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Park Bo Gum ❤ Girl's Day Hyeri aka REPLY 1988 TAEK x DEOKSUN


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33 minutes ago, powerpuff94 said:

Hey everyone! Seems I'm not the only one whom having a major withdrawal syndrom :'D

Btw, I'm watching these scene again where Taek swoop in to carry Deoksun in bridal style. But I can't still quite figure out why Taek is seems so hesitant before offering Deoksun to piggyback her. Can anybody give me an insight to this? 

I was thinking about that as well! My personal take on it is that he still felt awkward and wasn't sure how to go about acting around her now that he cancelled their movie date and his confession and had decided to officially "give her up" and essentially give JH a chance. He's never been shy about his feelings for DS and has never truly hidden them either - has always openly laughed, smiled and been responsive to any skin-ship and said she was pretty. But I think after he made the decision to give in for the sake of JH, he knew that his behaviour wouldn't be "fair" and since he made the decision himself (fuelled by guilt and friendship), he probably thought it only right to follow through with that, push DS away and not do anything that could potentially hurt JH's feelings. 

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29 minutes ago, powerpuff94 said:

Hey everyone! Seems I'm not the only one whom having a major withdrawal syndrom :'D

Btw, I'm watching these scene again where Taek swoop in to carry Deoksun in bridal style. But I can't still quite figure out why Taek is seems so hesitant before offering Deoksun to piggyback her. Can anybody give me an insight to this? 


I'm not sure if there's much to it. But I think since he just decided to step back for JH sake (he cancelled their movie date two days before), he was probably hesitating how close he should get to DS. He was trying to push her away yet he can't not be there for her even for his own benefit. Plus she was the one who was telling him to go ahead without her and he was probably deciding to listen to her and cut off the feelings, or just hell with it I can't leave her.

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Eeks, you caught onto MY little nuances. I agree with you on that front, I don't believe that DS was as heartbroken as JH. But I believe that as time went on, and especially after his confession, she felt bad for him because the depth of her feelings towards him when she was younger just wasn't the same. So that's what I meant with their little interlude. Despite everything, I believe she might've just wanted to spare any pain the news of DS and TK dating would have on JH.

So I tried to portray just a series of people realizing that TK and DS's dynamics had changed, and just what they taught her also. She's pretty confident in her feelings, but sometimes, it helps to have other people remind her just how much she's always looked at TK and how much he looks back at her. 


The thing with the sister bonding was that the sister's seemed fairly close in the future. She was hanging out with them, just for fun and even SW asked why she was there again. I figured it had to have started somewhere, so I decided to make it start in the present. 


These fics were a bit more somber, and bittersweet. I meant to add a funny little interlude where DR finds out when SW and JH let it slip that TK and DS are dating. I might work on that next! 


Thank you so much for your input! I really really love feedback

Also, YES to kissy scenes. I was thinking about writing exactly what went on during that Japan trip, RAWR, but I grow frightened of scaring the young ones who might be perusing this forum hehe. Might still tinker with that also



Read the fic here: http://scribblemedear.livejournal.com/4304.html


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@nuckertuck i love lt.. 

I became giddy at the line, "junghwan knows". Like hell yeah, its about time he finds out lol. 

What iI really love was this line, ""Why would you need mine also," he says, as they trek their way back to Taek's with more kimchi from Junghwan's mom in hand. "You've got the whole world rooting for you". 

Uri Doksunie has no idea that we love her. Haha. Amazing isn't it. I want more(even if its pg 13..huhuhu LOL)..

I'm I wrong for being too greedy?

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Ep 20 recap


“Longing for that time, and longing for that street, is not because I miss a younger version of myself. That’s the place of my father’s youth, of my mother’s youth…of my friend’s youth…it’s the place that holds the youth of everything I love.


“In that landscape, where we won’t be able to gather like that again…I regret being unable to say my final farewell. To the things that are already gone…to the time that has already passed, I want to say a belated farewell. Goodbye, my youth.


“A time so warm and pure it was painful. Can you hear me? If you can hear me, answer me. My 1988, the days of my youth"

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8 hours ago, kilaalaa said:

As requested by @packmule3 and @hafunohane, some translations of DS diary entries in 1988. Could only find a clear copy of these two entries (its before and after the page that was torn by DS). 


@kilaalaa Thanks!  I got the same request but I see you addressed the only pages I could make out.

There are four more pages that @hafunohane sent me that I can make out some words but I need a clearer picture.  Even the second set you sent me has some problems, but here is what I can make out.  I can't figure out how to post the picture here.  

