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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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Guest fleshwithoutblood
1 minute ago, Howlongwillthisfandomlast said:

Can you tell me the post? When did Taek confessed? Taek like her since ep2 but he also hasn't do richard simmons until ep12(telling the rest he likes Deoksun =/= Deoksun aware that Taek likes her, he also cancelled the movie date after knowing Junghwan likes Deoksun). It took Deoksun to say 'your life must be good because you do not have love related problems' in ep14 for him to START doing something. Both guys are the same when it comes to not doing anything. Just that the series emphasize on Junghwan because he is the main character and this story is about his 'hesitation' leading him possibly losing the chance of him not ending up with his first love. 

Lol I didn't know either, I was also confused about that. I just let it be, because I guess it's possible for him to have confessed already, but they've never shown or mentioned him confessing. Yes, I think that person was just angry and scared, and they must have imagined it simply because there were episodes with TK-DS together while JH was outo f the picture. Yeah, I agree that's why everyone is focusing on JH's confession, it's because that's what the show itself is focusing on (which should be a big clue imo).

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Guest wizengamot
32 minutes ago, aqueous said:

Here are my thoughts on ep 17 & 18:

Forrest Gump's feather & JH's confession

Just like how the feather appeared at the protagonist's feet at the beginning of the FG movie, I think the feather fluttering outside of JH's window signifies episode 18 being JH's story. FG can be seen as a story of growth as it followed the protagonist from when he was a boy. R1988, too, follows JH's growth. He was first introduced as a dog, "not yet human." And throughout these two months, we saw how JH grew to be such a sensitive and kind young man. "Goodbye first love" (ep 18) is sort of like his coming-of-age milestone. His first love taught him about decisions, the consequence of hesitation, timing, etc, a bittersweet chocolate in his "chocolate box." I think saying "goodbye" to his first love (the confession) doesn't mean he no longer likes her; it's just a part of his maturation process. The things that he weren't able to say to DS when he was a teen, now that he is a wiser adult, he can say them, even if it's too late (at least he thinks so). It's his way of coming to terms with the past, regrets, choices, and the future. I see it as his "becoming human" in the dog/human metaphor of his character. I think the confession was a healing for him. The love he bottled and hid, he could finally put it into the open.

His confession is big moment of growth. It takes a lot of courage to confess like he did in front of two other friends. In the past, there were a lot of things he wanted to say to/do for her but he was not able to. Wanted to give her a jacket, couldn't. Wanted to ask her to the concert, couldn't. Wanted to wear the pink shirt, couldn't. Wanted to clarify the pink shirt misunderstanding, couldn't. His first love was a series of regrets because he couldn't cross that line. I think he has learned the important lesson of "whatever will be, will be" here. Before Taek's confession, he held back a little despite having some opportunities to cross that line. Then for the longest time, he held back for Taek. I think this holding back is a prominent character trait of JH, growing up alongside sickly JB and in financial mires. So for me, this confession is his first not-holding-back and letting himself do what he wants. que sera sera the consequences and the implications.

No matter what SW and DR think, the confession was real for both JH and DS. JH never said it was a joke. He only said "It's that enough for you" to DR. DS knows it's real; that's why she only smiled when SW asked if she was surprised. I think he'll still like her even if it may seem like he has resigned. It's not that easy to stop liking someone one has liked for 6/7 years (or more).

Taek's Dream and DS's Choice

I think the kiss was real. I don't know why DS kissed TK back, but what happened after the kiss represents DS's choice and her thoughts for me. Throughout the last 16 episodes, her real feelings were kept hidden. The kiss was a clever way to reveal them. She chose to NOT pursue a relationship with Taek: DS is a "responder;" what I mean is she doesn't take the first step. She responds to cues: she started to like SW after her friends suggested he may like her, she began to have a "some" with JH after his "hajima." From DS's point of view, Taek's feelings were made clear to her through the kiss, his cue. Unlike with SW and JH, she did nothing. Because she doesn't want a relationship with Taek/doesn't like him that way.

Now that JH has made his feelings clear to her, I hope she will respond to him like how she always did :) I am expecting a sincere confession from DS to JH just like JH's confession.


everything here made total sense.

yeah, i think JH's goodbye first love is not even saying he's letting go of DS. I think it is him growing from a boy who loves her to becoming a man who loves her. He's letting go of his boyish way of love; adoring her secretly, doing things without explanation, being madly in love (like it's life and death, like you can overcome the world). I remember R97 describing first love is a kind of love where there is youthfulness that didn't know how to be wise. It's basically the first time of feeling that emotion and usually there is unsurpassed passion that the youthfulness wanted to express but is then too much to handle. By confessing, JH is letting go of that first love. He's ready to take on an adult love, a mature one now by bearing his heart despite being scarred. It will not look as pure and unblemished as the first love because it has  experience heartbreaks (and scars). So from being the boy who'd rather die than confess, he thought he'd rather confess than take it to the grave. I'd like to think that his sudden backpedal is his way of keeping her by his side because she's too significant in his life to lose. He probably thought that she doesn't feel the same (the way she looks at the door everytime the bell rings). Because even though it came off like a prank, DS would still think about it regardless especially that they actually has a thing (no matter how vague) before.

