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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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27 minutes ago, vilavila said:

So, a question for anyone who remembers reply '94 in response to a post in MT.

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Someone noticed a bride and groom doll set in TK's room. Do you recall whether there was a similar bride and groom doll set in reply '94 and where was it? 


From what I remember there was.  There were even 2 traditional marriage ducks at some point.  For JH/DS there was the Japanese married couple that someone pointed out before.

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Gud day chingus. Or Gud evening to some. :)

haven't back track yet.. So not sure if this theory has been put in the table.. 

With regards to the prophecy.. That our 3 ommas' received from the fortune teller. Is it possible that she had a little bit of mixed up. JH and SW omma both asked the question simultaneously.. So fortune teller told them to ask one by one.. 

So, JH omma went first.  Lady then told JH omma that her eldest would have a great fortune -by which the other two omma seconded by saying Oppa JB would maybe pass the waiting list. DS omma even said to JH omma... this lady even knows you have an older son. But then they also asked when is that happening.. The good fortune.. And lady said by end of lunar year? Not sure now what they call the other one (was it calendar year?) and the timeline in between is a mystery to me. DS omma added that maybe JB oppa might win another lottery. 

then lady also mentioned that second son would do well on his own ( not sure if SWs omma prediction came after or before saying this though.. Need to rewatch that part..) 

SW omma asked about her son getting into a university (was it yonsei or seoul.. Me not sure again. Lol.) and lady said she'll have a better fortune than that. 

DS omma mentioned DSs name, by which lady predicted was the reason of her failing little by little not getting into college. And so the name change. 

We learned by the mid hour what lady predicted with SW omma -that she'll be having another son.

Later on... JH omma was furious with the lady fortune teller saying she's a fake coz JB oppa obviously didn't pass... Well Not until a few yrs after. 

And the probability of SW omma being pregnant with another child was close to nil that time. But then by the end of the epi.. We or me at the very least assumed that the 'son' she was predicted with of having is not a newborn but could possibly be 'Taek' himself. As we see Taek coming in with SW to eat with them. 

So.. That's the end of it!?? Maybe.. Maybe not. How so?!

With the recent development on the last epi. There's a hint of a possible pregnancy with JH omma. (A menopause is feasible but I would think that she's still too young for that to happen u know) and IF and only IF this indeed happen -JH omma being pregnant... There's a high probability that lady fortune teller might have gotten her prediction mixed up between the two omma having 'two' sons. 

the 'older son' predicted to have a great fortune would have been SW.. He got into medical school with a full scholarship .. Now with regards to the timeline -whether it's within the lunar or calendar year that he got that news I'm not too sure of beCoz am not familiar with the Korean calendar to say the least. But having a full scholarship for med school for SW omma is almost like hitting a lottery jackpot, is it not?

So I've come to a theory that the second son predicted as living fine on his own would be TaEk. Cozy technically.. He is SW ommas' second son by marriage or by association with TaEks appa, no? (Am I being too biased here. Lol. )

not sure whose older by age.. SW or TaEk.. But regardless.. I would still think that SW is older.. Even if it's just beCoz he is the first son in her family.. (Still me being biased.. Lol.)

sooo.. There's goes my delusional theory. Not sure which one I'll be more embarrassed to admit -me driving for over an hour to work thinking of R1988 storylines the whole time.. Or me getting it all wrong with this theory. Hee. Later chingus. 


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Guest wizengamot

ok, you know i've been coming to MT lately, at the latest page someone pointed out that sympathy for JH is unfair to TK because TK also is suffering and has stepped back for JH. And she/he even said that how much it must have hurt TK when he found out that DS got stood up on the concert so he run all the way for her, not caring about his match or career.

My simple question that always baffles me though is...

Why can TK cancel a match but not confess to DS for six years? If he is so willingly be the the talk of the town and/or the baduk world because of cancelling a match that is very unlike him, that even his family and neighbors would heard of on the radio, why then can he not confess in those six years? 

Anyway, my simple answer to why people are focusing on JH is because he's the one who bear his heart out. Yes, JH and TK suffer. But no, I'm not going to take pity on JH for suffering because he brought it upon himself. He could have confessed but he didn't and the same goes for TK (he didn't confess), it's not like they don't have a choice. They could confess and possibly lose the friendship or stay quiet and keep the friendship. It's both hard but the point is: They have a choice. You can't tell me they don;t have a choice. 

