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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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32 minutes ago, dinhie said:

Please write from JH's POV too..! (Am I asking too much? Mian chingu :sweatingbullets:)


31 minutes ago, HwanSunny said:


Thats why i like @hailaft fanfic, its like real HAHHAHAHHA


I'm writing another one right now, but I don't know when it'll be finished, since I'm going back to work tomorrow (le sigh) :(.

I found the longer version of A Little Girl Live.


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9 minutes ago, hailaft said:

I'm writing another one right now, but I don't know when it'll be finished, since I'm going back to work tomorrow (le sigh) :(.

It's okay, dear. Take your time, no need to rush it, hehe.. I'm going to reality too tomorrow, hahaha. I think I need a distraction for a while..at least until Friday! :D

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11 hours ago, Vannyah M said:

 I love this guy, this is the cutest aegyo ever :joy::joy::joy: I dont get the point of doing that but in this case i dont mind :D



LOL at this scene. I always get a secondhand embarrassment for JH everytime I watch it. He's so bad at it at first I didn't realize he was doing aegyo :sweatingbullets:

Love all the adorable moments in the BTS. I can't believe the child actress that play Jin Joo can actually be cuter than Jin Joo :wub:. I cracked up when GKP found out that his best friend was playing his loveline and that PBG and his dad's actor is as awkward with each other as Taek is with his dad. Also absolutely touched when SW's mom actress sought comfort in GKP before and after her crying scene. These casts have become so close with each other I bet there'll be a lot of crying during their final scenes. 

Weirdly enough, I actually feel that the tying shoelace BTS sums up JH-TK friendship quite nicely and that basically explain the reason why both of them decide to back off (I feel that both actors are getting ready to be their character so the line between real/reel was a bit blur there). They know that it's an emotional scene and RJY worried that PBG (he said Taek actually) may cry, and he did cry, because he feels sad for JH over his dad's accident. I mean, they're emphatically feeling each other's pain and worry about one another. Imagine if both thinking they're breaking the other's heart, the pain must be unbearable for them. Stay strong indeed, to the both of you pure-hearted puppies :bawling: :bawling:

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Guest wizengamot
14 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

I was rewatching ep 1 and 2 and I just adore Junghwan's character to bits and pieces. He's evolved so much since the first episode and he really does have the softest underbelly. 

I'll be real, for like the first half of the first two eps I thought he was a little richard simmons. I mean a normal teenager, but still a little richard simmons none the less. I was all about Sunwoo (I came into this show for GP) but he quickly bored with his good guy, good son, good student, overall good brother/friend/human being perfection. But Junghwan, man did he take me by surprise and by the end of ep 2 I was in love. I gave the character my fangirl heart and told him to "do your worse". 

What I love about him is how attuned he can be to people's feelings and how much he tries to do for those he cares about (even if it's to his nonenjoyment or getting hurt). My heart fluttered in the scene where his mom explains how she wants to be close like Sunwoo's mom. The little smile/smirk he gives when she says she gets jealous when Sunwoo's mom shares everything she knows. I grinned. Then when he was going to fight the gangsters to defend Ding Ryeong (I love how he tries to subsidize his fears by hyping himself up) he shoes get stolen and he says nothing. I love him. He's smart and gets top of the class but doesn't brag or anything. He beat and got an richard simmons beating for Sunwoo. He cares about and loves his hyung sooo much (I love those two's relationship to pieces. They had me in stitches during the paper crane scene "is it something I need to know?" "No, but I want to tell you" *nods head to do so* or "I only know how to fold planes" :D) from the beginning he even tells Deok Sun not to eat the sausage in the fridge because it's for his hyung. Junghwan cares a lot about his dad (he picked up on his behavior and offered the juice) he did the hated gag and was wanted to stay in the hospital even though he has college entrance exams and an unsolvable math problem to tackle. The many things he's done for his mom. I died when he painstakingly wrote in the Korean characters of her name and giving the chestnuts of apology. Then the countless things he's done for Deok Sun (any boy who stays up that late just to bring you an umbrella -he walks back without. His purpose was to keep you warm while he soaked- is a winner. The thumbs up the fact he thinks she's pretty. He himself said she's pretty. No the prettiest, meaning in comparison to others it's still her. Then all that he's done for Taek and I'm not even talking about where it concerns Deok Sun (Junghwan was the one who picked up on Taek's envey about the school trip, tucking him in, tying his shoes, covering his ears, whipping his face).

