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[Official] Ryu Jun Yeol ❤ Hyeri Official Thread (Junghwan & Deoksun of Reply 1988)

Adwina Oltariani

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5 minutes ago, carolinedl said:

I already said it in the main thread, I am a feminist and I don't want DS to be taken care of, not by Taek, not by JH. I also mentioned that I thought that both Take and JH would not do that with DS since they know her so well... I loved that scene with the perv guy because she is the one that made him run away, despite her being scared.

I also want Bora to know! I actually think she knows in a way, or she is starting to suspect sthg! Remember when in JH's bedroom, she asks DS if she notices if sthg is different about her? I actually thought that she was going to mention that when someone likes someone, they look different and that DS looks different. DS did look different when she said good night to JH. Hence Bora commented on how much closer they were...

That's also my concern. That's why i'm looking forward to what the time skip would give us. I believe that DeokSun is naturally a strong woman, which probably is mirrored by the way Bora is. But, whenever she's with her crush (prev. SunWoo, now JungHwan) she, maybe, 'changes' a little bit?? Not that i deny that being cutesy and cheerful not her original traits. I wish her character would develop...because i know that i was a DeokSun my self when I was 18. 

But, the way JungHwan takes care of DeokSun also blows me away. He secretly takes care and watches over DeokSun, without being overbearing or making DeokSun looks weak in front of him. 

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i'm not the only one here who keep day-dreaming about our OTP's kiss and lovey dovey scenes in class/at work right? :w00t: srsly it's not even healthy i'm too distracted to study for finals...

i think they will play A little girl at the concert :rolleyes: that song was originally sung by lee moon sae hehehe when the song is being played i want uri couple to look each other deeply in the eye and realize they were born to be together and kiss like there is no tomorrow :w00t: i know that scenario is just my wishful thinking but.... PD-nim and writer-nim, please give us something to throw a spazz party this weekend. just a hug is fine too.... i'm so desperate now

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13 minutes ago, shunklunk said:

guys, is there any of you who download the sub from subscene? is it just me or the sub for ep 11 isn't showing at all....?

I've encountered the same problem. Turns out ep11 has a bit of problem. try download this one. This works


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I feel so depressed by just watching the preview of ep 12. (I started a bit late guys coz I usually avoid reading spoilers until the subs out). I was very happy with Ep11 until I saw the preview. I'm going to start Episode 12 in a minute. Just came here to vent a bit heee:P

And judging from the preview too, I guess there won't be any kiss yet?? and more Taek Taek Taek? 

sigh. This is the longest wait for a kiss ever in kdrama land. I'll be back after I finish Ep12 *sniff*


I can't contain my excitement I had to pause and capture this moment. I loooooveeee this scene!....See how happy and proud JH is when his girl clicks so well with his appa :wub: 



Ryu Jun-yeol you sure know how to make noonas and fangirls go crazy eh?

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Guest wizengamot

aaaaaaand i can;t believe we're already on page 66. and it's not even friday yet hahaha!!!

two more days guys, two more days... *sigh*



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I have finished watching episode 12 with subs and I got to hand it to the writers and RJY because what a performance ep 12 was. My biggest take away from ep 12 (when I ignore the family and friendships aspects that is) is that Junghwan is not Junghwan if he's not liking/loving Deok Sun. Watching Junghwan, he felt foreign to me. I kept watching and wondering, who is this boy? Is this the new normal I’m going to have to deal with?

Junghwan just wasn’t himself throughout the whole episode. He felt like a shell or pod person of himself. The Junghwan I know laughs, jokes, is at ease, and on the in when with the squad. However the boy we saw in episode 12 looked so down and a bit removed when with the squad. That scene where they are all watching Deok Sun teach Taek to curse…He was going to leave. It pains him to simply sit in the same room as Taek and Deok Sun and see them interact in ways he wishes he could with her. The many times he tries to talk his way out of doing normal squad things. His kind of done with and not here for Dong Ryeong (he avoids going to Taek’s watch the movie together or really be anywhere Taek and Deok Sun would be for long periods of time). Even when he asks about Taek’s competition in the lunch scene, it looks like it took effort for him to do that and that’s just not Junghwan. All throughout the school day he looked like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. He just simply wasn't himself.