But because after all this time, JH finally spoke and wear his heart on his sleeve. He peeled something of himself. He took off the tough facade and that is why people are focusing on JH.

@ricenamja thanks heh :)


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2 hours ago, EMM! said:

I hope everyone is coping up easily~

Seriously.. this thread is so lovely..
I got over my pain and now I'm laughing and feeling light as I read through our thread, and even in the MT.
(we don't even talk about the kiss scene anymore???? hahahahaha the confession scene broke us all XD)

We'll have to repeat what we did for the past two days yet again once the subs are out in a few hours.
I'm sorry for reminding you about it.

And for those who are feeling like they're losing hope, and felt like they were cheated and should've gone the other way..

Try to think hard as you can as to why you believed Junghwan is Deoksun's husband, don't even try to hunt for clues, for symbolisms, for parallelisms-- think about it yourself using your own capabilities and guts and wits-- you'll understand why you even shipped them in the first place. 

It's not yet the end, but we all have to deal with this ending, so if ever fate and timing and destiny are not on our side, let's keep our cool and think about the fun memories we had on this thread!

I can't help but feel emo..

Today is the last Monday we'll ever wonder who Deoksun's husband would be. 


We will never give up till the end because when we are talking about clues, both can fit in to be the husband so we stay positive e and that's right we will enjoy this, if it will break out heart at least we knew that somewhere out there,  there are persons like  JH and DS. 

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7 minutes ago, emy_rose said:

Hi chingu,

first of all I want to say that I really am happy that you and so many people liked my posts :)

Everyone, I appreciate your support... really :wub:

But this will be my only post on this beautiful shipping paradise till next week because right now "I'm shipping the script"... yes I know please don't think that I'm out of my mind like someone we all know I'm just keeping my distance from the beautiful posts that I read here because I want to be "impartial" as much as possible for that narrow mind that is talking nonsense on the MT.

But I really liked a lot that you pointed out that that person is not replying to my posts because that's really what I want... I want her to say that I'm a JH shipper and that I'm not impartial... I want to point out how arrogant she is when she insist that her strange theories are the only possible interpretation while hiding behind that writer shipping thing... since I'm liking R88 too that means that I'm liking the writers too, I'm just understanding things in my own way... 

Anyway it's really a pity that so many people are avoiding the MT because it's not a space where we can all love the writer's work freely anymore.

This is the last week so  I don't want to stay silent anymore and since I'm like JB I'll not stop till I'll get what I want... that person needs to admit that she is not omniscient


Yeah, I understand the impartial part. We'll see you in the MT anyway :) I hope you'll get an answer and we'll support you if things start to get heated!


I wish she would have answered my post. When she accused me of being blind, I actually clarified what I meant, other TK/DS got it, and no answer from her. Then the previous episode actually proved that she was wrong (She had said that Taek had loved DS first, though we have seen that JH has liked DS from a while back!) and still nothing... I don't think she will ever answer since her argument of then has been destroyed.

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Guest wizengamot

@carolinedl @emy_rose she only answers those who praise her (and follow her lol. she mentioned why the TK shippers are following her everywhere. she must have like that) so she's only answering the TK shippers or any neutral who would ask her. But i don't think she will answer any JH-DS shipper. Even though you say you're not a DS-JH shipper, i bet she still thinks you are. I'm just super glad now that she finally admitted that she thinks it's TK. Coz really, it is so frustrating to have her be all i-m-neutral-and-is-shipping-the-script then misinterpret, over analyze, read too much of the actions and dialogues in a way that it will point to TK. -_-


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11 minutes ago, Richi07 said:

Chingu i just want to ask, why DS always wearing skirt when she was with JH? ( except when she pretending to dislocate in LMS concert 1989)

i remember she wearing skirt :

- when she going to mbc concert with JH

- when she going to apgujung with her friend, and then JH come along at McD

- when she going to JH birthday party

- when she going with all the ssangmundong gang

- and last, when JH farewell in ep. 18

 at my opinion because I'm a girl, i always wearing skirt when i really want to look pretty and when with someone special to get my crush atten:wub:tion . Or it's just me to feel this is a clue/hint to person who DS like



On this point even when DS was going to meet her date for the movie (and she and JH missed each other) she was wearing pants and not skirt hehehe


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Guest wizengamot
5 minutes ago, lala14 said:




Btw, can anyone teach me how to remove picts in quote?


go to edit then highlight the pics then press delete or back space. 

