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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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21 minutes ago, CamelKnight said:



I’m not a writer but I know I can recognize porn from erotica from fade-to-black Harlequin books. My book club had a few interesting discussions about this subject [too bad we can’t do this in soompi. We'll have the Richard Simmons' name all over the place. hahaha.] and none of us were talking legalese. 


I do like the way that JH spilled the beans to his friends about his brother’s escapades. He didn't cover up his brother’s silliness.  He did this in the previous episode with DS – when he said that JB got involved in a turf war with schoolkids because of his videogame addiction. And now he was telling them about his hyung’s mania for the records. 


My soompi tab keeps on crashing. :(


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1 minute ago, hyuki4ever said:

this is preview for ep 7.

that's ds expression for who? JB or JH.. lol.. because in ep 7, there's no scane for this and i cant figure it out XD


In my opinion, it's for JH.

DS wanted to get TK because of the "fated" love idea but instead she ended up with JH. 

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Then why does JH even have any points? Considering his actions he should have at least -50 points.

I really should stop my Anti-JH-Movement...
I mean sure, he's an idiot, but he's got a point saying DS should use her head why he came to Gangnam for her.

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His first point came out of pity from me. Lol! There was another reason behind it but that's mostly it. As for negative points, I only give them not take them away. Otherwise yes, he'd be far in the red. Lol!

Edit: We haven't had a narrator yet right?

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1 hour ago, tiendoank said:



I bet you were having a good time filming this episode, Hyeri-ssi...





And JH was just reading the porn. I thought it would have been very awkward wrestling DS to the ground when he had an erection in case she accidentally hit his Precious Jewels (or Petit-Jean).

And I like the way DS read the smut, expressed her disgust, THEN handed him back the book. Like, “Here! Go ahead and read it. What do I care?”  This was a good contrast set-up by the scriptwriter to show the difference in the way she reacted to TK’s viewing porn movie later on.  

Thanks for the gifs, @tiendoank.

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I really liked the ice"snow"man. Just a shame TK's dad was seen hammering at it, but no ice was on the ground to show his work. It's one of the tiny details I'm missing.

And oh yeah, I think I'm about 15 minutes behind you guys lol

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7 minutes ago, CamelKnight said:

I really liked the ice"snow"man. Just a shame TK's dad was seen hammering at it, but no ice was on the ground to show his work. It's one of the tiny details I'm missing.

And oh yeah, I think I'm about 15 minutes behind you guys lol

I always just figured the ice shavings melted too quick to see anything. It did rain that night so it couldn't have been that cold. Probably not cold enough to keep the ice shavings visible on the ground. 

Edit: Aha! A wild narrator has appeared! Young DS

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2 minutes ago, phikyl said:

I always just figured the ice shavings melted too quick to see anything. It did rain that night so it couldn't have been that cold. Probably not cold enough to keep the ice shavings visible on the ground. 


Get some ice from the fridge and throw it in your sink. It will take longer than 5 minutes to melt, even at room temperature. Even over a hot flame ice doesn't melt that quickly. Heat absorption of ice is pretty good. Which is why ice melts from 4 degrees Celcius and up.

There should've been ice, or at least some puddles of water. It was just a bit damp from the rain. Don't forget Ran Mi Ran said it was pretty cold outside too. At her age, you'd expect her to know what "cold" means ;)

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44 minutes ago, phikyl said:


REALLY don't like how controlling JH was of DS's food intake at McDonalds. What the heck?! Let the girl eat! She doesn't get to have that kind of food often! 


Taek offers her his entire plate of food JH. Take note. And since that gives TK a point...



TK: 23


JH: 4


SW: 4


DR: 1



The problem here with JH was that he was so rough and gruff with her –

1. he showed up at McDonalds but NOT before scolding her on the phone, 
2. he treated DS’ friends and but then he shamed her for eating a lot,
3. he grabbed her earphone while she was listening to it,
4. he told her to use her head [again, that sounded insulting coming FROM HIM who always told her that she was a dummy],
5. he squeezed her cheeks,,
6. and he roughed up her hair.

That hair touching moment alone was a no-no. 
Compare this to how SW brushed snow off Bora’s hair – gently. 


And TK ruffling her hair -- fondly. 


Even if DS was to use her head, she wouldn’t be able to put 1 plus 1 equals “he likes me” because for every action he did, he came off as overbearing, insulting and mean. 

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34 minutes ago, phikyl said:

I barely have any images for this episode. My R88 gifs are sadly lacking...

