily ( of course real life is a lot more complicated and a lot of factors are involved.........but i guess in fiction/reel life we tend to overlook a lot of this factors and become "unrealistically" optimistic about things working out between the characters we love so much) ..........for me personally, like many of us here, it may be because i've come across a lot of "forced sex" scenes in a lot of yaoi/bl literature i've read.....so maybe i've become a bit desensitised to such scenes.....but of course i'm not saying that its right......yet I'm really happy that the two characters reconciled.......their love seems to be bigger than any logic or reason......its pure and captivating.....and i'm happy they are gonna be together inspite of everything.

Sorry for the long post....

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@lainavi3 @alvinboi @ghayal

Thanks you 3 for the much detailed summary and explanation of things. Yeah, like I commented before, it's a sad and depressing arc however, if resolved and treated correctly, a great growth for each character. I didn't know GH was this fairly crazy for LY to this point which a bit of a shocker for me that these events would turn him almost heartless in a way. A few days..... that's questionable for me on how quick LY forgave GH and sure, GH learns his lesson/regrets everything, but a little suspension of disbelief is needed I guess since this is a novel revolving around love of two male characters. If things don't resolve a bit quicker, the viewers/readers may get upset/bored/depressed, etc. or it might drag with the angst for too long. It was a good read to find out what happened and the added detail by others. I want the novel to be translated faster now. XD

Is it supposed to be a cold and cruel anvil of IRONY that everyone (LY's Dad) tells him that GH would never rape or 'sexually assault' someone yet GH then proceeds to do those things to LY? I might be looking way too into this but I just realized that's how things sort of happened by everyone's explanations.

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2 hours ago, bamburn04 said:

@lainavi3 @alvinboi @ghayal

Thanks you 3 for the much detailed summary and explanation of things. Yeah, like I commented before, it's a sad and depressing arc however, if resolved and treated correctly, a great growth for each character. I didn't know GH was this fairly crazy for LY to this point which a bit of a shocker for me that these events would turn him almost heartless in a way. A few days..... that's questionable for me on how quick LY forgave GH and sure, GH learns his lesson/regrets everything, but a little suspension of disbelief is needed I guess since this is a novel revolving around love of two male characters. If things don't resolve a bit quicker, the viewers/readers may get upset/bored/depressed, etc. or it might drag with the angst for too long. It was a good read to find out what happened and the added detail by others. I want the novel to be translated faster now. XD

Is it supposed to be a cold and cruel anvil of IRONY that everyone (LY's Dad) tells him that GH would never rape or 'sexually assault' someone yet GH then proceeds to do those things to LY? I might be looking way too into this but I just realized that's how things sort of happened by everyone's explanations.


What keeps the readers is the fact that you have to wait so long for the two to actually kiss >.<

That being said...any guesses in which episode they will finally get it on with the smoochies? .-.

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6 hours ago, lainavi3 said:

Hi guys..... my friend @ghayal (some of you guys might remember him from the lovesick thread) just shared a spoiler from another source of the "rape scene" and the events leading to it and after..........i really liked it when i read it as it gave lot of insight into the characters'  behaviours..... so thought i'll share it here......

Cr. Amy Ortiz fb

1.    ADDICTED WEB SERIES RAPE SCENE (i want to read the novel :( ,read on your own risk or just skip this post    )


Cr: kyhfan4


the problem started with Shi Hui’s return. She was very much pursued BLY, stalked him, stubborn & persistent. And since BLY is kind hearted, he couldn’t refuse her completely. When GH knew, this stirred problem between them.


Then one day BLY had an appointment with SH & saw that SH was almost being rape by bad guys. She then framed GH. BLY was very angry & went to confront GH. He then accused GH for doing such thing (at this point, I actually want to smack BLY, lol.. how can he even believe it? They have been together for some times & he should know GH better than this. Shouldn’t he think first before charged GH arbitrarily?)


Actually before BLY came, GH had decided to believe BLY in SH’s matter. But then, hearing BLY’s accuse, GH of course felt very devastated. Angrily he asked if BLY did he not believe him. Since BLY didn’t respond, GH then told BLY to get out & broke up with him, noting that no matter what they won’t be back together again.