About the TK-DS kiss. i am one of those who think it is a dream for a number of reasons (like the weird position coz there's so tiny space in that DS position, why would she even want to lie down like that. plus the whole dream-like effect. and that DS was shown to leave the room). but i think, the kiss being a reality too is not at all bad nor doesn't it endanger JH's being the husband. Actually, it just proves that DS can't like TK. As people keep telling that DS likes back whoever likes her yes it gives off the impression that she's a responder. However, this proves that her respond would not always be positive or to automatically like the person. If an idea of love was pushed to her, she might consider it, test it but in the end her heart would still be the one to decide. So if that kiss was true, it's her testing if she have feelings for TK, and seeing as how she brushed it off the next day. It clearly means that she doesn't want to pursue a romantic relationship with him.

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Guest wizengamot
19 minutes ago, Howlongwillthisfandomlast said:

Can you tell me the post? When did Taek confessed? Taek like her since ep2 but he also hasn't do richard simmons until ep12(telling the rest he likes Deoksun =/= Deoksun aware that Taek likes her, he also cancelled the movie date after knowing Junghwan likes Deoksun). It took Deoksun to say 'your life must be good because you do not have love related problems' in ep14 for him to START doing something. Both guys are the same when it comes to not doing anything. Just that the series emphasize on Junghwan because he is the main character and this story is about his 'hesitation' leading him possibly losing the chance of him not ending up with his first love. 

I laughed whenever people say Junghwan should give Deoksun to Taek because Taek cried for 3episodes(ep15-17) because let's forget that Junghwan didn't eat and sleep well and is sad for 10episodes(5,6,10,11,12,14,15,16,17,18) because of similar reasons. 


i was even laughing when they said that DS-JH had no angst moments like that of ordinary kdrama, like really? so tell me what did you call all that brooding and misunderstanding and all these past episodes? TK's angst, which only lasted for a couple of episodes (even minutes) is compared to every kdrama's second lead male angst, which is so few, i could make a fanvid, compared to JH, of which you could compile as an entire episode. 

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5 minutes ago, tesasonzzz said:


Anyways, enough with my reactions, tell me yours!!!!!

 Sorry i cut your post :sweatingbullets:


For me, i've been looking forward to Reply 1988 when i first heard news about third installment of reply series out. Its because i've been Reply franchise fan since Reply 1994 (i watch it first then 1997). At that time the news out, i was so crazily in love with Byun Yohan that i stalked all his IG post :sweatingbullets: and then i discovered Jisoo from Angry Mom. I did the same stalking his IG and found out that both of them are close friends to each other.

From their IGs, i got to know their other friends. At that time, i didnt know that all of them are actors as well because they're so unfamiliar. Tbh, i recognized them by their IG account names. I didnt know Junyeol's name and i just called him ryusdb :sweatingbullets:. And then one day, Byun Yohan post a picture of Junyeol and Donghwi congratulating them for chosen to act in Reply 1988. I was so happy at that time because i have this good feeling that both are great actors (because Yohan and Jisoo are really great actors as well) and they're gonna rock this 3rd reply series

Sorry for my long post :sweatingbullets:


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Guest fleshwithoutblood

Oooh @tesasonzzz do you have a link to that DC post with reactions? I'd find that interesting.

I don't think I had much of a reaction, I was still burned out from the last Reply series lol. I just thought, well, Hyeri is an interesting choice (I liked her as an idol, but wasn't expecting much, though I had trust in the pd to find her strengths). Then, I knew Go Kyung Pyo from when he first started showing up on the scene and thought it'd be great for him to finally get his break. Park Bo Gum was the only other one I knew (I think), but I was indifferent towards him. I was glad to hear Kim Sung Kyun was coming back. Actually, I didn't pay much attention to this one until a few episodes had aired, but I remember being really glad to see Ra Mi Ran in the cast and recognizing the actor who played Taek's dad from a movie where he was quite funny (don't remember the title off the top of my head, but it starred Kim Min Hee and Lee Min Ki), so I was glad he was getting a chance to shine. That's about it.