My Taeken scene! It's here! :wub:


Yes,this was my favorite moment here. I have to copy-and-paste what our friend @13infamyss wrote about this in taek's room because I agree 100% with her on this.   I hope she doesn't mind. 


I like this scene too, and it’s mostly because Taek didn’t let the moment passed by and apologized right away for the misunderstanding. In fact, he didn’t even defend himself. He could have said he didn’t have time to check the name he picked out that’s why he didn’t know he was her Secret Santa. He could have said that, but he didn’t. Instead, he said sorry for forgetting he was her Secret Santa. Whether he explained himself or not, the fact didn’t change that he upset Duk Seon, and her self-esteem plummeted further knowing no one picked her name out or even remembered her. 

He took all the blame without excuses. And because he did that, he didn’t ruin anything. At the end of their conversation, both of them were smiling to each other. Neither ended their night with a heavy heart.

Unfortunately, the pink shirt incident between Duk Seon and Jung Hwan was a complete opposite of this scene. Jung Hwan let the moment passed by and never bothered to bring it up again or at least make up to her for upsetting her. I was very disappointed that he didn’t see the bigger picture here. All this time, he only saw his own pain. He was brooding over that unworn pink shirt – contemplating what to do with it (should he wear it or not? should he laminate it or what?). But what he overlooked was the fact that he hurt Duk Seon by letting her think that he gave away her present. He didn’t see that he upset her, and only focused at the fact that “Oh, Duk Seon is mad at me because she thought I gave away her shirt. Boo-hoo. I hate life.” He was upset, “crying over” at the fact that Duk Seon misunderstood him, but he didn’t bother owning up to his mistake or clear up the misunderstanding.

This is why even though I wasn’t fully shipping Duk Seon with anyone yet at that time, I appreciated her and Taek’s dynamic more. They’re like an old couple who have been together for sooo long and understand each other at any different level. They worry about each other more than they worry about themselves. Llike you have mentioned, Taek rushed out of the house in a shirt and slippers when it was freezing cold (Duk Seon was all bundled up) just to say sorry for upsetting her. Taek is a human heater, yes, but still, he could catch a cold for not wearing proper outwear clothes. But he overlooked that just to catch Duk Seon and made sure his apology got across. With Jung Hwan – he really acts like his age. Young and inexperienced with relationship. His concern was all about “me” first, rather than worrying about the hurt feelings of the person he “loved”.



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This was also posted in our PM group and in the blog Taek’s Room.  I’m copy-and-pasting here [with minor revisions] for @camelknight and whoever is lurking here who hasn’t seen this. 

Episodes 6 and 7 have a story arc. 

The title of Episode 6 is The First Snow is Coming

In the last scene, the Adult DS remembered that the winning song during the College Music Festival in 1988 was “To That Person” [also translated as “To You”] sang by Shin Hae-chul’s group Infinite Track or something. The Adult DS then proceeded to dance to the music in front of TK. She faced him because the song’s title was – after all --  “To That Person.” 

Embarrassed, Adult TK stood up and left her to do her awkward dancing, but she continued to dance and followed him out anyway.  She was dancing “ToThat Person” to TK specifically.  Why? Because of the lyrics.  I think the Adult TK thought SHE was cheesy and DS was teasing him. 

The song lyrics: 
Even while we live hard
We miss each other like this
The many days left to me
I want to share it with you
Even if I lose everything that I loved
I can’t give up on you
Anywhere in this world.
I can feel your breath.
Till the ends of my life
I will always stay beside you.
Till the ends of my life
Always, I love you~

So, instead of simply viewing that scene as the Adult TK being rude or tsundere, there was actually a cute marital dynamics going on. DS was teasing her husband because she knew SHE COULD TEASE him. Do you get it? She was NOT afraid to tease him. Again, that was a clue to the husband hunt. If she was married to JH, there was no way she’d tease him like that. He wouldn’t stand for it. But the Adult DS could get away with being cheeky, because the husband was TK.  

The title of Episode 7 is To That Person [translated as “To You” by dramabeans]

And here’s the time loop. I told you before that the scriptwriter does this: she loops a conversation, or a snippet of a conversation, through time. 

On Christmas Eve 1988, the gang, minus TK, watched the College Music Festival on TV. TK was away at a tournament so that was why the Adult TK didn’t know the winning song that year.  That should have been a clue in the husband-hunt game. Lol.