After that, BLY kinda regretted his action & asked his father about this matter. BLY’s dad without hesitation said he believed GH, that GH is not that kind of person (yay, viva daddy!! \(^^)/). This made BLY re-thought about this matter. At this point I think BLY actually missed GH (he even masturbated thinking of GH & we all know how “often” BLY did that kind of thing, lmao…)


So after talking with his dad, he began to question himself, starting to think that after all he might be misunderstood. He remembered in his dad’s wedding night, when he went to rooftop & cried, GH was beside him, hugged him & said “I assure you aside from your father, there is no one who loves you more than I do”.


GH at the moment had returned to his father’s house. But he needed to take something from his house (the house where he stayed together with BLY). So he returned there & when he opened the wardrobe, he saw his uniform which was washed by BLY back then & had been kept carefully all these times. Angrily he just threw it away (later, BLY found it when he visited the house, brought it home & washed it again)


Back to BLY, SH was still attached to him like a leech. BLY asked her to return abroad, which she refused & started the attitude so BLY didn’t say anything more & just kept smoking. SH realized that BLY had been smoking a lot recently & looked very depressed these days (geez, I really really hate this girl. Spoiled rich girl with annoying personality). She then started coaxing BLY to go abroad with her.


When BLY’s mother knew about this news, she then shared it with GH & his dad. She asked GH to go abroad together with BLY, which GH immediately refused, thus saying to his dad that he didn’t want to enlist in army.


The next morning, BLY’s dad was going out with Aunt Zhou & her son, so BLY was alone at home. He went to the washroom to wash his face, someone came in & kidnapped him. BLY could felt the familiar atmosphere & started calling GH.


GH brought BLY to a room & started undressing him, while BLY kept calling him. He then gagged BLY’s mouth & opened his blindfold. Then without any preparation, he forced himself to BLY. GH then texting SH using BLY’s phone & told her to come, thus she witnessed the rape scene (tbh, this part was hard for me to read. The story was dark & hurtful, and I hate seeing how GH hurted BLY brutally).


After SH left, GH then told BLY it’s okay for him to hate GH forever & realized that BLY was unconscious. He panicked & called the doctor. When the doctor explained how suffering BLY was, GH felt deeply remorse.


When BLY conscious, he was somehow hate, afraid & disgusted to GH. GH then heartily apologized to him, trying to explain his act. There was silent treatment from BLY, but when he hungry he asked for food to GH. GH said that BLY couldn’t eat anything yet & said that he wouldn’t eat either, which he really proven with not eating for 3 days. All those days, while BLY was recuperating, GH was just silently stayed by his side. No talking (unless BLY initiated it), no eating, no sleeping, just helped BLY for his daily needs. Once BLY asked GH why he didn’t sleep at night. GH didn’t answer, but when BLY slept he said “Coz I want to extend our time together”.


When BLY finally healed, he then left the house. GH tried to halt him, but BLY’s didn’t want to forgive him & left him alone. BLY then went to SH’s home. SH since the incident had been very depressed. When BLY came, she ran to him & began to cry. She asked BLY to tell her that it was not true, but BLY calmly admitted his relationship with GH. He told SH that he knew SH’s scheme all these time, but chose not to expose her, hoping to talk to her to give up on her love, but unfortunately the impatient GH ruined everything. He then bid farewell to SH.


(after that there are some stories about how BLY’s disappearance had caused some uproars in the family, but I’ll skip that part).


Few days later, when BLY’s whole family celebrated Lantern Festival, BLY watched his family’s happiness quietly & his heart suddenly felt so warm. He then got up & went to his room. His father followed him to find his son was packing his luggage. BLY said he wanted to go back to his house (aka GH’s house). His father asked to wait till the event was over, but BLY wouldn’t

budge so his father let him go.


Meanwhile, GH was drowning himself with alcohol, everyday he was drunk & didn’t care about anything. That moment, he heard someone rang the bell & went to open the door. BLY stood outside & GH was stunned. Both went silent for a long moment, then GH reached & hugged BLY in his arms. Both reconciled in this part of the story.


