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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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I just want this thing happen! If they really want make ep 18 become Junghwan Last Chance, if ep 18 really become 'Goodbye, my first love' for Junghwan.. PLEASE WRITTERNIM! DONT YOU DARE DO A PUSH-PULL WITH JUNGHWAN'S FEELING AGAIN IN EP 19-20. JUST LET HIM TO MOVE ON.


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At episode 18, during OT5 at Take's room. TK says he never go to date before. So, DR and SW told him to try harder. Everyone KNOW that TK never date anyone.


Instead, at the end of JH confession, DR says he is such a player. Everyone THINK that JH must be dated a lot before.


Maybe it is a hint to the future husband. We all know that the wife said the husband had dated a lot before. I think the truth is JH never dated anyone but his act make him such a player, based on that confession.


Pardon my lack on English.

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It's like 3AM here and I'm slowly discovering how giddy-JH makes me cry even harder than angsty-JH. Seriously the flashback scenes in which he was smiling like a fool and peeking on her and lying on the gate, I mean we knew already that he was a goner, but until today we only witnessed the cool gestures, the awkward reactions, the angsty moments (A LOT of angsty moments), I can't believe he hide it all until now, the way he was all smiley and excited and in love, just because he saw her.. Give him the girl, please give him the girl, if I look at this show as a whole there's no other point, no other possible closure of all of this story except from giving him the girl.

*cries more*

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Oh and one last rant lol: if they dare give a new love interest for JH just to for pity's sake I will personally call Irene to go to the set and take away TK or PBG for that matter

It won't just end well to be honest

Also, I'm am I the only one thinking about Mommy Mi Ran's pregnancy? Is it a girl? A boy? Or is it really pregnancy???? I'm excited how they will drop the bomb if ever that happens lol 

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But but why anyone didnt say anything about car scenee~~~  or i missed it?? It is so cutee,like they are dating~~~ I think he said put on your seat belt~~~ awwww why you are so cute Junghwanaaa whyy,we have a heart too!!!

Okey i have to sleep now and i'm fangirl inside. Nice.Jaljara to me,see you tomorrow to this lovely thread~~~~~

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1 minute ago, comesandgoes said:

But but why anyone didnt say anything about car scenee~~~  or i missed it?? It is so cutee,like they are dating~~~ I think he said put on your seat belt~~~ awwww why you are so cute Junghwanaaa whyy,we have a heart too!!!

Okey i have to sleep now and i'm fangirl inside. Nice.Jaljara to me,see you tomorrow to this lovely thread~~~~~

I said, i wrote what they were talking about. I loved that scene. But no one answerd on my question what did she say to him after he told that he will give her a ride. She said something and he answered you too then she smiled.

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I can't wait to see all the fanvids which include last two episodes. They'll be so beautiful and heartbreaking. I'm ready to be emo all week watching those. Please do share the links/ vids you make. Thanks in advance.

Anw, my piece of advice: if waiting for a week is too much for you, try watching Cheese in The Trap. That drama gives a lot of progress within only two episodes which this series can't give

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Regardless of who is the husband, JH is definitely the main main character of this drama. This series spend 18episodes on developing him and making him realize the things he may lost is because of lack of initiative by him. 

I find ep18 confusing (for the love triangle). I believe that DS knows that it's a sincere confession since she knew he did all that but DR and SW do not know because they did not witness it. I am 1 of those who do not know that JH like DS before ep3(4) and many of the others who knows only see it through the olympics scene where JH make sure no 1 saw his smile and 1 of the flashback also shown that he does a good job hiding from everyone except NE. 

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welcome to all new faces.....last night episode really makes all people out from their own comfortable cave. sorry i cant mention you one by one...enjoy this thread...happy spazzing!!!!!

after getting enough sleep last night that i couldnt get it for 2 days (every reply day i become zombie), now i have clearer mind and can think straight again, after being down last night.

1 hour ago, hailaft said:

Right away after I woke up, I checked this thread and then rewatch the confession scene and got my heart broken for the twentieth time.IT HURTS SO GOOD, I just can't. RJY acting is seriously on point.

Now that I have calmed down and got some sleep, I kinda see the point that LWJ want us to understand. This confession is necessary and had to be done in line with his character. I asked him to explode his feelings to DS and LWJ gave us just that. He couldn't take it anymore and poured his heart out in front of everyone. He didn't even need her answer, he just need a closure and goddamn that was one hell of a closure.