That night, while watching the TV musical show, the gang (minus TK) collectively stood up and danced in front of the the TV when they heard “To You” played. The young DS danced, facing the camera, but the Adult DS danced facing her husband. 
The “You” referred to in the episode title is Taec. 

Back then, we were told by @hafunohane on PM, that the DS’ voiceover did in fact spotlight TK. The sentence structure of DS’ narration went like this: “Before it’s too late, confess to the one you love, to you.” Her last two words, “saranghaneun, geudae ege,” were said as the camera focused on TK’s face. And “geudae ege” is both the title of the song that won the College Music Festival in 1988 AND the title of this Episode 7. It’s “To you” or to that person you love. 

And sure enough, when I watched this Episode 7 on Viki, Hafu’s right. 


So again those JH shippers or Gaeddoek people who insisted that the writer had changed this script in the last episodes, they were talking through their hat. They knew diddly-squat about Reply 1988 yet they were the noisiest people on Reply 1988 thread. 

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Hi guys, sorry i couldn't join the party on time.. took a lot longer than i thought to compile this post. this is a very minor thing but i thought it serves as a good hint :)

As we all know, Sung appa is one of the first fans and supporters of SunTaek. he is a huge Taek's fanboy. however, it's no secret that he's bad at betting/ predicting. except when it comes to Taek.... (he actually claimed that Taek will be his son in law, as he mentioned in ep 2).

However, his fortune-telling skills are weak when it comes to everything else: long-term investment, company stocks, baseball, etc. Now, now, this caught my attention in episode 7:



Sung appa said this before DS got the phonecall from Taek who was away for his baduk competition at that time...


That day, Noeul begs to disagree. It's interesting to note that in this episode, NL (not on purpose, I believe he looks up to Taek and likes him most too out of all the dudes) kinda became a JH supporter because he was commanded (to the point of being chased out by JH) to be his gift messenger... 

He also appeared uninterested in what DS said about Taek because he was distracted by the TV, and even resorted to sarcasm:



Now this is where it gets interesting. The two Sung men kept arguing about the players of each team, and Dad said this:




Below is a little bit of info about him (taken from wiki):

- Just like Choi Taek, his name is just Heo Jae/ Hur Jae (family name Heo/Hur, given name Jae). 

- He led the team to victory in 1988- 1993, and again in 1995-1996. by 1998, he's got the MVP title 5 times.

- He still holds an unbeatable record for most points scored in a FIBA world championship. 

And Sung appa said this sneaky hint about what's to come:


"He" here refers to Heo Jae.

And thanks to Viki for this info:


Han Ki Beom, according to this source, is also a player for Kia.


Now, the Korean professional basketball league didn't get established until the 90s... so when i searched for Kia basketball team i found their old team name they used during that game in 1988:


And... guess who's in BUSAN at that time????



And Taek definitely didn't stand around and do nothing... He's sitting and making a move of asking for his future wife's advice that day :)


The TIMING was also done perfectly:


As soon as DS answered the phone, the match begins. And when DS said, "Yes" to Taek, Han Ki Bum of Kia won the jump ball. For those who are unfamiliar, a jump ball is when 1 player of each team tries to take the ball thrown by the referee. This is done at the very beginning of the match to determine which team gets to run with the ball first. I take this whole basketball discussion as a great hint about the husband hunt. Too bad it took me this long to notice this clue hinted by Sung appa. If the Kia team is a metaphor for Taek, this means he owns the "game" from the very beginning. 

Another hint that Taek's got this:


Papabear is so cute worrying about the SLIPPERY, RAINY ROAD ahead of him (his remark contains has a second meaning, apparently). 

To which our champion replied:


He lost the match on Christmas eve indeed, but by Christmas day, he's won her heart and ours <3 

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2 hours ago, packmule3 said:

2. he treated DS’ friends and but then he shamed her for eating a lot,

This is what made me most upset. She didn't order much more than her friends did. The difference was drink size and the ice cream. :angry:

Posting this bit mostly for @CamelKnight but there may be other lurkers who haven't seen it [or at least not the translated version]

R88 timeline:


1978 Autumn: TK move to neighborhood, DS gives him piggyback ride

1979 Autumn: TK hurts head, 5 stitches

1985 May: JH family wins lotto



Aug. 4th-15th [date unclear]: tteokbokki restaurant. “congratulations. You got yourself a boyfriend”

Aug. 4: Wiretap Incident, SW comes to borrow white out

Aug. 15: Independence from Japan, national holiday, Geisha makeup


Sept. 8: Picket girl practice at school. Side dishes shuttle

Sept. 9: “I don’t like fried eggs”

Sept. 10: Picket girl practice in hanbok. “Am I pretty?”

