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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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wah....seriously this thread never sleep and moves fasster and faster... (hug you guys.....).. Just take a nap and doing dirty house work a while, and i have to back read 5 pages..You guys jjang jjang jjang!!!

I just checked my phone then found out another theory on MT from you guys. Yeah, I never visit MT on any purpose. I keep knowing what happen on MT from people here, in this thread... and it keep me curious too so i dont have any option to read that theory too. Actually i can avoid it right?but my curiosity beat that it. I said its fun to read her post this early morning, but but but i really dont expect to get that kind of post this faster. yeah, i never care about that post again. Hahahahaha.. Just let she said what her heart said. She really thirst of attention..wanna get many attention for ppl in MT. And its kinda funny that though maybe she didnt make statement directly to said she is TK-DS shippers but looks all her pointed point was undirectly said she is the one. And you know it just maybe my silly thought that she take a request from TK-DS shipper to makes analyze over some scenes. yeah, it looks like TK-DS shippers is her customer that she want to makes satisfied with her post (sorry..really cant hep to have think like that?huhuhu)

like many of you said here, that we ship JH DS isnt based on our fangirling over RJY but based on story. my fangirling over RJY is another case for me. I cant help to ship him with DS because the whole story from ep 1-16 told me that he is the one. Before i want him to be the end game, i already love his character since ep 1. Since the moment he throws his wallet to seonwoo to cover the class lost money. He own my heart since then. And that a far before i know he is the one of strong candidate husband in this drama. His smile in front of TV, his dont care but care personality, his relationship with his mom, his smarty brain, his football skill, how he defend seonwoo in front of bullies sunbaes, that happen before i confirm that he is the one of husband candidate right?i already love his character back then. i dont remember when the last time i am going crazy like this over one fictional character. At first i want he just being happy in his own at the end of series but the story told me to that i cant help to ship him with DS and maybe this is that makes his character happy in the end. 

@wasted_youth aigoooo...that inside out picture...I laughed reading their conversation in that picture. I love sadness so much but yeah like what happen in that movie from the sadness and fear i hope we will see the joy from JH in the end of the series,, Joy you must come out soon okay!!!and take the handle of JH feels now..huhuhuhuhu

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19 minutes ago, creecabs said:

Wow you guys sure write fast 2 pages in less than 2 hours? Daebak!! Glad we're maintaining things positive here :) 

To keep things light I have another imagination for the husband reveal lol: again near the end of ep 19 we see future DS/JH (probably with the Ssamundong 5 adult ver too except for TK if they really want to keep playin') then while DS is being interviewed alone we hear the guys bothering her offscreen and she shuts them up haha she calls her husband to show his face but no response lol not until she bursts out "Gae Jung Pal! Come here!" then lo and behold we see future hubby all annoyed and grumpy hahahaha END

I have lots of ideas in mind really be back for more and Friday pls come sooner!! 

That would be epic lol :w00t:

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The way this story is going, remember when yoonjae thought hoya(i forgot his character's name) likes shiwon towards the begining? Similar to what junghwan thought abt sunwoo.then they reveal to us that hoya actually likes yoonjae which was a small twist,similar to sunwoo bora.taewoong(the 2nd lead) appeared as the potential hubby after a few episodes went by, just like taek.plus shiwon compared yoonjae's face many times to a dog ;) and notice how sunwoo and junghwan are sitting beside deoksun just like hoya and yoonjae on the 1997 poster? Well none of this has anything to do with the husband game though :P i was just stating what i observed :sweatingbullets:

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42 minutes ago, wizengamot said:


yes, yes. we will try our best to keep this thread light, pleasant and a little bit byuntae (i'm looking at you all guys esp. @papulichan @einYoshiChan @wasted_youth @ihate0ni0ns?) no i think ihate0nions is innocent. is she? @hailaft shown micro byuntae side because of her fics...

i'll be back guys. like after 4 hours :)



Micro? More like major hahahha :rolleyes:. Less than 24 hours to new episode, hurrah! I'm so hyped up, I dont think I'll be able to focus on work tomorrow.

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Oh my god guys you guys are so fast and awesome!!!! The last time I posted (2 days ago) we were on page 256 and now we're seriously reaching 300 PAGES say whaaat hahaha. Great job guys! 

I put my post under the spoiler tag because it may be a bit long for you guys to read. I cant believe tomorrow is the airing of the 17th episode!!! The one we've been waiting for since like 2 weeks ago. :D



Anyway, isn't it a given already that JH is the husband, like what we've been saying all the time over and over again: LMY (#coincidentally) is JH's favorite actress in his teens and apparently adult DS is played by her. Tell me what kind of a coincidence is this. SHIN PD and Writer nim do you have an explanation on this?