And DS reaction!!! My girl, I'm never disappointed in you. She's always JH's since the latter half of the series, she's just waiting for him to finally man up and confess to her. Please let episode 19 be from DS' POV! That girl's feelings had to hidden away for too long. She needed to reject TK and told JH she felt the same way by the end of episode 19. Episode 20 just need to be filled with JH-DS cute scenes, I demand this! They had to give us tons and tons of fan services to make up with his suffering for 10 episodes. 

i did the same too chingu..still with bed hair, eyes-that-cant-open-properly-yet, smell mouth...the first thing that i do is grab my handphone and open this thread. Its already my habit after wake up from sleep. and reading one by one comment about flasback and confession makes me cried...my precious tears fall down again. Just by reading and imagine that scene, i still feel the pain and it hurt my heart so much. i feel the pressure on my chest just by reading that comments..then cant stand anymore i opened my laptop and watch that confession scene again...for countless time already..it hurts so good, and i like being hurt because cant stop replaying that scene since this morning. His line always ring on my ears..i rememver line by line that JH said in that confession

i wont blame the writer when in the end she dont make JH being DS husband. that is her decision. what makes me disappointed with her is the way she treat JH character, just it. He already suffered for a long long time, but still this writer enjoys torturing his character so much. I already giving this writer so many chance so i give my last chance to her, to make JH character being happy in the ending (that just my sole wish to him since beginning). Yes, the scene between JH-DS never be a wasted scene, all scenes have a meaning and purpose behind it. And yeah this series really need JH confession (fake or not). He said the  truth..his line one by one out from his sincere heart..his eyes told  that that confession isnt a joke..he just want to make all his feeling out and ofc said goodbye to his precious first love. this kind of confession didnt even need an answer, he just want to let DS know about his heart and only DS that will be understanding line by line that being said by JH. because she is there..she is experience all with him..

Though a bit unsure about DS expression last night, now i see it again. Yeah i feel the same feeling when 1st time i watched this scene. She was a bit surprised but she just too calm to see someone confessed at her. yeah its all because DS waiting for it for years. She waiting for JH to confess and finally he did it I love her tittle smile in the middle of confession, yeah she like JH too. her eyes only see JH since ep 11, and i still see it in last episode, she isnt over with him..she just waiting. she check the door twice.the first time after they discuss about TK, and the second one is after the confession. i think she did it to get over the awkward and nervous after that scene. and both of it, JH notice that all. and seems make a conclusion for himself.

yes, same with you...i want DS pov in ep 19...dont make next ep as TK pov..are you kidding me?want to makes fair competition until the last episode? (i thought this competition already unfair since beginning.LOL.)i really need DS pov..give me in ep 19 not 20...20 must feel with cute scene

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So its 3:30 where i live and i finally read all the pages and wrote a fanfic for the first time I never thought i will see the day i will write fanfics, I guess never say never!. So im going to post it here guys. I apologize for any writing mistakes and if i went out character, I never studied writing and my mind kind of creates characters of its own i guess? Anyway i hope you guys like it, sorry for all the cheesyness. I hope it will make you guys smile and if by chance JH is not the husband, it will heal all of our hearts. Anyway enjoy :)

Part one: 


After Jung Hwan’s confession 1994:


Teak Pov:


The gang told Taek to meet at the restaurant but he is so late, practice took longer than he hoped it would. As he is driving he sees the coffee shop they told him they were staying at, so he tried to park which took him another 10 minutes, ugh how much he wished he took the taxi. He crossed the road hoping they didn’t leave without him. As he looked at the window, he saw Jung Hwang putting a ring on the table, then he started to speak to Deok sun. Was Jung Hwan finally confessing, he thought? He kept on looking from the window not to interrupt the moment. Then when Jung Hwan looked like he was finished, he looked at Dong Ryong and they all started laughing? What happened? Taek thought, why are they all laughing, don’t they see Jung hwan’s eyes? Then they all got up and left. Leaving the ring on the table. Taek couldn’t leave the ring there he had to go in and get it, and that was exactly what he did. He was so confused, why were they laughing and why did they leave the ring there. He knew he had to have a talk with Jung Hwan and soon.


Jung Hwan’s Pov:


Finally I confessed, even if they took it as a joke in the end, now the only thing left is to move on and let Deok Sun be happy with Taek. She obviously likes him, she was waiting for him. Why did I have to hesitate? now it’s too late.  Get it together Jung Hwan don’t let them see you being sad! “Deok Sun” I said as I threw her the Keys, “You drive”  “Aish, did you have to throw the Keys at me! Fine get in”. The drive home was so awkward we didn’t speak, we just listened to the tape we were hearing before we arrived.


Deok Sun Pov:


Finally we arrived home, I couldn’t face anyone after that fake confession Jung Hwan did. I couldn’t stop thinking about it during the drive home, another sleepless night it is. The confession looked so sincere, I really thought it was real, Aish I’m so disappointed like that time with the pink shirt, that misunderstanding that Jung Bong finally told me about , I thought that finally this was it, he was fessing up finally. I admit I never forgot all those times we had together, my feelings for him never left. I guess I have to be the one to confess …AISH that pabo, how can I sleep now, I need to write about this in my diary.




Next Day

Taek Pov:


I woke up earlier then usual today, I really need to talk to Jung Hwan, I should call him before he leaves the house. “Jung Hwan-ah, it’s me Taek, I really need to talk to you, It’s important, can we meet at the field where we used to play football?” I’m sure we will be alone there Taek though. 