It kills me when people say he's less in comparison to other characters or that he's not caring and loving. They make him seem like this bickering, porcupine a-hole and he's not. If he was an a-hole I wouldn't be able to ship it. Junghwan is as much of a caring son, brother, and good student as Sunwoo, he can be as sweet and smiley as Taek, and can joke around like Dong Ryeong. He's so freaking loveable. He's almost toe to toe in my love for my Bong. It sucks when people say he's just a trope and things like that. Just as every other character has evolved so has Junghwan and I just wish people would give him the credit and praise where and when it is due to him.

sidenite: I wrote this on the phone on the road (I'm not the one driving) so please excuse any errors. I shall edit it after ice skating :) 


amen to everything. negative comments about his character is usually what makes me explode and rant. they keep making him stereotype. and praising everything TK had done. The long analysis of camera work that was usually posted in the main thread is yes informative and i know that she was just trying to explore TK silent character through the camera work and subtle expression change unfortunately, his shippers think that it makes his character well developed that anyone else (particularly JH being them the contenders) but really, those thing just make him qualified enough to be a contender because if you don't analyze his subtle character you will think that he's doing nothing compared to JH or that there's hardly any proof that he likes DS too but that doesn't mean that he's a greater character. They usually say I love JH character then goes typing the opposite and elevating TK character on the process. I've never seen them write a post about JH without picking on him or comparing him to TK. 

i mean, if they find JH character bland or pick on the way he was developed, isn't that a disservice to the writer who penned the very character they adore (who is TK?) I do agree with you though not posting on the main thread about this JH character because i really do feel like when i post there, they skip reading because i have a RJY avatar lol. 

1 hour ago, dinhie said:

R88 Parody : Ryu Jun Yeol coming? LOL

cr : tvN Comedy Big League & mrsssssoon YT Channel


isn't this Ja Hyun?

@papulichan why? it seems fine though... 


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3 hours ago, Eichhoernchen said:

Guys, wow so many of us spazzing about Junghwan here :)

you guys wont believe RJY personality is totally different from JH. He is more of DR personality, outgoing and easy to reach. 

I saw some of wardrobe switch. I remember TK jacket when JH tied his shoelace is the same jacket JH wore in the McD visit with DS and the plaid shirt JH wore during his mom's birthday was also worn by SW during their eating ramyun in earlier eps (I am sorry cant provide screenshot here TT.TT)

I agree with you.

I start watching videos of RJY in you tube and I can see that he is very easy approachable  and puts others around him at ease.

Also I love the clip with the other cutie and great actor also BYH ( funny guy from Misaeng and he is currently in 6flying dragons ).

I should post this in his thread and I hope i ll see you there girls.



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Guest wizengamot

yes, according to GKP, uri Ryu Jun Yeol is playful and likes to joke around and very friendly. and i believe i've saw an interview of Ji Soo too saying RJY takes care of him a lot and friendly. 

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@papulichan Yeah it's acting weird for me too. For instance, notifications do not work anymore...

@MrsSoJiSub and @wizengamot It's always the same issue and I think it is quite a natural one. They accuse us of overlooking Taek's great traits and therefore his importance in the series and in the love triangle (we are blind shippers, but aren't all the hints related to Taek's love line anyway?...); though they do the exact same thing they accuse us of doing by reducing JH's character to tropes and a stereotype. I say it is natural as soon as you are biased, that is as soon as you express a preference. That is natural I say, we are not machines after all. Also, I also find that "following the script" argument quite limited and limiting. Yes, you are following the script by looking at those great instances related to Taek, but what about JH. Oh yeah, the script talks about it, but so overtly that you know, no point in talking about them, or only in passing. They are also many subtleness about JH's character too.

Somehow, Taek/DS shippers felt so out of place in the main thread, where we were said to be aggressive, that they are turn the whole thing on its head...

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Guest wizengamot
10 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

@papulichan Yeah it's acting weird for me too. For instance, notifications do not work anymore...

@MrsSoJiSub and @wizengamot It's always the same issue and I think it is quite a natural one. They accuse us of overlooking Taek's great traits and therefore his importance in the series and in the love triangle (we are blind shippers, but aren't all the hints related to Taek's love line anyway?...); though they do the exact same thing they accuse us of doing by reducing JH's character to tropes and a stereotype. I say it is natural as soon as you are biased, that is as soon as you express a preference. That is natural I say, we are not machines after all. Also, I also find that "following the script" argument quite limited and limiting. Yes, you are following the script by looking at those great instances related to Taek, but what about JH. Oh yeah, the script talks about it, but so overtly that you know, no point in talking about them, or only in passing. They are also many subtleness about JH's character too.

