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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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9 minutes ago, castingbees said:

Hello and thanks for sharing my tumblr! I'm lazy but if someone can contact the thread starters for all 3 1988 threads and ask them to add the link to the main post, maybe that would be the most helpful! And do credit Blue and I if you do. 


Awesome work! Thanks for the soft subs :) can someone link us newbies to the video files for these subs too? Been ages since I cared about a drama enough to dl but this one I must. THANKS IN ADVANCE.

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8. First love. Many viewers think that the male character who loved the girl first or longest should get the girl in the end and that’s why they root for JH. 

Personally, I think this is the weakest argument for three reasons. First, the definition of FIRST love can be vague, and kdrama writers have been known to play around with this concept.  In the conventional definition, first love means the male character has never felt this way before towards any girl; he’s love-struck for the FIRST TIME. Infatuation and puppy love fall under this category of first love.  

However, in terms of significance and impact, first love can also mean that encounter when he was MOST affected and MOST changed by his feelings for the girl. It goes beyond puppy love. Even if the guy suffers from a heartbreak, the first love will always be remembered. Finally, in terms endurance and strength, first love can mean the GREATEST love. It might not be first, earliest, most memorable and most painful love, but it’s the love that lasts forever. It’s “first love” because the guy, for the first time in his life, is willing to endure all things for this love of his for all time. 

As you can see then, first love isn’t so cut-and-dried so I personally wouldn’t use this as a yardstick to determine the leading male. 

Furthermore, in this show, the person who loved DS first – meaning, earliest and longest -- was the person who didn’t speak much in the first couple of episodes. lol. Didn’t anybody else *see* that? 

It was Taek. 

It’s been so easy to overlook him. The viewers have to be more discerning and to follow his gaze to know where his attention rested. And the viewers need to review Episode 2: One Thing You Misunderstood About Me again. (In more ways than one, the title is very apt.)  

This was how the guys reacted to DS that morning in Episode 2 upon meeting her for the “first” time.

JH: “I’m late. richard simmons off.”
SW: “Doesn’t that jean jacket belong to your sister?”
TK: He briefly conversed with DS. He answered her question that he returned home yesterday, then asked her if she was going to school. She teased him to drink milk and hurry up and grow so he could marry her. He looked pensive after she and DR ran away. [He should have been grinning because of the joke and the cheeky pat on his bum, but instead he dribbled milk, like he was startled.]
DR: “Hurry. We only have a minute left!” He tugged her hair and she chased him. 


At his surprise party, he glanced at DS first.  

Then, note their differing opinions when they casually discussed DS’s growing aegyo.

DR: “Deok-sun is kinda cute lately, no?”
SW: “Yeah, a little.”   
TK: smiles and nods “Mmm.” [His shyness masked the honest truth.]
JH: “You’ve gone crazy, haven’t you? You’re crazy! Are you drunk?”

In Episode 3, when DS and JH asked for ramen, his eyes gravitated towards DS first before looking down at JH who was lounging by DS.


His questions re. the field trip looked innocent, too. On the surface, it appeared like he was feeling envious of their school trip. But he pointedly asked DS if she was going too and he stared at her afterwards. When they discovered that his next tournament was to be in Tokyo, their trip to the country sounded…well… provincial in comparison.  The following day, his father saw him staring at field trip info sheet. 

Now, look at this whole scene through the eyes of an infatuated guy, like this: he discovered that DS was going on a school trip with guys and it bothered him. Suddenly, JH’s remark that he was “jealous” took on a totally different meaning. [And the choice of camera angle was brilliant here].  lol. 

And as we all know, this school trip in Episode 3 is when JH became first sexually aware of DS, and couldn’t sleep at night. 

In the next episode (aptly titled as “Can’t help ~ing”), observe the differences in how people treated DS’ academic struggles.

