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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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4 hours ago, cooleet said:

I just saw SW pillow... I bought one like that with the same color... that pullow is so heavy. I bought three and it weighs 8.5 kilos .. hahahha


What pillow? A pillow with SW's face on it? Or did you buy an actual pillow? Couldn't you have just bought a pillow case. I was in SK last year. I can't remember now what I brought home that was out of the ordinary....

Ah! Couple phone cases with a Korean boy and girl in hanboks. My husband didn't want to use his so what was the point of a couple phone case? lol. 


This scene when DS went to drop off the food at JH’s house. Again, I know I was supposed to feel that she and JH were forming a relationship here. But I didn’t.

Instead, the impression I got here was that DS was a comfortable member of the family. She was one of them. She fitted right in, especially with the father. True, she fixed her hair before entering the house, but once inside, she interacted more with the father, going through their comedy routine, than with JH. 


Then, when she was about to leave, JH was supposedly fiddling with the lights to delay her a bit longer But it was JH with whom she interacted. She called JH oppa, punched him, and inquired about MO.  When JH asked him what that was all about, she said, it was none of his business. Lol. She exchanged more words with JB than with JH. 

But I did like how snide JH became because he was jealous of his hyung. He corrected him pointing out that his heart was in the wrong place. I  wanted to tell his character: “Look who’s talking!  Your heart, too, is in the wrong place. Really...”

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6 hours ago, cooleet said:

Taek is so protective. He wanted to cancel the dinner as soon as he found out that the burberry man goes to that restaurant... I believe this is the same reason he followed DS when she first went out of the restaurant to do her business. It was to prtect her and nothing else.


I agree with you. 

All the boys are, in some ways, protective of DS. Remember, In Episode 5, JH and DR didn’t like that DS was going to the study room and going home past midnight. And SW was always mindful of Bora's wrath directed at DS and tried to avert it.  lol. 

In Episode 16, when DS said that she had indigestion, both JH and TK showed concern.

The big difference however between JH and TK was that TK was PROACTIVE. He stood up and followed DS to the rest room when he was concerned about her safety in the restaurant. He again stood up and looked for medicine for DS.  And who could forget Episode 18's flight to be at DS' side because she was out there by her lonesome at the concert hall? 

It’s easy to express concern. But for Taec to physically put himself right there beside DS, without her knowing that he was protecting her, is far more a heroic than anything JH had ever done from the sidelines.  :)

Scoreboard again, @phikyl. lol. 

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Lol.. I literally fell asleep right in front of my laptop last night, sitting.. Just like Taek's position when JH came in the morning with a bowl of soup. Sometime around 3 I woke up and crawled to my bed. 


Last night was my first time joining you guys doing a rewatch and I enjoyed it a loooooooooooooooot!!!!!!!!!! Though I might not be able to do this frequently due to my work, but I'll make sure to join you anytime works allow me to take a break. 

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8 hours ago, packmule3 said:

Then, the other thing: I liked it when DS wanted to return to the restroom, he allowed her to go on her own.  He didn’t tell her, “Go, and I’ll accompany you.”  He kept his word that he would keep the flasher incident secret. He didn’t alert DR that something had gone wrong during her earlier trip.  

His action was also similar to Episode 18 when he tried to save her from embarrassment.  In Episode 18, he wrapped her in his jacket and said simply that he was too hot.  In this Episode, he followed her in order to guard her, but he said that he was going to smoke. He didn't make a fuss. But they both understood what he was doing.  


Yes, I love how Taek is so SELF-EFFACING in his way of loving DS.  And also, how he AFFIRMS her both with HIS SILENCE and with HIS WORDS. DS is one LUCKY young lady!

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@packmule3 6 to 1 TK. :P

No worries @tiendoank, join us when you can! Lurkers too, the more the merrier! If you can't make the actual re-watch time, watch when you can and then post your thoughts! I'm pretty sure all of us lurk in this thread refreshing the page [or maybe that's just me...] so we'll see it. 

1 hour ago, Grace1003 said:

DS is one LUCKY young lady!

Yes she is! Glad you could join us earlier, even if you had to bow out quickly!

I love reading everyone's thoughts on the nuances of a scene. :D Everyone sees it a little bit differently!