Plus uri jungpal's initials are KJH and he is played by Kim Joo Hyuk (KJH) is that one more coincidence? And how can he look so similar to uri Jungpal? Both JH and hubby have that "harsh" look on their face. This is a total give away already, DS = LMY. LMY = JH'S star crush. Husband = Kim Joo Hyuk (KJH) = Kim Jung Hwan.

I'm so sorry if this is such a boring clue that has been pointed out so many times, but can we look at the fact that SHIN PD & Writer nim said there would be another husband hunting game in this series but the focus would still be on the families and friendship? From that we could assume that the pd and writer obviously don't actually need to alter the viewers' preference on who the husband is with new episodes and new "clues", because we all know (us here) that JH is the husband like from the start. from the very beginning. Even from R88 official posters (before the drama started) that were posted on their official twitter account we can already see who the "main" OTP is. Like why are there only DS and JH's family in the poster and why are they connected by the dotted lines side by side? Why is it that in the main R88 poster JH is sitting beside DS? It's like the production team has already revealed who the husband is already from the start, actually even before the drama has started.

In every typical k-drama (almost all that I've watched), from episode 1, no actually before episode 1, the teasers, whatever drama it is, usually I already know who ends up with who and 99.9% of the time it would be right (not saying I'm always right here, but k-drama is almost always very obvious). R88 will forever be a k-drama since the production is targeted at mostly korean viewers and for those who have been watching so many k-dramas, we know how the typical story line goes.

I find it really surprising and fascinating that Reply series are IMHO, the only k-dramas in which viewers (including me) are so crazy to discuss and find out clues as to what will happen next in the episodes, I also find it interesting that Reply installments are like the only dramas which could draw us viewers to speculate and find clues for the future episodes, which may sometimes (magically) be true. I'd say the writer is really creative because she can provide us with awesome stories that keep us somehow drawn into the show.

I joined this thread not really from the start, but did some lurking here when the thread was first created, but actually I didn't really pay attention to the clues, because I was a viewer who didn't go that deep into finding clues on who the husband is, although I've become one because it makes me happy. But from the perspective of myself back when I didn't know there were even clues about the color theory, the clothespin thing, even the props, I somehow have sensed who the husband will be. I joined this thread because I find that everyone here are awesome because we sail on the same boat most of the time and I find sharing the thoughts that I've always had on my mind when watching the show has given me a very refreshing feeling because back then I didn't even know forums like this existed. 


I'm so sorry for this long post guys, I just wanna say I've been enjoying this thread soooo much and I love how everyone here is very polite, which makes me love this thread even more.

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Hi guys i've been a silent reader in here & main thread since the beggining of this drama.But since the last 4 episodes (i guess) i never going back to MT cause as soon as i read some ridiculous posts i'll hav a sudden headache & my heart start dugeun dugeun really fast so i keep myself away & playing around the safe zone.Im team Junghwan ever since he kicked DS's butt in ep 1 (bickering couple is always my thing).I really hooked on reply series.Well except maybe 94,i stop watching it right after i got a huge chilbongied *sigh*.So from that experience alone,i learn not to put my hope too high.But what can i say,as fast as a spacecraft my JH-DS's ship has already floating beyond earth's atmosphere & theres nothing i can do bout it but pray.
Seriously if JH is not the endgame i'll delete all my reply files & not gonna fall for another future installment. #teamlowexpectation 
Anyway its really nice to know you & please excuse my poor english :)

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omggg aahahahahahahahahha about the lee miyeon thing, i remember in '97, when euntokki(??/ eun jiwon's fans) fainted after she saw hakchan face while saying "jiwon oppa~~" and yoojung like, "she's gone mad is she" lolol i predict kim joohyuk will be like this too!! 




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@alleverything yeah....finally the number on front of days counting disappear....less than 24 hours.. Tomorrow at this hour the new episode that we've been waiting for 2 weeks will airing...Gosaenghaedda!!!!!

1 hour ago, boranoona said:

 I just couldn't resist joining the discussion!! Plus it took me this long to join bcz i have no clue how soompi works :mellow: and yeah it's daebakie :wub: he is my new bias after the song triplets :blush: 

I think reply 1988 is similar to reply 1997.idk abt the 1994 one as i haven't watched it.i am 99.99% sure of junghwan being the hubby :heart:

i have same feeling when i join this thread too chingu like one month ago?but once i make it, yeah i cant help to spazz here more and more. Welcome chinguu...and daebakiie...though i love daebak i love triplet more. Why must choose 1 if i can get three cute babies like them?hahahahaha.

and welcome to all new faces here.....i cant mention you one by one.. (sorry)..lets pazzing here together..

17 minutes ago, ihate0ni0ns said:

Aigoo yaa. I'm Daddy's little girl, alright. But RJY lips, hands, and recently eyes just too distracting. I repeat RJY lips, hand, and eyes are too distracting. All blames goes to him.

I'm as innocent as a girl can be. Here's some proof.