Bora: is totally exasperated with her sister’s incompetence [can’t help berating]
DS’ father: thinks it’s a joke [can’t help treating it like a joke] 
DR: is happy to find a partner in his scholastic struggles, and they both opt to focus their energy on something do-able and having fun [can’t help laughing].  
JH: knows that DS struggles, but instead of helping her, he shows off his Engllish skills which ticks off DS. [can’t help being superior]
SW: hears DS’ wrong grammar, and corrects her English [can’t help correcting her] 
TK: is pressured to help her improve her concentration by teaching baduk and they both quickly realize that the situation is hopeless. [simply cannot HELP, lol] But she sticks around, and he lets her disturb his preparation for the tournament and indulges her rubik’s cube requests. [can’t help loving you the way you are]
See all those examples? As SW said in Episode 15, eyes don't lie. And if the viewers heeded SW and truly paid attention to TK, it was obvious from the beginning that TK was "only ever looking at her" even when they were together as a group. [clever meta-joke there, scriptwriter].  

My last and final reason for disputing this “first love” is this: in real life, it doesn't matter if the person is the first, second or third love as long as he/she is the LAST love. That’s the important one here; let’s not lose sight of that even if kdramas insist on the romance of "first love".



First of all I didn't root for JH because he likes DS first and I never saw anyone here mentioning that..... JH likes DS first so I root for him.

Secondly I noticed every glance and look and act that gave away TKs love for DS in ep 2 just like she mentioned. So I knew for sure TK liked DS since ep 2, but still never shipped TK. I know not everybody noticed and it is not a crime to not notice. ''Didn’t anybody else *see* that? '' --> Hence I don't think she should emphasize this, making me assume she thinks highly of herself (she/he I don't know, I'll go with she).

Thirldly: As most of you already mentioned SHE (he) is the one who didn't get the point of can't-helping episode. The bus scene made that very clear.

And lastly, she generalizes everyone.. she talks as if everybody on the threads are doing wrong and she is teaching us a lesson how to really interpret the scenes and the drama. Anyway, I liked her analysis but not the way she is doing this.

Though I think something is missing. JH character and why he is always bickering with DS. Mostly his answers are short and uninterested. Like when his mother asks him things. He only keeps pushing the limits with DS and he does this while arguing. Though, he does talk in long sentences with his other friends and brother, but he doesn't argue with them.

She only mentioned it's a pattern in the reply series that the bickering guy is the husband, but she leaves JHs way of bickering out of it. I think Trash, YJ and JH are different in character. Yes they bicker with the girl, but still they give a different vibe.


Most of us are suspicious about wether JH liked DS before the alley scene or not. I am curious myself and if he did like DS before, again that long post will be proved wrong, because JH with his odd character might have liked DS before.  

Suspicious scenes (for me) before the alley scene:

EP 1: kicking DS in the but.


Is this an example of ''Girls’ problem: They love the ones that hurt them. Boys’ problem: They hurt the ones they love.''

Why did he do that and why does he like to be mean to her haha? Stupid question but it makes me wonder.


EP 2: JH walks out of his room while his dad and DS are awkwardly joking.


I think he is not the type to like this kind of joking and certainly wouldn't want to witness it. When he wanted to cheer up his father and he sacrificed his cool kid self and acted along with his dads joke it was REALLY AWKWARD LOL!! So my hunch is, he (subconsciously) likes to be near DS. (Am I overanalyzing, if I do please tell me so. I just like to think this way)


EP 1: After DS appears on TV as a picket girl, that smile while no one is looking!


He looks like he is proud and is thinking ''I knew she could do it'', while he acted all uninterested when his mom asked about how she managed to participate and which country she represents. 


EP 2: Looks like he is taking DS picture, why?


Why did our big analysist didn't see this?? though I didn't see it myself.. Someone mentioned it in the beginning of this thread, I don't know who, sorry. Anyway I said this before, WHY did JH take a camera with him. He was only interested in the alcohol, he said that himself in episode 1. So my hunch is, he wants a picture of his secret crush. JH being hardcore against everything DS says and does, is just him not wanting to admit to his feelings?? (Am I over analyzing again haha)


EP 2: Again JH being hardcore against DS being pretty (denial?)


Is he in denial that he could like a girl like DS, no offense I like DS but he might not want to admit he likes a girl who is bad at studying (thus stupid in his eyes (not mine)).


