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Ryu Jun Yeol 류준열 - [Best New TV Actor for 52nd Baeksang Arts Awards + Drama Category Rookie Male Award for AAA]


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He's wearing a bib and he's wearing his junghwan uniform..

He's wearing a bib.

Yes, you read that right.

He's wearing a bib.

But still he looks hot???? i thought it was part of his outfit HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHA



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My god the teaser is beautiful!!! I'm grinning like a fool. Everyone is so lovely.. even AJH under the hoodie.

I love love love loooove every seconds of it, I don't want it to end. I AM TEASED. February 19, do come sooner... I can't help~ing







(Please do warn me if this video is inapproriate :crazy:)


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27 minutes ago, arumdaun said:

My god the teaser is beautiful!!! I'm grinning like a fool. Everyone is so lovely.. even AJH under the hoodie.

I love love love loooove every seconds of it, I don't want it to end. I AM TEASED. February 19, do come sooner... I can't help~ing



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(Please do warn me if this video is inapproriate :crazy:)


Hahahaha that video is so funny!!! Woohooo new pics and a teaser for youth over flower? Totally made my day!!! Love love love it! Junyeolie's smile is so infectious when I see him smile I can't help but smile too! I love this man so much it's not even funny! :tears: 

That gif with the wind and the shirt and the n...lol. I hope the wind wasn't too cold because it's no joke how windy it gets in the Namib desert. We stayed a night there and the wind was so strong that our bedding flew away... Back to the topic

they all look so happy and youthful! I think that's really the strength of Na PDs casting, his cast always show how much fun they have and they really look like they had a blast filming for this. :wub: 


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Guest ktiminie

YES, :w00t: YOF teaser is freaking awesome, can't wait!! 

Don't know if it has been posted yet.. but Ryu Joon-yeol’s poster for Glory Day is so HOT!!!





Posters for Ji-soo, Ryu Joon-yeol’s youth movie Glory Day

by girlfriday | February 5, 2016 | 39 Comments

GIMME. I’ve been excited about Glory Day (also called One Way Trip) since it was cast last spring, and that was when Ji-soo was the big breakout after Angry Mom. Now that Answer Me 1988 and Ryu Joon-yeol have happened, I’m pretty much climbing the walls to get my hands on this movie, about four teenage rebels and one unforgettable night.

The film is the first from CJ E&M’s Butterfly Project, aimed at debuting new directorial talent. Glory Day will be the feature debut of writer-director Choi Jung-yeol, who won a Blue Dragon award and a Daejong (Grand Bell) award for his short The Unbearable Heaviness of Nagging. Ji-soo, Ryu Joon-yeol, Kim Hee-chan (Little Bro in Cheese in the Trap, Little Bro in The Producers), and EXO’s Suho make up the foursome of friends who head out for one last hurrah before one of them enlists in the Marines.

Their night out quickly goes awry when they rescue a woman from an abusive man, and end up on the run from the police because of it. And in the midst of that, they’ll be involved in another accident that turns them into suspects. Well that sounds like a hell of a night, even for a troublemaker teen.

Ji-soo is the principled rebel of the group (with a side of wounded puppy, right? Because that’s his specialty), while Suho is the pivotal character who becomes a dilemma for the rest of his friends. Ryu Joon-yeol is the one who makes a crucial decision in a moment of danger, and Kim Hee-chan is a tender-hearted character who shakes things up unexpectedly. It’s not much to go on, but I get the sense that I don’t want to know too much before watching the film, and that the tension will come from the boys’ personalities and group dynamic as much as the crazy events of the night.

The posters are beautiful and angsty, though does someone want to tell them that GLDY isn’t really the way to abbreviate Glory Day, or anything for that matter? So close to perfect, yet so, so far.

Woohoo, Glory Day is headed to theaters in March.

Via Xports News

Credit Dramabeans

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If you didn't know any better, you'd think LDH was a RJY fan himself.




TvN’s Taxi Reply 1988 special (part 1-2) behind-the-scenes with Ryu Jun Yeol and Lee Dong Hwi

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What I would give to be him at this moment:


  (ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ :lol:)

I love the caption this picture was with:


I like the CF. I think it’s cute, and most importantly, I miss the Ssangmun-dong gang. It would be so nice if the 5 of them can gather together to appear on a TV show, or do a CF or two all together. Don’t tell me they are too expensive to afford, because heck, with them together, I’m pretty sure the profit would be multipled by 10. Let’s pray. Pray to CF god.