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Let me join, let me join XD

at the end of epi 19/20

Interviewer: "Many people said that you look like Lee Mi Yeon."

DS smiles while husband put on some what-the-hell-this-interviewer-just-said face.

DS: "Hahaha, funny thing is when I was in high school my nickname was LMY."

Husband snort and sigh.

DS: "And actually, I do think I look like LMY, even now."

Husband can't take take it anymore and join the conversation.

Husband: "I've said it before but I've got to say it again. You want me to get you a mirror?"

Bwahahhahahahahahaa. No? Okay XD

aigooo yaaa...the triple shirtless.. (nosebleed..huhuhuhu). maybe you can add his sexy back when he was played football chingu.. i dont know i love this combo so much i love football and i love him too..hahahahaha (even in real live he love football too...huhuhuhu). maybe i played innocent outside but seriously i am not that innocence... i am thirsty of his secy gesture. and of course get easily distracting by RJY lips, hands, and recently eyes just too..

9 minutes ago, wasted_youth said:

Annyeong @boranoona @kyloren17 (I see you're a fan of Ren? hehe) and @Ra_Yeosa! Stop lurking and join us more! 

@wizengamot I'm not joking haha I made sub folders because I'm obsessed to make it easier for me to search for the pictures and the gifs. Also imja, I saw all your all your pervy sides you do not lieee

Someone already made a short compilation so you guys already had a peek of those sexy hands. I'll just add one more close-up.


and two collage for other thirsty JBC/RBC club members @dinhie and @ricenamja

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Let me join tooo.....please let me join too....JBC/RBC members club, cant i?aigooooo gomawoo chingu for those hand compilation.. His hand seriously near my type..Yes, i always pay attention to all my bias hands..and what surprise me is they all have really similar hand..big with slender long fingers.. and RJY join this club in my heart..huhuhuhuhu.. Once again, thanks for sharing..that beautiful hands from him...huhuhuhuhu... (aigooo...welcome byuntae mind)

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2 hours ago, snowy21 said:

Can I say how much I love JH aka RJY hands!! I love it very much , can he hold my hands..lol I must be day dreaming XD . Envy when DS aka Hyeri touches his hands..


More pictures for uri JH can view here : http:///board/view/?id=reply1988&no=497460


aaawww me too!! me too! I thought I was the only one :w00t:

@wasted_youth I'll be glad if you bless this thread with some picture of those hands :wub:

Edited by mmimo
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Why is it that when you guys go there there's all this goodies and yesterday (my yesterday at least, cause before I go to sleep there's always someone saying good morning) all I find is a coyote or something like it, a plate of egg rolls with ketchup and a jeep crashing a pile of potatoes?

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After a week or so of silently lurking (mainly due to my laziness of logging in and remembering my password), it feels great to be back on this thread :) 

@wasted_youth That collage is perfection ;)  in future episodes I will be now focused on JH's hands lol!

30 minutes ago, kyloren17 said:

Seriously if JH is not the endgame i'll delete all my reply files & not gonna fall for another future installment. #teamlowexpectation 
Anyway its really nice to know you & please excuse my poor english :)


JH will be the end game for sure, don't you fret :glasses:

Welcome to the JH x DS shipping thread haha! 

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@leekyuphii imja, you're already in the club long time ago. Anyone who posted comments with a hint of byuntaeness in it will automatically be a club member. The president is still papuli until next election


@Drynase  I think thats' an old photo? And if I'm not mistaken he has a niece in bigu

@pirateparade you mean that one from ep 0?

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33 minutes ago, wasted_youth said:

Annyeong @boranoona @kyloren17 (I see you're a fan of Ren? hehe) and @Ra_Yeosa! Stop lurking and join us more! 

@wizengamot I'm not joking haha I made sub folders because I'm obsessed to make it easier for me to search for the pictures and the gifs. Also imja, I saw all your all your pervy sides you do not lieee

Someone already made a short compilation so you guys already had a peek of those sexy hands. I'll just add one more close-up.


and collage for other thirsty JBC/RBC club members @dinhie and @ricenamja

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Sorry to change the topic but which episode is the hands with the spoon and gooey stuff? I tried searching for it but couldn't find it. I think I saw some snippets of jungbong making the same gooey stuff too. 


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19 minutes ago, Drynase said:

Your almighty Kim Jung Hwan, ladies!

cr: http://news.nate.com/view/20160107n30886

The article itself said that it was posted by him on Instagram but actually when?

Aigoo Chingus!! Thanks for all the JH hands pic.. his hands!!! are so much beautiful and well -maintained look at his finger nails.. they are neat and well - trimmed! 

@Drynase how I wish I can be his niece so he can hold my hands.. lol!! the comments were relatively good by knetizens

such as envy his nephew , he is cool , he is awesome, I wish RJY is my uncle

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