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2 hours ago, tiendoank said:

Lol.. I literally fell asleep right in front of my laptop last night, sitting.. Just like Taek's position when JH came in the morning with a bowl of soup. Sometime around 3 I woke up and crawled to my bed. 


Last night was my first time joining you guys doing a rewatch and I enjoyed it a loooooooooooooooot!!!!!!!!!! Though I might not be able to do this frequently due to my work, but I'll make sure to join you anytime works allow me to take a break. 


I know. I hate it too when that happens... crawling to bed at some godawful hour.  It's disorienting like the short distance to your bed is mired with dragons, monsters and goblins [or tables, drawers, and stupid chairs for stubbing your toes on, lol].




map: tatestreet


Hope you can join us again for the next rewatch! 

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12 hours ago, phikyl said:


I really like this scene between the two of them. It was so adult of Taek to just be there for her and make sure she's ok. Meanwhile, their food was getting cold on the table but all he cared about was making sure she was okay after the Burberry man encounter. 

And because I'm a sucker for umbrella scenes [I'll take any excuse to post this gif!]



You know when he walked in the restaurant, and sat down at the table, my first thought was: "Hats off, please. Remove that baseball cap, dearie." lol.  I'm beginning to sound like my mother. 


But he did look good here, didn't he?  

I thought he came from a tournament, and for those events, he normally wore a button-down shirt under a sweater. But here he wore a rollneck -- or a TURTLEneck (lol) sweater -- AND a baseball cap. Had he worn a cap before?  This wasn't his usual attire. 

METHINKS he actually dressed up for the occasion. It was Valentine's Day. :P

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36 minutes ago, packmule3 said:

METHINKS he actually dressed up for the occasion. It was Valentine's Day

And the turtleneck sweater is in the same style as the clothes DS picked out for him in China. With his jacket, it creates a similar layered look to the button down/sweater style that DS favors. I'm positive he doesn't wear the hat any other time during the show; I would have remembered because he pulls off this casual style well. 

The best part of that gif for me is how happy they both look. This is after the Burberry man incident so DS could easily be looking downcast and withdrawn there, but she doesn't. She's joking around with the cocktail umbrella and smiling prettily at TK. 

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1 hour ago, phikyl said:

The best part of that gif for me is how happy they both look. This is after the Burberry man incident so DS could easily be looking downcast and withdrawn there, but she doesn't. She's joking around with the cocktail umbrella and smiling prettily at TK. 


Parfaits do wonders



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3 hours ago, packmule3 said:


I know. I hate it too when that happens... crawling to bed at some godawful hour.  It's disorienting like the short distance to your bed is mired with dragons, monsters and goblins [or tables, drawers, and stupid chairs for stubbing your toes on, lol].

Hope you can join us again for the next rewatch! 


Yup. I wiiiiiiiill



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12 hours ago, phikyl said:

TK: 4 vs. JH: 0

I'm going to feel bad for JH at the end of this when TK wins without JH having scored a point. Lol. 


chinggu, can you please elaborate on the scores? LOL im still backreading and currently, im on page 10. but i have to read the new posts too. i can't catch up *cry*. 

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24 minutes ago, koreanlite said:

chinggu, can you please elaborate on the scores? LOL im still backreading and currently, im on page 10. but i have to read the new posts too. i can't catch up *cry*.

Lol! Just tallying up scores for who does things right in reference to DS. Tally didn't start until page 417 [after our re-watch this morning/last night depending on timezone] so if you backread a couple pages you'll see where it starts.

TK: comforts DS on the stairs, openly admits to liking her, etc. 

JH's point is because he doesn't smoke. 

@packmule3 was joking around about keeping score so I just started a running tally. 

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1 hour ago, cooleet said:

Guys did you see this article?


It seems that the episode was inspired because of AlphaGo and hyeri is one of the guests... hehehehe... baduk and Hyeri... I hope Bogum was there too...

Hyeri-ssi, just call your husband for help. He's back from Africa anyway. ;)

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Just some random thoughts/questions about Episode 12

1. No Eul

    I feel for No Eul and actor who played his character. I observed that he was the most physically "assaulted" character (a bit exaggerated but just to drive home my point...) in the drama...I lost count of the instances he was hit in the head or pounced on by his sisters and the Dad,  Also in the running is Dong Ryong.