Somehow, Taek/DS shippers felt so out of place in the main thread, where we were said to be aggressive, that they are turn the whole thing on its head...


Yeah. from the time she posted her first analysis, the way she say JH being the husband as if JH character was the husband because he met the criteria of the past Reply husbands making it look like that he is the husband because he had check off the husband trait list, as if he can't be the husband in his own right  tsk, and ends her analysis in such a manner that highlighted TK as being the first one to love DS is oozing with biasness to me. not because she uncover TK subtle way of loving DS but because on that analysis she make it as if TK love was greater by pointing out how he was silently loving the girl from the very start and then goes to JH with just husband technicalities, without exploring much of what makes JH an equally husband contender

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18 minutes ago, wizengamot said:


amen to everything. negative comments about his character is usually what makes me explode and rant. they keep making him stereotype. and praising everything TK had done. The long analysis of camera work that was usually posted in the main thread is yes informative and i know that she was just trying to explore TK silent character through the camera work and subtle expression change unfortunately, his shippers think that it makes his character well developed that anyone else (particularly JH being them the contenders) but really, those thing just make him qualified enough to be a contender because if you don't analyze his subtle character you will think that he's doing nothing compared to JH or that there's hardly any proof that he likes DS too but that doesn't mean that he's a greater character. They usually say I love JH character then goes typing the opposite and elevating TK character on the process. I've never seen them write a post about JH without picking on him or comparing him to TK. 

i mean, if they find JH character bland or pick on the way he was developed, isn't that a disservice to the writer who penned the very character they adore (who is TK?) I do agree with you though not posting on the main thread about this JH character because i really do feel like when i post there, they skip reading because i have a RJY avatar lol. 


isn't this Ja Hyun?

@papulichan why? it seems fine though... 



The highlighted part. This basically just prove to me that deep down TK shippers know that JH is the husband, they can't present a good enough case against JH so they resort to badmouthing him. I never actually see anyone badmouthing TK's character in this thread, let's keep it that way. And to those who keep saying that JH is too cliche and boring, who are you kidding? You're watching K-dramas, tsundere characters (and love triangles) are their bread and butter because the writers know the viewers love them (they even put love triangles in Naeil Cantabile when the original Cantabile didn't have one). You'd have better luck finding quirky main characters from J-dramas.

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A Little Girl :wub: The meaning of this song is very different for me.. And if you pay attention series main OST plays all the male lead in the scene. In the flashback scenes playing this song.

R94; Seo Taji and Boys-To You.

R97; Delispice-Confession

R88; Hyehwadong-The Zoo ( I always thought it was so this flashback-themed friendship)



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Guest wizengamot
6 minutes ago, infinitemugendai said:


The highlighted part. This basically just prove to me that deep down TK shippers know that JH is the husband, they can't present a good enough case against JH so they resort to badmouthing him. I never actually see anyone badmouthing TK's character in this thread, let's keep it that way. And to those who keep saying that JH is too cliche and boring, who are you kidding? You're watching K-dramas, tsundere characters (and love triangles) are their bread and butter because the writers know the viewers love them (they even put love triangles in Naeil Cantabile when the original Cantabile didn't have one). You'd have better luck finding quirky main characters from J-dramas.


hahahaha!!! exactly what they do. but they keep saying they love JH. woah! i never read them say something good to JH. if they do, they usually add TK comment which is of course all-praise. i get it, they are shippers but it takes away the joy of enjoying the series. i'm glad everyone here is open to TK well developed character. let's continue to do so, chingus. let's ship JH-DS while enjoying the show.

yeah, saw NC. that's why second lead entered more than half-way of the series but i have to say, i'm team bogum/YoonHo in NC. well, i'm usually Team Second Male Lead, mostly because in kdramas, usually the 2nd male lead fearlessly wear their hearts on the sleeve, and when i found out that PBG will be a lead in Reply, i thought "it's time to get the girl". But then JH character is not someone you can dismiss just because his rival is loveable. His character did what i love most in usual 2nd male lead, that he is head over heels for her. That's why this time, i'm rooting for the male lead more than the second male lead. ;) (yes, i'm that sure).

lol it makes me laugh when they say we're so sure of JH being the husband that they don't know what will happen to us when it turns out that he is not. then goes to say that unlike us, they're open to the idea that TK might not be the husband. lol they make it appear as if it is being open-minded when in fact the reason is because they could also feel and discern that JH could be the husband, they just want it to be TK. Unfortunately for us, we could see it coming so why would we doubt?