EP 3: JH and DS are friends, why can't he just say, yes I will pay for your food, like he does with his guy friends?


He makes a hassle about it and gives in. Pays for everything in the end. Why?


EP 3: When they run away from DRs dad, he drags her along


I thought this was really odd. DS is from another school and all the girls are outside for the dancing contest. So even if she stays, I don't think she will get detention or anything. He is not her teacher.. Maybe it has nothing to do with JH and him liking DS, but I thought it's just odd, so anyone a good explanation for why he drags her along? DR father already saw them and know who they are, so if she was left behind, I don't think it would really differ the outcome (except for the alley scene haha, okay maybe that was the only purpose hmm)


Sorry for the long post, but I was curious about this for a long time. I might be delusional about these things and I hope they will clarify it with flashbacks if JH indeed liked her way before the alley scene. So I think JH could've liked DS before the alley scene. I don't insist on it to be true. Just wishful thinking.

Sorry for the bad quality foto's. 




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out of topic, but does anyone notice in episode 3, when DS's mom chased Deoksun so she used Junghwan as human shield, after Junghwan said "Ma'am, please calm down", he muttered to himself "Aiguyaa...aiguyaaa" many times? here is the gif image, it's very subtle that we hardly catch his voice but it's still very funny :D:D:D 


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13 minutes ago, figenfk said:

Though I think something is missing. JH character and why he is always bickering with DS. Mostly his answers are short and uninterested. Like when his mother asks him things. He only keeps pushing the limits with DS and he does this while arguing. Though, he does talk in long sentences with his other friends and brother, but he doesn't argue with them.


 Future husband asked DS why did she hang out with boys all the time. If JH is husband ( he is but lets put it like this) that solves his attitude towards DS. He just doesnt like the fact that she is surrounded by boys most of the time. And lets be honest DS didnt act like a girl at that time, she was kind of tomboy maybe thats why JH did not want to admit to himself that he likes her/

*Just assuming*

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2 minutes ago, Vannyah M said:


 Future husband asked DS why did she hang out with boys all the time. If JH is husband ( he is but lets put it like this) that solves his attitude towards DS. He just doesnt like the fact that she is surrounded by boys most of the time. And lets be honest DS didnt act like a girl at that time, she was kind of tomboy maybe thats why JH did not want to admit to himself that he likes her/

*Just assuming*


Yes that could be a good explanation!! I was just assuming about everything just like you haha. At the moment TKs feelings are very clear! We can only assume what JH and DS are thinking, that makes it in my opinion more likely that they are the ones who actually had feelings for each other way before. The writer just wants to make us crazy until the last episode or something haha.

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15 minutes ago, figenfk said:


Yes that could be a good explanation!! I was just assuming about everything just like you haha. At the moment TKs feelings are very clear! We can only assume what JH and DS are thinking, that makes it in my opinion more likely that they are the ones who actually had feelings for each other way before. The writer just wants to make us crazy until the last episode or something haha.

DS had a crush way before SW, JH too probably. Perhaps they will enlighten us at the end about that.  There is good explanation about TKs crushing on DS, quite logical and not that romantical. DS and BR are only girls he knows, not to include his fans coz he`s not comfortable with strangers. To him BR is scary, and DS is nice and friendly and has been taking care of him since childhood. So blah nothing special about his love. It`s not writers falut coz everything is oobvious but other shippers who spread seeds of doubt in us :D

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I copy/paste a part of  chingu' s @blue_angel_1004post in main thread regarding the translation in the the fortune teller's prediction for uri JH.

"..................I've worked on re-editing the subs for Episode 11 and so I felt some responsibility to correct any misunderstanding.

The exact words that the fortune teller used in Korean were "작은놈은 냅둬도 잘 살 놈이고..."

It seems like it's the translation of 냅둬 that caused the confusion. 냅둬 means to "leave to be" or "not meddle in one's affairs."  In colloquial English, people often say "leave him/her alone," and so I didn't think to fix the subs as done by DF that said "the younger one will do fine on his own." But the original Korean has no implication of a person actually being left alone literally. In the scene, the fortune teller is telling Ra Miran that even if you let JH be (and not meddle with him like mothers may do to her child), he is someone who will live/do well............."