I think the first one has a date of 1988.9.20 with two sunflowers and leaves on the top; it is a page on the right side.  From what I can make out.  "...house silent(?) ... time. That is why a more painful time.  My heart towards you does not want to rest or sleep.  One said people are wired to express.  Thus, today, I gathered up my courage and gave him chocolate."    

The page on the left still has fuzzy parts and words cut off so this is what I can make out: ...together..[illegible words] made me feel as the day passed [guessing because the first two words dictate grammar].  Why couldn't I have been more patient? With this regret, I need to figure out way to bear through and solve my pain? [can only read the first character.]  How come I know what pains me or when I am in pain [both can be correct from the wording], but I can't notice another's pain. ... I really felt deeply today that I must become a person who can be patient and lead while starting first good acts. 

the left page with fewest words with date in the middle of 1988.9._1.  I can't make out the first line.  "It would be good if I can approach it with calmness, coolness, and courage. [word cut off].  love too."

Sorry I can't make sense of the right page, too many words are fuzzy and the angle of the half open page makes it hard to make out DS's characters.  She tends to crunch some, although generally she write very clearly.

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7 hours ago, nuckertuck said:

Seeing as I got such lovely responses from everyone with regards to the first fic I published, I decided to go ahead and write another. 


Please keep in mind that my fic's aren't beta-d, so they're a bit rough around the edges. I hope you'll enjoy them nonetheless and if you'd like to leave me any constructive criticism, I'd absolutely adore that too. I'd love to have anyone also help edit :)

Let me know if you like it! I'ts a bit different, but somewhat the same. I'll try to write something more humorous as the next one!


Catching On


Please write more. Your fanfics are lovely. Maybe something from Taek's point of view?  and more kisses and such? LOL.


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So her diary is full of SW. I seriously think it's funny her crush on Sun Woo had a more lasting impression on her than whatever she didn't have with Junghwan.  Maybe because she was so sure about Sun Woo and expecting things, where Junghwan just confused her.  Oh and now I think she probably likes nice guys who are sweet to her.  They are her type.  So that's another reason she was so into Sun Woo. 

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3 hours ago, chengker said:

And I have finally finished the series! Yay. For someone who took ages to watch 12 episodes, it just took me a little over a day to watch the last 8 episodes. Haha. I guess there is that difference when you know who the endgame is. XD The experience may be different from you guys as I was not searching for clues. I wasn't under nor overanalyzing things. I just watched as it was and now I can really say that Taek has always been the endgame. I wanted to curse the crew when they said that there wouldn't be any husband game when in fact, there was! After finishing the story, I realized how the hunt wasn't ever there anyway. Everything pointed to Taek. If there were no 2016 clips, this would have been a lot easier, I think-- and a lot more rational in the eyes of other ships. It was also difficult for 88 since they casted different actors in the future who have no idea who they are playing. This was also the problem of the 94 series. The present scenes were insinuating a lot of details that Chilbong was the husband. (That freaking part in which he was the previous owner of the house and was sleeping in random rooms is still ugh T.T) But if we remove the present scenes, it would have been easier to see how Najung was just too focused on Oppa. Also, I was watching the series while it was airing so I was also involved in looking out for clues--which all turned out to be red herrings. The other team will realize this soon enough. 

I've said before that TKxDS was a lot more linear narrative than JHxDS. But now that I've finished it, I think their story was more of a full circle in which ends perfectly met. On the other hand, JHxDS was more of a single point of narrative-- it wasn't moving. I personally thought that there was even a greater development in DS as a character when she liked SW as she shed more of her weaknesses back then. With JH, it was a little sad that she was barely being herself around him and was hiding a lot of her weaknesses-- and this to me was not a healthy development in her character.

After watching episode 17, I noticed how different DS handled the situation when she started to see TK as more of a man than a childhood friend. As many of you mentioned, she started seeing him differently even without the words of her friends. It was interesting to see that her friend even told her that TK might have thought of her as a fool when he cancelled their movie date. But despite that, she was still moved by his actions. Maybe this is just the biased side of me but I thought that DS's eyes looked more womanly when she was starting to see TK in a different light in contrast with her girly stares when she was crushing on SW and JH. There was that look of genuineness. It wasn't that kind of look she gave SW and JH before in which she was acting cutesy-- silently asking for returned adoring eyes. See, there was maturity on DS's side when she was realizing her feelings for TK. Her feelings helped her grow.