Oh and yeah, I think I assumed GKP would be the main lead when casting news came out? But at that point I was like who can predict with these writers who the lead will be until the episodes actually start airing lol. (I actually knew of both Jung Woo and Yoo Yeon Seok before R94, but I think I assumed it'd be YYS) I guess I don't bother guessing who the leads will be before the show starts with Reply now haha, especially since they like using unknowns or lesser known actors.

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5 hours ago, mojobobo said:


Whilst Taek may have seen the postcard it is not possible he saw DS and SW's encounter because Taek was away for a competition. 



Ok everyone I think Shin PD is gonna fake us out with this spoiler wedding and then only to show it is SW and BR, kinda like what they did with Oppa ya's brother's wedding in R1994 hahahaha. 





I wonder if seeing RHY in the gown would change GKP's mind about dating in real life wahhahahhah (and same for RHY seeing GKP in his wedding suit). 


I think spoilers can't be avoided if they are filming outdoors. Not just reporters will be there but the average passerby and people working in that building too. 



I forgot about that .

Thank you for remind it to me.  @parkangelThank you both for your replies chingus.



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Guest nchoerunnisa
38 minutes ago, wizengamot said:
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@Nurul Choerunnisa @iloveenglishsubs omg!! i watch that jdorama too!!! (it's yamapi right?)


@wizengamot Yup... Hallelujaaaah chance! *wink*



Bonus (so my post won't be OOT :D)

One of my favorite JH-DS's scene: JH wants to listen to the song that DS enjoys so much... Aww he always pays attention to every little things she does :wub:

You're awesome <3

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As someone shared their thoughts on AM1988 prior to its telecast, I also would like to share mine...

I think I watched AM1997 in 2014, while I loved it I couldn't get myself to watch it again and without even knowing that AM1994 is from the same techies I just watched it in feb,2015 as I had nothing else downloaded in my lappy to watch when I was bored with my thesis while I was at my university where we don't have internet, but I just loved it and got hooked up. I got to know much later that AM1994 is predecessor of AM1997 and this year around october when I came to know about AM1988, I was really too excited that I myself started a thread on this in India-forums (I am an Indian and we have a thread there for Asian shows). My expectations were too high and I thought I must wait until its completion but couldn't hold back and did a marathon of 12 eps. I must say I love this the most and I also think this is gonna be my top one which I am gonna store in my hard disk and watch forever...

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Hi guys~~ Seriously my daily routine has changed so much since I started I watching this drama. I used to dread fridays because all my difficult classes are on fridays ;_; but since reply 1988, I became motivated to survive through the day and live stream it when I get back from school. So when this drama ends, I'll go back disliking fridays ;___; anyway enough ranting about my school life. hehheh sorry :sweatingbullets:


anyways since some of you shared about first reaction about the series, I want to talk about my reaction too.

Soooo, I wasn't anticipating the series anyways because I have been out of touch with Kdrama but one day I read about junghwan and deoksun "awkward" skinship (in ep 3) article in soompi, so I got curious and proceed on watching the clip. But, still it wasn't enough for me to start watching the drama. So instead, I started reading the recaps at dramabeans, at that time the latest episode was episode 8, and as I was scrolling thorugh the comments some said they weren't feeling the chemistry between JH and DS, and some even commented the romance part of the series was so lackluster it's the worst out of the bunch. And guess what because of that particular comment I started googling about ryu jun yeol, found his IG, watched socialphobia teaser and I think you guys can guess what happen next. After that, on the first day I went into this thread, it was the day after ep 9 aired so the infamous 'CHALJARA' scene was all over the thread, and after watching it I WAS SOLDDDDDDD and started watching the previous episodes. Since then I've been shipping this couple real harddd its affecting my real life lol.

so yeah that's how I got this fandom.


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My Story @tesasonzzz

I am in love wirh Reply Series, so when they announce Reply 1988 i was so happy but I really want they make Reply 2000 because I dont know anything about 1988 (i think that time they want to choice R88 or R2000.

When they announce Hyeri as lead male and I read so many negative comment, i was like 'HEOL~ netizen angry again, but they also angry when Go Ara announce as cast R94 and they praise her, let see'. I love Girls Days song and my bias is Yura (I am a JjongAh shipper too back then HAHHAHAHA). But I dont know anything about Hyeri.

When male cast announced, I am so happy because Go Kyung Pyo. I looooooove that man, I watch all his series and i know his acting always good. They announced Park Bo Gum and I so excited because i love GKP & PBG bromance in Tomorrow Cantabile. So, back then, I think GKP and PBG is husband candidate.