How I understand this part - and maybe I am wrong but its what I believe- is that JH already is in his way for what fate has for him and this fate alone would bring him happiness and prosperity .Mom does not need anything to do. Success will come after his hard studying and happiness is there for him cause the woman that he loves every day more and deeper is there for him .


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22 minutes ago, Vannyah M said:

DS had a crush way before SW, JH too probably. Perhaps they will enlighten us at the end about that.  There is good explanation about TKs crushing on DS, quite logical and not that romantical. DS and BR are only girls he knows, not to include his fans coz he`s not comfortable with strangers. To him BR is scary, and DS is nice and friendly and has been taking care of him since childhood. So blah nothing special about his love. It`s not writers falut coz everything is oobvious but other shippers who spread seeds of doubt in us :D

Well, I said this before but JH doesn't know any other girls either haha. I don't mind that fact though. They all are childhood friends and I like the idea of falling in love with your childhood friend before knowing any other girl. This could also mean that they will never like another girl more than DS.. Some viewers want them to be matured and then choose who they want to be with. But in real life childhood love marriages exist and they do well I think so no objections from my side.

@kiklaminHo I like your interpretation!! 

EDIT: Going to sleep now, see you tomorrow!

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6 hours ago, Vannyah M said:

I need to confess,:fearful:

Feels like i`ll end up at mental hospital before new year comes coz of this drama *crying and laughing*. Those sasaeng fans are thing ( cant call them people) i cant stand at all, and here i`m slowly turning into one. Some of posts on main thread annoy me to the point i`m getting mad. 미친 새끼 *talking to myself*


Did someone wrote new fanfic? I need to calm myself :joy:


This is a short fanfic I wrote in the past. Originally this is super junior fanfic, but I rewrite it to be Deoksun and Junghwan's version. I hope this will please everyone ^^.



When Deoksun was 4 years old, she thought she was a diva and popular among the kids in ‘Ssammundong Playgroup’. Deoksun  believed her absolute cuteness would make everyone granted her every wish. Although the fact was she forced everyone to do so, even to call her pretty, if not she would smack them in the head. She liked to use her mom face’s powder and lipstick almost everyday. She also often used Bora’s hairpin without the latter’s permission. But despite of that, she was always bright,funny, and cheerful, made everyone wanted to be her friend.

Then a new kid came into the group. The teacher nanny said his name was Junghwan. The new kid wasn’t any special. Just average kid Deoksun  could ignore. He was so thin, had narrow eyes, and his face looked grumpy. He never smiled either. Her closest friends whom she considered as her slaves, Dongryeong and Sunwoo, even tried to befriend him but failed. He always refused to play. He often sat alone in the corner and played with the stuffed dog he had.

“What a boring kid”, she said.

At first everyone suspected he was just a shy yet unsociable kid. But then she caught the kid was showing his affection toward one of the teacher nanny named Lee Miyeon. The way he looked at the nanny made some bubbles blown up in her stomach. Deoksun  thought it’s not a right way to stare at a woman. There’s more than once Deoksun  saw he purposely sat on her lap and touched her boobs area while smiling in a way which made Deoksun  felt disgusted.

“You are beast!!!!”, Deoksun  once pointed a finger toward Junghwan. She wanted to call him ‘pervert’, but at that time, her vocabulary was still limited, thus she used another word almost close as it. Junghwan glanced at her plainly for a second then sighed and walked away, making Deoksun  gapped. That was the first time the kid ignored her.

This is humiliation.

Deoksun  couldn’t accept this. How came a kid with no fat like that left her and ignored her beauty. What’s so good with Lee Miyeon, she’s old, thin, and her tummy was flat. Not like Deoksun  that every single part of her  body had fat include her cheeks, palms, tummy, and butt. Human needed to be chubby in every part to become cute and pretty not a skinny chick  like her.