@ghayal thanks so much sharing the spoiler

P.S. Thank you everyone here for all the spoilers and videos.....really appreciate it.......also love reading all the engrossing discussions here about the characters n the story :heart:


OMG this is so crazy and painful to read. So many emotions in one post. But I'm so happy I read it. Thank you for explaining the scenes so clearly.

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@lainavi3 thats okay! :) i understand ..

@alvinboi @ghayal @skeletonworks

Thank you so much for giving this spoilers! It was so direct and on point even though we/I havent read the novel since its on mandarin ... but you guys made us feel that we're like almost reading the novel itself, giving insights on what's in it .. even making it more detailed to give us a better understanding. I feel more having 20-30% now of what the novel has to offer because of this ...

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8 hours ago, lainavi3 said:

Hi guys..... my friend @ghayal (some of you guys might remember him from the lovesick thread) just shared a spoiler from another source of the "rape scene" and the events leading to it and after..........i really liked it when i read it as it gave lot of insight into the characters'  behaviours..... so thought i'll share it here......

Cr. Amy Ortiz fb

1.    ADDICTED WEB SERIES RAPE SCENE (i want to read the novel :( ,read on your own risk or just skip this post    )


Cr: kyhfan4


the problem started with Shi Hui’s return. She was very much pursued BLY, stalked him, stubborn & persistent. And since BLY is kind hearted, he couldn’t refuse her completely. When GH knew, this stirred problem between them.


Then one day BLY had an appointment with SH & saw that SH was almost being rape by bad guys. She then framed GH. BLY was very angry & went to confront GH. He then accused GH for doing such thing (at this point, I actually want to smack BLY, lol.. how can he even believe it? They have been together for some times & he should know GH better than this. Shouldn’t he think first before charged GH arbitrarily?)


Actually before BLY came, GH had decided to believe BLY in SH’s matter. But then, hearing BLY’s accuse, GH of course felt very devastated. Angrily he asked if BLY did he not believe him. Since BLY didn’t respond, GH then told BLY to get out & broke up with him, noting that no matter what they won’t be back together again.


After that, BLY kinda regretted his action & asked his father about this matter. BLY’s dad without hesitation said he believed GH, that GH is not that kind of person (yay, viva daddy!! \(^^)/). This made BLY re-thought about this matter. At this point I think BLY actually missed GH (he even masturbated thinking of GH & we all know how “often” BLY did that kind of thing, lmao…)


So after talking with his dad, he began to question himself, starting to think that after all he might be misunderstood. He remembered in his dad’s wedding night, when he went to rooftop & cried, GH was beside him, hugged him & said “I assure you aside from your father, there is no one who loves you more than I do”.


GH at the moment had returned to his father’s house. But he needed to take something from his house (the house where he stayed together with BLY). So he returned there & when he opened the wardrobe, he saw his uniform which was washed by BLY back then & had been kept carefully all these times. Angrily he just threw it away (later, BLY found it when he visited the house, brought it home & washed it again)


Back to BLY, SH was still attached to him like a leech. BLY asked her to return abroad, which she refused & started the attitude so BLY didn’t say anything more & just kept smoking. SH realized that BLY had been smoking a lot recently & looked very depressed these days (geez, I really really hate this girl. Spoiled rich girl with annoying personality). She then started coaxing BLY to go abroad with her.


When BLY’s mother knew about this news, she then shared it with GH & his dad. She asked GH to go abroad together with BLY, which GH immediately refused, thus saying to his dad that he didn’t want to enlist in army.


The next morning, BLY’s dad was going out with Aunt Zhou & her son, so BLY was alone at home. He went to the washroom to wash his face, someone came in & kidnapped him. BLY could felt the familiar atmosphere & started calling GH.


GH brought BLY to a room & started undressing him, while BLY kept calling him. He then gagged BLY’s mouth & opened his blindfold. Then without any preparation, he forced himself to BLY. GH then texting SH using BLY’s phone & told her to come, thus she witnessed the rape scene (tbh, this part was hard for me to read. The story was dark & hurtful, and I hate seeing how GH hurted BLY brutally).