Sept. 14: DS Olympics interview, BR birthday, SW appa deathday, DS meltdown

Sept. 17: DS/SW birthday, Olympics opening ceremony

Sept. 22: Granny visit

Sept. 24: BR jacket incident, chocolate incident, “grow up and marry me”, TK victory party


Oct. 3: DS grandmother passes away

Oct. 7: TK wins a tournament "동양증권배"

Oct. 8: TK birthday, “I miss my mom everyday”, Western wedding, DS diary exposed

Oct. 13: DS practice dance in TK room. TK stays outside door playing Baduk. TK jealousy

Oct. 14-16: Overnight Trip

Oct. 15: Dance Contest, Sobangcha dance

Oct. 17: Carbon Monoxide, DS left behind


Nov. 5: Mi Ran b-day, TK loses at pro baduk players champ series

Nov. 6: Group tutoring session, gang comforts TK and they curse

Nov. 12: ramen eating in TK room, baduk board almost used as table

[no date]: SW hurts leg

Nov. 20: BR protest shown on tv, SW borrow KO-EN dictionary, Mi Ran leaves home for a couple days

Nov. 21: BR & mom police station


12/1 - Baduk Tournament (우리증권배) 1st day / Radio Show and Jung-Bong (Taek)

12/2 - Baduk Tournament (우리증권배) 2nd day / win by wide margin / "It's possible to play this way"

12/5 - Baduk Tournament (우리증권배) - victory

12/6 - pizza party / SunTaek embrace / confess love at the first snowfall

12/7 - first snow / "Want to watch a movie? Let's watch a movie.", JH overhears DS/SW fight

12/17 - "Manitto" game begins

12/18 - Taek's father's interview / SunTaek's misunderstood phone conversation (about pink gloves)

12/22 - Wang-Jang McDonald (Ha ha, Ja-Hyun and Mi-Ok are referred to simply as "Wang-Jang.")

12/24 - Taek's father's birthday / watch "College Song Contest" minus TK / SunTaek scene, "I will buy you everything."

12/25 – NE give DS gloves from JH

12/27 - Wang-Jang promotes Jung-Hwan (as boyfriend material?) / Taek-Ma-Bell scene / The Gang of 5 watch "La Bamba", DS chooses mittens from TK

12/28 - The Gang go see a movie / DS goes to baduk center to fetch Taek / Jung-Bong admitted to hospital

12/29 - No-Eul's girlfriend / Sun-Bora at the German Bakery



01/04 - Braised ribs / Taek’s dad’s friend collapses

1/11 - Starry Night Jam concert, JH/DS picture

1/14 - Taek eats dinner at DS’s house / news about foreclosure auction of SunWoo’s house

1/15 - Taek’s dad collapses

1/18 - DS arrives in China

1/19 - Baduk Asia 1st round on TV

1/20 - 2nd round / Nico-Taek Discovery (smoking Taek) / SunTaek photo / SunBora meet at Pa-Ju / Sun-Young and Moo-Sung (SW’s mom and Taek’s Dad)

1/28 - Lee Sun-Hee concert / Dong-Ryong’s Birthday / “Taek is a ‘natural monument.’” / Blind Date, “Gajima.”

1/29 - JH’s Dad’s Birthday / Beach + “I like Duk-Sun.” / Jung-Bong and Man-Ok meet / SunBora begin to date


2/1 - The Moms go see a fortune-teller

2/2 - Steak Shuttle / Clingy Taek / Double Nosebleed / part-time job at bathhouse begins (SunWoo’s mom)

2/3 - Let’s go to Lee Moon-Sae’s concert, JH/DS bed scene

2/4 - Taek (최고위전) / big announcement afterwards / SunBora’s first kiss

2/5 - JH’s parents go to Japan / Jung-Bong and Man-Ok begin to write each other letters

2/8 - SunBora are found out by Taek

2/9 – Cursing lessons, Korean Wedding

2/10 - Back to school, DR/TK caught trying to watch porn by DS, Mouse-catcher DS

2/13 - Taek (왕위전) loses / Taek leans on DS / SW gets indigestion, DS/JH bus scene

2/14 – “DS annyeong”, Flasher at restaurant, staircase talk

2/18 - Lee Moon-Sae’s concert, DS fake ankle injury

2/19 - Study at Taek’s house, “Do you need to eat this, or not eat this?”, DS not let DR bother TK

