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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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YAY! Hey guys :) nice to have taek's room back haha 



Ok so aside from the very obvious title (I see who you really shipped from the start tvN hahaha) this preview especially had some great DS-TK moments (like frypan hit in your face type of moments) and it's a real shame (and mystery?!) as to why they didn't make the final cut. DS's telltale reaction to TK's greeting was especially sweet and very true to her growing feelings and their blossoming dynamic, but I also love the different angle that was used for DS-TK's cursing scene. To have the shot angled from where the three other guys were sitting really emphasised how TK-DS were always in their own little bubble, looking and laughing only at one another. 

It makes me wonder how many other TK-DS moments and scenes were cut and now I'm just hoping we have a director's cut or at least a whole bunch of deleted scenes. 

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oh Taeksunheaven is back lol

some fanvid to celebrate lol


















i love this one it so touching since it about Ot5 friendship which deserve as much love :P 


have fun with the thread guys and stay awesome with your analysis :P 

baduk etiquette :mellow:

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3 hours ago, tiendoank said:

Oh, God. Finally. I never thought I would be this happy knowing this home is open again.

Anyone knows the bgm of this scene?




btw.. I kinda melted a lil bit, or a lot, when I heard Taeki's whimper the second time Deok Sun pranked him. Such a sexy voice.


Hi there ^^ The song is here



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Repost from PM:
@Phuong Tam Nguyen Thanks for calling our attention to this scene, because otherwise I wouldn't have thought to analyse this. Here's my interpretation of it.


1. Bubblegum = Park Bo Gum = Taek

a. Bubblegum rhymes closely with Park Bo Gum.
b. The bubblegum stick was green.
c. On tvN’s YouTube channel, they used the actors’ real names, i.e. Hye-ri, Ryu Jun-yeol, Park Bo-gum. Hence, bubblegum = Park Bo Gum = Taek.
d. Taek was an underground smoker, just like BR. How many times have we seen BR brushing her teeth? Bubblegum can be used in the same way to conceal the smell of cigarettes.

2. Pager: A vital device in any Reply series

DS' pager was  yellow . At the beginning of ep 18, the gang also gave Taek a pager as his birthday present. We never saw him use it, so why introduce the pager? Chekhov’s gun.

3. Two concert tickets

Connect these three, and we have a winner. This scene actually answered a question that bugged me for the longest time: How did Taek find out about the concert?



Taek was all ready to go for the match when DS appeared inappropriately dressed for a concert. As he sized her up, he realised something was amiss. DR popped the obvious question, “Ah, you got dumped again?”

As usual, DS lied to protect her pride. But Taek knew better. He had seen her lie many times when it came to dating. There was only one way to find out the truth without hurting DS’ pride: listen to her voicemail.

So Taek went back to his room, took out his pager’s instruction manual and called the operator hotline. DS was a simple woman. I think it would be easy to figure out her passcode. After all...


I could think of three possible options for DS' passcode:
1. Her birthdate
2. Taek’s birthday
3. The default passcode "1234" 

Afterwards, he then went to the Baduk Centre to forfeit the match in person. Taek had a habit of washing his face after every match. Hence, the scene we saw was what happened after he forfeited the match. 

“I don’t need a beeper”


Taek’s birthday present was a Samsung with me S pager. He said he didn’t need one. It’s true. He just needed the instruction manual. It was DS who needed it.

SW: We wrote down our numbers, so beep us.
Taek: I don’t need a beeper.
DS: We need it, OK? Really…
Taek: I don’t know how to use it.
SW: There isn’t much to it. Just call the number that’s flashing.
Taek: All right.

Samsung knows how you feel

Later that evening, Kim Sajang and his Cheetah watched a Samsung commercial on TV. It was a strange ad with human heads sticking out of stereos - like a crossbreed between human and machine; a merging of human intellect and audio technology. Every commercial in AM1988 alluded to what was happening then, and this was a direct reference to Taek’s pager. Taek found out about DS’ feelings because the pager had kept a voice recording of DS' failed blind date.


TV: An audio (recording) system that knows how I feel… Samsung!
Kim Sajang: Oh, wow… that audio system knows how you feel. It’s better than a person.



So this is how I think Taek found out about the concert. Of course it's just a theory, because we would never be able to know for sure what happened then. But I would think that since it was never aired, the writer had left enough clues to resolve the mystery. What do y'all think?

Also consider the flow of these three scenes.

First, we see DS staring pensively at the bubblegum/pager/concert tickets. 
Then, we see Jung Hwan entering his house, and his mom asked, "Jung Hwan, is that you?"
Lastly, we see Taek bringing milk from the dining table into his room.

This reflected the exact sequence of what happened. Taek (bubblegum) used the pager to find his way to the concert. Then, he went to look for Jung Hwan at his base camp. Finally, he picked up DS (milk) from the lobby and brought her back to his hotel room

Wow, LWJ 9-dan, wow.

On a side note, Samsung devices were frequently seen or mentioned in this episode. They could be actually hinting at SW's surname. Samsung could also mean three Sungs: Sung Duk Seon, Sung Bora and Sung Sun Woo. It became obvious when the gang took a nap in Taek's room and SW asked JH to play some music. "SAM" was cleanly erased, leaving the word "SUNG".


@pixiemoondust Btw, I think I've uncovered the Chocolate Theory. And DS' first love is still SW.

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reposted from PM:

So just to clear up come confusion some of you may have about the drama production world. RJY never auditioned for TK's role.

I think with the research done by the writer to recreate 1988, we would expect the same amount of research for the actors that would carry the characters. So just like 1994 where Trash was based on Jung Woo ( and the writer waited two years for his return from army) and the director had his eyes on go ara many years prior when she did a show for a fellow PD

The same selective decision making went into 1988.