Flashes of Junghwan shun through in the resisting laughing and light flickering scenes (he allowed himself to gravitate towards Deok Sun like he normally does). I could also see him in the tucking Taek into bed scene (he’s always going to be that guy who does little things for those the cares about) but other than those times, he felt odd to me. I have to applaud the writers and RJY’s acting for this because he’s pulling off the broken heart but still have to get through the day and seem okay even if I’m not okay feelings we all go through after a break up or heart ache.

I know everyone thinks Taek is the sad puppy that needs protecting, but it's really Junghwan. I don't know exactly when, where, or why. But at some point this boy got in deep with his feelings for Deok Sun. Just look at him in the bus scene, which that sigh. It hurts him to have her that near and not have her in the way he wants. All ep he tries his best to avoid Deok Sun or not have to see Deok Sun with Taek. Even when they all met up to leave for school, did you notice how he brings up the fact that they’ll be late so they got to leave…Junghwan has got to do one of two things. He either needs to confess his feelings and go for what he wants with Deok Sun or he needs to fully and truly reject her and allow both of them to move on. If he keeps at this, I can see him drifting from the squad and when we time skip, none of them would have been in contact with him or have had the same close relationship they had with him. The preview of episode 13 gives me hope that this does not happen (yay for him bickering with her and hopefully going back to actually talking to her and no longer doing these one worded answers of no and avoidance).


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I also want Bora to know about DS-JH's feeling for each other. Apart from being the wisest and oldest among them, it is also a way to strengthen the bond between sisters. Remember, the old DS and BR's relationship is so much different from their younger selves. They don't shout to each other anymore. And when BR put her cigarette toDS's glass, the latter didn't quarrel her sister. She just let it pass. 

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Guest wizengamot

i'm really anxious for ep 13. i really wanted Jung Hwan to smile, be himself again. watching his expression of ep 11 and 12 is being depressed the whole week, Show, he better be back to his old self on ep 13, or at least a memorable moment of him with Deok Sun because being depressed for the whole week over a kdrama character is not really healthy. that smile on ep 12 because of Deok Sun is what's pulling me from being doomed.



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Back read back read back read,,, you guys are awesome hahaha, I love Junghwan from the first episode when he and his mom talk about sharing everything... He's cute and he understand her mom already what she wants, then the punch scene, I love everything about him and because we saw a lot of his personality here I believe his DS husband.

im imagining if theirs a time skip and they will see each other again? What's the event then? It is SW and BR wedding? Hahaha

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 I know JH's heart is nursing the wounds and bleeds every time Taek and DS are together or even with thought of those two being together, but I really feel for uri Deoksunnie. She does not even know what hit her!  Here she was ( after her bitter SW puppy crush) swooning and daydreaming about JH's "Hajima" , literally music to her goofy teen self and then BAM!!  Jh just pulls away and she is somewhat dumbfounded. The scene where DS and Man OK explains how "girls like them" should never confess and only revel in one-sided love, makes me wonder how insecure and shy DS is infact. My heart went to her when she had those sad puppy eyes brimming with tears when JH said he had other plans  and couldn't go to the concert,so weighed down was she in that negation, DS wasn't even surprised or awkward with JH beside her in bed (which would be otherwise given her personality) and simply requested him to accompany her to the concert.Also, when she was joking with JH's dad she stole glances to see how much he was enjoying her goofing around and then her  enthusiastic  "see you tomorrow". And, who can forget the early morning bus ride, even had DR's dad baffled with her "annyeong". The GIRL is falling hard for that tsundere!!! 

My friend who is toe curling- crushing on JH  feels that JH-DS are meant to be together. I agree!!! :lol:


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1 hour ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Junghwan just wasn’t himself throughout the whole episode. He felt like a shell or pod person of himself. The Junghwan I know laughs, jokes, is at ease, and on the in when with the squad. However the boy we saw in episode 12 looked so down and a bit removed when with the squad. That scene where they are all watching Deok Sun teach Taek to curse…He was going to leave. It pains him to simply sit in the same room as Taek and Deok Sun and see them interact in ways he wishes he could with her. [...] All throughout the school day he looked like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. He just simply wasn't himself.

Yes, I agree with you that he just was not himself. But that is why it was so interesting in a way... And, like you said, he has to do sthg soon because two episodes like that is fine, but I don't think they can keep going like that much longer before people get bored and/or annoyed!

@papulichanI think you are totally right in saying that DS is insecure. And this is even truer after teh whole SW fiasco...