“Hey Taek”, Jung Hwan said being all smiles, Jung Hwan you can’t lie to me, your eyes tell everything, Taek thought.  “Jung Hwan- ah, what is this?” Taek showed him the ring, He doesn’t want to beat around the bush this time. “Taek where did you get that?” “Jung Hwan that is not important, tell me what happened yesterday, please don’t lie to me, I need to know”. “Nothing Taek, I know Deok sun likes you… What I did yesterday was to move on, please throw away the ring, I don’t need it anymore.”  That idiot what does he think he’s doing… Deok sun likes me? I can’t believe he thinks so, I need to stop this misunderstanding, and maybe we can all be happy now.  “Jung Hwan you Idiot, I can’t believe you think so, don’t you see? It’s so clear who Deok sun likes!”  “Taek what are you saying?” “I’m saying Deok Sun likes YOU! She always liked you, Jung Hwan-ah I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier but I did confess to Deok Sun years ago, She didn’t like me that way, and it’s been long ago now so I moved on, Jung Hwan I really want you to be happy, This ring is yours, go give it to Deok Sun, I give you my blessing, Go Jung Hwan!”  Finally with that Jung Hwan went running to Deok Sun. I hope everything goes well for them now, Taek thought.


Deok Sun Pov:


I was going out to buy some food for mum, when I saw Jung Hwan running, I thought something bad happened, then out of the bloom he stopped and embraced me tight. I was so surprised I couldn’t talk. “Jung Hwang, is everything ok? What happened??” “Deok Sun-ah I’m so sorry, so sorry” he said while still hugging me. “Deok sun, yesterday what I said, it was all true, I’m sorry it looked like a joke” My heart was beating so fast, I couldn’t believe it, Jung Hwan was confessing again, and this time it was real! It was finally happening. “Jung Hwan” I said. Then he let me go and showed me yesterdays ring. “Deok Sun-ah”, he said, “I love you, I’m sorry for everything, for being so late and hesitating so much, please accept this proposal, and be my girlfriend?”  I can’t believe this, finally after years of dreaming about this moment, it happened, what should I say? I can’t say anything, only tears are flowing. “Deok sun-ah, sorry, please don’t cry” He said. 

To be continued.....


Im off to sleep guys :) see you tomorrow, Good night / Good day. 

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Hopeful now, but still heart broken! I NEED to start feeling something different. I'm gonna go watch a super scary movie now need to feel different like seriously.

Now, I'm glad I wasn't apart of the 94 ordeal this stuff is no joke haha :D I laughed at myself a couple times today because it is ridiculous I'm this sad over a drama but the laughing didn't take away the pain already in too deep I blame RJY, if it was another guy/actor maybe I'll still be mutual but he totally stole my heart without me realizing I slowly leaned towards JH. It's those eyes & lips I was attracted too :wub: 

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Now I realized , after saying i love you he made a pause. He just looked at her quietly for 15 sec, What if he was waiting for her reply but since she  did not provide an answer he just turned to DR. 15 sec is, 15 seconds is even too much in my world. Meh

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I don't know if this has been discussed already but the scene in Forest Gump that Junghwan and Dong Ryeong were watch, I think it's obvious with Forest in the suit being Junghwan we just  saw him in a suit and all just last episode. However in the scene it's self Forest and Jenny are reuniting for the umpteenth time and I failed to notice that Jenny meet forest half way. They both jumped into the reflection pool and ran for one another. We saw Junghwan run his half today by literally running to Deok Sun at the concert (even if late) and his confession (even if he lied that it was a joke) so like others have said. In the end we are going to see Deok Sun run her half and meet him in their reunion. Yes so I expect we will get insight and verbal confirmation of Deok Sun's feelings and we will see her choose her choice. 

Also someone please tell the kdrama gods to stop sending me signs ;) (with great power...). As I was walking home from the corner shop it began to rain and off course that made me think of our Junghwan crying in his car not at fate and timing (which weren't on his side) but his own choices that put him where he was. Then guess what traffic light color that reflected on the dark empty street, that's right green. I am so going to open up that hotline because obviously these powers will not go away and the kdrama gods are attacking me like this today so i will share my gifts with the world.

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2 minutes ago, Kelly86 said:

Hopeful now, but still heart broken! I NEED to start feeling something different. I'm gonna go watch a super scary movie now need to feel different like seriously.

Now, I'm glad I wasn't apart of the 94 ordeal this stuff is no joke haha :D I laughed at myself a couple times today because it is ridiculous I'm this sad over a drama but the laughing didn't take away the pain already in too deep I blame RJY, if it was another guy/actor maybe I'll still be mutual but he totally stole my heart without me realizing I slowly leaned towards JH. It's those eyes & lips I was attracted too :wub: 

Me too. I am getting too attach with this show. Never happened before and I swear I am gonna avoid the next installment of Reply. :D

I feel heart broken, bcos I feel that he deserves the girl. It's the sweet way he loves DS, the attention he showers, and the quiet love that he continously shows.

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