After SH left, GH then told BLY it’s okay for him to hate GH forever & realized that BLY was unconscious. He panicked & called the doctor. When the doctor explained how suffering BLY was, GH felt deeply remorse.


When BLY conscious, he was somehow hate, afraid & disgusted to GH. GH then heartily apologized to him, trying to explain his act. There was silent treatment from BLY, but when he hungry he asked for food to GH. GH said that BLY couldn’t eat anything yet & said that he wouldn’t eat either, which he really proven with not eating for 3 days. All those days, while BLY was recuperating, GH was just silently stayed by his side. No talking (unless BLY initiated it), no eating, no sleeping, just helped BLY for his daily needs. Once BLY asked GH why he didn’t sleep at night. GH didn’t answer, but when BLY slept he said “Coz I want to extend our time together”.


When BLY finally healed, he then left the house. GH tried to halt him, but BLY’s didn’t want to forgive him & left him alone. BLY then went to SH’s home. SH since the incident had been very depressed. When BLY came, she ran to him & began to cry. She asked BLY to tell her that it was not true, but BLY calmly admitted his relationship with GH. He told SH that he knew SH’s scheme all these time, but chose not to expose her, hoping to talk to her to give up on her love, but unfortunately the impatient GH ruined everything. He then bid farewell to SH.


(after that there are some stories about how BLY’s disappearance had caused some uproars in the family, but I’ll skip that part).


Few days later, when BLY’s whole family celebrated Lantern Festival, BLY watched his family’s happiness quietly & his heart suddenly felt so warm. He then got up & went to his room. His father followed him to find his son was packing his luggage. BLY said he wanted to go back to his house (aka GH’s house). His father asked to wait till the event was over, but BLY wouldn’t

budge so his father let him go.


Meanwhile, GH was drowning himself with alcohol, everyday he was drunk & didn’t care about anything. That moment, he heard someone rang the bell & went to open the door. BLY stood outside & GH was stunned. Both went silent for a long moment, then GH reached & hugged BLY in his arms. Both reconciled in this part of the story.


@ghayal thanks so much sharing the spoiler

P.S. Thank you everyone here for all the spoilers and videos.....really appreciate it.......also love reading all the engrossing discussions here about the characters n the story :heart:


OMG ! Love how they still come together back after all that happened!

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On 2/13/2016 at 2:50 AM, lk41 said:

@alvinboi I'm on the website for the original novel in Chinese [LINK] and I wanted to know where are you reading the other chapters? On that page, it says the chapters only go up to 97 and I think I saw it mentioned a couple of times about different volumes as well? Do you or anyone else know how that works/is available for this story? 

I got confused by the website too initially.

The chapters are embedded within these 97 'chapters'. In other words, the novel chapters are not grouped according to what's shown on that content page. You can try opening up any of the 'chapters' and do a Ctrl+F search for the chapter numbers.

Let's say, you wanna find chapter 120. Divide 120 by (Edit) 5 (5 is a general rule of thumb.) and click on 'chapter' 24 on the content page. Then, do a Ctrl+F for the real chapter number 120. Try any number from 115 to 125 though. You probably won't get to chapter 120 on the dot. After getting to a certain nearby chapter, you can then scroll down to the bottom to navigate to the previous/ next chapter.

TIp: The 4 buttons at the bottom are Cover page/ Previous chapter/ Content page/ Next chapter. Well, I suppose you know Chinese and don't need this tip. xD

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Guest skeletonworks
2 hours ago, adamyul said:

Quick question guys!


As there's going to be a second season, how many episodes are in this season???


I really want to see them kiss:tears: ahhh


If you meant the 1st season, it's 15 episodes. Originally it's 18 episodes. But it got cut down. Probably because of the new law that China is imposing on such "content". Fans are worried that Heroin might be the last BL web series in China... So don't have high expectation much on the make out scenes... They probably won't show it on the web series. Maybe need to buy the uncut DVD...