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34 minutes ago, wizengamot said:


Yeah. from the time she posted her first analysis, the way she say JH being the husband as if JH character was the husband because he met the criteria of the past Reply husbands making it look like that he is the husband because he had check off the husband trait list, as if he can't be the husband in his own right  tsk, and ends her analysis in such a manner that highlighted TK as being the first one to love DS is oozing with biasness to me. not because she uncover TK subtle way of loving DS but because on that analysis she make it as if TK love was greater by pointing out how he was silently loving the girl from the very start and then goes to JH with just husband technicalities, without exploring much of what makes JH an equally husband contender

There is nothing wrong about that. We are all biased in a way or another I think. It's hard not to be. But pretending one is not because he or she is looking at the script... and then showing the subtilities of Taek's love for DS only, it is just doing what you are supposedly working against. Now who is the blind shipper?... It's a different blindness but it is still blindness.

I also thought that the argument about first love was reductive. I've said it before, that argument should have been a twofold argument. First love (as in the first person he loves) applies to both Taek and JH and, for me, that is highly significant. Then first love as in who loves DS first and yes, that is Taek. However, if you are interested in the script, how one wonder which one is the most important. Would loving someone first make you more intitled to being loved back? Would first loves actually endure time? Reply series are always questioning that notion of first love, playing around with it, etc. I think the script aims at showing how layered the issue is, like it was said (but not necessarily explored to its fullest) on the main thread.


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Guest wizengamot




FANVID TIME!!! lately, there's an outpour of JH-DS fanvids (mostly korean netz i think on the way the title is in full korean). these are new because they're uploaded like not a week ago

i like this one because of the song! it's a sad song though, whenever i hear this song i'll start imagining cold lonely night -_- (i love Memories of Bali/Something Happened in Bali so much)


i love the song in this one too (hahaha!!!)




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Guest wizengamot
53 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

There is nothing wrong about that. We are all biased in a way or another I think. It's hard not to be. But pretending one is not because he or she is looking at the script... and then showing the subtilities of Taek's love for DS only, it is just doing what you are supposedly working against. Now who is the blind shipper?... It's a different blindness but it is still blindness.

I also thought that the argument about first love was reductive. I've said it before, that argument should have been a twofold argument. First love (as in the first person he loves) applies to both Taek and JH and, for me, that is highly significant. Then first love as in who loves DS first and yes, that is Taek. However, if you are interested in the script, how one wonder which one is the most important. Would loving someone first make you more intitled to being loved back? Would first loves actually endure time? Reply series are always questioning that notion of first love, playing around with it, etc. I think the script aims at showing how layered the issue is, like it was said (but not necessarily explored to its fullest) on the main thread.



that was what i meant though :) her biasness would not be a problem to me had she said that she is a TK shipper or what instead of saying she ship the script and all when it's clearly not the case as far as the content of her post is concern. I understand that the reason she explained TK love through camera work though, its because at first look, you would not even think TK is in love with DS or that he is up to be a husband candidate (until he was presented to be one in ep 7). However, like you said, it is highly significant that she also pointed out that JH first love is DS. Because the shippers are already bias, when you go to the main thread and introduced yourself as neutral or shipping no particular team (except the script) of course people will think that what you're going to say is in the perspective of someone not clouded with a love for a ship, and then she goes to highlight only one perspective or angle of the triangle, then the people who will read it will think that "oh she's not a shipper but look at how she see TK being this or that. clearly, TK is this or that than JH".

That's why i think she should equally comment on JH and TK if she really is just all about the script. Because she makes it look like that JH is just another cut out/replica of the previous Reply husband. Yes there are patterns but it's not like he is playing another Yoon Yoon Jae or Trash. That's why i agree with @MrsSoJiSub latest post, in which she address how much it sucks just considering JH character a part of a trope because he is so much more than that.

35 minutes ago, Shadi Daryush said:

guys are you watching live stream?



no why? what's up with the live stream? are they showing something? as in now?


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