I read that people were arguing that the writer changed the script or something? I think that's just impossible. They were saying that they had a break for two weeks because there was a story leak and changed everything just to prove people wrong. However, I actually think that it was very brave of the production team to go with TK because that's the real plan. Most people were rooting for JH anyway-- so it would have been waaaaaaay easier to go down that path to please viewers. But it wouldn't have satisfied the story. 

On JH, I think he was a really lovely character and his story was very believable, tbh. It's in his character that he wouldn't have made an 'official' confession and just ended it with a joke. I think that's a layer of his character that was very consistent. People were expecting closure for him but I don't think Reply has given any cleaner closure than his. I mean damn, they did it with Chilbong by letting NJ talk to him and her words were like, 'If I would have a child, I would brag that a famous person liked me.'-- that's kind of annoying (I'm sorry for always inserting 94 thoughts hahaha). That Goodbye, First Love scene was very powerful. I think that what was important was that DS knew and was able to confirm it even if she wasn't saying anything. I think that's what JH simply wanted, for her to know his feelings for him to move on. I think JH already accepted back in the missed concert that theirs was a love story that can never be fulfilled and admitted that TK's love is greater and knew that he deserved her more. After that, he probably just wanted to get it off his chest without causing any more awkwardness. What a cool character, really. Some fans just became overconfident like they were so sure because DS became a stewardess and JH became a pilot? I thought that was even a clearer reason why they are not going to end up together. Both of them have similar jobs and thus, more opportunities to see each other, talk with one another about work and stuff. But it was kind of funny that despite that, JH barely even saw her in the course of six years-- I mean, this was another opportunity he missed! While TK was living a whole different world, it was him who got in contact with DS the most and even their colleagues know each other enough to set them up. I really loved JH's speech on fate and timing. It was to me, the strongest lesson of the show. 

Episode 19 was a ball of fluff. I am going to watch this whenever I would ever feel down in the future hahaha I really love how TK's manager was like, 'he really likes you very much. I'm serious.' I like that TK never denied his feelings for DS to his friends and even colleagues. He wasn't like JH who felt the need to always, always tried to hide his feelings. And if situations were any different, he would have been very open about it to their families (as we've seen how hesitant he was in keeping their relationship a secret). TK is deemed shy but he really is the firmest and most confident of them all. Once he sets himself into something, he does not pull back. Even when he 'retreated' for a bit, he was still focused on one goal. I mean JH, when he knew about TK's feelings, he started ignoring DS and hurting her in the process. TK never did this though. When he knew about JH's feelings, he stopped a little but did not pull back. He never neglected DS or made her feel that she was getting the wrong idea and even did the carrying-the-bride scene to help her out. He even kissed her (although absentmindedly haha)-- goes to show that he wasn't really backing off the game.

I absolutely love how they made TK into the beautiful character that he is. This drama broke barriers on so many levels. They broke the standard of bicker/insult = love. I personally dislike that idea in dramas and especially in real life. They were able to pull off the idea that pure love comes from pure understanding and support. 


I made a long post, I'm sorry. Haha. I just have to pour down all these thoughts so I can go back to reality and start my real work. XD Thanks again for the space! ^_^

@chengker,totally love this post! Maybe because I am somewhat like you in that I only started watching the series after 16 episodes have been aired. So after watching the episodes one after another, it was very clear that TK and DS relationship was becoming mutual (progressing) but JH-DS relationship was singular. If I had watched the episode one by one or week by week, I would think that JH would be the end game and would have gone to the other thread! 

Every episode was like a jigsaw puzzle and when we watch them separately, its hard to piece the whole puzzle. When we watch it one after another, it is easier to piece the whole picture. Maybe thats why even at ep. 16 when I thought JH could be the end game, I had a lot of hidden hopes that TK would be the one. It must be all the TK-DS scenes that were growing on me! 

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Does anyone have a link to download the english subtitle srt files (the one with a more complete translation)? I didn't bookmark the page and can't find it anymore(;へ:)

I can't stop listening to this song, it puts me in a really good mood :lol: And ofc I keep on thinking about Deoksun's and Taek's beach date when I hear it haha I LOVE all the music choices in Reply 1988, I was introduced to so many great songs thanks to this drama



28 minutes ago, miri13 said:

I don't know how good of a time they are having in Phuket since Sung Dong Il (Dad) had to leave suddenly due to the death of his mom.  I think the memorial started today.

This is so sad :c R.I.P to Sung Dong Il's mother, I hope he's surrounded by family and friends. But knowing Sung Dong Il he probably told his cast members to keep on enjoying their vacation (which I'm sure isn't going to be easy)

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