The fact GKP and RHY were picked as SW and BR was on purpose as shown by their first meeting. GKP and RHY also have a short indie university film together being a couple (shared on SW/BR thread) So it is safe to assume the director approached these two after doing research and was aware of their prior relationship.

LDH was approached for the one and only DR. (his fashion sense, off camera personality is clearly similar.)

DS character was based on HR.

PBG was called by the director. Yes, he read the lines of the other characters, but did you really think they would have him read SW because they would switch them?? after all they had planned with RHY as Bora?

As a director you get inspired by your actor, you want to see how much you can mold them into the character, and what things do they bring that will build the character even more. So, you have them do different personalities to see their limits and strengths.

PBG initially declined the director, so you bet that when the director was convincing him, he told him the amazing opportunity he had with TK's role. This is a business people, the director would be going in with a game plan for getting PBG to accept TK. You also should bet that the director had watched PBG with SIG in remember me and saw his range from a puppy to murder.

JH was just debuting. So for his audition he would need to read many roles so that the director know whether he can be funny, mature, cute, ect. 

"Whenever you audition, expect the unexpected, and be ready to work with unusual situations at a moment's notice."

***also something i forgot to mention, that there  are stages to auditions. So, when you get a "call back" (so second stage) that is when they give the specific role for you to act.  they dont not give you your specific character in the first stage.

PBG coming dressed as TK in his second meeting showed this process.

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Natural chemistry between cast members is vital for the director in the reply series. 

Just like how GKP and RHY were told to foster their chemi, I am very sure PBG and HR also knew they were husband and wife ( the BTS, Vapp, collected screen shots of how DS looks at TK vs JH all prove that her widdest smile was always for TK even in ep 2.)

Now HR said she didnt know until ep 15 who the husband was and her answer was very smart. She played on the confused DS being a typical teenage girl so that viewers would calm down on how DS liked three of the guys.

We have to remember when HR auditioned she wasnt sure herself that she could do the role and the knetz were hating on her. The director assured her that she could do it. By doing so he took her under his responsibility.

Right now HR is getting hate from jh shippers, so the director, being on to take care of his staff, probably advised her to say she found out in ep 15/6. Why?

Lets look at Go ara, in 1994 it wasnt Go Ara's acting that was being hated on it was her character NJ! People knew from the start that Go Ara had done her part and showed her heart eyes where only for trash. Her acting was not the thing being focused on but the story and writer for trolling/

Unlike Go Ara, Hr is dealing with comments regarding her acting, that she didnt look believable in being into TK romantically ( people want the "change" in their relationship like you get with JH or SW, not the way it grew into love).

If HR said she had known the husband from ep 1 then viewers would continue to bash her for not acting well enough, but by saying she didnt know from ep 15 they give her the benefit of doubt that it was the directors fault for not coaching her better. See, though HR in her interview blamed herself, she actually directed the focus on the director for not preparing her sooner. Which is exactly what the director would want her to do because she is young and under his care as he was the one that wanted her to play the role and told her to trust him.


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1 hour ago, mangachickava said:

If HR said she had known the husband from ep 1 then viewers would continue to bash her for not acting well enough, but by saying she didnt know from ep 15 they give her the benefit of doubt that it was the directors fault for not coaching her better.


If this is how it really is then props to the director for telling HR to put the blame on the directing because, in my opinion, her acting was fantastic. I can honestly say that I didn't know HR was an idol when I came into this show; I thought she was an actress. I think she did an absolutely fantastic job of subtly conveying DS's feelings for TK. It's upsetting to think that viewers would rather blame the acting than accept the fact that it was their own bias that blinded them to the true love story. 


Also, with the amount of free time [and no R88 threads to haunt!] I've had over the past couple of days, I rewatched the majority of the series looking for the start of two things. 1. TK's showing of jealousy and 2. The earliest indication that DS thought of TK as a man before the China trip. Forgive me the lack of screenshots, I'm very new to Soompi and haven't figured out all the features yet. 

1. I know packmule3 went into 5 instances of jealousy from TK in a post before and that's what made me want to find the earliest instance of it. I found it in episode 2, after TK has his first Baduk match loss and is morose. When the kids come in and start the cursing, TK notices the difference in DS's reaction to JH and SW swearing. After that, we get a TK view of the scene and there's a split second of pout showing on TK's face when the camera pans to him. Blink and you miss it, as I did the first few times I watched the episode. 


2. I'm not sure if anyone has already linked this together or not but I just wanted to get it out there in case they hadn't. During the episode where DS is doing the crab dance in front of the boys DR had said that if a girl does that dance in front of you, she doesn't see you as a man. In the next few scenes we see DS doing that exact dance in front of the 3 boys until TK walks into the room. She immediately stops doing that dance and starts her flirtatious lasso dance. This seems like a clear indication to me that she thought of TK as a man already, even if it wasn't consciously. 

Now someone might want to say that in an earlier episode she's doing her crazy version of the Sobangcha dance when TK walks into the room and she doesn't stop. However, her back was to the door when he walked in during that episode. She didn't see him. Of course she wouldn't stop doing a crazy dance like that if she doesn't realize the object of her true affections had walked in. 


If the colored boxes [yellow, pink, green] on the shelf in TK's room were truly the director's way of showing who was end game, they've been there since Episode 3, possibly sooner but I didn't catch a glimpse of those shelves in earlier episodes. 

Unrelated note: Some of the posts in the main thread are really frustrating to read. Avoiding all mentioning of the TK/DS and JH/DS dynamics there? Really?! That's avoiding quite a bit of story just to appease those who are upset about the ending!

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