I watch ep 1 and 2 and my eyes is always see Sun Woo HAHAHHAHAHA. I ship DS and SW before but Episode 3 really change my life to this shipper! Jung Hwan stole my heart with THAT ALLEY SCENE!!!! I cant take my eyes from him and i really in love with him HAHAHHA. I even watch again from episode 1 and 2, because back then I think his character is something like Samcheonpo or Haitai HAHAHHAHAHA.

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Thanks @carolinedl For correcting me about the siblings marries law! :)

I also interested with the Forrest Gump scene, bec in SWH's interview at the beginning of this drama (I shared before) he talked about that Forrest Gump movie and I believe he planned to make it. And I also believe he would give it to lead characters to remake that scene. And did you all notice the feather fly to JH's other side window that never opened before (not important tho, I just happy that finally they make a use of it)

If people do polling about who's gonna be the husband I bet Junghwan will still win it. 

I didn't watch 1994 ongoing. I asked my friend what was happening back then? She said 94 is actually worse bec it's so obvious Trash gonna be the husband, the girl's feeling was so clear unlike this time on 88. I am thinking to myself, when I still strongly believe JH is the hubby for DS even with lack of clue or statement of DS's feeling. So I think LWJ and SWH must be so happy and excited that they're successful repeating the history. 

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@tesasonzzz Honestly, when I heard about next Reply series, I didn't interested AT ALL. Simply because I'm traumatized from previous series. So, I thought I'm not gonna watch it. But..my friends from chat groups always talk about it, esp. when cast being announced. At that time my friends feel disappointed with Hyeri, but now they love her,  hahahaha..I my self never seen Hyeri in drama so I had no comment about her..and I barely know Girl's Day too..and about the male casts, I didn't know them all, even PBG & GKP, lol. I watched Socialphobia before but didn't know that funny guy is RJY. I should've change my glasses. I watched Warm & Cozy failed recognize GKP in ep.1 - 2, hahaha..and since I didn't follow Cantabile ofc I barely know PBG. I only know SUng Dong Il, Lee Ilhwa, Kim Sung Kyun. And I'm surprised knowing Ra Mi Ran also acted in Hot Young Blood! AHAHAHa, again..I failed to recognize people *sigh* But, since my friends talked about it many times, I was curious. Then I watched ep.1..BAM. I feel in love with KIM JUNG HWAN/RYU JUN YEOL! He gave me YJ vibes and I'm sure he's the husband. So, yeah..here I am now..flying high with this airbus flight like not having real life. I'm ruined! LOL

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Awesome! :D Let's talk about first reactions... 

Well, for me it was a bit different. When I heard the news about this new Reply installment I was excited... though I wasn't sure about Hyeri (after the disaster of Hyde,Jekyll and I), but what really turned me down was the cast for the male lead role. I mean, I knew PBG from Nodame Cantabile (He was so charming!) and GKP from the same drama and also FBND, but when it comes to this series I must admit I'm very picky with "who's giving me the hubby vibe" and none of them was working for me. I don't know why, I couldn't imagine myself swooning over GKP perfect body or PBG perfect face. I needed something else, whatever that was. Of course, I didn't know about Lee Dong Hwi and RJY casting... Given the articles I assumed the first two were running for the lead/second lead role and the others were just to fulfill supporting cast. On the first episode I was gladly surprised to find a new face (I love discovering new actors/actresses!) and from the first moment I saw him bickering with DS I knew it was him. I was like "Yeaaah... this is what I was talking about! This guy is doing it for me."

Obviously, his charm throughout the drama was what won me over, but nonetheless I thought he was hella attractive. After reading some comments saying he wasn't at all, or some others saying he was ugly but his personality was great, I was like: "Really? but he's sooooo damn fine to me!" :P LOL I guess it's all a matter of perception. 

Anyway, ALMOST 500 pages! :o  You guys rock!!


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When casting news first came out I guess I was pretty neutral towards Hyeri? I saw her in Hyde Jekyll Me and thought she was ok, not great and not bad either so I didn't really understand the hate she was getting. Plus in the previous series Go Ara did well so I had faith that Shin PD would guide well. To be honest I didn't even know who Ryu Jun Yeol is until I saw the show itself hahaha oops mianhae oppa. I only know that I was happy PBG and GKP were cast because these 2 could act and I also thought the husband race would be between them!!


Actually I wasn't planning on watching this series until it was over because I didn't want to get caught in shipping wars again. 


Then my friend was chatting with me and was saying Taekie is so poor thing....so one day out of boredom I went to Dramabeans to read the recaps and then somehow I got sucked into watching the show live or reading live recaps TT_TT And through this I met Kim Jung Hwan and there was no going back. :heart:

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