2/20 - SunBora school date / Bora’s mom’s health exam

2/25 - “It’s okay if I lose, right?” / Taek’s plane crash

2/26 - Taek wins Fujitsu Tournament (pot) gives to DS, JB gives “Space Travel” card as gift


3/1 - Banana Shuttle TK, DS’s household debt settled, scolds TK about meds and no socks

3/4 - Jung-Bong Banjul Date / SunWoo gives necklace to Bora

3/5 - Jung-Hwan’s Birthday / Taek “We’re not okay”

3/11 - Class President incident / “Without DS, I feel like I could die.” / Bora decides to study for bar exam

3/12 - JinJu gets into accident, Pink shirt misunderstanding, DS/DR “You can like someone, too.”, “You don’t know me at all.”

3/19 - Taek wins “동양증권배” / “I thought I had the better advantage.”

3/20 - DS school parent conference / DS goes to Taek’s room in the morning

3/21 - JH’s father hurts his back/waist

3/26 - DR’s motorcycle accident / Taek finds out JH’s feelings / Bora tells SW about the bar exam, gift of shirt

3/26 - DS gets indigestion / 4/1 Movie date made

3/29 - Dirty Dancing / Taek sees photo in wallet

3/30 - Taek to Dad “I want Dad to be happy.”     

3/31 - Taek wins “응씨배” Tournament / JB-MO found out by MO’s father, TK cancel movie date, DS/DR bus talk


4/1- DS foot run over, “He thinks you’re a joke”

4/2 – Bridal carry, DR hospital, SW/TK talk about parents dating, JH “I wish he was a bastard”, BR/SW breakup

4/3 – DS thinking about bridal carry, Dreamlike kiss happens

4/4– “That’s a relief”, morning after kiss, DS/Dad have talk about dreams

4/8 – National Singing Competition, DS hug BR [hostel visit]


7/15 – JB goes to temple, summer vacation starts, DS first nosebleed


11/1 – Haitai Tigers win


12/5 – First snow, TK dad ask SW mom to “live together”

12/8 – DS visit TK empty room, 7 days left of Senior year

12/15 – gang talk about test scores in TK room, plan to go to CMF together [12/23], DS excited TK will come too

12/23 – Campus Music Festival all 5 go



1/1 – gang turns 20, JH goes to Air Force Academy, SW gets full scholarship to med school, JB pass entrance exams


March: DS/DR start remedial school


12/31 – Byun Ji Seob win CMF



12/31 – Noh Sa Yeon win CMF



12/30 – Shin Seung Hoon win CMF



12/27 – Seo Taiji’s “Hayeoga” win CMF



10/8 – Mi Ran learn to ride bike, all the kids come home, TK birthday, pager gift “We need you to have it”, “Does she know you can’t even tie your shoes?”, “Are you trying to ruin my chances for marriage?”

10/16 – Lee Seung Hwan concert, BR/SW blind date, JB/MO date, TK forfeit match, DR/JH see Forrest Gump

10/17 – group Bar date, JH confession

10/18 – JH return to base

10/21 – BR/SW get back together, TK goes to see JH, DS/DR find out about BR/SW

10/22 – TK Japan match

10/24 – DS fly to China, DS give porridge to TK

10/25 – TK Chunlan match, capture kiss, Chinese wedding


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2 hours ago, packmule3 said:

Jung Hwan let the moment passed by and never bothered to bring it up again or at least make up to her for upsetting her.

This is one of the reasons I was getting frustrated when I was convinced that JH was the husband. JH is way too hot and cold [mostly cold] towards DS. DS is no Shi Won or Na Jung. I’m not saying she’s worse, just different. The dynamic between Yoon Jae-Shi Won and Trash-Na Jung works because their personalities are compatible. Yes, they fight like cats and dogs but neither Shi Won nor Na Jung need the same kind of reassurance that someone needs them as Deok Sun does. They’re both very confident and take charge. If someone teased Shi Won in the way the group teased DS, Shi Won would probably beat the crap out of them, gender roles be damned. In this respect, and retrospect, it’s obvious from the beginning that Taek would be the husband because his personality is the one that is compatible with Deok Sun. So even though JH fits the bill for the typical Reply main lead he isn’t compatible with DS, and this is DS’s love story.