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Guest skeletonworks

Just watched episode 9. Little bits that I love about it:

  • Luoyin found out that Guhai copied his handwritings and they bickered about it and if not for Lulu, they'd probably have an awkward moment where their faces are inches close :wub: while fighting for that piece of papers!
  • Luoyin moving Guhai's things to his house :) I find it sweet because I feel like he's accepting Guhai. Why did Guhai moved in to his house though?
  • Guhai offering food to Luoyin (again!) in front of his own girlfriend!
  • Luoyin buying Guhai an iPhone and Guhai hugging him because of that! Where did he gets the money though? Based on their gestures & facial expressions, it seems like Guhai asked Luoyin whether Luoyin also got an iPhone for himself and he said no. Then Guhai also said he doesn't want this iPhone because Luoyin doesn't get one for himself. Correct me if I'm wrong!
  • At the end, very brief. Is it Guhai who helped Luoyin's father to get promoted?? Luoyin confronted Guhai and seemed annoyed(?) by it?


Luoyin is really spoiled by Guhai... I wished I have a boyfriend like Guhai...

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Episode 9 basically consists of two parts.

The first part is mostly about Lulu's feelings towards the status of GH & BLY. Firstly, Lulu noted that it's the first time GH came out to look for her after a quarrel; her 'radar' is already detecting something in GH has changed. Secondly, back in the house, GH was telling her that every guy has a close buddy and saying how good BLY is as a guy. Lastly, at the restaurant, Lulu asked GH to hit BLY out of nowhere; GH refused to and she got mad.

The second part is mostly about BLY's dad getting employed by another company for a position with a much better salary and employee benefits. This came after GH and BLY talked about the current status of BLY's dad and Aunty Zou, the breakfast stall lady.

I'll leave the exact dialogues to the upcoming subbed videos~

It's kinda a regular episode with not much story going on. Does anyone feel Lulu dress like a factory worker? She was wearing an one-piece jumpsuit outfit to meet GH. xD

Oh, Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! May all couples last long and stay happy always! :)


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1) Yay! That's exactly what I thought at the moment, if just a minute later.... OMG! 

2) Remember that in last episode BL invited GH to live with him, because he had problems with his father. 

3) I didn't understood a thing about the iPhone thing. I tried reading it (I get some)  but nope. 

4) yeah, I have a theory about that but I guess it was about it. 

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32 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:

Just watched episode 9. Little bits that I love about it:

  • Luoyin found out that Guhai copied his handwritings and they bickered about it and if not for Lulu, they'd probably have an awkward moment where their faces are inches close :wub: while fighting for that piece of papers!
  • Luoyin moving Guhai's things to his house :) I find it sweet because I feel like he's accepting Guhai. Why did Guhai moved in to his house though?
  • Luoyin buying Guhai an iPhone and Guhai hugging him because of that! Where did he gets the money though? Based on their gestures & facial expressions, it seems like Guhai asked Luoyin whether Luoyin also got an iPhone for himself and he said no. Then Guhai also said he doesn't want this iPhone because Luoyin doesn't get one for himself. Correct me if I'm wrong!
  • At the end, very brief. Is it Guhai who helped Luoyin's father to get promoted?? Luoyin confronted Guhai and seemed annoyed(?) by it?


Luoyin is really spoiled by Guhai... I wished I have a boyfriend like Guhai...

Guhai & Luoyin rolling on the bed.... <3 :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Remember the rooftop chat? Luoyin asked Guhai to move in.

Oh!!! This part!! Lol I've no idea where Luoyin's dad get the money for iPhone too... And your guess is so close! OMG. Guhai asked Luoyin what phone he is using. Luoyin said he's not using a phone as he has no one to contact. Guhai replied he has him to call. And Luoyin said he's together with him 24/7 and doesn't need to call him. Guhai replied that he doesn't need a phone too, by Luoyin's reasoning. Luoyin told him not to rid his phone as he needs that phone to distract Guhai's attention away from him. (LOL Luoyin!!! <3) And Guhai replied, "Then, won't you have to hate this phone to death?" xD

Edit: Luoyin's a little annoyed that, when he asked Guhai about his dad's change of job, Guhai acted like he doesn't know.

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Guest skeletonworks

@dejavoe Thanks for the translation of the two songs! Such a beautiful lyrics!!