So Deoksun  prepared a counter attack. She showed all of her aegyo in front of Junghwan but none could make the latter landed his eyes to Deoksun . Everyday she chased him and asked to play with her but no worth a result as she wished. The other only flirted to skinny old woman.

It’s a shiny bright Thursday, Deoksun  just finished making Dongryeong ate Lee Miyeon’s lipstick before she heard a commotion. It’s turned out to be some kids took Junghwan’s stuffed dog and made the new kid cried.

Deoksun  wanted to help at first, but seeing Junghwan cried like a poor thing had made she stopped. She thought she needed to watch him crying a bit longer as she recalled all of the hardships she went through to catch the kid's attention. You deserve it my Junghwan-ah….

Then Junghwan noticed Deoksun  watched her, he felt embarrassed, quickly wiped his tears, and tried to reach his toy from one of the bullies. His lip was closed but Deoksun  could see he tried very hard to not cry again.

No… This is not the time to pity him. Deoksun  thought. But Junghwan’s face looked so pitiful and sad. Deoksun  felt his stomach knitted.

Deoksun  sighed. Screw that!

So she came toward them and took the toy from one of the kids with her glare.

“Hey!! What are you doing?”, one of the kid protested.

Deoksun hit the kid with the stuffed toy repeatly and shouted, “Is it fun? Huh? Huh? Leave him alone you cockroach!!”

“Ack!! Ack!! What’s up with you ? We’re just playing”

Deoksun hit him again, “Playing my butt. Get out!!”

“Auh!!! Okay…okay!! Aish…”

As there’s only Deoksun and Junghwan left. Junghwan stared at the toy on Deoksun ’s hand. He clutched the edge part of his own shirt like a defeated boy. Deoksun  then tried to give the toy, Junghwan’s eyes grew wide then showed his gummy smile for the first time. His eyes were like a crecent moon. Deoksun  was amazed, it’s the most beautiful smile she had ever seen after her own, of course.

And Deoksun  took the toy back. Junghwan shocked. His pitiful expression came again.

Then Deoksun  gave the toy again “I am sorry. Just kidding”. Junghwan smiled.

Deoksun  took the toy back. Junghwan stared at Deoksun , feeling confused. But then he saw a wide yet excited smile from Deoksun . He wondered if Deoksun  was just playing with him before the latter threw the stuffed toy to her side then gave Junghwan a very tight bear hug along with scream “Kyaaaa….!!! You’re so cute. You should smile often!!”.

Junghwan’s cheeks flushed red, he quickly pushed Deoksun and shouted, “What are you doing, Ugly!!”

Deoksun’s mouth hung open, “What!! Ugly?!! So this kid can speak after all. Yah!! You crazy dog!!!”, Deoksun shouted and pulled Junghwan’s cheek. Junghwan pulled her cheek back, “Crazy dog?!! Don’t you have a mirror?!!”. 

Their fight kept going only God knew how long. When their moms came to pick them out, they found the two were sleeping side by side holding hands. That was the day how their beautiful friendship started.


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Annyeong Chingus!

I've mostly been lurking because I'm supposed to be working on my graduate school applications which are due around the corner. I love reading your posts and seeing all the pretty pictures, and just couldn't help speaking up to show my support for you guys and gals, Reply 1988, and our beautiful couple. I wanted to mention that I have a perfect shipping record (all my ships are iron clad, LOL), and I'm all in for Jung Hwan. I have been ever since he knocked her over into the washbasin with a knee to the butt. I can't help fangirling a little bit about how Jung Hwan notices everything about Deok Sun, down to the rice grain stuck on her face. :wub:

Also, how daebak that Reply 1988 is already on so many favorite lists even before it has finished airing? Love.

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@Vannyah M nice pic.
it make me imagine  new situation. There will be a time when all of them will be separated. then Jung Hwan and Deoksun meet again as pilot and air stewardess. Stewardess is usually popular with guys, imagines JH being jealous:phew:. i do not know in korea, but at least in my country, pilot also consider popular among girls since most of them look "hot" wearing uniform and have alot of salary. hehe. Ten we can see DS being jealous also.

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