2. Among the five families, the Sung (DS's), the Kim, and Dong Ryong's  families resort a lot to physical fights and corporal punishments. Remarkably, you don't observe this in the SW's and Taek's families. And their mode of  disciplining really dismays me...don't they realize these kids could sustain head injuries?

3. Why is Sun Woo asking Taek who taught him the cuss words when he was present when DS was teaching Taek these? I found that strange.

4. Going back to our SunTaek couple...

    a. DS protects Taek from pornography, Taek protects DS from the Burberry man...

    b. Now that I think about it, when DS first went to the bathroom and Taek also said he was going, I sensed that he already had in mind DS's possible encounter with the flasher and he wanted to be there for her when it happens.

   c. DS once again performs "wifey" duties by coming to Taek's aid in cutting his pork chop. DS only does these things for Taek, never for JH, SW or much less DR.

   d. Why was Taek not with DS and DR when they went home from the Pork Cutlet resto?

5. JH

    JH's plot really revolves around family and friends, not DS. not his loveline with DS. 

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That’s one thing I find unique about the shippers here, @tiendoank.

If you read the title of the thread, this is the Lee Hyeri/Park Bo Gum aka Deoksun/Taekthread. The oldtimers here, like you and I, know that after a drama ends, the shippers will typically use their shipping thread to spazz about their actors’ private lives and to fantasize that they’re dating out of the public’s eyes. They’ll stalk the couple’s social media, and see links between the timing, photos, and messages of the updates.  

For instance, if a male lead posts a pic of cherry blossoms at 1:00am, and a female lead posts a pic of a dog at 11:00pm, a delusional fan may say, the two couples are missing each other because 1) a dog needs a tree to pis.s on and 2) the posts came right after each other… on the same day.  :crazy:

I think many of us here would like to see the two together. But we’re also realistic enough to know that these two are still young and their career just took a gigantic leap.  So, we’re giving them time and space. If they’re dating, fine. If they aren’t dating, that’s fine, too. I enjoy hearing news about them, and wish them continued success. For me, their having fond memories of each other and of their time working together, is good enough. :D  

[He DID visit her when she was sick, you know. Not sure about the JH actor?  But that wouldn’t go on the scoreboard. Lol.]


credit: tiendoank

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29 minutes ago, Grace1003 said:

3. Why is Sun Woo asking Taek who taught him the cuss words when he was present when DS was teaching Taek these? I found that strange.


Yup ..that was strange


   c. DS once again performs "wifey" duties by coming to Taek's aid in cutting his pork chop. DS only does these things for Taek, never for JH, SW or much less DR.

Won;t agree with this one.. T is the only one in their group who is 'incapable' of these simple tasks... there are ample scenes where others also do same stuff - helping with food and all... now you wouldn't call them wives too right :P


DR has been shown more than couple of times to cut food for Taek ( because either he can't hold chopsticks or whatever), DR helps him wear shirt because he couldn't get the buttons right, if at all.. DR is the wifey..given how much he is paying attention.. except for the restaurant scene...watch anyohter episode where all four are together..its always DR paying more attention to CT ..n its darn cute..also, don't forget even Jun reyol has one of these scenes with CT.. everyone did mollycoodle him..DS did the least..ofcourse before she realized JR doesn't like her..and moved on and started realizing love for CT

   5. JH

    JH's plot really revolves around family and friends, not DS. not his loveline with DS. 

As per director, he is the only one who has everything in life..well debatable but whatever..


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16 minutes ago, packmule3 said:


[He DID visit her when she was sick, you know. Not sure about the JH actor?  But that wouldn’t go on the scoreboard. Lol.]

If africa trip is anything to go by.. he would visit even the most breifly appeared side characters if they were sick..well you know..just because he is soooo polite..


and hyeri is his leading lady from a very successful drama... JH actor JR..wouldn't..he'd be like.."her husband is there..i don't want to create misunderstanding"..bwahaha..that guy has a great sense of humour..some real nice friendships amongst the actor...


Quite sad that PB refused entertainer..it would have been a blast seeing him as a crazy character (as in god crazy)... wonder how he will pull off such roles with that cute baby face

credit: tiendoank


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