@alvinboi Thanks for the summary! I was thinking along the same line as you! Not exactly a factory worker suit but more like, why can't she wear something prettier when she's meeting Guhai? :-O And why would he ask Guhai to hit Luoyin out of a sudden?! Is she mental or something?! Do you know anything about the iPhone? Did Luoyin really bought the phone for Guhai?

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Guest skeletonworks
3 minutes ago, alvinboi said:

Guhai & Luoyin rolling on the bed.... <3 :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Remember the rooftop chat? Luoyin asked Guhai to move in.

Oh!!! This part!! Lol I've no idea where Luoyin's dad get the money for iPhone too... And your guess is so close! OMG. Guhai asked Luoyin what phone he is using. Luoyin said he's not using a phone as he has no one to contact. Guhai replied he has him to call. And Luoyin said he's together with him 24/7 and doesn't need to call him. Guhai replied that he doesn't need a phone too, by Luoyin's reasoning. Luoyin told him not to rid his phone as he needs that phone to distract Guhai's attention away from him. (LOL Luoyin!!! <3) And Guhai replied, "Then, won't you have to hate this phone to death?" xD


OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. Love their convo!!!!! So cute!!!! Luoyin can totally tell that Guhai is addicted to him hahahahaha

Thank you thank you!!!

TBH, I haven't watched subbed episode 8 hahahaha. I haven't got the time actually T_T Will do now.. Guhai must have been happy that his effort paid off. He doesn't even need to beg Luoyin to let him sleep at his house. Luoyin himself invited him hahahahaha

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10 hours ago, lainavi3 said:

Hi guys..... my friend @ghayal (some of you guys might remember him from the lovesick thread) just shared a spoiler from another source of the "rape scene" and the events leading to it and after..........i really liked it when i read it as it gave lot of insight into the characters'  behaviours..... so thought i'll share it here......

Cr. Amy Ortiz fb

1.    ADDICTED WEB SERIES RAPE SCENE (i want to read the novel :( ,read on your own risk or just skip this post    )


Cr: kyhfan4


the problem started with Shi Hui’s return. She was very much pursued BLY, stalked him, stubborn & persistent. And since BLY is kind hearted, he couldn’t refuse her completely. When GH knew, this stirred problem between them.


Then one day BLY had an appointment with SH & saw that SH was almost being rape by bad guys. She then framed GH. BLY was very angry & went to confront GH. He then accused GH for doing such thing (at this point, I actually want to smack BLY, lol.. how can he even believe it? They have been together for some times & he should know GH better than this. Shouldn’t he think first before charged GH arbitrarily?)


Actually before BLY came, GH had decided to believe BLY in SH’s matter. But then, hearing BLY’s accuse, GH of course felt very devastated. Angrily he asked if BLY did he not believe him. Since BLY didn’t respond, GH then told BLY to get out & broke up with him, noting that no matter what they won’t be back together again.


After that, BLY kinda regretted his action & asked his father about this matter. BLY’s dad without hesitation said he believed GH, that GH is not that kind of person (yay, viva daddy!! \(^^)/). This made BLY re-thought about this matter. At this point I think BLY actually missed GH (he even masturbated thinking of GH & we all know how “often” BLY did that kind of thing, lmao…)


So after talking with his dad, he began to question himself, starting to think that after all he might be misunderstood. He remembered in his dad’s wedding night, when he went to rooftop & cried, GH was beside him, hugged him & said “I assure you aside from your father, there is no one who loves you more than I do”.


GH at the moment had returned to his father’s house. But he needed to take something from his house (the house where he stayed together with BLY). So he returned there & when he opened the wardrobe, he saw his uniform which was washed by BLY back then & had been kept carefully all these times. Angrily he just threw it away (later, BLY found it when he visited the house, brought it home & washed it again)


Back to BLY, SH was still attached to him like a leech. BLY asked her to return abroad, which she refused & started the attitude so BLY didn’t say anything more & just kept smoking. SH realized that BLY had been smoking a lot recently & looked very depressed these days (geez, I really really hate this girl. Spoiled rich girl with annoying personality). She then started coaxing BLY to go abroad with her.


When BLY’s mother knew about this news, she then shared it with GH & his dad. She asked GH to go abroad together with BLY, which GH immediately refused, thus saying to his dad that he didn’t want to enlist in army.