I’d just love to get my hands on a hard copy of this script. [Preferably in English or I’d spend ages trying to translate it first] All the subtle nuances and double meanings are what make this series, and this installment specifically, have that “crack factor”. It’s been weeks [months?] now and we’re still picking apart the double or even triple meanings each little clue could have.

** All of these are exerpts pulled from my replies to this discussion in Taeksroom**

The thing is, TK was willing to give her what she wanted whether it was tangible or not. Those weren’t just empty words he was saying, he meant that he would give her anything she asked for. It’s just too bad that DS backed out of saying what she really wanted at the last moment. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if she had confessed then. Would everything have turned out the same, only with an earlier start to their dating? Or would things have changed? That’s more along the lines of debating whether fate or destiny exists though.

I always thought that DS and TK’s “love timeline” were very similar in that neither of them could pinpoint an exact time that friendship turned to love. We didn’t get to hear DS answer that same question so I felt like when we saw TK answer, he was answering for both of them. I also think that TK and DS starting to date after they were adults is the best timeline progression they could have shown. It allowed both their relationship and their friendship with the rest of the group to remain intact.  


And this is older notes from one of my re-watches of this episode:

Episode 7: Taek realizes he forgot about the secret santa and goes to Deok Sun. Deok Sun says he has “more important things to worry about” [what Noeul said to her earlier in the night] and Taek looks a bit perturbed that she thinks that she’s less important to him. Ties into episode 18 forfeit of the baduk game to go to her. It’s already established that TK remembers everything about his encounters with DS “I know everything about you”. Also shown in ep 10 when he remembers how many stitches he got from wrestling with her. In ep 18, he probably remembered how she said that he had “more important things to think about” [i.e his baduk match] and resolved to prove to her that SHE is the most important thing to him.

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Thanks for this research, @hafunohane.  clapping-happy-smiley-emoticon.gif Every time I see something like this, I feel like we’re back in our old hideout, gathering intel and exchanging info.

I like what the father observed here when DS was answering the phone. According to the Viki translation: What’s wrong with DS? When did she become that gentle toward Taek?

lol. If I were her dad I’d be scratching my head, too. Why was she talking with aegyo like that over the phone? She sounded like a simpering lass. Simper. simper. And kicking No Eul at the same time. Weird. 

I also like the scene when TK told her not to wait for him because that marked the first time that DS verbally said that it was her choice. 

TK: Let’s meet on Christmas. 
DS: Christmas? When will you come back?
TK: The final is on the 24th. It will end in Busan, so I’ll be home after eleven.
DS: I’ll wait. 
TK: Don’t wait. Why would you?
DS: It’s up to me. [It’s my choice.] 


BTW, @phikyl, I think here’s a possible explanation. TK was at Busan at that time of the phone call, but he was leaving for Daegu (at 32:29), then returning back to Busan. It was probably one of those multiple city-tournament. 

Driving from Seoul to Busan: about 4 hours [Whoa! That must have been a longer trek in 1988. No wonder Tk's dad was worried.]
Driving from Busan to Daegu: about 1 hour

Am also transferring some of our conversation from Taeksroom to here. Thanks for reposting yours. 

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This is also a repost with some edits from the Taeksroom blogspot.


From the very beginning, I thought DS was hiding something here. I think @babyviolet saw it, too. 


The way she hesitated, held her breath and stared at him — with eyes wide open, eyebrows raised – suggested that she was about to reveal something important. If we were reading a romance fiction, this momentary silence would've been described as a “pregnant pause,” and whatever DS would've said next would be considered significant. A game changer.  

However, DS’ next action — lowering her eyes and looking away — suggested that she changed her mind at the last nanosecond. Sure enough, she said, “Never mind, it’s okay.”

When he pressed her for an answer, and began counting to prod her answer, she gave the safe answer “gloves pink angora.”  

Most viewers interpreted this moment as NOTHING MORE than a sign of her embarrassment. She was embarrassed, of course, for having expected a gift from TK when all along he was talking about a present for his dad. However, I interpreted DS’ hesitation here differently. I thought she wanted to tell him, “YOU! I want you for Christmas. Pabo! Don’t you know that?!”  

You see, she’d been insistent that she wanted TK as her manitto, or her “Secret Santa.”  TK was, in fact, her symbolic “Secret Santa.”  

First of all, he was most definitely HER secret. Nobody knew that she had a crush on him because she never acknowledged or told anybody else about it. She only wrote about her feelings in her diary. 