@chloee34, I couldn't agree more with this!

44 minutes ago, chloee34 said:

'Youths Over Flowers' drops preview of 'Reply 1988' boys' Namibia trip


Star News- Naver: 'Youths Over Flowers' in Africa teaser released... Ssangmundong musketeers in the desert 

1. [+5,363, -74] Damn. Even the preview is amazing already ㅋㅋㅋㅋI thought I was watching a music video ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Looking forward to it

2. [+3,626, -73] Daebak!!!!!!!!!! I was wondering if they'll show the preview but they did!!!!!! I'll tune in on Feb. 19th

3. [+2,974, -66] Africa's picturesque landscapes and these 4.. They're bursting with chemistry. Looking forward to this episode ㅎㅎ

4. [+4,369, -612] Look at the way Ryu Junyeol is smiling, it's making me crazy

5. [+4,100, -572] Park Bogum's photo looks like it could be an ad for Korean Air. "Welcome to Namibia"

6. [+1,022, -43] The preview makes my heart want to explode. Bogum's smile~ I love Ryu Junyeol~

7. [+965, -69] Wow~ Can't wait to see Junyeol^^ Bogum's so handsome~~ Ahn Jae Hong's pose is funny ㅋㅋIt will be worth the wait

8. [+738, -10] Their personalities are so on point in the previewㅋㅋ

9. [+745, -26] Ahn Jae Hong ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+552, -8] The rating would be sky high ㅎㄷㄷ

Source :kkuljaem



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9 hours ago, EMM! said:

EEEEEEEEY so before this day ends,

have your almost!!! daily dose of junyeolie subbed vid haha!


[ENG SUB] Ryu Jun Yeol 류준열 x Lee Dong Hwi for Gillette Korea (Making Film) 

Video source: DC Inside
Subbed by Eyes on RYU | eyesonryu.tumblr.com
Please do not re-upload or translate to other language!
Don't forget to credit Eyes on RYU!
Thank you ^^


dong hwi ssi, how could you do that hahahahaha

it was soo cute to see him speechless and ask Sanghulie to start the engine. i feel like his relationship with sangchul is more like friends than manager and actor.

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Hello all~~ good morning, good afternoon, good evening~~

Ryu Junyeol is in everything with "Youth" , youth movie, youth over flowers, he suits the youth concept so much~~~ I hope No Tomorrow and Glory Day promotion won't be overlapping... hope to see him in both promotion though he is not lead in No Tomorrow. 

LOL~~~ thought Gillette was so cruel to produced that kind of CF of Junghwan, but turned out to be Lee Donghwi was the one actually so brutal! hahahaha~~~ The real CF outcome is already toned down by the editor, well thank then Gillette.

Gosh, Africa is so pretty, I guess my eyes will really enjoy those eye candy, perfect combination of the pretty boys and pretty scenery... Rating will be sky rocketing! how crazy YOF and tvN tease us this early, they aired the preview 2days after they came back from Africa? well okay thanks again! the anticipation is so killing me.....

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16 minutes ago, tituyphing said:

Hello all~~ good morning, good afternoon, good evening~~

Ryu Junyeol is in everything with "Youth" , youth movie, youth over flowers, he suits the youth concept so much~~~ I hope No Tomorrow and Glory Day promotion won't be overlapping... hope to see him in both promotion though he is not lead in No Tomorrow. 

LOL~~~ thought Gillette was so cruel to produced that kind of CF of Junghwan, but turned out to be Lee Donghwi was the one actually so brutal! hahahaha~~~ The real CF outcome is already toned down by the editor, well thank then Gillette.

Gosh, Africa is so pretty, I guess my eyes will really enjoy those eye candy, perfect combination of the pretty boys and pretty scenery... Rating will be sky rocketing! how crazy YOF and tvN tease us this early, they aired the preview 2days after they came back from Africa? well okay thanks again! the anticipation is so killing me.....