The next morning, BLY’s dad was going out with Aunt Zhou & her son, so BLY was alone at home. He went to the washroom to wash his face, someone came in & kidnapped him. BLY could felt the familiar atmosphere & started calling GH.


GH brought BLY to a room & started undressing him, while BLY kept calling him. He then gagged BLY’s mouth & opened his blindfold. Then without any preparation, he forced himself to BLY. GH then texting SH using BLY’s phone & told her to come, thus she witnessed the rape scene (tbh, this part was hard for me to read. The story was dark & hurtful, and I hate seeing how GH hurted BLY brutally).


After SH left, GH then told BLY it’s okay for him to hate GH forever & realized that BLY was unconscious. He panicked & called the doctor. When the doctor explained how suffering BLY was, GH felt deeply remorse.


When BLY conscious, he was somehow hate, afraid & disgusted to GH. GH then heartily apologized to him, trying to explain his act. There was silent treatment from BLY, but when he hungry he asked for food to GH. GH said that BLY couldn’t eat anything yet & said that he wouldn’t eat either, which he really proven with not eating for 3 days. All those days, while BLY was recuperating, GH was just silently stayed by his side. No talking (unless BLY initiated it), no eating, no sleeping, just helped BLY for his daily needs. Once BLY asked GH why he didn’t sleep at night. GH didn’t answer, but when BLY slept he said “Coz I want to extend our time together”.


When BLY finally healed, he then left the house. GH tried to halt him, but BLY’s didn’t want to forgive him & left him alone. BLY then went to SH’s home. SH since the incident had been very depressed. When BLY came, she ran to him & began to cry. She asked BLY to tell her that it was not true, but BLY calmly admitted his relationship with GH. He told SH that he knew SH’s scheme all these time, but chose not to expose her, hoping to talk to her to give up on her love, but unfortunately the impatient GH ruined everything. He then bid farewell to SH.


(after that there are some stories about how BLY’s disappearance had caused some uproars in the family, but I’ll skip that part).


Few days later, when BLY’s whole family celebrated Lantern Festival, BLY watched his family’s happiness quietly & his heart suddenly felt so warm. He then got up & went to his room. His father followed him to find his son was packing his luggage. BLY said he wanted to go back to his house (aka GH’s house). His father asked to wait till the event was over, but BLY wouldn’t

budge so his father let him go.


Meanwhile, GH was drowning himself with alcohol, everyday he was drunk & didn’t care about anything. That moment, he heard someone rang the bell & went to open the door. BLY stood outside & GH was stunned. Both went silent for a long moment, then GH reached & hugged BLY in his arms. Both reconciled in this part of the story.


@ghayal thanks so much sharing the spoiler

P.S. Thank you everyone here for all the spoilers and videos.....really appreciate it.......also love reading all the engrossing discussions here about the characters n the story :heart:

Thank you for sharing, this part make me hurt and fully love as well.

no matter what happens, finally they are together....:bawling:

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32 minutes ago, skeletonworks said:

@alvinboi Thanks for the summary! I was thinking along the same line as you! Not exactly a factory worker suit but more like, why can't she wear something prettier when she's meeting Guhai? :-O And why would he ask Guhai to hit Luoyin out of a sudden?! Is she mental or something?! Do you know anything about the iPhone? Did Luoyin really bought the phone for Guhai?

Lemme elaborate more on this. There's an adorable Luoyin moment here. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Luoyin passed the phone to Guhai saying that Luoyin's dad paid for the phone and Luoyin's dad insisted on buying that iPhone. But later on, Guhai's dad revealed the truth. It was Luoyin who pulled him along to get the phone. His dad was thinking that getting a basic phone for calls will suffice. But, Luoyin refused and wanted a good one with all the necessary features for Guhai. (Isn't Luoyin such a sweet guy acting like a caring boyfriend to Guhai already??? *melts* <3)

Anyway, Guhai is also thoughtful as he replied Luoyin's dad not to listen to Luoyin. And Luoyin rebutted that Guhai is trying to act obedient after getting something nice. (They are bickering like a couple in front of the parent alreadyyyy. <3)

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