Second, TK was a “mythical” figure just like Santa.  Given her age, she wasn’t supposed to believe in Santa anymore.  She was past the age in believing in a "mythical" or imaginary character. And if she professed her belief in Santa, she’d be ridiculed for indulging in such nonsense. Same thing with Taec. She was NOT supposed to harbor a crush on Taec. Given her age, she should’ve known better than have a crush on a MYTHICAL FIGURE or somebody who was “national treasure,” when she was just a nobody.  Also, if she declared her feelings for him, she’d be ridiculed for such preposterous idea. Santa and TK were both literally and figuratively speaking "myths." :)

Third, similar to young Jinjoo being rudely informed that Santa didn’t bring the Christmas gifts for her, DS also had to face the unpleasant reality that TK, or her Secret Santa, didn’t come bearing gifts for her on Christmas Eve.

But all’s well that ends well. JJ’s belief in Santa was restore when she got the Christmas gift she truly wanted, and DS’ belief in TK was regained when TK gave her the manitto gloves SHE wanted all along. 

And here is where your SEMANTICS come into play, @camelknight. When JJ said that she wanted a snowman for Christmas, people thought it was an actual snowman. Only SW got it right that she was referring to an ice cream cone. He understood what she wanted. 

Same thing with DS. She said she wanted a pair of pink gloves. Actually, JH got her the RIGHT thing: a pair of pink gloves.  That was what DS pointed out on TV and what Lee MiYeon had. TK gave her the “wrong” gift. But in the end, she chose to wear TK’s gift because he gave her what she truly wanted: Somebody to believe in and fall in love with. :D

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Another re-post from the Taek’sRoom blog: the explanation of DS’ voice-over.  With minor edits.

There are 2 reasons I’m copy-and-pasting this here. 

a) for those JH shippers who think that DS was referring to JH’s gift of pink gloves when she was saying this. NO, she wasn’t. :)
B) for those who think that DS’ first love was SW.  There’s a big difference in DS’ tone here and in Episode 3 when she said, “In the summer of 1988, the first love of Sung Deok-sun’s life—my first love—began.”  She cackled in Episode 3, like she was mocking her own words. It’s similar to when somebody does an evil laughter [pwahahahaha] and knows it. In contrast, her narration in Episode 7 and her words themselves were pensive and introspective, suggesting sincerity. 

This is what she said in Episode 7 and the breakdown of her words in context of the events: 
 “We were at the age where we no longer believed in Santa, and were no longer excited by a manitto game. It was an age where we weren’t satisfied by the excitement of a secret present. Palpitations filled us to the brim and made breathing difficult. Embarrassment made us feel like our hearts would burst. We wanted it to be known so badly, but didn’t want to be caught. That fluttering of ’88. We were eighteen.”

>>We were at the age where we no longer believed in Santa, and were no longer excited by a manitto game. It was an age where we weren’t satisfied by the excitement of a secret present.

She no longer believed in Santa like she was young and innocent girl as JJ who still believed in Santa. The manitto game was no longer just about getting and receiving gifts. Only childish people like JB and NE would be satisfied with receiving “secret” presents. Even Jinjoo said that there was no more Santa.  The excitement and thrill for them, at that age, were to be found somewhere else… in the flutterings of love.

>>Palpitations filled us to the brim and made breathing difficult.

DS had been waiting out there for TK’s arrival in the cold. When she heard him shuffling at the end of the street, she bounded up to him like a yellow bouncy puppy and greeted him excitedly.  She thought TK had rushed home FOR her, to give her his manitto gift.  Her “Superman” had come back just in time; there was 30 minutes to spare.  Her heart was “palpitating” fast at that moment.

And seriously, people should take a good look at her face, and contrast it with her face earlier when JH arrived at Gangnam. The contrast is obvious. There wasn’t any palpitation when she saw JH at McDonalds, so why would the JH shippers think this whole narration was referring to JH? Shaking my head here.



>>Embarrassment made us feel like our hearts would burst.

And her embarrassing moment came when TK realized THE REAL REASON why she was so excited to greet and welcome him home.  She backpedaled so fast while sitting on that makeshift platform. She was rattling words to ease his guilty conscience. Quenchana. It’s okay. She only wanted to know what manitto was all about. She didn’t really expect a gift. Truly, she didn’t expect anything. She was mortified that TK had realized that, all along, she was asking him to buy a pair of gloves for her. And her heart would burst in shame of her unrequited love.