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2 hours ago, MrsSoJiSub said:

Flashes of Junghwan shun through in the resisting laughing and light flickering scenes (he allowed himself to gravitate towards Deok Sun like he normally does). I could also see him in the tucking Taek into bed scene (he’s always going to be that guy who does little things for those the cares about) but other than those times, he felt odd to me. I have to applaud the writers and RJY’s acting for this because he’s pulling off the broken heart but still have to get through the day and seem okay even if I’m not okay feelings we all go through after a break up or heart ache.


Thanks for making me cry so early in the morning (for me). Whenever I watch a show, there's always a character I relate to and who makes me feel their pain as if it were my own. JH is that character for me. I was so down after watching episodes 11 and 12. I felt as if I was going through that situation and had major throwbacks to my high school years. None of that would be possible if it weren't for the excellent writing, directing, and of course RJY's performance. I'm honestly in awe. 

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Hi all!

First time posting here (or posting in Soompi after a few years of inactivity). I have initially refrained myself from checking out the shippers' thread, as the Chilbong heartbreak was still so fresh. I am so glad I stumbled on here and checked this thread out! :) You all make me feel so welcome (and not at all pessimistic)

There is just one thing that has made me ponder about the next two episodes. Given that we are still at February 1989 and seemingly the next episode would be generally around Feb / early March, it is interesting to see how the time jump would happen in ep15. Looking back, it took us 12 episodes to cover from Autumn 1988 to Feb 1989. That means something BIG must happen before Nov 1989 (timing of the Korean SAT) right? The separation / break-up of the squad would then be triggered as a result of that event, rather than the actual SAT's outcome itself?

Just some random thoughts of mine :) 

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Guest jayx143
18 minutes ago, adurian said:

Hi all!

Ffirst time posting here (or posting in Soompi after a few years of inactivity). I have initially refrained myself from checking out the shippers' thread, as the Chilbong heartbreak was still so fresh. I am so glad I stumbled on here and checked this thread out! :) You all make me feel so welcome (and not at all pessimistic)

There is just one thing that has made me ponder about the next two episodes. Given that we are still at February 1989 and seemingly the next episode would be generally around Feb / early March, it is interesting to see how the time jump would happen in ep15. Looking back, it took us 12 episodes to cover from Autumn 1988 to Feb 1989. That means something BIG must happen before Nov 1989 (timing of the Korean SAT) right? The separation / break-up of the squad would then be triggered as a result of that event, rather than the actual SAT's outcome itself?

Just some random thoughts of mine :) 


1 hour ago, Aya Hong said:

im imagining if theirs a time skip and they will see each other again? What's the event then? It is SW and BR wedding? Hahaha


Welcome ^^

About the time skips- I noticed in main thread someone mentioned about how Ssangmundong might be undergoing renovations at that time period- causing some of the residents to have to move. Maybe that's why? Trying to figure it out in my head too haha. Like maybe they have those upcoming school scenes together (saw in some other posts) bc they're all moving and want to go visit their old school together? And they flashback to those times too or something just to really gut-punch our feels. *cue hyehwa-dong*

@Aya Hong OMG. I hadn't thought of them reuniting at BR-SW wedding. But that would fit well haha. I hope they really don't go through YEARS of not talking though. (R1997 Grrrr) I hope Ssangmundong squad is super tight/closeknit enough to at least maintain the bare minimum needed to keep in touch.

And yeah <3 I'm so glad I found this forum/thread. Seriously have no one IRL to gush my feels about to LOL. Or if I do, they're sick of me talking about it. :tears: Really love hearing everyones opinions, insights, and how they interpret different things. 

Waiting for the new ep has become more bearable too. T-3 days! :)

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7 minutes ago, jayx143 said:


And yeah <3 I'm so glad I found this forum/thread. Seriously have no one IRL to gush my feels about to LOL. Or if I do, they're sick of me talking about it. :tears: Really love hearing everyones opinions, insights, and how they interpret different things. 


I only have male friends here at school but that doesn't stop me from talking about this show. They think I'm crazy, but I already made one of them watch it with me and he supports Jung Hwan because "he's a real man" haha, his words not mine. I made my mom watch it and we talk on the phone about it, and I harass my sister on the phone too. She thinks I'm insane. She only watched the first couple of episodes but she sends me texts like "oHMY GOD" whenever I send her their scenes on YT hahahaha.
I LOVE the twitter peeps, seriously so much LOVE going on there as well (if you're reading this I love you guys, I know you're lurking around here).


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