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5 hours ago, laurahandayani said:

I was really worried after watching ep. 17. That damn kiss scene really gets me. Seems like the writers want us to guess if it is a dream or not. But honestly I think it doesn't really matter. Even if it did happen, the fact that DS acts like nothing happened is an answer to TK. She loves JH. Of course I want JH to be her first kiss, but reply series is portraying reality. Not all first kiss means true love/the last love.

I hope I don't offend anyone, but I feel like the kiss scene is stuffed in there to fulfill DS x TK shippers' thirst. (and more epic victory for us :P) Yes, TK is definitely an attractive character and he is definitely popular. But I don't think Reply 1988 writers would change the script just because of his popularity.

After watching ep. 18, I felt somehow relieved. I think someone mentioned before that something must have happened after the concert between DS x TK. I concur! I think that the reason she keeps looking to her pager and the door is  because TK finally confessed but DS doesn't feel the same and she feels bad.

I LOVE JH's confession scene. That was DAEBAK! DS's smile is like saying, "FINALLY, I KNEW IT! What took you so long to confess, JH.." LOLOL


I mean look at his eyes. DS definitely knows he's dead serious.



:flushed::heart::wub::blush: Can't wait for the last 2 episodes, chingu!!!


this is what i really need!!! thank you for your great analysis of DS's behaviour which got me felt so restless bcs i kept thinking it was her showing not so subtly about her developed (from friend to special one) feeling towards Taek. but then i realized that nothing happened between DS and TK in time 1989-1994 by read their usual deeds to each other. So i can be pretty sure that DS don't love Taek nor consider him as man like her crush to SW or her feeling to JH back then (and now). the writernim is indeed so witty in making plot to direct the audience to not-the-actual-meanings of so many scenes in this drama a.k.a guessing-game-like. 

i pray hard for DS's feeling for Taek is mere guilty and not love!! please i just can't stand seeing JH so heartbroken with his bitter smile when he stared DS and noticing she's waiting for Taek.

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Okay so this is unrelated to JH-DS but I was wondering how you guys interpreted that scene in ep 17 between Taek and JH at the soccer field. That is when JH asks Taek if he opened his wallet, and he replied with a perfectly clueless expression that he didn't. I love Taek as a character very much but didn't any of you feel he was being a little too crafty in that scene? The very fact that JH brought up the topic of the wallet indicates that he was willing to have a heart-to-heart conversation with Tk regarding DS and yet Taek diplomatically avoided it. My question is why? To spare JH the awkwardness or because of his latent desire to let JH keep playing the noble idiot till the end? Why not instead opt for the simple solution of confessing to DS and find out whom she accepts?

My guess is Taek is a little unsure of whether DS will accept his proposal at all and this is why he purposely steered clear of any discussion. Maybe he himself believes that chances of DS accepting JH are way higher than accepting him? 

Obviously I'm not trying to bring down Taek's greatness as a character just questioning what the implication of this scene could be. What do you guys think?

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16 minutes ago, Richi07 said:

Chingu i just want to ask, why DS always wearing skirt when she was with JH? ( except when she pretending to dislocate in LMS concert 1989)

i remember she wearing skirt :

- when she going to mbc concert with JH

- when she going to apgujung with her friend, and then JH come along at McD

- when she going to JH birthday party

- when she going with all the ssangmundong gang

- and last, when JH farewell in ep. 18

 at my opinion because I'm a girl, i always wearing skirt when i really want to look pretty and when with someone special to get my crush atten:wub:tion . Or it's just me to feel this is a clue/hint to person who DS like


yeah, i think that too.

and remember SW once said that BR only wearing skirt when she meet her boyfriend. 

and BR is DS sister after all...

so maybe in this thing, BR and DS is look a like at each other.

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