>>We wanted it to be known so badly, but didn’t want to be caught

Yes, for a wild and crazy second there, she did contemplate telling TK the truth. When he asked her to name anything she wanted for Christmas and he’d give it to her, she paused to consider telling him, “You. I want you, pabo.” But she held back of course because she knew that had she told him, she would be — yet again — the BIGGER fool around there. So she settled for the safe answer. jjanggab, pink angora.  She didn’t want to be caught because she had been through this before, with the chocolate.  Back then, she also had wanted her affections known badly, but since he never responded or “replied”  to her chocolate confession, she wasn’t going to do all over again this again.

The Fluttering of 1988 that she was referring to here only made sense within the context of her interaction with TK that Christmas Eve.  This whole narration wouldn’t make sense when applied to either JH or SW. 


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8 hours ago, packmule3 said:

And JH was just reading the porn. I thought it would have been very awkward wrestling DS to the ground when he had an erection in case she accidentally hit his Precious Jewels (or Petit-Jean).

And I like the way DS read the smut, expressed her disgust, THEN handed him back the book. Like, “Here! Go ahead and read it. What do I care?”  This was a good contrast set-up by the scriptwriter to show the difference in the way she reacted to TK’s viewing porn movie later on. 

Meh, I still say semantics :P 

His awkward boner would've subsided quick enough from the shock of DS coming in. Experience. Trust me.

8 hours ago, packmule3 said:

The problem here with JH was that he was so rough and gruff with her –

1. he showed up at McDonalds but NOT before scolding her on the phone, 
2. he treated DS’ friends and but then he shamed her for eating a lot,
3. he grabbed her earphone while she was listening to it,
4. he told her to use her head [again, that sounded insulting coming FROM HIM who always told her that she was a dummy],
5. he squeezed her cheeks,,
6. and he roughed up her hair

That hair touching moment alone was a no-no. 
Compare this to how SW brushed snow off Bora’s hair – gently. 
And TK ruffling her hair -- fondly. 
Even if DS was to use her head, she wouldn’t be able to put 1 plus 1 equals “he likes me” because for every action he did, he came off as overbearing, insulting and mean. 

Ugh. I hate being devil's advocate, and I hate defending a character I dislike even more. But here goes:
1. Sure he scolded her. She just asked him to come way over to the other side of town for her. Eventhough he liked her, she was unaware of that and he knew that. He had kept it a secret for very long. He had NO CHOICE but to scold her for her request. Just like he had NO CHOICE in coming anyway if he wanted to show his affection.
2. He doesn't care about the other girls. He does care about DS and he just wishes her to be healthy. He'd rather take her out to some nice restaurant. Besides, he still is unable to confess so he NEEDS to scold her. Also: scolding and teasing are reasonably acceptable ways of showing affection when you're a young kid. Like pulling hair, sticking out your tongue and throwing mud. Sure, it's childish, but here's a guy who has no clue whatsoever...
3. Can't remember that part but let's just say he wanted attention.
4. He had been giving her his biggest clue yet: coming to Gangnam. For HER! Why on earth would he do that? Indeed... feelings.
5. What other option does he have to touch her? Ah yes.. its...
6. Touching her hair. But he can't do it gently because how do you behave when around girls? Also don't forget, he's the tough kid. Big mouth, looking vicious (well...). Unlike SW who's a handsome and friendly lad and known for it.
It's also why SW gently removed the snow from Bo Ra's hair. SW doesn't know any better but to treat others with respect, dignity and calm. Unlike JH who's mom never taught him much (look at the way she "hugged" him for his 100 score in the test in EP2).

DS would never get it because JH's behaviour doesn't match with how she would want to be romanced. It however, fits perfectly with JH's character.

8 hours ago, packmule3 said:

He took all the blame without excuses. And because he did that, he didn’t ruin anything. At the end of their conversation, both of them were smiling to each other. Neither ended their night with a heavy heart.

Are you even female? I've NEVER EVER been in a situation where confessing the truth immediately turned the entire situation around. Women, sorry to say, are known for keeping a grudge. Even after things have been cleared up, women remember. And things were not cleared up. TK made a mistake and he apologised for it, but I feel DS forgave him way too quickly. Even when she would be in love with him (and at this time I believe she didn't really know yet), she would've felt at least a bit sad about it.

Sorry, no. Not buying it.

7 hours ago, packmule3 said:

Her last two words, “saranghaneun, geudae ege,” were said as the camera focused on TK’s face. And “geudae ege” is both the title of the song that won the College Music Festival in 1988 AND the title of this Episode 7. It’s “To you” or to that person you love. 

Hey, I noticed that too! :D 

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