I think Junyeol will be more focus in GLD since in this movie he has bigger portion? but he also will support No Tommorow no matter what. i am wondering why No tommorow screen laucnch is delay till March. Isnt his schedule is getting hectic in March. The King start filming and 2 movies promoting will be no joke. Isnt Reply 88 concert also in March? since it would be hold by CJes he surely will come..

i think since both are very very very close that's why Donghwi made the joke. Even Junyeol laughed at it..there's no hurt feeling in his eyes...he just joking around as well.

i think with his busy schedule right after R88, the junghwan's feeling already gone. there's no way he still felt as Junghwan when he went to other continent right after the film ended, meeting new people, and just after he landed to his own country, he dragged to the script reading, bowling, goes to Busan the next day and cycling for 3 days straight hahahahaha...he would be too busy to feel as Junghwan.

i thank Gillete to provide us with the BTS. he keep bowing and bowing to the crew which is such manner. it;s like in the airport after landed from Namibia, he keep bowing to every direction. the first one to bow and the last one to bow as well...his parents teach him so well.

Africa oh Afrika...i love you PDNA. he always gives us more than we expected. i mean, i kind of expected safari journey and desert...but it's more than that..so, I CAN'T WAIT.

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21 minutes ago, aprodithe said:

I think Junyeol will be more focus in GLD since in this movie he has bigger portion? but he also will support No Tommorow no matter what. i am wondering why No tommorow screen laucnch is delay till March. Isnt his schedule is getting hectic in March. The King start filming and 2 movies promoting will be no joke. Isnt Reply 88 concert also in March? since it would be hold by CJes he surely will come..

i think since both are very very very close that's why Donghwi made the joke. Even Junyeol laughed at it..there's no hurt feeling in his eyes...he just joking around as well.

i think with his busy schedule right after R88, the junghwan's feeling already gone. there's no way he still felt as Junghwan when he went to other continent right after the film ended, meeting new people, and just after he landed to his own country, he dragged to the script reading, bowling, goes to Busan the next day and cycling for 3 days straight hahahahaha...he would be too busy to feel as Junghwan.

i thank Gillete to provide us with the BTS. he keep bowing and bowing to the crew which is such manner. it;s like in the airport after landed from Namibia, he keep bowing to every direction. the first one to bow and the last one to bow as well...his parents teach him so well.

Africa oh Afrika...i love you PDNA. he always gives us more than we expected. i mean, i kind of expected safari journey and desert...but it's more than that..so, I CAN'T WAIT.

which one do you mean will hold by Cjes?? if do you mean the The Reply concert? it is by CJ E&M the big company who also owned tvN. It is not held Cjes. many people thought they're the same though, but they are not. 

Yeah those ad-lib by Donghwi bec he and Junyeol is very close, even Junyeol said Donghwi brightened up the mood on confession scene, the way donghwi comfort someone is making joke of the wounds, it will be easier and heal faster i guess, I mean Junghwan's wound not Junyeol's kkkkkk.

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Anyong everyone!

YOF teaser!!!! waaaaaaaa!!!! RJY all smiles and having fun is just :heart:

Na PD is such a tease LOL he's showing the calm before the storm. I mean they're all happy in that teaser and then the next teaser, he might show their misery :lol: I'm feeling bad for finding happiness in their sufferings, but what can I do? That's the best part in this show LOL.

PBG smiling while eyes closed I can't help but smile and close my eyes too, AJH being dorky just seeing him blowing the sand is so adorable, and GKP just having so much fun doing a cart wheel in the sand. It would be better if LDH was with them too.

The YOF Iceland did a press conference, so there might be one on this Africa trip too, right? If so, then we will see them before the airing of the show.  


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@pluie625 wahahahaha so agree, calm before the storm~~~ my prediction is first episode will be the chaos kidnapping thingy, that would be funny episode and all the suffering, hardship, until they find lodging for themselves and also showing bogummy's kidnap scene and his struggle to get hyungs. as for second episode early part they will reunite with bogummy... and the next next episode we will get the touching one... haha.

Yeah usually they do press conference on the day they will air the first episode, thanks for reminding me!!! yeaaay~~~ 

I got so excited to know more about jaehong, he seems to be an interesting person. I think he is so chills and calm person, who always laughing innocently in any difficulties. 

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